how patriotic are you....?

Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.
So please take the rest of the night off, and give that peabrain of yours a break....Giving you facts must really hurt..

Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.
So please take the rest of the night off, and give that peabrain of yours a break....Giving you facts must really hurt..

Your president lost. I know that hurts you like a nut shot.
if trump announced to you that he was being ousted by opponents who cheated to deny him his rightful place as your leader.....

and begged you to grab your guns and rally round to the white house to defend his rightful place as president for life....

how long would it take for you to get there and who would you kill first?
The president has the right to call out the militia. According to the Dick Act Every abled body man shall have in his home an up to date military rifle and rounds to power it. If the president calls you you will show up with that weapon. If you don't show up or show up without arms you will be tried under military law. So I would show up and kill anybody he ordered me too.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.
So please take the rest of the night off, and give that peabrain of yours a break....Giving you facts must really hurt..

Your president lost. I know that hurts you like a nut shot.

No your president lost , unless you are lying to us about being in the US military..
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.
So please take the rest of the night off, and give that peabrain of yours a break....Giving you facts must really hurt..

Your president lost. I know that hurts you like a nut shot.

And he fucking tells me i derailed the argument then goes and derails his argument. Bwaaahahhaaaaa....Are you a 26 year old pajamaboy?
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
Yes it was your earlier comment retard......
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.
So please take the rest of the night off, and give that peabrain of yours a break....Giving you facts must really hurt..

Your president lost. I know that hurts you like a nut shot.

I see you haven't though through your statement You know the shit about for every action there is a reaction.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
You definately arent the guy on the left...

Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
And once again I don't care about you, all I care about is the flag and the constitution, that backs it up.

We will be long gone, but the flag must live
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
And once again I don't care about you, all I care about is the flag and the constitution, that backs it up.
That's pretty retarded. A nation is people, not flags and documents.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.

Once again this is not you or I, it's about keeping the constitution in place for future generations, and keep spreading freedom around the world
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
And once again I don't care about you, all I care about is the flag and the constitution, that backs it up.
That's pretty retarded. A nation is people, not flags and documents.
A nation is people,
CHOP is that a nation?
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.
And once again I don't care about you, all I care about is the flag and the constitution, that backs it up.
That's pretty retarded. A nation is people, not flags and documents.

The constitution was the greatest document ever written, it freed the slaves, it gave women the right to vote, it gave gays the right to marry, it gave women the right to have abortions, it gave us the freedom to own guns..
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.

Once again this is not you or I, it's about keeping the constitution in place for future generations, and keep spreading freedom around the world
Right now you would sell it all, the constitution, the flag, the future just to make Trump serve another term. Don't preach to me about things you clearly don't value.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.

Once again this is not you or I, it's about keeping the constitution in place for future generations, and keep spreading freedom around the world
Right now you would sell it all, the constitution, the flag, the future just to make Trump serve another term. Don't preach to me about things you clearly don't value.

Trump made his point, his time was well served , it brought out the true colors of unpatriotic Americans like you.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.

Once again this is not you or I, it's about keeping the constitution in place for future generations, and keep spreading freedom around the world
Right now you would sell it all, the constitution, the flag, the future just to make Trump serve another term. Don't preach to me about things you clearly don't value.

Trump made his point, his time was well served , it brought out the true colors of unpatriotic Americans like you.
The right gave up any right to call people unpatriotic when they decided that Trump and his personal power mattered more than anything else.
Hating most of the people and most of the government of the United states of America is not patriotism. You have an ever shrinking tribe of people very similar to you that you are devoted to. Everything else except a flag, a pledge and an anthem is the enemy. I care about all Americans, even you.
The only that matters is the flag and constitution, I could care less about you, pay for it yourself and leave me out of it
Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.
The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish
I know you have never served in the military, probably because you are 4 F, mentally unstable, that that legal gibberish, without it, you fuckwad, you would have people coming into your house, seize your property and you couldnt do shit about it. Oh yeah, you dont have property so want to take others, just like the good prog that you are....
I served in the USArmy, 101st airborne division, Fort Campbell Kentucky. Not that it matters to the "discussion" at hand.
So did you kneel before the national anthem in basic training?
I worked my ass off for this country is what I did. You shall respect me now. You respect the troops don't you? It's not like I did anything but help Reagan spend a bunch of money but still you are bound by right wing patriotism to thank me for my service. If you don't you hate the troops.

That's what it's like talking about patriotism with a Trumpbot.
I have no respect for a person who kneels before the anthem, and that would be you.
It's not anything I ever did but we should all have the right to do so.

Common man, so you think you have the right to turn this nation into a commie shit hole also?

What you're doing is using the constitution to promote sick values against us
I'm not doing anything except working and living like everyone else. Quit talking like I am personally responsible for your misery. Taking society personally is the worst waste of time there is.
....and on social media saying the flag and constitution means nothing.
Reading class dropout? You must be because I said some things after that that even a child could understand.

So now your views have changed because I was pushing you?

So what is it , the flag a symbol and represents America or just a piece of cloth?
You are about as dense as neutronium. I directed you back to my original comment to reread it since you are retarded and you think that's some kind of change of my views? Retarded.
Interesting more deflection by you..
Not deflecting anything retard but I am about to give up on getting any sort of coherent argument out of your retarded ass. Go watch wrasslin' or something because you suck at this.
Why you want me to leave so you can piss on the American flag, kill bald eagles , and say the constitution is just mumble jumbo?
You can stay here all night for all I care but you are boring me. I seriously have better things to do than trying to flog an intelligent comment out of the mentally retarded.

How am I mentally retarded I never knelt before the flag or national anthem, or called the constitution just goobly gook, you have in this thread.
My earlier comment retard:

Then you are not a patriot. The flag is only a rag and the constitution a bunch of legal gibberish when you lack any regard for your fellow citizens. Might as well make your own flag with your picture on it and salute that.

In other words fucktard, If you don't care about The American People nothing else you call patriotism means a goddamned thing.

Once again this is not you or I, it's about keeping the constitution in place for future generations, and keep spreading freedom around the world
Right now you would sell it all, the constitution, the flag, the future just to make Trump serve another term. Don't preach to me about things you clearly don't value.

Trump made his point, his time was well served , it brought out the true colors of unpatriotic Americans like you.
The right gave up any right to call people unpatriotic when they decided that Trump and his personal power mattered more than anything else.

Is that in the constitution? Why more deflection from the topic at hand, if you want to talk Trump vs Obama in dictatorships start a thread on it , I will chime in.

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