How racist is America compared to other countries?

It's ironic that the country formerly known as England was the primary source of slaves to the New World when it was profitable to the crazy Monarchs who executed the Irish rabble for minor violations. Now the idiot mostly left wing excuse for the U.K. press dares to judge parameters of alleged worldwide racism based on the use of the "N" word? ? Give me a break. It's all bull shit.
Well, England was formerly the most prolific slave-trading maritime power, anyway.

The black tribes of Western and Central Africa - conquering their neighbors and selling them, and the Muslim-Arab slave-traders of the era, were the primary source of black slaves...

The English just took delivery as wholesalers, then sold 'em at retail prices, in the New World...

Actually the English were slow on the "draw" on all that. The Portuguese and Spanish had a way head start going back deeply into the 15th century -- before the "New World" was known -- while England was still forbidding it. Those Iberian sailors, along with (eventually) English, French and Dutch ones, were the vehicle of transport. No African sailors are known to have shipped slaves across the Atlantic.
You're right about the Spanish and Portugese kicking things off.

And you're right about the (apparent) lack of African maritime commerce or African sailors.

So long as we remember that slavery was a 'natural state' amongst several of the African tribes of the region and that they sold their brethren to the Arab slave-traders, to transport to the coast, to sell to the Spanish and Portugese and English and Dutch, et al.

You seem to be going out of your way to bring in Arabs as well as to shift the focus from the European transporters to Africans. The bizarre fact is, slavery has appeared on every continent and within every race; Europeans enslaving Europeans, Africans enslaving Africans, Asians, Native Americans etc, so its presence in Africa was the norm in the world -- not the exception.

What was new about the transatlantic commerce was the concept of shipping said slaves to an entirely different part of the world on a journey that to its human cargo must have seemed effectively like one of us being abducted by aliens and sent to a distant planet. It was a whole new level of meaning to the already-iffy concept of slavery and begat the invention of the instrument used to justify such a new paradigm: racism.

Africans did not invent that. Nor did Arabs.
The very term "slave" is from europeans enslaving the Slavic people.
Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.
Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?
Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?
Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.
Repeating such ignorant bullshit suggests you are flat-out lying about having ever set foot in the country, let alone knowing anyone there well.

OK. I must have been dreaming between September 1985 and September 1987 and in my dream I was surrounded by Japanese people. That must be it.

Sorry if you're too close to the topic to see it with critical eyes. Completely understandable.

I think the Koreans must have had the same dream but in their case, it was a nightmare.
Two different studies here. One involved a study of people who googled the 'n' word. Another looked at twitter comments using the 'n' word in negative ways. I would take it that blacks calling each other that wouldn't count.

Also, there are numbers regarding polls about whether people would be okay living next to other races.

It's a little surprising that it's not the rampant problem the media and race baiters would suggest. It exists and we all know it, but I suspect that people have been trained to see it when it is not present.

More white suspects are shot by cops than black suspects, but that isn't how the media portrays cops. You'd think white suspects are let off the hook, or not stopped at all by cops, while cops go out looking for blacks just so they can make up a reason to harass them.

University of Maryland studied Google searches for "n" word and made this map.

"The map looks strikingly similar to a recent a map of racist Tweets made by researchers at Humboldt State University.

While racism may appear rife in the US, a separate study found that overall, Western countries are the most accepting of other cultures with Britain, the U.S.and Australia more tolerant than anywhere else.

The data came from the World Value Survey, which measured the social attitudes of people in different countries.

The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Jordan, where 51.4 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next was India with 43.5 per cent.

Racist views are strikingly rare in the U.S., according to the survey, which claims that only 3.8 per cent of residents are reluctant to have a neighbour of another race."
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Repeating such ignorant bullshit suggests you are flat-out lying about having ever set foot in the country, let alone knowing anyone there well.

OK. I must have been dreaming between September 1985 and September 1987 and in my dream I was surrounded by Japanese people. That must be it.

Sorry if you're too close to the topic to see it with critical eyes. Completely understandable.

I think the Koreans must have had the same dream but in their case, it was a nightmare.
Yes, indeed... the Koreans also have a reportedly well-deserved and long-standing reputation as racists...

But, if the object of the (race-bating) exercise isn't White, then it's no fun, seems like, and, of course, the Koreans and Japanese don't really give a rat's ass, what others think of them, in that context, insofar as my own lightweight observations and reading on the subject lead me to believe.
It's ironic that the country formerly known as England was the primary source of slaves to the New World when it was profitable to the crazy Monarchs who executed the Irish rabble for minor violations. Now the idiot mostly left wing excuse for the U.K. press dares to judge parameters of alleged worldwide racism based on the use of the "N" word? ? Give me a break. It's all bull shit.
Well, England was formerly the most prolific slave-trading maritime power, anyway.

The black tribes of Western and Central Africa - conquering their neighbors and selling them, and the Muslim-Arab slave-traders of the era, were the primary source of black slaves...

The English just took delivery as wholesalers, then sold 'em at retail prices, in the New World...

Actually the English were slow on the "draw" on all that. The Portuguese and Spanish had a way head start going back deeply into the 15th century -- before the "New World" was known -- while England was still forbidding it. Those Iberian sailors, along with (eventually) English, French and Dutch ones, were the vehicle of transport. No African sailors are known to have shipped slaves across the Atlantic.
You're right about the Spanish and Portugese kicking things off.

And you're right about the (apparent) lack of African maritime commerce or African sailors.

So long as we remember that slavery was a 'natural state' amongst several of the African tribes of the region and that they sold their brethren to the Arab slave-traders, to transport to the coast, to sell to the Spanish and Portugese and English and Dutch, et al.

You seem to be going out of your way to bring in Arabs as well as to shift the focus from the European transporters to Africans. The bizarre fact is, slavery has appeared on every continent and within every race; Europeans enslaving Europeans, Africans enslaving Africans, Asians, Native Americans etc, so its presence in Africa was the norm in the world -- not the exception.

What was new about the transatlantic commerce was the concept of shipping said slaves to an entirely different part of the world on a journey that to its human cargo must have seemed effectively like one of us being abducted by aliens and sent to a distant planet. It was a whole new level of meaning to the already-iffy concept of slavery and begat the invention of the instrument used to justify such a new paradigm: racism.

Africans did not invent that. Nor did Arabs.
The very term "slave" is from europeans enslaving the Slavic people.

True. Interesting etymology here:

slave (n.)
late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples. This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein] Meaning "one who has lost the power of resistance to some habit or vice" is from 1550s. Applied to devices from 1904, especially those which are controlled by others (compare slave jib in sailing, similarly of locomotives, flash bulbs, amplifiers). Slave-driver is attested from 1807; extended sense of "cruel or exacting task-master" is by 1854. Slate state in U.S. history is from 1812. Slave-trade is attested from 1734.

Old English Wealh "Briton" also began to be used in the sense of "serf, slave" c.850; and Sanskrit dasa-, which can mean "slave," apparently is connected to dasyu- "pre-Aryan inhabitant of India." Grose's dictionary (1785) has under Negroe "A black-a-moor; figuratively used for a slave," without regard to race. More common Old English words for slave were þeow (related to þeowian "to serve") and þræl (see thrall).

>> The Slavic words for "slave" (Russian rab, Serbo-Croatian rob, Old Church Slavonic rabu) are from Old Slavic *orbu, from the PIE root *orbh- (also source of orphan), the ground sense of which seems to be "thing that changes allegiance" (in the case of the slave, from himself to his master). The Slavic word is also the source of robot.
--- OED
Couple of things. Racist terms vary from country to country. Westernized countries tend to have less monolithic populations than other countries hence more "tolerance" overall. I've been to many different countries and found that their racists views are largely a reflection of the racist ideology propagated by the US.

So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?
Repeating such ignorant bullshit suggests you are flat-out lying about having ever set foot in the country, let alone knowing anyone there well.

OK. I must have been dreaming between September 1985 and September 1987 and in my dream I was surrounded by Japanese people. That must be it.

Sorry if you're too close to the topic to see it with critical eyes. Completely understandable.

I think the Koreans must have had the same dream but in their case, it was a nightmare.
Yes, indeed... the Koreans also have a reportedly well-deserved and long-standing reputation as racists...

But, if the object of the (race-bating) exercise isn't White, then it's no fun, seems like, and, of course, the Koreans and Japanese don't really give a rat's ass, what others think of them, in that context, insofar as my own lightweight observations and reading on the subject lead me to believe.
I had a Korean lady ask me if I grew a tail at midnight. When I asked her where she heard this she told me that her parents told her and they heard it from white GI's during the Korean war.
So America, and we know you mean American Whites are responsible for other countries racism?

What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?

Why don't you answer the question?

You stated that the racism you found in other countries was a reflection of "the racist ideology" in America.

If you didn't mean that to sound like blame, maybe I was overly generous in my praise of your communication skills.
Well, England was formerly the most prolific slave-trading maritime power, anyway.

The black tribes of Western and Central Africa - conquering their neighbors and selling them, and the Muslim-Arab slave-traders of the era, were the primary source of black slaves...

The English just took delivery as wholesalers, then sold 'em at retail prices, in the New World...

Actually the English were slow on the "draw" on all that. The Portuguese and Spanish had a way head start going back deeply into the 15th century -- before the "New World" was known -- while England was still forbidding it. Those Iberian sailors, along with (eventually) English, French and Dutch ones, were the vehicle of transport. No African sailors are known to have shipped slaves across the Atlantic.
You're right about the Spanish and Portugese kicking things off.

And you're right about the (apparent) lack of African maritime commerce or African sailors.

So long as we remember that slavery was a 'natural state' amongst several of the African tribes of the region and that they sold their brethren to the Arab slave-traders, to transport to the coast, to sell to the Spanish and Portugese and English and Dutch, et al.

You seem to be going out of your way to bring in Arabs as well as to shift the focus from the European transporters to Africans. The bizarre fact is, slavery has appeared on every continent and within every race; Europeans enslaving Europeans, Africans enslaving Africans, Asians, Native Americans etc, so its presence in Africa was the norm in the world -- not the exception.

What was new about the transatlantic commerce was the concept of shipping said slaves to an entirely different part of the world on a journey that to its human cargo must have seemed effectively like one of us being abducted by aliens and sent to a distant planet. It was a whole new level of meaning to the already-iffy concept of slavery and begat the invention of the instrument used to justify such a new paradigm: racism.

Africans did not invent that. Nor did Arabs.
The very term "slave" is from europeans enslaving the Slavic people.

True. Interesting etymology here:

slave (n.)
late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples. This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein] Meaning "one who has lost the power of resistance to some habit or vice" is from 1550s. Applied to devices from 1904, especially those which are controlled by others (compare slave jib in sailing, similarly of locomotives, flash bulbs, amplifiers). Slave-driver is attested from 1807; extended sense of "cruel or exacting task-master" is by 1854. Slate state in U.S. history is from 1812. Slave-trade is attested from 1734.

Old English Wealh "Briton" also began to be used in the sense of "serf, slave" c.850; and Sanskrit dasa-, which can mean "slave," apparently is connected to dasyu- "pre-Aryan inhabitant of India." Grose's dictionary (1785) has under Negroe "A black-a-moor; figuratively used for a slave," without regard to race. More common Old English words for slave were þeow (related to þeowian "to serve") and þræl (see thrall).

>> The Slavic words for "slave" (Russian rab, Serbo-Croatian rob, Old Church Slavonic rabu) are from Old Slavic *orbu, from the PIE root *orbh- (also source of orphan), the ground sense of which seems to be "thing that changes allegiance" (in the case of the slave, from himself to his master). The Slavic word is also the source of robot.
--- OED
Well, let's see...

We live in a Western culture, speaking Western language(s), buttressed by Western history, and Western flavor(s) of Slavery...

So of COURSE we label Slavery with a word having roots in our own cultural heritage...

Dog bites man...


For all I know, the Africans called Slavery "Oooonga-Booonga" and the Arabs called Slavery "Ali-Ooops" and the Chinese called Slavery "Ching-Chou-Chay".

What difference?

Slavery is Slavery... anything beyond that is merely variations on a central theme... different "flavors" of Slavery, based on time and geography and culture.
What confused you about my post?

NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?

Why don't you answer the question?
Because you are boring.
NOthing. I understood it perfectly. YOu were very concise.

In many ways your communications skills compare very favorably to the other lefties on the site, probably because you have so much less rationalizations about why your beliefs or actions are justified.

I strongly disagree with what you stated.

What confused you about my post?

I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?

Why don't you answer the question?
Because you are boring.


What's the real reason?
Repeating such ignorant bullshit suggests you are flat-out lying about having ever set foot in the country, let alone knowing anyone there well.

OK. I must have been dreaming between September 1985 and September 1987 and in my dream I was surrounded by Japanese people. That must be it.

Sorry if you're too close to the topic to see it with critical eyes. Completely understandable.

I think the Koreans must have had the same dream but in their case, it was a nightmare.
Yes, indeed... the Koreans also have a reportedly well-deserved and long-standing reputation as racists...

But, if the object of the (race-bating) exercise isn't White, then it's no fun, seems like, and, of course, the Koreans and Japanese don't really give a rat's ass, what others think of them, in that context, insofar as my own lightweight observations and reading on the subject lead me to believe.
I had a Korean lady ask me if I grew a tail at midnight. When I asked her where she heard this she told me that her parents told her and they heard it from white GI's during the Korean war.
The Koreans were reportedly racist in nature long before Columbus made landfall in the New World... just ask the Chinese or Mongolians or Siberians, et al.
I'm not concerned with what you disagree with. Are you someone important?

What confused me about your post is why you reworded my post.

Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?

Why don't you answer the question?
Because you are boring.


What's the real reason?
Youre boring?
Actually the English were slow on the "draw" on all that. The Portuguese and Spanish had a way head start going back deeply into the 15th century -- before the "New World" was known -- while England was still forbidding it. Those Iberian sailors, along with (eventually) English, French and Dutch ones, were the vehicle of transport. No African sailors are known to have shipped slaves across the Atlantic.
You're right about the Spanish and Portugese kicking things off.

And you're right about the (apparent) lack of African maritime commerce or African sailors.

So long as we remember that slavery was a 'natural state' amongst several of the African tribes of the region and that they sold their brethren to the Arab slave-traders, to transport to the coast, to sell to the Spanish and Portugese and English and Dutch, et al.

You seem to be going out of your way to bring in Arabs as well as to shift the focus from the European transporters to Africans. The bizarre fact is, slavery has appeared on every continent and within every race; Europeans enslaving Europeans, Africans enslaving Africans, Asians, Native Americans etc, so its presence in Africa was the norm in the world -- not the exception.

What was new about the transatlantic commerce was the concept of shipping said slaves to an entirely different part of the world on a journey that to its human cargo must have seemed effectively like one of us being abducted by aliens and sent to a distant planet. It was a whole new level of meaning to the already-iffy concept of slavery and begat the invention of the instrument used to justify such a new paradigm: racism.

Africans did not invent that. Nor did Arabs.
The very term "slave" is from europeans enslaving the Slavic people.

True. Interesting etymology here:

slave (n.)
late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples. This sense development arose in the consequence of the wars waged by Otto the Great and his successors against the Slavs, a great number of whom they took captive and sold into slavery. [Klein] Meaning "one who has lost the power of resistance to some habit or vice" is from 1550s. Applied to devices from 1904, especially those which are controlled by others (compare slave jib in sailing, similarly of locomotives, flash bulbs, amplifiers). Slave-driver is attested from 1807; extended sense of "cruel or exacting task-master" is by 1854. Slate state in U.S. history is from 1812. Slave-trade is attested from 1734.

Old English Wealh "Briton" also began to be used in the sense of "serf, slave" c.850; and Sanskrit dasa-, which can mean "slave," apparently is connected to dasyu- "pre-Aryan inhabitant of India." Grose's dictionary (1785) has under Negroe "A black-a-moor; figuratively used for a slave," without regard to race. More common Old English words for slave were þeow (related to þeowian "to serve") and þræl (see thrall).

>> The Slavic words for "slave" (Russian rab, Serbo-Croatian rob, Old Church Slavonic rabu) are from Old Slavic *orbu, from the PIE root *orbh- (also source of orphan), the ground sense of which seems to be "thing that changes allegiance" (in the case of the slave, from himself to his master). The Slavic word is also the source of robot.
--- OED
Well, let's see...

We live in a Western culture, speaking Western language(s), buttressed by Western history, and Western flavor(s) of Slavery...

So of COURSE we label Slavery with a word having roots in our own cultural heritage...

Dog bites man...


For all I know, the Africans called Slavery "Oooonga-Booonga" and the Arabs called Slavery "Ali-Ooops" and the Chinese called Slavery "Ching-Chou-Chay".

What difference?

Slavery is Slavery... anything beyond that is merely variations on a central theme... different "flavors" of Slavery, based on time and geography and culture.

Awfully defensive about etymology aren't we?

I just find it interesting, especially the robot bit. So sue me.

I am reminded, howsomever, of this:

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Just focusing on the part of your post that I found most noteworthy.

Are you suggesting your post was NOT blaming White America for the racism you found in other nations?
Why didn't you just read it over and over again until you got it?

Are you that bad at reading comprehension?

Why don't you answer the question?
Because you are boring.


What's the real reason?
Youre boring?

We both know that that is not the reason. DO you dislike having people point out when you say ridiculous stuff?

What racism did you see in these other countries that was so much like the racism here that you consider it a reflection?

Did you see someone roll some candy to a black woman?

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