How Republicans Hurt Their Own Red State, Rural, And Poor Constituents To Destroy Obamacare

The Red States didn't want it in the first place.
They knew it wouldn't work before it was even passed.
Not true. Obamacare was a GOP plan straight out of the Heritage Foundation.

It's the name Obama they don't like. Too "black".

What you just stated isn't true.
Not one R voted for it and Obama was too far left.
It was debated for a year and a half. It contained over 130 GOP amendments.
Of course they didn't vote for it.


Don't be a dipshit nitwit. It's really irksome.

Obama says Heritage Foundation is source of health exchange idea

Still, there's little doubt that Heritage has been a consistent and eager promoter of the exchange idea, especially during the effort to design a new health care system for Massachusetts. That effort concluded with the Democratic legislature joining with the Republican governor, Romney, to implement a system that includes a health insurance exchange.

On numerous occasions, Heritage scholars wrote approvingly of the exchange system in Massachusetts, known as the Connector. In a paper about the Massachusetts plan published on April 11, 2006, Edmund Haislmaier, a Heritage fellow in health care policy, wrote of the "truly significant and transformative health system changes that the legislation would set in motion."


Some key differences:

"For instance, the federal law requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to define an "essential health benefits package" (and update its details every year). This will become the minimum package offered on the exchanges."

That's to cut back on junk policies.

And the ACA has federal regulations, like 26 year olds on parents policies and pre existing conditions.


WTF is wrong with these G....D....Republicans??????? After all this time, they don't know any more than what Kitty Litter knows. Inexcusable.

It was not workable.
The left passed it, deal with it.

Not really. They're simply returning these people to the same conditions they were in before the ACA. There is no net damage, only return to the way things should always have been.

The Genie is already out of the bottle. An Congress Critter that refused to fix what is already in place works for the Health Insurance Companies and not us. Doctors, Surgeons and pretty much the whole of the health industry wants it fixed but not replaced. Only the Insurance Companies want it thrown out and for it to go back the way it was. That way, they can refuse health care and send the poor home to die.

Not really. They're simply returning these people to the same conditions they were in before the ACA. There is no net damage, only return to the way things should always have been.

The trouble is that we do not want to go back to it We had tens of millions of people who had no insurance. Premiums were skyrocketing because more people were going to emergency rooms and were unable to pay. so the costs were being passed on to people who could pay.

Maybe the people who vote for Representatives who oppose the subsidies should be ineligible to receive anything.
...Only the Insurance Companies want it thrown out and for it to go back the way it was. That way, they can refuse health care and send the poor home to die.

That's a Capitalist society for you. Deal with it.
Maybe the people who vote for Representatives who oppose the subsidies should be ineligible to receive anything.

I don't want any subsidies. I don't want Government healthcare, in ANY form. Not ACA money. Not Medicaid. Not Medicare. Any system that doesn't allow for private health care insurance is FATAL TO me, because I won't use Government healthcare.
]You are free to move to another country. Why do you stay if you hate capitalism?? Cuba would be a great place for you....

I love Capitalism. The poster I was replying to does not understand or like Capitalism.
...Only the Insurance Companies want it thrown out and for it to go back the way it was. That way, they can refuse health care and send the poor home to die.

That's a Capitalist society for you. Deal with it.

No, that's the Greed Society. And I don't have to deal with it. I am not now, in the past or the future, under Obamacare. But others around me require it badly just to stay alive. It's not their fault they were born into just over poverty. If you are in poverty, there are countless ways to get help. But those that are just above poverty are thrown out in the cold and sent home to die. These folks have jobs. Their employers do enjoy their 6 over seas vacations, 4 homes, 8 cars and bank accounts richer than most 3rd world countries.
Maybe the people who vote for Representatives who oppose the subsidies should be ineligible to receive anything.

I don't want any subsidies. I don't want Government healthcare, in ANY form. Not ACA money. Not Medicaid. Not Medicare. Any system that doesn't allow for private health care insurance is FATAL TO me, because I won't use Government healthcare.

I know a number of ultra rights like that. Good. It just means more for the rest of us. So hurry up and stop breathing perfectly good air.
No, that's the Greed Society. And I don't have to deal with it.

If you live here in the US, you will have to deal with the Capitalist society. It's not going anywhere any time soon.

I am not now, in the past or the future, under Obamacare. But others around me require it badly just to stay alive. It's not their fault they were born into just over poverty. If you are in poverty, there are countless ways to get help. But those that are just above poverty are thrown out in the cold and sent home to die. These folks have jobs. Their employers do enjoy their 6 over seas vacations, 4 homes, 8 cars and bank accounts richer than most 3rd world countries.

That's the problem of those people. It is neither my responsibility nor the Government's job to save those people from their own incompetence, poor choices, mistakes, or whatever other situation they have created to keep themselves on the Second to lowest rung of the ladder.
I know a number of ultra rights like that. Good. It just means more for the rest of us. So hurry up and stop breathing perfectly good air.

Don't count on us going anywhere just yet.

So you use the noun "US". Well, there are fewer and fewer of you "Us'ns" everyday. Keep up the bad work. Your bunch have control but you are accomplishing less and less everyday. 8 years of obstruction and now, you can't even get along with your own kind. Same thing. 2018 is next year. Look for some changes. It doesn't take a Republican to ride herd over Trump. A Dem can do that as well.
No, that's the Greed Society. And I don't have to deal with it.

If you live here in the US, you will have to deal with the Capitalist society. It's not going anywhere any time soon.

I am not now, in the past or the future, under Obamacare. But others around me require it badly just to stay alive. It's not their fault they were born into just over poverty. If you are in poverty, there are countless ways to get help. But those that are just above poverty are thrown out in the cold and sent home to die. These folks have jobs. Their employers do enjoy their 6 over seas vacations, 4 homes, 8 cars and bank accounts richer than most 3rd world countries.

That's the problem of those people. It is neither my responsibility nor the Government's job to save those people from their own incompetence, poor choices, mistakes, or whatever other situation they have created to keep themselves on the Second to lowest rung of the ladder.

Poor choices? They were born into that caste. It isn't their choice. They are more worried about keeping their kids fed, dry and happy. You seem to believe that everyone can get rich if they want to. Keep flappin' that jaw. You are going to wake up to a real nightmare November of next year.
Poor choices? They were born into that caste. It isn't their choice. They are more worried about keeping their kids fed, dry and happy. You seem to believe that everyone can get rich if they want to. Keep flappin' that jaw. You are going to wake up to a real nightmare November of next year.

I believe that anyone with the energy, interest, and follow through can better their place in life. Maybe not strike it rich, but definitely better themselves.

I have more than enough guns and ammo to deal with whatever nightmare may arise, one way or another.
So you use the noun "US". Well, there are fewer and fewer of you "Us'ns" everyday. Keep up the bad work. Your bunch have control but you are accomplishing less and less everyday. 8 years of obstruction and now, you can't even get along with your own kind. Same thing. 2018 is next year. Look for some changes. It doesn't take a Republican to ride herd over Trump. A Dem can do that as well.

My goal for Congress is to see them accomplish NOTHING in a six year term. No legislation. No budgets. No confirmations. NOTHING.
Poor choices? They were born into that caste. It isn't their choice. They are more worried about keeping their kids fed, dry and happy. You seem to believe that everyone can get rich if they want to. Keep flappin' that jaw. You are going to wake up to a real nightmare November of next year.

I believe that anyone with the energy, interest, and follow through can better their place in life. Maybe not strike it rich, but definitely better themselves.

I have more than enough guns and ammo to deal with whatever nightmare may arise, one way or another.

Then you are wrong and have been proven wrong millions of times. Here is why.

If a person's caste in life is that of a worker things are good as long as his long term employment with benefits is fine. Now, we take away his employment through plant closure and we don't replace that job with another secure job. He is forced to take another job that is not secure, pays much less and has no benefits. So far, so good. Now, his wife (who also works) ends up with a long term illness and requires special medical assistance. She can no longer work. She requires expensive medical support. The first to go is the savings. Next, all but one car. Next, the equity of the house and then the house.

I agree, this could never happen with a Middle Class or better. But not to worry, when it goes south, the family will no longer be middle class or better. That way, you numbers look good. But, in reality, the numbers you spout are crock. Sooner or later, all of us will have to foot the bills from that family since they can no longer pay. And the Father probably ate the north end of a shotgun in the latter part of this.

The sadness of this is that this goes on in millions. I guess your idea of health care is to issue the husband and wife matching shotguns.
Then you are wrong and have been proven wrong millions of times. Here is why...

The sadness of this is that this goes on in millions. I guess your idea of health care is to issue the husband and wife matching shotguns.

Life sucks. It always has and always will. That is quite literally the point of life. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool.

For every example of a family thst screed themselves up, like the one in your example, I can find one where the people drsgged themselves out of the gutter into the middle class or better.

The entire concept that it is somehow your or my olace to pay for the woman or family in your example us laughable. Especially in a Capitalist society.
Then you are wrong and have been proven wrong millions of times. Here is why...

The sadness of this is that this goes on in millions. I guess your idea of health care is to issue the husband and wife matching shotguns.

Life sucks. It always has and always will. That is quite literally the point of life. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool.

For every example of a family thst screed themselves up, like the one in your example, I can find one where the people drsgged themselves out of the gutter into the middle class or better.

The entire concept that it is somehow your or my olace to pay for the woman or family in your example us laughable. Especially in a Capitalist society.

Listening to you, MOST people wold be rich. They aren't. Most are one paycheck from homeless. Many could survive for about 6 ,months before complete and utter disaster.

And the majority of the poplance agrees that disagrees with you. Our Politicos either start listening or it all comes apart at the seams. Sooner or later, we are going to go with a system that works like a charm in Denmark.

Now, I suggest you don't use any of the nationalized services like Schools, Roads, Bridges and more. Yu can't even go shopping because you can't drive to get there. Oh, and stay off the sidewalks. Stopping all Nationalization would also mean that food would sky rocket. And you will lose your Gas, Electrics and Water..

Don't use the things that are Nationalized and then tell me how it works out for you. Oh, that's right, you won't be able to have the Internet either.

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