How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

Firestar in .40 S&W. I've been carrying it for over 20 years now.

Very nice.

I've been carrying a BKM 9mm for about 10 years.

View attachment 52256

Where's yours Lakhota?

That's a very nice NAA in .22 mag I'm assuming and is that a Taurus Model 85 or a Rossi? How is that BKM? I like the look of it but have never handled one...

The BKM has been a great was an Israeli police issue. It's light, due to the aluminum alloy frame...the downside being it's 1970's aluminum alloy technology...eventually the frame will break. I wish I could recommend it.

Plus, it's a seven +1. A three quarters sized m1911 in 9mm, without the grip safety.

The all steel BM model isn't a compact, but it is very similar parent pistol to the BKM.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

the whole thing reeks of propaganda. The odds of anyone experiencing that level of gun violence is so ridiculously low that he should be playing the lotto every day.

By experience I'm suspicious of anything on the internet that seems improbable. That's why I said "if". I guess I wouldn't place the odds as low as you do though.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

I may decide to destroy my Weatherbys and Sakos. I don't need all that stuff.
Washington redskin? What are your Weatherbys and Sakos? Are your Weatherbys made in Japan or Germany or Cali? Mark Vs or vanguards?
Your not going to destroy them, guaranteed.
Sportsmen Avoid Talking About Guns. I’m an Oregon Hunter, and I Think It’s Time We Start.

Why the debate needs us, now more than ever.

Deer season opened here in Oregon on Saturday, two days after a shooting at Umpqua Community College left 10 dead and nine more injured. Instead of getting dragged into a national dispute over firearms regulations, many of the roughly 166,000 deer hunters in Oregon decamped to the woods. I’m sad not to be joining them. I’ve been a hunter for eight years, but I’m sitting out this season after the recent birth of my second baby. Even if my fellow hunters weren’t preoccupied with scoping out steep hillsides and scanning the ground for hoof prints, however, they wouldn’t be jumping into the firearms policy fray.

Politicians who support increased gun control, including President Obama and Hillary Clinton, have asked hunters like me to stand up to the National Rifle Association and other pro-gun groups. There’s a disconnect between hunters and the organizations that claim to represent us. Like the majority of gun owners, we support policies that gun rights groups oppose, like universal background checks. But there’s a reason why sportsmen and sportswomen in particular have long been absent from the national debate on gun control: Hunters don’t like to talk about guns.

When I set out to write a book about my experience as an environmentalist urban dweller who learned to hunt, one of my mentors — in hunting and writing — advised me to avoid the topic of guns altogether.

“Don’t even touch it,” he said.

But I have to, I told him. It would be dishonest not to address an issue that I — raised near Washington, D.C. when that city was designated the murder capital of the world — saw as the most imposing barrier to becoming a hunter. Without guns, hunting would be as controversial as, well, fishing.

On guns, my mentor said, “You can’t win. No matter what you do, you’ll just make people angry. Then they won’t listen to anything else you have to say.”

Hunters don’t like talking about guns with other hunters, either. As with abortion, the topic of gun control conjures strong, deeply held convictions. And because hunters are a diverse group of gun owners, there’s always the possibility that someone will have an opposing view. At wildlife conferences, I’ve been impressed by the agile social tactics used to redirect a conversation that appears headed toward gun policy.

I want my children to grow up feeling safe. Instead, my son practices lock down drills in his preschool classroom, the symptom of a society where unfettered access to weapons creates its own form of oppression. I also want my kids to go hunting with me when they are old enough, which of course means I don’t want to see anything close to a gun ban. And as a hunter, I acutely understand that there can be balance, that passing new gun laws isn’t going to bring an end to the world as we know it.

We need new laws to shape a future that has less violence but still has room in it for firearms. Hunters can help lead us there. But first, we have to start talking about guns.

More: Sportsmen Avoid Talking About Guns. I'm an Oregon Hunter, and I Think It's Time We Start. - The Trace

It's refreshing to hear responsible gun owners and hunters talk about this subject. I call it gun ethics.

I have found that hunters are particularly stupid on the gun issue....too many of them actually think that since they just have a shotgun for hunting that the anti gun extremists will leave them and their shotgun alone.....they are morons...the anti gunners want their shotguns too....and they are beginning to go after hunting in order to get rid of those shotguns........


Seems like you are up against a different breed of hunter than we have out here. The vast majority support gun rights and the 2nd Amendment in the same way we do. Most also own a firearm for self defense, or pistol hunt. They know the score. The only thing I've caught them out on lately is believing some of the crap that the Anti-gunners put out, like m855 was armor piercing handgun ammo.

Once they were educated on the facts of the matter, not only did they understand, but they were extremely angry that they had been duped by the anti-gun media and anti-gun propagandists. Now they are skeptical of any anti-gun reporting, and seek out the truth before forming an opinion.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

What a moron.

Moron? No, just a brave man with principles.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

I may decide to destroy my Weatherbys and Sakos. I don't need all that stuff.
Washington redskin? What are your Weatherbys and Sakos? Are your Weatherbys made in Japan or Germany?
Your not going to destroy them, guaranteed.

Don't worry he's lying about owning them. Lacky chose to claim ownership of a bunch of Weatherbys to give himself an air of legitimacy little realizing that Weatherbys are purchased overwhelmingly by people with large egos and commensurately large bank accounts. Very few real hunters use them. What also tips me off that he is a liar is the claim that he uses the .270 and .300 calibers which, if you know anything about guns, are so ballistically similar that using both would simply be stupid. They do the same job equally well.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

So, a person who has a gun and gets rid of it becomes a moron? But a person who doesn't own guns is not a moron?

No, a person who destroys a gun for a political message is a moron. A person who sells the gun to a responsible buyer, or someone who chooses not to have a gun is merely defenseless. Their choice, their consequence for their action. A moron like you though, can't see the difference.

Fuck you! It's radical NRA gun nutters like you that are hurting responsible gun owners - but you're too rabid to see it.

I'm not a member of the NRA silly person. Never have been. However, unlike you who claim to, I actually DO own guns, and and a lot of them. I have also never used a single one of them to kill anyone, or anything. I sincerely hope I never have to. However, in the highly unlikely event that it does occur, I will be ready to defend myself and those I love and care about. You on the other hand will wait for the police and suffer for your idiocy.

Funny. I wouldn't recommend that you try breaking into my house. I just love to hear you John Wayne types talk all your tough shit. Reminds me when House Republicans were literally crying after McCarthy announced he was dropping out of the Speaker race. Crying! So funny...
The Rinos were crying not the true conservatives... It's good thing congress is not functioning.
Take the credit card from them... It would be declining anyway.

Embrace the suck
So, a person who has a gun and gets rid of it becomes a moron? But a person who doesn't own guns is not a moron?

No, a person who destroys a gun for a political message is a moron. A person who sells the gun to a responsible buyer, or someone who chooses not to have a gun is merely defenseless. Their choice, their consequence for their action. A moron like you though, can't see the difference.

Fuck you! It's radical NRA gun nutters like you that are hurting responsible gun owners - but you're too rabid to see it.

I'm not a member of the NRA silly person. Never have been. However, unlike you who claim to, I actually DO own guns, and and a lot of them. I have also never used a single one of them to kill anyone, or anything. I sincerely hope I never have to. However, in the highly unlikely event that it does occur, I will be ready to defend myself and those I love and care about. You on the other hand will wait for the police and suffer for your idiocy.

Funny. I wouldn't recommend that you try breaking into my house. I just love to hear you John Wayne types talk all your tough shit. Reminds me when House Republicans were literally crying after McCarthy announced he was dropping out of the Speaker race. Crying! So funny...

Yeah sure internet tough guy. You're so full of shit I am surprised you can walk. You're not a gun owner. You're a factual posturer. You lack fundamental knowledge of firearms, and you are the very definition of progressive anti gun hysterical loon. Here you go, this is my carry piece. Let's see you post a picture of one of yours within ten minutes.
I want to see you destroy that vile gun, Washington redskin.

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

Yes, the problem is overwhelmingly black on black and Hispanic on Hispanic gang murders. What do you not see in Europe? Yup. Black and Hispanic gangbangers who are responsible for 80% of that crime rate you're looking at. Take away the top ten violent cities (all run by progressives) and the crime rate drops to that of Europe. You want to stop gun violence? Incarcerate the gangbangers and remove the progressives from power. Problem SOLVED!

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby

He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

I may decide to destroy my Weatherbys and Sakos. I don't need all that stuff.

Please do. We don't need fools like you owning imaginary weapons. No telling what sort of damage you could do to yourself!:laugh::laugh::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

Some of my Weatherbys have never been in the field. I only use the .270 and .300.
.300 what??
He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

I may decide to destroy my Weatherbys and Sakos. I don't need all that stuff.

Please do. We don't need fools like you owning imaginary weapons. No telling what sort of damage you could do to yourself!:laugh::laugh::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

Some of my Weatherbys have never been in the field. I only use the .270 and .300.

Sure they haven't. It's hard for imaginary weapons to go outside of your head. We know this.

BTW what does Lakhota mean?
It means Washington redskin
It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

I may decide to destroy my Weatherbys and Sakos. I don't need all that stuff.

Please do. We don't need fools like you owning imaginary weapons. No telling what sort of damage you could do to yourself!:laugh::laugh::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao:

Some of my Weatherbys have never been in the field. I only use the .270 and .300.

Sure they haven't. It's hard for imaginary weapons to go outside of your head. We know this.

BTW what does Lakhota mean?
It means Washington redskin

I know what LAKOTA means. I just wasn't familiar with LAKHOTA. Is it some white dudes terminology?
He's making a statement by this action, I'm sure everybody that believes in freedom of speech will support him even if they are ardent opponents of gun control.

It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

Yes, the problem is overwhelmingly black on black and Hispanic on Hispanic gang murders. What do you not see in Europe? Yup. Black and Hispanic gangbangers who are responsible for 80% of that crime rate you're looking at. Take away the top ten violent cities (all run by progressives) and the crime rate drops to that of Europe. You want to stop gun violence? Incarcerate the gangbangers and remove the progressives from power. Problem SOLVED!

I'll guess right now that if you take away black on black and hispanic on hispanic gun murders America would still have the highest rate of gun murders amongst those same developed countries by far. And like I say that's a guess. Depending on what I get up to in the morning I may look for proof of that guess.
It's his gun, he can do whatever he wants with it...the gesture...and that is all it is, since he didn't use it for fucking retarded......

If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

Yes, the problem is overwhelmingly black on black and Hispanic on Hispanic gang murders. What do you not see in Europe? Yup. Black and Hispanic gangbangers who are responsible for 80% of that crime rate you're looking at. Take away the top ten violent cities (all run by progressives) and the crime rate drops to that of Europe. You want to stop gun violence? Incarcerate the gangbangers and remove the progressives from power. Problem SOLVED!

I'll guess right now that if you take away black on black and hispanic on hispanic gun murders America would still have the highest rate of gun murders amongst those same developed countries by far. And like I say that's a guess. Depending on what I get up to in the morning I may look for proof of that guess.

Aaaaand you would be wrong. The rate would be EXACTLY the same as Europe. Exactly.
This is ridiculous and unwarranted – there is no good reason to destroy an otherwise functioning firearm.

It's his private property and he's at liberty to do with it as he sees fit; but there are millions of responsible gun owners who would be happy to take any unwanted guns in lieu of their being destroyed.
If he really went through this,".... His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting." I'd say it would be retarded if he didn't make a "gesture".

You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

Yes, the problem is overwhelmingly black on black and Hispanic on Hispanic gang murders. What do you not see in Europe? Yup. Black and Hispanic gangbangers who are responsible for 80% of that crime rate you're looking at. Take away the top ten violent cities (all run by progressives) and the crime rate drops to that of Europe. You want to stop gun violence? Incarcerate the gangbangers and remove the progressives from power. Problem SOLVED!

I'll guess right now that if you take away black on black and hispanic on hispanic gun murders America would still have the highest rate of gun murders amongst those same developed countries by far. And like I say that's a guess. Depending on what I get up to in the morning I may look for proof of that guess.

Aaaaand you would be wrong. The rate would be EXACTLY the same as Europe. Exactly.

You sound pretty confident. Show me the proof and save me some time please.
You know what an effective gesture would be....manning a suicide hotline or donating lots of money to mental health research....this gesture is fucking stupid....

He believes that your country should look for "common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America..." I guess you think there are enough or too many regulations already. From up here it looks like you have a problem with gun violence. It seems sensible to look for a solution. I'll put you down under "Thinks there should be more investment in mental health services". And I'll add a footnote you think that investment should be private?

Yes, the problem is overwhelmingly black on black and Hispanic on Hispanic gang murders. What do you not see in Europe? Yup. Black and Hispanic gangbangers who are responsible for 80% of that crime rate you're looking at. Take away the top ten violent cities (all run by progressives) and the crime rate drops to that of Europe. You want to stop gun violence? Incarcerate the gangbangers and remove the progressives from power. Problem SOLVED!

I'll guess right now that if you take away black on black and hispanic on hispanic gun murders America would still have the highest rate of gun murders amongst those same developed countries by far. And like I say that's a guess. Depending on what I get up to in the morning I may look for proof of that guess.

Aaaaand you would be wrong. The rate would be EXACTLY the same as Europe. Exactly.

You sound pretty confident. Show me the proof and save me some time please.

Here you go...

America Doesn't Have a Gun Problem, It Has a Gang Problem

The 10 Most Dangerous Cities in America

Violent Crime

Crime in America 2015: Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities Over 200,000

By the numbers: Here are the 20 'most dangerous' cities in America

A lifelong gun owner explains why he is destroying his gun.

Usually, "responsible gun ownership" refers to someone using their weapon safely. But for lifelong gun owner Steve Elliott, it means taking responsibility for America’s epidemic of gun violence and the lax regulations that have allowed it.

That is how Elliott, who owns a copywriting and public relations agency in Northern California, explained his decision to destroy his handgun in a Facebook post on Monday. By early Saturday afternoon, more than 28,000 people had shared the post, which included a photo of his disassembled 9mm Ruger handgun.

Elliott describes himself as a quintessential example of the responsible gun owner, using firearms only for sport and protection. He decided to destroy his gun not because of anything he has done personally but because he is fed up with how the concept of “responsible” gun ownership has been used to block gun safety laws.

“My gun is being used to argue against common-sense laws and policies that could reduce gun violence in America, arguments I find unconscionable,” Elliott wrote. “That’s what being a responsible gun owner means today – I’m responsible. I’ve been uneasy about that for a while now, and ashamed to admit it’s taken two more mass shootings for me to do anything about it.”

Though he has never used his weapon to hurt himself or others, Elliott wrote that his life has been scarred by gun violence. His grandmother used a gun to kill herself; his father attempted suicide with a gun and someone murdered his stepbrother with a gun before committing suicide. His sister’s coworker lost her husband to a mass shooting.

“None of us individually can stop gun violence in America, but as a responsible gun owner, I will no longer be used as a justification for doing nothing about it,” Elliott concluded. “Today I did what I could. Today there is #ONELESSGUN.”

Other gun control advocates have taken a different approach, mobilizing gun owners who support gun control in order to show that the National Rifle Association's opposition to virtually all regulation does not represent them.

Andy Nieto of eastern Tennessee also got rid of his guns out of disgust with the NRA after the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut, massacre. He turned his pistol into a paperweight.


How One Man Is Redefining 'Responsible' Gun Ownership

I applaud Steve Elliott and Andy Nieto for getting rid of their guns out of disgust with the NRA. I've been disgusted with the NRA since radicals took it over in 1977. Although I'm not ready to dispose of my guns, I agree that it's up to responsible gun owners to bring about change by fighting back against the NRA lobbying machine. BTW, archery is fun.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
I'ts a Ruger P-series pistol. Those are ugly clunky things. If that's representative of his "gun" then he is a moron and better off disarmed. When his house gets robbed while he's there I will laugh my ass off.

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