How Quickly will State and Local Income Taxes go up?

it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
You consider CA and NY civilized?

People don't pick a place to live because of government finances. The reason for people moving falls in 3 broad categories, employment, family, and housing related issues. Secondary issues are climate, and availability of entertainment, cultural, educational, sporting, and outdoor activities. Issues of taxes and cost of living are factored into salaries.
People don't pick a place to live because of government finances. The reason for people moving falls in 3 broad categories, employment, family, and housing related issues. Secondary issues are climate, and availability of entertainment, cultural, educational, sporting, and outdoor activities. Issues of taxes and cost of living are factored into salaries.

You missed the big one: government services. That is what declines first with bad state finances. The walking dead like CA and IL have crappy public services when it comes to emergency health care, disaster relief, police protection and schools. Working in NY, NJ and MD and living in PA leads to better higher after tax income and better public services. What's not to like?

Umm the commute?
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich. I love the driver responsibility assessment in New York that doubles any fine that is already huge after surcharge- ridiculous.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post › wonk

View attachment 186057
Sep 19, 2012 · For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. ... And the federal income ...

You visited this page on 7/19/17.

The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
I gave PA and NH as examples for the following reasons

They have bucked the general migration trend of the last 88 years.

PA in particular has a very long history of industrial disasters. NH's climate is certainly a contender for worst in CONUS although SD may be the Champ.

Other than Pittsburgh being a major nano-tech hotspot PA has little to offer culturally and yet it grows. NH has little to offer in state but Amazon has been particularly good to the state. Quebec is 200 miles from the state line and while Boston is somewhat less than 100 miles away Boston is still a city that was largely laid out in the 17th century and parts of the city are still just barely 18th century in layout.

But the big reason for picking these two states is that the last time either state had serious problems with state finances was 1837. That is not true of most of the nearby blue states. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time that the north east has serious problems ahead but that would be a different thread.
People don't pick a place to live because of government finances. The reason for people moving falls in 3 broad categories, employment, family, and housing related issues. Secondary issues are climate, and availability of entertainment, cultural, educational, sporting, and outdoor activities. Issues of taxes and cost of living are factored into salaries.
I gave PA and NH as examples for the following reasons

They have bucked the general migration trend of the last 88 years.

PA in particular has a very long history of industrial disasters. NH's climate is certainly a contender for worst in CONUS although SD may be the Champ.

Other than Pittsburgh being a major nano-tech hotspot PA has little to offer culturally and yet it grows. NH has little to offer in state but Amazon has been particularly good to the state. Quebec is 200 miles from the state line and while Boston is somewhat less than 100 miles away Boston is still a city that was largely laid out in the 17th century and parts of the city are still just barely 18th century in layout.

But the big reason for picking these two states is that the last time either state had serious problems with state finances was 1837. That is not true of most of the nearby blue states. The writing has been on the wall for a very long time that the north east has serious problems ahead but that would be a different thread.
People don't pick a place to live because of government finances. The reason for people moving falls in 3 broad categories, employment, family, and housing related issues. Secondary issues are climate, and availability of entertainment, cultural, educational, sporting, and outdoor activities. Issues of taxes and cost of living are factored into salaries.

You missed the big one: government services. That is what declines first with bad state finances. The walking dead like CA and IL have crappy public services when it comes to emergency health care, disaster relief, police protection and schools. Working in NY, NJ and MD and living in PA leads to better higher after tax income and better public services. What's not to like?
Winter Having spent winter in the northeast, it's not for me.
it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
With the exception of retirees living on fixed incomes, taxes are not really a consideration in where you live. Pay in relation to the cost of living which includes taxes, housing, family, and the livability of an area are the real determining factors for most people.

I have lived in over 28 states. I've found that it's the area of a state in which you live that is most important, not the state itself. Take California for example; the state has huge sprawling metropolitan areas, next to Alaska it has largest number of wilderness areas, the top state in country for agricultural production, 2nd only to Florida in most beeches, the hottest place in the country and one of the coldest, a place where it almost never snows, and places with 300 to 500 inches of snow, some of most luxuries homes in the country and some of the poorest.
it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
Maybe we could vote for Democrats, make the bloated rich pay more in taxes, make life more livable for the non-Rich, and join the modern world.
Right now State and local income taxes are a percentage of federal income taxes. By moving to a state with a lower or no income tax it becomes possible to have zero federal income tax and avoid the state income tax from the state they are migrating out of. That will be the trigger for more taxes and more outmigration and this will repeat, if the people getting the good news now migrate out before the end of the year and start the cycle as appears to be happening. How soon will this cause a catastrophic loss of tax base?

Not in any state I have ever lived in!
Some are, some are not.
it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
With the exception of retirees living on fixed incomes, taxes are not really a consideration in where you live. Pay in relation to the cost of living which includes taxes, housing, family, and the livability of an area are the real determining factors for most people.

I have lived in over 28 states. I've found that it's the area of a state in which you live that is most important, not the state itself. Take California for example; the state has huge sprawling metropolitan areas, next to Alaska it has largest number of wilderness areas, the top state in country for agricultural production, 2nd only to Florida in most beeches, the hottest place in the country and one of the coldest, a place where it almost never snows, and places with 300 to 500 inches of snow, some of most luxuries homes in the country and some of the poorest.
No matter how many times you regurgitate that, it is STILL WRONG!
it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
With the exception of retirees living on fixed incomes, taxes are not really a consideration in where you live. Pay in relation to the cost of living which includes taxes, housing, family, and the livability of an area are the real determining factors for most people.

I have lived in over 28 states. I've found that it's the area of a state in which you live that is most important, not the state itself. Take California for example; the state has huge sprawling metropolitan areas, next to Alaska it has largest number of wilderness areas, the top state in country for agricultural production, 2nd only to Florida in most beeches, the hottest place in the country and one of the coldest, a place where it almost never snows, and places with 300 to 500 inches of snow, some of most luxuries homes in the country and some of the poorest.
No matter how many times you regurgitate that, it is STILL WRONG!

The tax bill at most is speeding up the process that began decades ago. For example, Berkshire Hathaway got its name from a New England shirt factory that Buffett bought in the 1960s. Now, there are effectively no non-military textile mills in the country for the average man or woman. Disney World opened in 1971 because the expense of buying more land for more venues in CA was and is insane. Prior to 1960 NYC ceased to be a major commercial ocean port because the cost of land for a container port could not be squeezed out of the budget. Not to mention with the St. Lawrence Seaway and IL waterway comparative advantage was gone in 1960. By the 2020 election NYC and Chicago capital markets are likely to be gone. Total transport costs from the Rockies east are making west coast ports less valuable and with the improvements in the Panama canal going on now it is a coin flip as to whether Denver will get more Westpac imports from LA or Houston.
it must really suck to be a low income type who has to obsess over where to live to avoid taxes. A lot of them are on this board, that's for sure. Maybe live where you want to live and if taxes are too high, spend less time posting, and watching t.v., get a 2nd job, or put the wife to work, or sell off part of your gun collection to make up for the extra taxes. Maybe fire that gardener (who's probably an illegal) and do your own mowing and gardening. Renting out a room is another option. Of course, there are people that can afford to live most anywhere, just hate taxes in any way, shape or form. I've found these types to be very boring and miserable people. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society never seems to sink in for these people.
Maybe we could vote for Democrats, make the bloated rich pay more in taxes, make life more livable for the non-Rich, and join the modern world.
Every other modern country has at least 4 week vacations, free healthcare, cheap daycare, paid parental leave, a living wage, good infrastructure, cheap college, and rich people paying their fair share in taxes. No wonder people here have 27% insanity... Australia has $19 minimum wage.
You missed the big one: government services. That is what declines first with bad state finances. The walking dead like CA and IL have crappy public services when it comes to emergency health care, disaster relief, police protection and schools. Working in NY, NJ and MD and living in PA leads to better higher after tax income and better public services. What's not to like?

Umm the commute?
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich. I love the driver responsibility assessment in New York that doubles any fine that is already huge after surcharge- ridiculous.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post › wonk

View attachment 186057
Sep 19, 2012 · For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. ... And the federal income ...

You visited this page on 7/19/17.

The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
They already have, dunce, the last 35 years, thanks GOP and silly doops.
Umm the commute?
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich. I love the driver responsibility assessment in New York that doubles any fine that is already huge after surcharge- ridiculous.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post › wonk

View attachment 186057
Sep 19, 2012 · For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. ... And the federal income ...

You visited this page on 7/19/17.

The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
They already have, dunce, the last 35 years, thanks GOP and silly doops.

The Federal government spends less than it did in 1983?

Have you always been stupid?
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich. I love the driver responsibility assessment in New York that doubles any fine that is already huge after surcharge- ridiculous.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post › wonk

View attachment 186057
Sep 19, 2012 · For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. ... And the federal income ...

You visited this page on 7/19/17.

The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
They already have, dunce, the last 35 years, thanks GOP and silly doops.

The Federal government spends less than it did in 1983?

Have you always been stupid?
On benefits for citizens and on infrastructure, yes it does. Heard of inflation?
Every other modern country has at least 4 week vacations, free healthcare, cheap daycare, paid parental leave, a living wage, good infrastructure, cheap college, and rich people paying their fair share in taxes.

Please identify one country that in fact exists outside of the normal spacetime continuum so as to be persistently in a previous moment of time than the rest of the universe.

No wonder people here have 27% insanity... Australia has $19 minimum wage.

And $25 Big Macs.
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
They already have, dunce, the last 35 years, thanks GOP and silly doops.

The Federal government spends less than it did in 1983?

Have you always been stupid?
On benefits for citizens and on infrastructure, yes it does. Heard of inflation?

Which benefits for citizens are smaller on an inflation adjusted basis? Heard of proof?
Yes, he has.
probably right but ignorant and innumerate is another strong possibility. Our little friend probably thinks it is possible to get reasonably accurate inflation numbers within the federal budget to guesstimate what's happening with consumer prices. With the proprietary data from Walmart, Amazon, Target and Ebay, which the federal government does not have access to, it might be possible to get answers that are 90% certain with 20 or 30 iterations if you ignore product births and deaths. (Polaroid cameras, Tandy computers, incandescent light bulbs and such).
The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich. I love the driver responsibility assessment in New York that doubles any fine that is already huge after surcharge- ridiculous.
The one tax graph you really need to know - The Washington Post › wonk

View attachment 186057
Sep 19, 2012 · For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. ... And the federal income ...

You visited this page on 7/19/17.

The more the GOP scumbags cut taxes on the rich, the more states and localities raise taxes and that kill the non rich.

The GOP cut of Federal taxes has no impact on local and state tax collections. Moron.

There are secondary effects. Immediate effect is that Fed revenues are down and deficits are up, but down the line Federal spending on grants, education, healthcare and social safety nets will get cut and states will have to pick up the tab....and the WAY states pick up their revenue is usually through much more regressive taxation that puts more burden on mid-to-low income households

There would be secondary effects, if the Feds ever reduced spending.....anywhere.
They already have, dunce, the last 35 years, thanks GOP and silly doops.

The Federal government spends less than it did in 1983?

Have you always been stupid?
It's not what the government spends that's important. It's the difference between revenue and spending that we need to be concerned about.

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