How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

As a devout follower of my messiah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
I believe I should have the 1st A right to discriminate against supporters of fascism...I mean Trump...I mean fascism.

In German exists a very clear word what you are doing here. It's "Verarsche" - no idea how to translate this. To call god a "Flying Spaghetti Monster" and to write a game with new religious fake-rules is only a problem of formal systems. But everyone knows that laws are often nothing else than crimes without to understand the spirit of the laws. Nothing new. You personally destroy the right "freedom of religion" because you are a convinced atheist without the possibility to see that you are only a believer in atheism. You do not believe in any Spaghetti-Monster. You know this and everyone else knows this. But the helplessness not to be able to prove this creates a lot of aggressions. To avoid such aggressions is a sense of this law whose spirit you perverted into its opposite.
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There's a saying that when Fascism arrives in the US it will be religion wrapped in the flag.

„Der Führer ist ein ganz auf die Antike ausgerichteter Mensch. Er haßt das Christentum, weil es alles edle Menschentum verkrüppelt hat.“
Goebbels, April 4th 1941

Translation: "The Leader is all about antiquity. He hates Christianity because it has crippled all noble humanity."
Religious freedom has long been a shield. It is this right that all Americans possess, and the words etched into the edifice of the Supreme Court tell us, "Equal justice under law." This right applies equally to all of us. It was supported by a strong separation of church and state, but not anymore.

There is a well-funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that are working to weaponize the First Amendment, to turn the protection of religious freedom enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of Christian privilege for the few. The crusaders' religious freedom challenges are superficially about things like Christian crosses and veterans or playgrounds or private school vouchers or bakeries and gay weddings, but really they're about religious privilege, often literally about privileging religion over non-religion, Christianity over other religions and the right kind of conservative Christians over other Christians. At its most basic level, they are trying to turn religious freedom into a weapon to reclaim and entrench their lost status as the dominant caste in American society.

As Seidel notes, 150 years ago the Supreme Court warned that weaponized religious freedom would "permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," so there's much more at stake here than "just" the First Amendment.

"permit every citizen to become a law unto himself"

I guess those "originalists" just conveniently ignored that part of the original intent.
Be very, very scared of the Christian nationalists.

Maybe you should appeal the First Amendment.
I really do not care what a depraved Godless piece of shit such as yourself thinks of my status as a Christian.

"a depraved Godless piece of shit" is a language I never heard from any Christian in Germany. But 'godless' Nazis and Commies say so.
Christians saying homosexuality is a sin.

No. Christians say - in very very complicate words - that anal-sex is a sin. And changing sexual partners are a sin. And so on.

It clearly is to them.

It is clearly to you what seems to be clearly to others. But if a Christian really should say so to you then tell him: A sin is only something what is someone able to do on the own free will. How god made someone or what happens against the own free will with a person is a challenge - often also for others - that's all.

Tell me they are not shut down and fired or cancelled because of their need to spread a message.
Religious freedom has long been a shield. It is this right that all Americans possess, and the words etched into the edifice of the Supreme Court tell us, "Equal justice under law." This right applies equally to all of us. It was supported by a strong separation of church and state, but not anymore.

There is a well-funded powerful network of Christian nationalist organizations and judges that are working to weaponize the First Amendment, to turn the protection of religious freedom enjoyed by all of us into a weapon of Christian privilege for the few. The crusaders' religious freedom challenges are superficially about things like Christian crosses and veterans or playgrounds or private school vouchers or bakeries and gay weddings, but really they're about religious privilege, often literally about privileging religion over non-religion, Christianity over other religions and the right kind of conservative Christians over other Christians. At its most basic level, they are trying to turn religious freedom into a weapon to reclaim and entrench their lost status as the dominant caste in American society.

As Seidel notes, 150 years ago the Supreme Court warned that weaponized religious freedom would "permit every citizen to become a law unto himself," so there's much more at stake here than "just" the First Amendment.

"permit every citizen to become a law unto himself"

I guess those "originalists" just conveniently ignored that part of the original intent.

Jesus is coming back.

Get right with God or cry harder. Your choice. I would pick the former, personally.
Yeah right. Sure, leftard. You fuckers lie so much you can't even keep track of your lies anymore.


You'll let me know when a Bible thumper tries to murder your kid

Or sit down on a freeway, or loot a CVS.
Extreme sarcasm my friend, nobody is doung what i stated
They don't have religious freedom in the Middles East, you fucking douchebag. That's where they throw homosexuals off the top of buildings. Only a brainwashed prog could possibly claim that refusing to bake cake with a gay couple on it is the same thing.
You're not even religious, Trumpster. You're just full of paranoid rage, and the closest thing you have to a god is a flamboyant, metrosexual New York City billionaire.

Try your phony righteous indignation on someone else. Tough shit.
You mean the same folks you want to bring over here unchecked and when we object you call us Islamaphobes?
Over here, in reality, I've been called an Islamophobe here by the lefties many times for criticizing the religion and saying it needs a Reformation.

So it looks like you're just another Trumpster who is ignorant about where I stand on issues.
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