How Obama Lost Iraq.

I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?
Ah, so now your answer shifts to the US Army choosing and installing the leader of Iraq.
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News
We should have never been there in the first place. The whole Iraq debacle is Bush's fault. It should be laid at his feet, his and his administration's, and nowhere else.
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News
We should have never been there in the first place. The whole Iraq debacle is Bush's fault. It should be laid at his feet, his and his administration's, and nowhere else.

Different argument....but general agreement. :)
Anyone actually want to address this....or just more strawman bullshit? :D

We keep a military presence in Iraq to prevent the rise of an ISIS and keep the Iraq leadership on a very short leash. This is not difficult to understand.

Yes...the Iraqis are shits. This is mostly about global jihad and killing the fuckers over there versus on U.S. soil. Again....none of this is difficult to it?[/QUOTE]
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D
Anyone actually want to address this....or just more strawman bullshit? :D

We keep a military presence in Iraq to prevent the rise of an ISIS and keep the Iraq leadership on a very short leash. This is not difficult to understand.

Yes...the Iraqis are shits. This is mostly about global jihad and killing the fuckers over there versus on U.S. soil. Again....none of this is difficult to it?

You want to add Iraq to the list of nations we protect for free...
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D

See? Eventually if you let these people talk long enough, they'll spill it.
Anyone actually want to address this....or just more strawman bullshit? :D

We keep a military presence in Iraq to prevent the rise of an ISIS and keep the Iraq leadership on a very short leash. This is not difficult to understand.

Yes...the Iraqis are shits. This is mostly about global jihad and killing the fuckers over there versus on U.S. soil. Again....none of this is difficult to it?

You want to add Iraq to the list of nations we protect for free...[/QUOTE]

For about the tenth time.....I do not give a shit about Iraq. Please tell me what you do not understand in my statement above. Read again carefully.

Thank You. :)
Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D

See? Eventually if you let these people talk long enough, they'll spill it.

I'm glad you think Bush's war was worth it....I don't.
How many more threads on this lie?

It was BUSH who lost Iraq - long before Obama was elected.
Yes, it was dat BOOSH! BOOSH achieved every objective set for the US at the outset of the war, despite downright traitorous behavior in Congress. When BOOOSH left Iraq was a relatively stable democracy. That somehow translates in libspeak as failure.
Obama fucked up the SOFA, refused to exert leverage to insure troops staying, ignored advice of trusted advisors and is now reaping the results and somehow he's blameless.
The Kool Aid is thick with this one.

With 150,000 troops still deployed in the field when he left, yeah, it was relatively stable. But President Bush Signs the SOFA where he obligated the country to remove all our troops by 2012 and somehow that is President Obama's fault? Republican logic at it's finest. Ignoring the fact that it was Iraq's call, not the Presidents trusted advisers, who made the decision to block all offers for a residual force. He is guilty of supporting the PM after the Bush Bug Out, well after Maliki's intentions of excluding the Sunnis was known.
Never said any of the above. Making shit up doesn't help your argument. Try again. :)
hey, I'm not making up shite. YOU"RE the one who said we shouldn't let little shits like al-ah-mucky tell us whose running Iraq.

Any thoughts.....?

We keep a military presence in Iraq to prevent the rise of an ISIS and keep the Iraq leadership on a very short leash. This is not difficult to understand.

Yes...the Iraqis are shits. This is mostly about global jihad and killing the fuckers over there versus on U.S. soil. Again....none of this is difficult to it?[/QUOTE]
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D

Wasn't that one of the goals of the Iraq War? To bring Democracy to these people.


Sorry my dear. You didn't elect people that will bend to our will so we'll just ignore your vote and the officials you elected.
How many more threads on this lie?

It was BUSH who lost Iraq - long before Obama was elected.
Yes, it was dat BOOSH! BOOSH achieved every objective set for the US at the outset of the war, despite downright traitorous behavior in Congress. When BOOOSH left Iraq was a relatively stable democracy. That somehow translates in libspeak as failure.
Obama fucked up the SOFA, refused to exert leverage to insure troops staying, ignored advice of trusted advisors and is now reaping the results and somehow he's blameless.
The Kool Aid is thick with this one.

With 150,000 troops still deployed in the field when he left, yeah, it was relatively stable. But President Bush Signs the SOFA where he obligated the country to remove all our troops by 2012 and somehow that is President Obama's fault? Republican logic at it's finest. Ignoring the fact that it was Iraq's call, not the Presidents trusted advisers, who made the decision to block all offers for a residual force. He is guilty of supporting the PM after the Bush Bug Out, well after Maliki's intentions of excluding the Sunnis was known.

And at the time all of these Bushies were insisting that Obama get no credit for getting us out of Iraq,

because it was all on Bush's doing.

But the deranged never care about details like that.
Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D

Wasn't that one of the goals of the Iraq War? To bring Democracy to these people.

View attachment 32510

Sorry my dear. You didn't elect people that will bend to our will so we'll just ignore your vote.

You obviously supported the Iraq War....I did not.
How many more threads on this lie?

It was BUSH who lost Iraq - long before Obama was elected.
Yes, it was dat BOOSH! BOOSH achieved every objective set for the US at the outset of the war, despite downright traitorous behavior in Congress. When BOOOSH left Iraq was a relatively stable democracy. That somehow translates in libspeak as failure.
Obama fucked up the SOFA, refused to exert leverage to insure troops staying, ignored advice of trusted advisors and is now reaping the results and somehow he's blameless.
The Kool Aid is thick with this one.

With 150,000 troops still deployed in the field when he left, yeah, it was relatively stable. But President Bush Signs the SOFA where he obligated the country to remove all our troops by 2012 and somehow that is President Obama's fault? Republican logic at it's finest. Ignoring the fact that it was Iraq's call, not the Presidents trusted advisers, who made the decision to block all offers for a residual force. He is guilty of supporting the PM after the Bush Bug Out, well after Maliki's intentions of excluding the Sunnis was known.

So where is Panetta wrong....specifically?
Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?

So we bring democracy to Iraq and then if they don't act in a manner that we wish we just disregard their elected officials. What is the point bringing democracy to Iraq if we are just going ignore what all those purple finger voters wanted? Seems pretty hypocritical to me.

I don't give a shit about Democracy in you? I want to kill the fuckers who want to kill us and destroy Western Civilization.

The Iraqis can go take a giant fucking leap for all I care. :D

Wasn't that one of the goals of the Iraq War? To bring Democracy to these people.

View attachment 32510

Sorry my dear. You didn't elect people that will bend to our will so we'll just ignore your vote and the officials you elected.

The Neocons thought that they were going to spread democracy all across the entire Middle East, remember...

...war by war...

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