How Ridiculous Is This?

God help us if they ever get the WH and Congress again.
If they act like this when they don't have power and can't hide their evil deeds, just think what they'll do when they can. We got a taste of it under Obama.
But I can all but guarantee the next time, they will go all out. Bad times ahead if they do.
Based on their escalating, separatist horrendous behavior, I expect we can't go much further without all hell breaking loose.

If Hillary had been elected for example (except that if she had, blacks, especially those who voted for her, would be picking cotton again by now)
Next they're going to rewrite Mark Twains stories
I honestly cringe when I think that eventually, they will regain the WH and Congress.
People think things can't happen in the USofA like it did in places like Venezuela and Russia and now China and Turkey.....but that's exactly why it can.

Too many dumb people and/or people lulled into a permanent comfort zone with their heads in the sand
Burn the books and their owners. It's what the Democrats seek. They've been here before.

They've already banned Twain in many libraries and school texts, FYI, along with other writers. But they're fine with encouraging grade school children being taught to use butt plugs and let homo pedophiles groom them.

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