how patriotic are you....?

Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
if trump announced to you that he was being ousted by opponents who cheated to deny him his rightful place as your leader.....

and begged you to grab your guns and rally round to the white house to defend his rightful place as president for life....

how long would it take for you to get there and who would you kill first?

I am very patriotic. Patriotism means love of country, not blind worship of a politician.

I woulod happily grab my guns and go defend this nation against a coup. But not just because the claim was made.
So when it was found out that Adam Shitface and HItlery had attempted a coup with Russian Collusion being misinformation, you sure sat on your ass and did nothing but complain, orange man bad....

That entire fiasco was not a reason for armed revolution. It was stopped without bloodshed.
It was stopped? I guess you didnt watch the election?

Have you ever noticed how the chicken shit progs of BLM/ANTIFA always goes to states or cities that keep citizens from defending themselves, or like in St Louis the couple that did defend themselves got arrested by a prog Fascist AG? I am still waiting for the progs to show up in my neck of the woods, and i will be looking for the ones who walk around with Molotov Cocktails, because when you shoot the bottle the progs burn.

There were riots and looting in Georgia. Georgia has some pretty good (meaning lenient) gun laws.

The election results were not because of the accusations that were proven to be false.

Rioting and looting in Georgia, yeah, i remember that now, how a black drunk fell asleep in his car, in the drive thru of a Wendy's and resisted arrest, grabbed a cops taser and was shot for being stupid...Yeah, then the other stupid blacks, seems that there are many of them, burned that Wendy's to the ground, and what i find funny about it, that franchise was owned by a black person. You just cant make up the stupidity of the black people.....

Disclaimer...Not all blacks are stupid, they are the ones who voted for President Trump, all the dumbass ones, are slaves of the Democrat party, always have been, always will be....
I will never believe claims that Biden won the election no matter who believes otherwise. Coups are illegal and unconstitutional and should be opposed by all patriots. Only idiots tell the enemy what they plan to do so it was a pretty silly question to ask.
Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
When the government no longer governs but seeks to RULE , the citizens of the US, hate is a very mild word...

The only thing that makes a prog politician feel that they are more important than you, is that you a slave allow them to RULE over you....Stupid slaves do this, you know?
Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
When the government no longer governs but seeks to RULE , the citizens of the US, hate is a very mild word...

The only thing that makes a prog politician feel that they are more important than you, is that you a slave allow them to RULE over you....Stupid slaves do this, you know?
Nice illustration of my point.
Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
When the government no longer governs but seeks to RULE , the citizens of the US, hate is a very mild word...

The only thing that makes a prog politician feel that they are more important than you, is that you a slave allow them to RULE over you....Stupid slaves do this, you know?
Nice illustration of my point.
Yes, communist need to be put down, before they completely take over a country, i dont want to be like Venezuela or Hong Kong after a few years of Socialism...

This shit always happens when you give up your freedoms to the Socialists...Use your guns now, or use rocks and bottles of gas later....
Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Patriotism is a devotion to The People. Everything else is nationalism.
Patriotism is the devotion to what makes your country great, when people like the progs in Seattle and Portland started burning minority businesses and taking over parts of the city, that isnt patriotism that is communism. You know the summer of love bullshit...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Yes, the actually intent of each person who is supposed to be a model citizen of the United States of America.

Ask not what this country can do for you, but what you can do for this country....Too many progs want free stuff, and not do a damn thing to earn any of it...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Of course I do, you have no respect for the American flag or the constitution..
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
From someone like you a un educated publicly indoctrinated moron, you DONT even know what communism is. We who have been around this planet quite a few years, know all about it, and what the end results of it is, every fucking time.

This is what Communism looks like...

This is what Communism looks like...

This is what Communism looks like...

But i know all about people like you, as long as everyone else is miserable and poor, you are fine with that, because you cant do shit to make your sorry miserable life better, so punish the rest of us, so we can be like you..

That is why we have weapons....we dont want to be like you...a LOSER...
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Of course I do, you have no respect for the American flag or the constitution..
I respect what they are supposed to stand for rather than using them as a justification for hatred. A lot of blood was shed for the ideals that the flag represents, not for the flag itself. You probably cannot see the distinction.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Of course I do, you have no respect for the American flag or the constitution..
I respect what they are supposed to stand for rather than using them as a justification for hatred. A lot of blood was shed for the ideals that the flag represents, not for the flag itself. You probably cannot see the distinction.
Uhm your now admitting defeat.

The left is pissing on the flag and what it represents.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Of course I do, you have no respect for the American flag or the constitution..
I respect what they are supposed to stand for rather than using them as a justification for hatred. A lot of blood was shed for the ideals that the flag represents, not for the flag itself. You probably cannot see the distinction.
Uhm your now admitting defeat.

The left is pissing on the flag and what it represents.
Nope. It's clearer than ever that the hard right wants to redefine what the flag stands for. The first thing to go is the "United" part.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
That makes you a commie bastard..
You don't even know what communism is. Quit throwing that word around as a substitute for a real argument.
Of course I do, you have no respect for the American flag or the constitution..
I respect what they are supposed to stand for rather than using them as a justification for hatred. A lot of blood was shed for the ideals that the flag represents, not for the flag itself. You probably cannot see the distinction.
Uhm your now admitting defeat.

The left is pissing on the flag and what it represents.
Nope. It's clearer than ever that the hard right wants to redefine what the flag stands for. The first thing to go is the "United" part.

LMFAO, it's the left who wants to redefine what the flag stands for..

Always about freedom and the constitution, what's next the left going to kill bald eagles in protest?

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