How solar farms took over the California desert: ‘An oasis has become a dead sea’

Is this why them DEMON-CRATS in TEXAS are leading the nation in wind energy ... Oklahoma is second? ...

It must be horrible living in such a DEMO-NAZI stronghold the size of TEXAS ... or Oklahoma ...

For the record ... the wind farm on the Columbia Gorge is returning a profit without specific government subsidies ... AND delivering cheapest-in-the-nation electricity ... I'm not saying wind is good for you, or that it is good everyplace ... HOWEVER, it's windy in West Texas ... real capitalists put up wind mills where they are profitable ... so what's your problem? ... you're not putting political ideology ahead of money, are you? ... Texas doesn't, why I like Texans so much ...
And nothing even close to what would be necessary to run a civilization is achieved with wind power in Texas, etc. Subsidies are the motivation. Sleazy gov control.
In addition to ruining the landscape. It’s OK because white democrats don’t live there.
Anyone who rationalizes the squeezedown on fossil fuel is either an insulated, self-righteous, ego-driven virtue signaller or a nefarious psychopath.
Anyone who rationalizes the squeezedown on fossil fuel is either an insulated, self-righteous, ego-driven virtue signaller or a nefarious psychopath.

I see your point here ... I do believe that there is more fossil fuel than most people realize ... myself included ... but someday, it will run out ... and that will be a bad time to begin with nuclear ...

What subsidies is Texas giving? ... Oregon wind only gets the subsidies any other energy source gets ... the ten years property taxes relief expired and was not renewed by the Oregon legislature ... those wind mills run against the wholesale electric market, and apparently returns a profit, they keep running ... but that's the Gorge, your experiences will be different ... judge the matter for your own neighborhood, don't worry about mine ... you know ... Pennsylvania Coal Country should burn coal ...
Where I currently live, solar farms are springing up, and they are ugly as hell and have ruined the beauty of the landscape.
Every time I drive out to southern California I drive past Ivanpah on I-15. Doesn't bother me at all.
I see your point here ... I do believe that there is more fossil fuel than most people realize ... myself included ... but someday, it will run out ... and that will be a bad time to begin with nuclear ...

What subsidies is Texas giving? ... Oregon wind only gets the subsidies any other energy source gets ... the ten years property taxes relief expired and was not renewed by the Oregon legislature ... those wind mills run against the wholesale electric market, and apparently returns a profit, they keep running ... but that's the Gorge, your experiences will be different ... judge the matter for your own neighborhood, don't worry about mine ... you know ... Pennsylvania Coal Country should burn coal ...
States receive tax breaks for wind farms. Subsidies.
The rest of the non-western world will continue with fossil fuels in spite of American virtue signalers. The poorest people will continue to live in poverty and starvation in the name of AGW alarmist virtue-signaling ego.
Meanwhile, those of us in America attempting a middle class existence will still be shorted tens of thousands of dollars annually because of condescending Marxist-dupe democrat AGW alarmists.
States receive tax breaks for wind farms. Subsidies.

Do you have a reference for this? ... what subsidy? ...

The rest of the non-western world will continue with fossil fuels in spite of American virtue signalers. The poorest people will continue to live in poverty and starvation in the name of AGW alarmist virtue-signaling ego.
Meanwhile, those of us in America attempting a middle class existence will still be shorted tens of thousands of dollars annually because of condescending Marxist-dupe democrat AGW alarmists.

Oh ... yeah ... you should attempt an affluent class existence ... less taxes ... just saying ...
Do you have a reference for this? ... what subsidy? ...

Oh ... yeah ... you should attempt an affluent class existence ... less taxes ... just saying ...
Tax credits and tax breaks are subsidies.
At least you admit your condescending insulation.
Tax credits and tax breaks are subsidies.
At least you admit your condescending insulation.

No reference means it's not true ... what tax breaks do wind farms get that no other energy production business has? ...

Stupid middle class doesn't understand depreciation ... it's not a tax break any more than writing off an oil derrick's electricity bill ... c.f. Schedule C of the Form 1040 ... condescending because everyone has a right to open a section 1250 business, and report all your assets as section 1250 business assets ... but if you like paying taxes, then go ahead and let your employer handle all of that ... I honestly don't mind collecting on your SS taxes every month ...
No reference means it's not true ... what tax breaks do wind farms get that no other energy production business has? ...

Stupid middle class doesn't understand depreciation ... it's not a tax break any more than writing off an oil derrick's electricity bill ... c.f. Schedule C of the Form 1040 ... condescending because everyone has a right to open a section 1250 business, and report all your assets as section 1250 business assets ... but if you like paying taxes, then go ahead and let your employer handle all of that ... I honestly don't mind collecting on your SS taxes every month ...
It’s a subsidy based in destroying the landscape and promoting a Marxist control scam. That you don’t mind scamming off others is a mark of your own lack of character.
See ya…
It’s a subsidy based in destroying the landscape and promoting a Marxist control scam. That you don’t mind scamming off others is a mark of your own lack of character.
See ya…

No subsides ... it's a desert wasteland of no other use to humans ... it was bunchgrass savannah before whities turned cattle lose ... now it's just sage desert ...
Can anyone who supports solar power explain how the solar plant linked to in the OP is better for the environment than a French nuclear power plant that takes up less than 1% as much land?

Here's a brief excerpt from the article in the OP:

How solar farms took over the California desert: ‘An oasis has become a dead sea’

The Riverside East Solar Energy Zone – the ground zero of California’s solar energy boom – stretches for 150,000 acres, making it 10 times the size of Manhattan.

... solar plants create myriad environmental problems, including habitat destruction and “lethal death traps” for birds, which dive at the panels, mistaking them for water

... one project bulldozed 600 acres of designated critical habitat for the endangered desert tortoise, while populations of Mojave fringe-toed lizards and bighorn sheep have also been afflicted
Can anyone who supports solar power explain how the solar plant linked to in the OP is better for the environment than a French nuclear power plant that takes up less than 1% as much land?

Here's a brief excerpt from the article in the OP:

How solar farms took over the California desert: ‘An oasis has become a dead sea’

The Riverside East Solar Energy Zone – the ground zero of California’s solar energy boom – stretches for 150,000 acres, making it 10 times the size of Manhattan.

... solar plants create myriad environmental problems, including habitat destruction and “lethal death traps” for birds, which dive at the panels, mistaking them for water

... one project bulldozed 600 acres of designated critical habitat for the endangered desert tortoise, while populations of Mojave fringe-toed lizards and bighorn sheep have also been afflicted

It's time consuming to hang your laundry on a line to dry in the sun ... but the energy comes from the peanut butter and jelly sandwich you had for lunch ... carbon neutral and biodegradable ... solar power ...

... saves money ...
I've got no problem with solar power, as long as it doesn't come with the usual leftwing price tag hysteria of demanding an end to coal, petroleum, and hydro power.
trading pollution one does see for one that is unseen isn't going to save the environment ~S~

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