How small government of Republicans...

From the link:

Under the bill, which grew out of the disclosures in June 2013 by Edward J. Snowden, the former intelligence contractor, the N.S.A. would have gotten out of the business of collecting Americans’ phone records. Instead, most of the records would have stayed in the hands of the phone companies, which would not have been required to hold them any longer than they already do for normal business purposes, which in some cases is 18 months.

WTF Republicans? Thats that small govt ideology. I wonder how long before these same repubs, who've been crying about spying by Obama, will switch back to the GWB republicans who supported all this shit in the first place.

PS. DIane Feinstein ...go to hell. There isnt a anti-terror / military event that she HASNT been for it.

Yes the far left will believe any far left blog site without question or hesitation..

Are you purposely being retarded? Nobody but you is disputing this happened. I'm not posting a link from another news outlet. Try Google News.

NYTIMES stopping doing news long ago, the are a known far left blog site.

Only far left drones are blind to that fact..

Not questioning what has happen I question the far left content for the far left blog site..

You said it should pass, no show why it should have.

Since you can not, this is just a partisan rant using a far left blog site.

Although the far left ACLU gave this bill their praise which definitely makes me glad it did not pass.

However the bill would not have made government smaller, contrary to the title of this thread..
So explain line by line why it should have passed..

Come on, that's a ridiculous demand. If these Democrats demanded that you go line-by-line through Obamacare and explain why it shouldn't have passed, would you have done that? Of course not. Suffice it to say that government acting to protect our privacy and to enact stronger limits and protections for spying on Americans is always a good thing.

So in other words the far left just wants whatever they want passed without question or hesitation..

No need to read it, the far left says it is good to go just pass it..
So explain line by line why it should have passed..

Come on, that's a ridiculous demand. If these Democrats demanded that you go line-by-line through Obamacare and explain why it shouldn't have passed, would you have done that? Of course not. Suffice it to say that government acting to protect our privacy and to enact stronger limits and protections for spying on Americans is always a good thing.

So in other words the far left just wants whatever they want passed without question or hesitation..

No need to read it, the far left says it is good to go just pass it..

You can go ask them what they want or why, has nothing to do with me. Any true conservative should be in favor of a new law that would limit the government's ability to spy on the people. Would I like even more than this bill was prepared to do? Absolutely. But some restriction is better than doing nothing.
So explain line by line why it should have passed..

Come on, that's a ridiculous demand. If these Democrats demanded that you go line-by-line through Obamacare and explain why it shouldn't have passed, would you have done that? Of course not. Suffice it to say that government acting to protect our privacy and to enact stronger limits and protections for spying on Americans is always a good thing.

So in other words the far left just wants whatever they want passed without question or hesitation..

No need to read it, the far left says it is good to go just pass it..

You can go ask them what they want or why, has nothing to do with me. Any true conservative should be in favor of a new law that would limit the government's ability to spy on the people. Would I like even more than this bill was prepared to do? Absolutely. But some restriction is better than doing nothing.

So are you outing yourself as a far left drone?

That is why I asked for a line by line explanation why it should pass.

But maybe you missed this part while believing the far left blog sites..

"The watered down version of the USA Freedom Act that passed the house has been widely criticized by civil liberties advocates and its original supporters amongst house members for extending the Patriot Act Mass surveillance programs without meaningful restraints undermining the original purpose of the bill."
Except that a real attempt to rein in the abuses of the NSA was defeated over a year ago.
NSA surveillance narrow defeat for amendment to restrict data collection US news The Guardian

The "Freedom" Act is just nonsense.
Rather than fundamentally changing the way the NSA scoops up data, the bill merely outsources collection to immunized telecoms, compelling them to do the NSA’s dirty work.

The "Freedom Act" is quite free with its Orwellian redefinition of common words to mean the exact opposite of what they have traditionally meant: for example, the bill defines a "selector" in such a way as to permit NSA to report a dragnet order collecting everyone’s VISA bill as a single order targeting specific alleged terrorist outfits – when, in the real world, it would legalize surveillance of over 300 million US citizens. No wonder Deputy NSA Director Richard Ledgett says that under the terms of the bill "the actual universe of potential calls that could be queried against is [potentially] dramatically larger."
The misnamed "USA Freedom Act" holds out the promise of "reform," but its main purpose is to mislead. It doesn’t minimize the intrusive surveillance techniques currently used by the NSA and other government agencies: instead it codifies them, in some instances, and in other instances masks ongoing abuses.
The 8216 USA Freedom Act 8217 Is A Fraud by Justin Raimondo --

Then of course there's the fact that the bill would have extended provisions of the Patriot Act until 2017. Nothing about this legislation would have led to a smaller government.

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