How Obamas economic recovery stacks up against Reagans

Bush had a Congress who was willing to work with him to resolve an economic crisis. Unlike Obama who had Republicans in Congress trying to block a recovery

One term president anyone?

Tip O'Neill worked with Reagan? What are you smoking?


Even Reagan admitted that he was able to get things done with Tip O'Neil behind the scenes. They were actually friends

Does that surprise you? He was also a Democrat before he was a Republican. The one side is all bad and the other side is all good bullshit is garbage. Why buy into that? Either issues are the focus or they are not.
Unlike Reagan, Obama was not expected to cut Government Spending and balanace the budget while attemting to revive the economy

Of course, Reagan also had a Congress that was not trying to cut his legs out from him


Reagan had a clear political and economic advantage.

such as?

1. A Congress not dedicated to making him a one term president
2. The ability to increase Federal Hiring
3. The ability to triple existing debt
4 No wars
5. A smaller recession
6. Not having to reduce his deficit at the same time he was trying to increase jobs

Reagan had a clear political and economic advantage.

such as?

1. A Congress not dedicated to making him a one term president
2. The ability to increase Federal Hiring
3. The ability to triple existing debt
4 No wars
5. A smaller recession
6. Not having to reduce his deficit at the same time he was trying to increase jobs

Even after shuttling arms to Iran, this base of reagan's keeps adoring him. The most corrupt administration in history with dozens of felons later pardoned by bush 1. Total lack of reasoning abilities on the part of most republicans.
Tip O'Neill worked with Reagan? What are you smoking?


Even Reagan admitted that he was able to get things done with Tip O'Neil behind the scenes. They were actually friends

Does that surprise you? He was also a Democrat before he was a Republican. The one side is all bad and the other side is all good bullshit is garbage. Why buy into that? Either issues are the focus or they are not.

I know they said they were friends, but that doesn't mean they worked together. I remember the time well, and Tip was a brutal majority leader in typical liberal style refusing to take his foot off the spending gas pedal. He changed house rules and procedures on the fly to thwart Republican efforts. He attacked Reagan on military spending as he was going to start WWIII. One of you is going to have to remind me of things that he worked "with" Reagan on.
Even Reagan admitted that he was able to get things done with Tip O'Neil behind the scenes. They were actually friends

Does that surprise you? He was also a Democrat before he was a Republican. The one side is all bad and the other side is all good bullshit is garbage. Why buy into that? Either issues are the focus or they are not.

I know they said they were friends, but that doesn't mean they worked together. I remember the time well, and Tip was a brutal majority leader in typical liberal style refusing to take his foot off the spending gas pedal. He changed house rules and procedures on the fly to thwart Republican efforts. He attacked Reagan on military spending as he was going to start WWIII. One of you is going to have to remind me of things that he worked "with" Reagan on.
Reagan got his agenda through Congress. Tax cuts, more military spending and more deregulation. He was willing to give O'Neil some of what he wanted to get his agenda passed

Boehner would never do the same. He would rather shut down government than make a deal
Unlike Reagan, Obama was not expected to cut Government Spending and balanace the budget while attemting to revive the economy

Of course, Reagan also had a Congress that was not trying to cut his legs out from him

oh Obama wasn't huh? then he lied like usual...
my gawd can you people find any more EXCUSES for the man? pathetic really
Obama never had any intention of doing what Reagan did, so don't even use Reagan as a comparison because Obama will never stack up to Reagan...Reagan loved the country and cared about the people in it...he didn't feel the need to TRANSFORM IT...
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Does that surprise you? He was also a Democrat before he was a Republican. The one side is all bad and the other side is all good bullshit is garbage. Why buy into that? Either issues are the focus or they are not.

I know they said they were friends, but that doesn't mean they worked together. I remember the time well, and Tip was a brutal majority leader in typical liberal style refusing to take his foot off the spending gas pedal. He changed house rules and procedures on the fly to thwart Republican efforts. He attacked Reagan on military spending as he was going to start WWIII. One of you is going to have to remind me of things that he worked "with" Reagan on.
Reagan got his agenda through Congress. Tax cuts, more military spending and more deregulation. He was willing to give O'Neil some of what he wanted to get his agenda passed

OK, I'd agree with that. Yes, he did trade those things for O'Neill wanting in return to spend us into oblivion. I thought you meant by working together that they were on the same side sometimes. But they did horse trade, I'll agree with that.

Boehner would never do the same. He would rather shut down government than make a deal

Yeah. Obama gives the Republicans zero ever. But it's "Boehner." Boehner's not even a conservative. You guys just go farther and farther left every day.
Does that surprise you? He was also a Democrat before he was a Republican. The one side is all bad and the other side is all good bullshit is garbage. Why buy into that? Either issues are the focus or they are not.

I know they said they were friends, but that doesn't mean they worked together. I remember the time well, and Tip was a brutal majority leader in typical liberal style refusing to take his foot off the spending gas pedal. He changed house rules and procedures on the fly to thwart Republican efforts. He attacked Reagan on military spending as he was going to start WWIII. One of you is going to have to remind me of things that he worked "with" Reagan on.

Reagan got his agenda through Congress. Tax cuts, more military spending and more deregulation. He was willing to give O'Neil some of what he wanted to get his agenda passed

Boehner would never do the same. He would rather shut down government than make a deal

not so, obama aint no reagan, we all know obama blew up the last debt ceiling deal after an agreement between the 2, by going back to the well for another $400 Bn, Boehner walked away......and last jan. when Obama got the tax increases, he said he would be open to revenue neutral tax reform and entitlement spending ....thats now according to his latest speeches a dead duck, theres 3 examples of bargaining in bad faith on very big issues.

Reagan had a clear political and economic advantage.

such as?

1. A Congress not dedicated to making him a one term president
2. The ability to increase Federal Hiring
3. The ability to triple existing debt
4 No wars
5. A smaller recession
6. Not having to reduce his deficit at the same time he was trying to increase jobs

oh boo hoo...cry us all a frikken RIVA...this is what Bush was up against...

[ame=]Democrats Applauding Their Own Obstructionism - YouTube[/ame]

you people WANT everyone to forget the hate and meham you people brought during Bush...camping out on their property, shitting and pissing in their bushes..Anti-war machers while our military was at war dishing our military men and women...A congress cheering their obstruction of his IDEAS...etc etc..and we all know you all were trying desperately to make him a SECOND TERM people are such a JOKE
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