How Quiet The Democrats Are This Morning

Snowflakes are wrong more times before 9am Monday morning than most people are all week.


It sounds really fucking stupid, doesn't it?
Typical wag-the-dog shit. Trump acts tough and Putin acts angry, while behind the scenes they continue to cover-up pre-election collusion.
What? Still no proof of that
When Clinton was prez it was considered proof. Why is Trump getting a pass?
Still no proof? Just deflection as usual? Why is that?
Proof of what? That you're a troll? You do it with every post. Anyone with half a brain knows that those praising Trump for his actions in Syria would be bashing Obama or Clinton for the same thing.
What you know would fit on the head of a pin. So, you got proof of your claims or not?
I know what I've read on the board over the years. Who do you think you're fooling, the Day 1 noobs? :laugh2:
Snowflakes are wrong more times before 9am Monday morning than most people are all week. Putin's PUPPET just attacked PUTIN'S ALLY....and PUTIN IS SENDING A WARSHIP to INTIMIDATE HIS "PUPPET". It sounds really fucking stupid, doesn't it?
Sounds like they set it up that way. They've have plenty of time and plenty of contacts both before and after the election. You'd never let Obama or Clinton off that easy!
What? Still no proof of that
When Clinton was prez it was considered proof. Why is Trump getting a pass?
Still no proof? Just deflection as usual? Why is that?
Proof of what? That you're a troll? You do it with every post. Anyone with half a brain knows that those praising Trump for his actions in Syria would be bashing Obama or Clinton for the same thing.
What you know would fit on the head of a pin. So, you got proof of your claims or not?
I know what I've read on the board over the years. Who do you think you're fooling, the Day 1 noobs? :laugh2:
What you know would fit on the head of a pin.
...Am I mistaken in my impression that we just spanked someone, rather than the apparent liberal freak out that we're engaging in a war to hunt down their entire family?

I guess I just don't see this as "war" but rather a retaliation/warning shot.
When Clinton was prez it was considered proof. Why is Trump getting a pass?
Still no proof? Just deflection as usual? Why is that?
Proof of what? That you're a troll? You do it with every post. Anyone with half a brain knows that those praising Trump for his actions in Syria would be bashing Obama or Clinton for the same thing.
What you know would fit on the head of a pin. So, you got proof of your claims or not?
I know what I've read on the board over the years. Who do you think you're fooling, the Day 1 noobs? :laugh2:
What you know would fit on the head of a pin.

Hold still mike....he is lowering his knowledge onto your cranium as we speak.
The nasty liberals you talk about, have been saying since the whole war started that Assad was a ruthless man, Trump and many conservatives gagged at the idea of us attacking Syria. Trump even suggested Assad wasn't that big of threat. He was against attacking Syria.

Trump and the right villianized Syrian refugees as if they were some kind of animals. Trump hated them so much, he placed a ban on them coming to the US.

The chemical attack in Syria is nothing new. Syrians have been dying from Assad and his goons for years. You alt right loons even praised Assad and Putin for their phony Alepo attack.

But now that your orange Messsiah says Assad is bad, now you are jumping on the bandwagon that we need to take out Assad.

So excuse my liberal self if I'm not patting Trump on the back.

In fact, I think both democrats and republicans dropped the ball on Syria. The Syrians kept telling the world Assad was killing them but people didn't care.

It's like when the Jewish people in Germany tried telling the world what Hitler was doing but the world ignored them until millions of people died.
You just proved Fox New's point, that Trump is blasted by pied piper Dems, Damned if he do - damned if he don't, they will complain no matter what the move.
If you could look at an alternate universe where he does not do what he did you are in that universes still complaining, you are just wearing a paper hat playing with silly putty in that alternate universe, instead of a tin foil hat playing with Play-doh.

Maybe if Trump cared about Syrians from the beginning, I would give him props. But Trump is a hypocrite. The man villianized Syrian refugees countless times and brushed off Assad's tyranny because he thought he was ISIS. When instead Assad been spending his time killing his innocent citizens.
That's a false narative and perhaps you might get a better idea at how damaging fake news can actually be when we review them as examples.
First off: you claim to recognize villianizing -demonizing yet you turn a blind eye to these naratives used to Demonize Trump.
Secondly Trump liked Ben Carsons proposal of safe zones for the refugees and promoted that idea, so claiming he didn't care about them just because his first concern is our safety and country as a whole for expanded time is obsurd and a narative of propaganda.
The ban was TEMPORARY but false narative was eternity, Thr ban was due to no ability to fully do proper vetting and we knew some coming in without knowing who they were would be like letting in a Trojan Horse, a term I first used here that is being repeated as damn good analogy and lesson of past mistakes. The narative is oh these poor woman and children, used to bait away from the poor woman and children killed every year from woman and children terrorist who blow up buses, schools, hospitals, wedding receptions etc. Woman and children who some are indoctrinated by propaganda demonizing their opponents similarly to how people are being indoctrinated by these false naratives to demonize theirs and similarly boycot, riot, and cause violence and threats all in the name of social activism and charity.

As long as a nation or society accepts that behavior then they are all labeled as that one image they project whether they as seperate individuals like it or deserve it or not, and that reality has to be accepted least you as a people do something about it for your own sake as well as sake of how your image is viewed in the civilized world.
When a snowflake claimed tolerant goes ballistic and tears a flag, beats up an old man or anyone with a red hat who agrees with the slogan "Make America Great Again", &
when vandalizes property causes riots and the other snowflakes remain silent then they are accepting that behavior and are subject to the affects of that accepted behavior.
Syrians as a nation has been at war with us and with Israel, the avg citizen would welcome you into their home but that less then avg citizen might want to remove you from the planet, it just takes that 1 to spoil your life, so do you want to play Russian roulette with refugees from a country that is at war with the Globe and that
covets death? * (Hezbollah literally said they were the messengers of death)
So Ben Carsons Idea seems best if even Arab nations aren't rushing to bring them in.
That means Trumps interest in Ben's idea is compassion for both them and us. While you seek compassion for them (a nation at war with us) over compassion for us.
Sometimes what seems the right compassionate thing to do is not
what's best and liberals never ever seem to grasp that from their high horse.

Now back to harm of false naratives:
the WMD did exist, the amount of them was questioned, they found some and reports had them smuggled much more into Syria which if you were honest you'd recognize they got caught using them and had to remove their stockpiles of, much of which came from Iraq's supply.
Remember they found the antidotes in huge huge stockpile, why would there antidotes to chem agents that didn't exist?
Liberals swore over and over that WMD didn't exist and never existed, they even bashed the CIA over the intelligence gathering, and even when they found some stockpiles they still kept that false narative. Even when Syria was using some of them, they again kept that false narative.
So now more Sarin shows up magically and that's because it's part of the "non existing" stockpiles the Dems kept blasting about to demonize Bush. Seeing the pattern?
Denying, demonizing, false naratives= false sense of the true picture thst leads to greater issues due to that false claim.
Children died because Dems wanted to overturn the Gov't power to them having control. It's happening again and you are helping them with that false narative.
So basically the left is the uncompassionate ones, when you view the larger picture without your blinders on. They are only interested in party only not the Country and not the refugees, otherwise they would not have caused the refugee crisis nor committed so many acts of treason against our Country.
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The nasty liberals you talk about, have been saying since the whole war started that Assad was a ruthless man, Trump and many conservatives gagged at the idea of us attacking Syria. Trump even suggested Assad wasn't that big of threat. He was against attacking Syria.

Trump and the right villianized Syrian refugees as if they were some kind of animals. Trump hated them so much, he placed a ban on them coming to the US.

The chemical attack in Syria is nothing new. Syrians have been dying from Assad and his goons for years. You alt right loons even praised Assad and Putin for their phony Alepo attack.

But now that your orange Messsiah says Assad is bad, now you are jumping on the bandwagon that we need to take out Assad.

So excuse my liberal self if I'm not patting Trump on the back.

In fact, I think both democrats and republicans dropped the ball on Syria. The Syrians kept telling the world Assad was killing them but people didn't care.

It's like when the Jewish people in Germany tried telling the world what Hitler was doing but the world ignored them until millions of people died.
You just proved Fox New's point, that Trump is blasted by pied piper Dems, Damned if he do - damned if he don't, they will complain no matter what the move.
If you could look at an alternate universe where he does not do what he did you are in that universes still complaining, you are just wearing a paper hat playing with silly putty in that alternate universe, instead of a tin foil hat playing with Play-doh.

Maybe if Trump cared about Syrians from the beginning, I would give him props. But Trump is a hypocrite. The man villianized Syrian refugees countless times and brushed off Assad's tyranny because he thought he was ISIS. When instead Assad been spending his time killing his innocent citizens.
That's a false narative and perhaps you might get a better idea at how damaging fake news can actually be when we review them as examples.
First off: you claim to recognize villianizing -demonizing yet you turn a blind eye to these naratives used to Demonize Trump.
Secondly Trump liked Ben Carsons proposal of safe zones for the refugees and promoted that idea, so claiming he didn't care about them just because his first concern is our safety and country as a whole for expanded time is obsurd and a narative of propaganda.
The ban was TEMPORARY but false narative was eternity, Thr ban was due to no ability to fully do proper vetting and we knew some coming in without knowing who they were would be like letting in a Trojan Horse, a term I first used here that is being repeated as damn good analogy and lesson of past mistakes. The narative is oh these poor woman and children, used to bait away from the poor woman and children killed every year from woman and children terrorist who blow up buses, schools, hospitals, wedding receptions etc. Woman and children who some are indoctrinated by propaganda demonizing their opponents similarly to how people are being indoctrinated by these false naratives to demonize theirs and similarly boycot, riot, and cause violence and threats all in the name of social activism and charity.

As long as a nation or society accepts that behavior then they are all labeled as that one image they project whether they as seperate individuals like it or deserve it or not, and that reality has to be accepted least you as a people do something about it for your own sake as well as sake of how your image is viewed in the civilized world.
When a snowflake claimed tolerant goes ballistic and tears a flag, beats up an old man or anyone with a red hat who agrees with the slogan "Make America Great Again", &
when vandalizes property causes riots and the other snowflakes remain silent then they are accepting that behavior and are subject to the affects of that accepted behavior.
Syrians as a nation has been at war with us and with Israel, the avg citizen would welcome you into their home but that less then avg citizen might want to remove you from the planet, it just takes that 1 to spoil your life, so do you want to play Russian roulette with refugees from a country that is at war with the Globe and that
covets death? * (Hezbollah literally said they were the messengers of death)
So Ben Carsons Idea seems best if even Arab nations aren't rushing to bring them in.
That means Trumps interest in Ben's idea is compassion for both them and us. While you seek compassion for them (a nation at war with us) over compassion for us.
Sometimes what seems the right compassionate thing to do is not
what's best and liberals never ever seem to grasp that from their high horse.

Now back to harm of false naratives:
the WMD did exist, the amount of them was questioned, they found some and reports had them smuggled much more into Syria which if you were honest you'd recognize they got caught using them and had to remove their stockpiles of, much of which came from Iraq's supply.
Remember they found the antidotes in huge huge stockpile, why would there antidotes to chem agents that didn't exist?
Liberals swore over and over that WMD didn't exist and never existed, they even bashed the CIA over the intelligence gathering, and even when they found some stockpiles they still kept that false narative. Even when Syria was using some of them, they again kept that false narative.
So now more Sarin shows up magically and that's because it's part of the "non existing" stockpiles the Dems kept blasting about to demonize Bush. Seeing the pattern?
Denying, demonizing, false naratives= false sense of the true picture thst leads to greater issues due to that false claim.
Children died because Dems wanted to overturn the Gov't power to them having control. It's happening again and you are helping them with that false narative.
So basically the left is the uncompassionate ones, when you view the larger picture without your blinders on. They are only interested in party only not the Country and not the refugees, otherwise they would not have caused the refugee crisis nor committed so many acts of treason against our Country.

FYI I don't watch or read mainstream media. So I don't watch "fake news". Secondly Trump villianizes himself with his actions and statements. To most open minded and rational people , Trump statements are often times outrageous. He constantly lies ( aka alternative facts).

And are you really going to quote Ben Carson? He's just as more clueless than Trump.

Syrian has been killing its citizens , so they should be allowed to continue in power? This is what conservatives do not get or are ignorant about. Assad has been killing his own people. Its been happening since the war began.
The nasty liberals you talk about, have been saying since the whole war started that Assad was a ruthless man, Trump and many conservatives gagged at the idea of us attacking Syria. Trump even suggested Assad wasn't that big of threat. He was against attacking Syria.

Trump and the right villianized Syrian refugees as if they were some kind of animals. Trump hated them so much, he placed a ban on them coming to the US.

The chemical attack in Syria is nothing new. Syrians have been dying from Assad and his goons for years. You alt right loons even praised Assad and Putin for their phony Alepo attack.

But now that your orange Messsiah says Assad is bad, now you are jumping on the bandwagon that we need to take out Assad.

So excuse my liberal self if I'm not patting Trump on the back.

In fact, I think both democrats and republicans dropped the ball on Syria. The Syrians kept telling the world Assad was killing them but people didn't care.

It's like when the Jewish people in Germany tried telling the world what Hitler was doing but the world ignored them until millions of people died.
You just proved Fox New's point, that Trump is blasted by pied piper Dems, Damned if he do - damned if he don't, they will complain no matter what the move.
If you could look at an alternate universe where he does not do what he did you are in that universes still complaining, you are just wearing a paper hat playing with silly putty in that alternate universe, instead of a tin foil hat playing with Play-doh.

Maybe if Trump cared about Syrians from the beginning, I would give him props. But Trump is a hypocrite. The man villianized Syrian refugees countless times and brushed off Assad's tyranny because he thought he was ISIS. When instead Assad been spending his time killing his innocent citizens.
That's a false narative and perhaps you might get a better idea at how damaging fake news can actually be when we review them as examples.
First off: you claim to recognize villianizing -demonizing yet you turn a blind eye to these naratives used to Demonize Trump.
Secondly Trump liked Ben Carsons proposal of safe zones for the refugees and promoted that idea, so claiming he didn't care about them just because his first concern is our safety and country as a whole for expanded time is obsurd and a narative of propaganda.
The ban was TEMPORARY but false narative was eternity, Thr ban was due to no ability to fully do proper vetting and we knew some coming in without knowing who they were would be like letting in a Trojan Horse, a term I first used here that is being repeated as damn good analogy and lesson of past mistakes. The narative is oh these poor woman and children, used to bait away from the poor woman and children killed every year from woman and children terrorist who blow up buses, schools, hospitals, wedding receptions etc. Woman and children who some are indoctrinated by propaganda demonizing their opponents similarly to how people are being indoctrinated by these false naratives to demonize theirs and similarly boycot, riot, and cause violence and threats all in the name of social activism and charity.

As long as a nation or society accepts that behavior then they are all labeled as that one image they project whether they as seperate individuals like it or deserve it or not, and that reality has to be accepted least you as a people do something about it for your own sake as well as sake of how your image is viewed in the civilized world.
When a snowflake claimed tolerant goes ballistic and tears a flag, beats up an old man or anyone with a red hat who agrees with the slogan "Make America Great Again", &
when vandalizes property causes riots and the other snowflakes remain silent then they are accepting that behavior and are subject to the affects of that accepted behavior.
Syrians as a nation has been at war with us and with Israel, the avg citizen would welcome you into their home but that less then avg citizen might want to remove you from the planet, it just takes that 1 to spoil your life, so do you want to play Russian roulette with refugees from a country that is at war with the Globe and that
covets death? * (Hezbollah literally said they were the messengers of death)
So Ben Carsons Idea seems best if even Arab nations aren't rushing to bring them in.
That means Trumps interest in Ben's idea is compassion for both them and us. While you seek compassion for them (a nation at war with us) over compassion for us.
Sometimes what seems the right compassionate thing to do is not
what's best and liberals never ever seem to grasp that from their high horse.

Now back to harm of false naratives:
the WMD did exist, the amount of them was questioned, they found some and reports had them smuggled much more into Syria which if you were honest you'd recognize they got caught using them and had to remove their stockpiles of, much of which came from Iraq's supply.
Remember they found the antidotes in huge huge stockpile, why would there antidotes to chem agents that didn't exist?
Liberals swore over and over that WMD didn't exist and never existed, they even bashed the CIA over the intelligence gathering, and even when they found some stockpiles they still kept that false narative. Even when Syria was using some of them, they again kept that false narative.
So now more Sarin shows up magically and that's because it's part of the "non existing" stockpiles the Dems kept blasting about to demonize Bush. Seeing the pattern?
Denying, demonizing, false naratives= false sense of the true picture thst leads to greater issues due to that false claim.
Children died because Dems wanted to overturn the Gov't power to them having control. It's happening again and you are helping them with that false narative.
So basically the left is the uncompassionate ones, when you view the larger picture without your blinders on. They are only interested in party only not the Country and not the refugees, otherwise they would not have caused the refugee crisis nor committed so many acts of treason against our Country.

FYI I don't watch or read mainstream media. So I don't watch "fake news". Secondly Trump villianizes himself with his actions and statements. To most open minded and rational people , Trump statements are often times outrageous. He constantly lies ( aka alternative facts).

And are you really going to quote Ben Carson? He's just as more clueless than Trump.

Syrian has been killing its citizens , so they should be allowed to continue in power? This is what conservatives do not get or are ignorant about. Assad has been killing his own people. Its been happening since the war began.

Glad to hear that but I noticed a few flaws in your logic.
1)most open minded and rational people know even the best speakers miss phrase and communicate now and then(this is where propagandist pounce on the wording to rewrite the narative to demonize the candidate). You add to the more speaches the more anount of flubs possible.
I've seen professional media, long time political figures, and professional speakers flub with the simplest things including pronouncing Nunes' name. Clinton is a pro on these speach trails including cheating by getting the questions ahead of time and she still flounders in speach at times.
THE MEDIA selectively chooses it's victims and new naratives through whoever they decide needs their gracious targetting (opponents).
2) you made an ad hominem argument discussing Dr. Carson instead of the idea.
That's like making fun of Einsteins hair and disregarding his work because of it, that is not refuting the work that is falling into my argument that people when they can't refute a persons work, they will attack him or her personally. Hence they make racist comments about Trumps skin color, emasculating comments about his hair, etc.
then in doing so call him a racist sexist, which becomes deflections of what they are actually being.
3) "Both" parties want to remove Assad in the worst way, but there is an issue in doing so, it causes a power vacuum whereby it might bring to power something worse for more then just his own people but globally as well.
Once again proving my comments regarding cause and affect. They created this mind set through propaganda, false naratives, hate mongering, demonization of opponents and now you want to do that very same thing here in the U.S. that poisons minds into radicalism and results by affects into radical opposition behavior as well.
The left is creating a gang mentality whereby
they are setting rivalry over country liken to
crips vs bloods, Shiites vs Sunnis, Catholics vs Protestants, spy vs spy, Hobelim vs Ding.
The USMB leftists appear even further left of their leaders in congress. If you notice, almost all have the same talking points, and massive amounts of posts when they do. What this should signal is--------->the talking points are being delivered, and that it is NOT from a political entity such as the Democrats. Oh, they be FOR the Democrats, but the talking points are being given from somewhere else. A group funded by Soros anyone!
The wonders of social media! :up:
It's easier than ever to engineer the thought processes of people on a massive scale.
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...Am I mistaken in my impression that we just spanked someone, rather than the apparent liberal freak out that we're engaging in a war to hunt down their entire family?

I guess I just don't see this as "war" but rather a retaliation/warning shot.
It's probably just a test to see how Americans will react to an escalation.

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