How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief...

In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?

It's well known that right wingers have much more experience in hurling insults. The shear volume is huge, but the quality is on a 6th grade level.
How ‘Owning the Libs’ Became the GOP’s Core Belief...

I think this is par for course across both major parties these days. It seems few people root for America anymore, but rather for "their team."

I find it interesting how you don’t think that applies to the parties outside of republicans and democrats as well. Just because they don’t have the power doesn’t mean they’re more loyal to the country over their party.
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In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?

It's well known that right wingers have much more experience in hurling insults. The shear volume is huge, but the quality is on a 6th grade level.
Just having a red fucking hat on and getting hassled while eating a steak is CANCEL CULTURE you drooling fucking idiot.

You libturds are really going to get cancelled in 2022. Every thing you touched in 2 short months you've turned into a clusterfucking crisis.

Even China is bullying the USA as human rights abusers.LOLOL........................And we walk out of the meeting with our cocks tucked in our nuts.

Quit playing stoopid Dooshalot.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.

The far right conservative you replied to has no idea what the word communism is or honestly means. Most on the far right have no clue what that word honestly means.

Which is why they use it so incorrectly all the time.

Hollywood communist? That has got to be one of the most absurd statements I've heard today.

People like the one you replied to believe that communism is any belief that isn't theirs.

They have no concept of the real and honest meaning of the word.

It's not a social system as the far right seems to believe.

It's an ECONOMIC system.

An economic system where no private ownership of business or land or property is allowed. The government or state owns it.

The government sure doesn't own anything in Hollywood. That is one city that is all about money.

Like almost everything else in America, everything in Hollywood is privately owned and it's owned by a few. They are more oligarchs than anything else.

The far right doesn't realize that anyone with more than one working brain cell are laughing hysterically at the stupidity of the far right and their constant calling anyone who doesn't agree with them a communist.

LOL, so now the right is using words incorrectly...communist, socialist, or whatever has become a catch all for calling liberals, specifically Hollywood liberals, hypocrites wanting to impose a lifestyle on others that they don't have to follow.

No. It's not just a recent thing. The right has often misused words and for a long time. The pundits misused them because they are dishonest, and their followers misused them because they are too stupid to know better.

How do you know the right isn't just changing the meaning of words like the left does?
There is no doubt the right wants to change the meanings of words, but if they are able to do so, the words will no longer have their original meaning, so they will gain nothing.
You've twisted yourself into Mr Salty. You should stop now.

Will I have to stop saying MISTER Salty and call it Salty?
Keep trying buddy. You'll eventually say something clever, or at least not quite as dumb.
I'm not here to say anything clever to you. But Kitty liked it, so it must have been.

Yes. Childish right wingers usually support each other. Only another preschooler can truly appreciate another preschoolers knock knock joke.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?

It's well known that right wingers have much more experience in hurling insults. The shear volume is huge, but the quality is on a 6th grade level.
Just having a red fucking hat on and getting hassled while eating a steak is CANCEL CULTURE you drooling fucking idiot.

You libturds are really going to get cancelled in 2022. Every thing you touched in 2 short months you've turned into a clusterfucking crisis.

Even China is bullying the USA as human rights abusers.LOLOL........................And we walk out of the meeting with our cocks tucked in our nuts.

Quit playing stoopid Dooshalot.

A red hat is more than just a hat that happens to be red. You wear that red hat to make sure others realize you are a proud member of the trump party. Don't be surprised when others recognize it for what it is. If you don't want to face the repercussions of your political choices, then don't proclaim them so blatantly.
It’s funny how libertarians prance around like they’re better than republicans and democrats. It’s like ok you have different ideas, talk about how you’re ideas are better, but don’t tell me your people immune to partisan politics or your motives are superior to republicans or democrats just people you belong to a different party.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?

It's well known that right wingers have much more experience in hurling insults. The shear volume is huge, but the quality is on a 6th grade level.
Just having a red fucking hat on and getting hassled while eating a steak is CANCEL CULTURE you drooling fucking idiot.

You libturds are really going to get cancelled in 2022. Every thing you touched in 2 short months you've turned into a clusterfucking crisis.

Even China is bullying the USA as human rights abusers.LOLOL........................And we walk out of the meeting with our cocks tucked in our nuts.

Quit playing stoopid Dooshalot.

A red hat is more than just a hat that happens to be red. You wear that red hat to make sure others realize you are a proud member of the trump party. Don't be surprised when others recognize it for what it is. If you don't want to face the repercussions of your political choices, then don't proclaim them so blatantly.
My God shaaaadup now for CSs Gladys
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?

It's well known that right wingers have much more experience in hurling insults. The shear volume is huge, but the quality is on a 6th grade level.
Just having a red fucking hat on and getting hassled while eating a steak is CANCEL CULTURE you drooling fucking idiot.

You libturds are really going to get cancelled in 2022. Every thing you touched in 2 short months you've turned into a clusterfucking crisis.

Even China is bullying the USA as human rights abusers.LOLOL........................And we walk out of the meeting with our cocks tucked in our nuts.

Quit playing stoopid Dooshalot.

A red hat is more than just a hat that happens to be red. You wear that red hat to make sure others realize you are a proud member of the trump party. Don't be surprised when others recognize it for what it is. If you don't want to face the repercussions of your political choices, then don't proclaim them so blatantly.
My God shaaaadup now for CSs Gladys
So what does a red hat mean to you
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.

Says the guy that supported a looney whose only objective is to undo anything Trump....go figure.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.
Sounds like you nailed Pinochijoe to a tee...and his brainless lemming followers.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.

Says the guy that supported a looney whose only objective is to undo anything Trump....go figure.
Hitler was a lefty just like Dependsman
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of Hollywood. A place where nearly everyone espouses anti capitalistic and liberal views, yet all of them became rich off of a capitalistic system, and made their money portraying things they hate, and will tell you are wrong.
There you go again. Liberal views are just common decency. Held by most people across the world who dont live in your narrow partisan hate bubble.

Give me an example of these liberal views in relation to Hollywood.
No hate bubble. You want an example of what specifically? Most Hollywood types are liberal, they believe in and practice liberal policy. What examples are you looking for.

For the record, Republicans have common decency as well, the difference is how they believe society should be.

For example, liberals believe that if you have money, they should be able to take it from you, and give it to someone else. How is that "decent"? Sure, for the person receiving that money, its great, for the person who had to earn that money, or make sacrifices and take risks to make that money, not so great.

Its noble that you on the left want to help the poor, I think we should all do that, but nobody should be forced into helping the poor. Oddly, all those liberals who talk about how we need to help the don't see them reaching into their own pockets, you see them trying to make government take it from someone else.

Honestly, there is no difference between the left and the right, other than the path to solving issues. Left wing media will make you believe that all right wingers are thes monstrous hate filled, evil people who want to do harm to everyone else. Nothing could be further from the truth. Its just spin and lies from those left wing talking heads. Both sides have compassion, both sides have common decency.

The right says "just leave us alone and do what the constitution says", the left says "do what we want or were going to punish you with our cancel culture, or our labels that we will put on you to make you look bad and try to silence you."

The left is capable of, and frequently does display and enact as much or more hate than the right. For a group that claims to be about diversity, inclusion, tolerance, you only desire those things if it fits in your bubble, anyone else needs to be ostracized from society and shut out.

Your desire to force others to your way of thinking is, probably, the ultimate show of hate.

Serious question. I've heard so much about the so called cancel culture, but I'm still not sure what it is supposed to be. If I dislike what a public figure says, and I mention that, am I part of the cancel culture? What about not buying a product I don't want? Is that CC? It honestly looks like you found a new phrase to describe those that don't agree with you. Please explain what you mean by the term, and please be specific.
It simply means while Hop on Pop is vulgar, Cardi B is a literal genius. And a model for young girls everywhere.

It is just being a blind hypocrite and a GD stupid idiot.

I make these things so simple even a blind hypocrite like you should understand there Bertha.

Not really an answer to the question, but I'll try to make some sense of your silliness. Are you saying it has something to do with taste in music? I don't care for Cardi B, and have no idea who or what Hop on Pop is. Am I part of the cancel culture?
If you can't make sense of what I said than you're dumber than I thought you were. I'm not going down to 3rd grade level to explain it. Now pick up that pile of rubble on AF1 and fucking govern.
And you gave the type answer that is so common for crazy right wingers. I should have known better than to hope for more.
How about having your job and family in danger if you sayone thing that is not approved. Quit your horse shit with me.

Sounds to me like you have a problem with your employer. Are you questioning his ability to hire and fire you at will? Isn't that part of the so called "right to work" laws that the right is so fond of?
LOL...I have never had a problem with my employer and I love my boss so much I'd die for him.

You see I never had a boss or had a so called employer. I love what I did and still do at a way slower pace. Loved so much that I never worked a GD day in my fucking life.

Having to work for someone for 50 years of your life ain't living, it is a slow death and when it ends you're too old to do shit and then ya fucking die.

Unless you worked for someone and woke every day living joy in what you do, Id put a pistol in my mouth as an alternative.

What were you saying about my boss and employer again?

I love my boss and my job as well. I am getting ready to retire and I won't leave until he gets a suitable replacement and we both agree that the person will work out. I refuse to work at a place that I don't like.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.

Says the guy that supported a looney whose only objective is to undo anything Trump....go figure.
Not exactly. It was Trump who tried to cancel out everything done under Obama. Biden is just putting it back the way it was.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?
Why dont you try responding in an adult fashion. We can take it from there.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Wow you are the exact opposite of reality in anything you you walk and drive backwards?
Go back to scratching your fat arse. Another right wing clown who hurls insults when he cant prove his point. Pathetic.
That was hurling an insult?????.Lol......................Would you like to see a real one?
Why dont you try responding in an adult fashion. We can take it from there.
Tommy. C'mon. I come here to bust balls and laugh. Certainly you don't think it is for the brain stimulating conversations huh?
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.

Nonsense. He ran on issues and made not only the gop field address issues they wanted to avoid, but so did Hillary and Bernie.

Your denial is you just being a lying whore troll.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”

Except that Trump had a very meaty platform, and ran an issue heavy campaign and made what appeared to be a good faith effort to live up to most of it, especially considering the handicap of hysterical and illegal "RESIST" from the dems and the Deep State and then of course COVID.

SO, other than the fact that everything you said was wrong, good op.

No he did not. He ran on nothing but resentment and hAte. His campaign was reminiscent of Hitler's campaign when he was elected. Hatred of minorities and the supremacy of whites.

Says the guy that supported a looney whose only objective is to undo anything Trump....go figure.
Not exactly. It was Trump who tried to cancel out everything done under Obama. Biden is just putting it back the way it was.

Trump had real issues on his own. ONly a lying whore would claim otherwise.
We were getting owned there for a while. We were getting out rallied, flotilla-ed, pickup train-ed, and putin worshiped.

Until Joe issued the emancipation proclamation for the left. Now all of your crap is meaningless.
In 1952, the political mainstream was inflamed by the boorishness and recklessness of another conservative demagogue: Wisconsin’s Sen. Joseph McCarthy, then at the height of his infamous communist “witch hunt” within the federal government. McCarthy would eventually overreach to the extent that he was overwhelmingly censured by the Senate, including roughly half of its members from his own party.

One prominent conservative willing to defend McCarthy, much to the chagrin of nearly everybody to the left of the John Birch Society, was Irving Kristol. The godfather of neoconservatism wrote contemporaneously in Commentary that “there is one thing that the American people know about Senator McCarthy: He, like them, is unequivocally anti-Communist. About the spokesman for American liberalism, they feel they know no such thing.”

To Kristol, the certainty McCarthy signaled was worth commending, despite his argument’s lack of substance or his corrosive rhetorical style. McCarthy was a staunch anti-communist, but that was almost secondary to how thoroughly he infuriated his opponents, leaving no question as to where he stood. And given the incentives presented by social media toward ever more extreme political positions, it’s no wonder such stark, if reductive, contrasts are even more appealing today, to the extent that a spiritual heir of McCarthy’s could even win the White House.

Interesting take on how someone like Donald Trump could win the Presidency. The politics of division have been going on for years.

Why run a platform when painting the opposition as the enemy has become an effective tool for winning elections. In a corporate duopoly there are only two options.

The GOP is going to win again. Its a “when” not an “if”
McCarthy was wise and smart enough to see what 2021 would like. Executing Hollywood commies should have been a priority

Hollywood is the last place on earth you will find communism. The town is a tribute to capitalism and is one of the most conservative things in modern life. You are confusing communism with a few artistic people showing concern for the plight of the planet and its citizens.

Because you are damaged goods you just label it "communism" when in fact it is just normal behaviour. Its another sign that the world has moved on and left you and your arse scratching mates behind in the C20th. Get some help.
Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of Hollywood. A place where nearly everyone espouses anti capitalistic and liberal views, yet all of them became rich off of a capitalistic system, and made their money portraying things they hate, and will tell you are wrong.
There you go again. Liberal views are just common decency. Held by most people across the world who dont live in your narrow partisan hate bubble.

Give me an example of these liberal views in relation to Hollywood.
No hate bubble. You want an example of what specifically? Most Hollywood types are liberal, they believe in and practice liberal policy. What examples are you looking for.

For the record, Republicans have common decency as well, the difference is how they believe society should be.

For example, liberals believe that if you have money, they should be able to take it from you, and give it to someone else. How is that "decent"? Sure, for the person receiving that money, its great, for the person who had to earn that money, or make sacrifices and take risks to make that money, not so great.

Its noble that you on the left want to help the poor, I think we should all do that, but nobody should be forced into helping the poor. Oddly, all those liberals who talk about how we need to help the don't see them reaching into their own pockets, you see them trying to make government take it from someone else.

Honestly, there is no difference between the left and the right, other than the path to solving issues. Left wing media will make you believe that all right wingers are thes monstrous hate filled, evil people who want to do harm to everyone else. Nothing could be further from the truth. Its just spin and lies from those left wing talking heads. Both sides have compassion, both sides have common decency.

The right says "just leave us alone and do what the constitution says", the left says "do what we want or were going to punish you with our cancel culture, or our labels that we will put on you to make you look bad and try to silence you."

The left is capable of, and frequently does display and enact as much or more hate than the right. For a group that claims to be about diversity, inclusion, tolerance, you only desire those things if it fits in your bubble, anyone else needs to be ostracized from society and shut out.

Your desire to force others to your way of thinking is, probably, the ultimate show of hate.
A list of films that illustrate this would help. I think yo will struggle. I cant think of a single movie that supports abortion, or gun control or any that promote an anti american view of the world..
I thnk that this demon is in your head.
I wasn't talking about movies that support gun control, or abortions, etc. I was talking about actors who support liberal policies, such as gun control, but then star in movies where violence, and gun play are glorified. If these actors really want to tell us that these things are wrong, then they need to refuse to use those items in their movies.

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