How Rich Is The President?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
The visceral hatred of President Trump has to come from more than his shellacking of Crooked Hillary in 2016, right? I mean, how invested were leftists in that traitorous old con artist? There has to be something more and I believe it's because he's other-worldly rich. Not Bill Gates rich or Warren Buffet rich....Gates ground small startups and tech geniuses under or bought them out on his way to mega-rich status....Buffett owes tens of millions in back taxes he never pays. Mark Cuban ($4.1B) claims Trump isn't a billionaire but can't seem to prove it. Will tax returns prove it?....of course not. Will financial statements prove his net worth...YES, and he's provided them several times including to the federal election committees. Here's the estimates:

The net worth of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, is approximately $3.5 billion according to Forbes as of 5 March 2019,[1] whereas Bloomberg estimated his wealth at $2.8 billion.[2] Various organizations have estimated and investigated Trump's wealth. Trump has often stated higher values for his wealth than organizations estimating it.


Trump built his empire, not by crushing competitors or leveraged buyouts....he built his empire by building buildings....why would anybody hate him for that? He takes no salary for being President. He self-financed his campaign in the beginning...horrible right? He owes nobody anything for campaign contributions. It's estimated he may have cost himself a billion dollars by running for and winning the presidency. While true he may be worth more than all previous presidents combined, he's for the working man and woman and proves it day after day. So there you have it. Leftists hate the man because....who knows?

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Leftists hate him for three reasons. First of all, he crushed their dreams on election night 2016. They still haven't recovered. I mean seriously when have you seen so many grown ass people crying like babies? Second he does not have a PC bone in his body and is more than happy to stick it to anyone via Twitter or on camera. Third and most importantly he is pro-America which is what Leftists hate most of all.
He is hated because he stopped The UN's Globalist Government and Climate Change Agenda 21 Doctrine in it's tracks.

Clinton was ready to put this in full motion. Everything The Left tells you about President Trump is a lie, because they want him out of office so they can put Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 back on track and put us under Globalist Governance.

Not it's not a Conspiracy Theory. They have documented the plans. Anyone can research and look up all the documents and what they say.

They cover Open Borders, Regional And One World Currencies, Population Relocation, and Depopulation and much more Insidious and Evil Shit.

The Green New Deal For Instance was not an Invention of AOC. It comes directly Word for Word from UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. They are serious about this whackadoodle stuff. They think they need to do all of this to save the planet from Human beings, which they qualify as a VIRUS that needs to be exterminated.

They were so set back by this, they had to rename that same plan to Agenda 2030.

True Story!

This is why The Left is Rabid with Hatred for The President, Hates his plans to get rid of globalist trade deals, and fight tooth and nail against Immigration Reform.

Agenda 21? The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030 | "Global Possibilities"

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform
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Leftists hate him for three reasons. First of all, he crushed their dreams on election night 2016. They still haven't recovered. I mean seriously when have you seen so many grown ass people crying like babies? Second he does not have a PC bone in his body and is more than happy to stick it to anyone via Twitter or on camera. Third and most importantly he is pro-America which is what Leftists hate most of all.

True, but it's mostly about him being rich...they hate that, yet not a one of them would turn down the chance to trade places with him...Flying around on AF1, rubbing elbows with other world leaders and celebrities, sleeping with Melania in the White House at night....especially gawd....:lol:
He is hated because he stopped The UN's Globalist Government and Climate Change Agenda 21 Doctrine in it's tracks.

Clinton was ready to put this in full motion. Everything The Left tells you about President Trump is a lie, because they want him out of office so they can put Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 back on track and put us under Globalist Governance.

Not it's not a Conspiracy Theory. They have documented the plans. Anyone can research and look up all the documents and what they say.

They cover Open Borders, Regional And One World Currencies, Population Relocation, and Depopulation and much more Insidious and Evil Shit.

They were so set back by this, they had to rename that same plan to Agenda 2030.

True Story!

This is why The Left is Rabid with Hatred for The President, Hates his plans to get rid of globalist trade deals, and fight tooth and nail against Immigration Reform.

Agenda 21? The Plan To Depopulate 95% Of The World By 2030 | "Global Possibilities"

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Your average leftist doesn't have a clue about any of this....they hate him because they can never be him.
That's a very narrow-minded explanation for why some on the left don't like Trump. So Jeff Bezos hates Trump because he's only $100 billion dollars away from catching up to him I guess? :dunno:
Further, the Rats know they'll learn nothing from his tax returns...that's just window-peeking into a rich man's life. There are no deposits from RUSSIA, or nefarious cocaine deals ala the Clintons, or investments in China. We'd have known about that long ago....They are simply fascinated by the man they claim to despise, and like the Rat Media lords, don't want him going anywhere.
That's a very narrow-minded explanation for why some on the left don't like Trump. So Jeff Bezos hates Trump because he's only $100 billion dollars away from catching up to him I guess? :dunno:

ONE out of fifty dumbasses on the street have any idea who Jeff Bezos is or what he does.
The visceral hatred of President Trump has to come from more than his shellacking of Crooked Hillary in 2016, right? I mean, how invested were leftists in that traitorous old con artist? There has to be something more and I believe it's because he's other-worldly rich. Not Bill Gates rich or Warren Buffet rich....Gates ground small startups and tech geniuses under or bought them out on his way to mega-rich status....Buffett owes tens of millions in back taxes he never pays. Mark Cuban ($4.1B) claims Trump isn't a billionaire but can't seem to prove it. Will tax returns prove it?....of course not. Will financial statements prove his net worth...YES, and he's provided them several times including to the federal election committees. Here's the estimates:

The net worth of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, is approximately $3.5 billion according to Forbes as of 5 March 2019,[1] whereas Bloomberg estimated his wealth at $2.8 billion.[2] Various organizations have estimated and investigated Trump's wealth. Trump has often stated higher values for his wealth than organizations estimating it.


Trump built his empire, not by crushing competitors or leveraged buyouts....he built his empire by building buildings....why would anybody hate him for that? He takes no salary for being President. He self-financed his campaign in the beginning...horrible right? He owes nobody anything for campaign contributions. It's estimated he may have cost himself a billion dollars by running for and winning the presidency. While true he may be worth more than all previous presidents combined, he's for the working man and woman and proves it day after day. So there you have it. Leftists hate the man because....who knows?

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

His grandma's company was worth about 1 billion in today's money when he took it over after his father stepped down in the early 70s.
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Trump is as rich as he says he is, and would rather sue congress than prove it.
the most pretentious narcissist in the country refuses to prove he's a billionaire ... ???????

I dont care how f'n stupid you are, that doesn't make sense.
El Chapo is an actual billionaire. Do you all suck his cock, too?

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