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How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today

Photo of the communist's document allowing death penalty for children:
ah here's where your hipocrisy & falsehood exposed in full... for some reason you failed to mention that this document concerns criminal activities like murder and violence where death sentence is absolutely justified; you also concealed the fact that the USSR had emerged from the chaos of The Civil War which left a lot of criminals (including gangs made of children) walking free, robbing and killing; so the issue called for being handled in the most drastic way.
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i meant surnames, of course.
Surnames? I am a bit tired to find them. If this law was accepted, there was the need in using it.

you wouldn't get jailed for 'way of thinking' back then and never.
you had to belong to a group of corporate interests or be a criminal like murderer or rapist to do time that long.
Don't try to fool people. Everybody knows that people in USSR were killed not only because of "wrong thinking", but because of possibility of it! Just like of being relative to the one of the wrong social class (nobility or russian elite).
if you count those who died natural death, like old age or desease, then yes, millions.
but it concerns every country whatever period in history.
of course i do not count natural deaths.

seems you've no idea how a State governed. Stalin depended on the people more than any other ruler did in history of mankind.
he needed soldiers, workers and peasants to defend and build the country.
yep, and those who he "needed" were a small part of the whole russian people. That is why army was devastated by him before the war as like peasants and cossacks and priesthood.

now i see, your a nazi, aren't you?
how can I identify what do you see? Do not know your fantasies. I'v heard that all that soviets are against to is "nazism". Mental disorder...
don't make up stories again, you would not fool anyone here.
here? You hardly find here or there one more insane stalin's believer like you!
concerns criminal activities like murder and violence where death sentence is absolutely justified
or as i said, for stalin and his adepts death penalty for children absolutely justified!
Firtsly communists made the Civil War, secondary they justify killing children by this War. Hard to determine what is worse: the War made by them or continuing children's killings.
Everybody knows that people in USSR were killed not only because of "wrong thinking", but because of possibility of it!
well, all i can say is you are a liar.

i was born and lived in the USSR, and back then i was of anti-Soviet views, and nobody was jailed for 'thinking' there.
yep, and those who he "needed" were a small part of the whole russian people.
your not only a liar but also in denial.

workers, peasants & soldiers to serve a country as vast as Russia just cannot be a small part of the population.
Firtsly communists made the Civil War, secondary they justify killing children by this War.
ah there you go... wanna talk it?

okay let's talk.

you, anti-Russian trolls and sanctimonious hypocrites, don't you even dare try redistribute the blame for what happened in Russia 1917 and the resulting Civil War; as if you hated tsars and the Russian Monarchy any less than you hate Stalin and the USSR right now, eh? Russia Empire collapse was what you desired to happen. Britain, America and Germany were behind it and pulling strings. Stalin, Trotsky & Lenin, as of at the start of civil war, appeared to be British, US & German agents respectively; although there's no documented proof for it, but the followed post-war struggle for power among them or their clans might give a hint. Russia, now the USSR, was being introduced into world geopolitics on the level she had not experienced before - this explains all that happened under Stalin's rule.
There are degrees of it.
that's hypocrisy if so. Stalin was dealing with incomparably more complex issues than any ruler in world history; he had to build a country from scratch and create a new ruling elite in place of the annihilated one; he also built a new model state with completely different economy model than ever seen before; this was achieved amidst raging bureaucracy wars and sabotage; its just fantastic that he managed to accomplish that.

It was not exactly that difficult. It was no secret even before stalin's time, that you can implement anything if you kill enough people for it. In fact, generally, in history, it is usually about a 50 % kill level which guarantees anything. The ottomans did it, the English did it, even the ancient Romans did it, and the habsburgs did it too. Stalin just followed the recepie. It was Lenin who assembled the infrastructure for it though, fully planning and anticipating every result of it. There fore I think _Igrok is right, and Lenin outdid Stalin and all his contemporaries.
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.

Comrade Stalin holding little mememe

How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today

March 20, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield

There are two ways that liberal historians usually look at Stalin. The most leftward of these is to see Stalin as a victim of German and American imperialism who struggled to maintain the peace in the face of aggressive expansionistic efforts by Nazi Germany and the United States.

Such a revisionist history would seem to have been thoroughly discredited in this day and age, despite its persistence in the early days of the Cold War, but it continues resurfacing, most recently in an Oliver Stone documentary series.

But for the most part, Khrushchev’s disavowal of Stalin completed a process that began once the Soviet dictator cut a deal with Hitler, triggering a growing Destalinization cascade on the left. Stalinists still persisted in the West, but their influence on the authoring of history steadily diminished. Instead they embraced a different version of history that would salvage the ideological integrity of the left.

In this more conventional version of history, Stalin was not truly a Communist, but a non-ideological dictator who had seized control of the Soviet ship of state and transformed a promisingly progressive revolution into a backward feudal tyranny.


This question, like so many of the others in Stalin’s Curse, remains applicable today. While Stalin is dead, there are many lesser Stalins like Morsi, small vicious men with an unlimited capacity for bloodshed and an even more unlimited ability to fool Western leaders into believing in their sincerity and goodness.

The negotiations that allowed Stalin to gobble up so many countries have been repeated again and again. And every time that diplomats call for a diplomatic solution in North Korea and Iran, we find ourselves back sitting across the table from Uncle Joe.

And that may be Stalin’s true curse.

How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today
Quite evident you are an illiterate on soviet and Russian history and history of Europe in WWII ,and haven't actually traveled to other parts of the world or spoke to people who lived and grew up their and then , but then again should be expected from the low educated hyper religious
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
This makes sense, and fits well with the various historical records of manipulations during ww1. In fact, it is even published, that the organizations that controlled Germany became the organizations that acquired control over Russia and the whole east Europe too, under the name Soviet Union, and it can be understood, that they needed these criminal circles, because average people would not give them the time of day. Most famously, they shipped Lenin as cargo, all the way from west Europe to Russia.
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
I like creating too. I agree, even dictators deserve a little creative love. I think the best of stalins creations is the big nature reserve called Siberia. Too bad, he then had to go and industrialize that too. Do you know about 30 million pieces of it? Half of those are women, and I wonder how they fare against western 300 pounders?
to me, there is one advantage of the soviet regime: since that in Russia very few people see world in the pink colour... If one looked back to imperial Russia, he would see its elite waving in its dreams about unrealistic world and so on. USSR was very realistic, it was all about realism, no place for dreams, except some scientific one.

That is what I like there. However, even people were considered as a simple resource...
to me, there is one advantage of the soviet regime: since that in Russia very few people see world in the pink colour... If one looked back to imperial Russia, he would see its elite waving in its dreams about unrealistic world and so on. USSR was very realistic, it was all about realism, no place for dreams, except some scientific one.

That is what I like there. However, even people were considered as a simple resource...
Very puzzling about the Soviet Union is that it opposed nation states in Europe originally. Then by ww2, it itself engaged in the creation of new nation states such as e.g. Czechoslovakia, for the express purpose of starting nationalistic conflicts. This is interesting.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia,
sorry, but that sounds absurd and pertains to fairy-tales, not to discussion by adults.
What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
because in that he saved himself too, and also, any ruler wants his country and its peoples be in an ok shape, otherwise why even try become one.
Very puzzling about the Soviet Union is that it opposed nation states in Europe originally.
you might not know, but there was at least 3 Soviet Unions, each having nothing to do with one another; same about Lenin (there was 2 Lenins) and Stalin (there was 3 Stalins) - to get all this, you should carefully follow the timeline, which you don't (for lack of education probably, which is not your fault though).
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia,
sorry, but that sounds absurd and pertains to fairy-tales, not to discussion by adults.
What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
because in that he saved himself too, and also, any ruler wants his country and its peoples be in an ok shape, otherwise why even try become one.

Not if the ruler works for others, outside his country.

Very puzzling about the Soviet Union is that it opposed nation states in Europe originally.
you might not know, but there was at least 3 Soviet Unions, each having nothing to do with one another; same about Lenin (there was 2 Lenins) and Stalin (there was 3 Stalins) - to get all this, you should carefully follow the timeline, which you don't (for lack of education probably, which is not your fault though).

3 Soviet Unions, 2 Lenins, and 3 Stalins? And you have nothing to explain this with ....
3 Soviet Unions, 2 Lenins, and 3 Stalins? And you have nothing to explain this with ....
and why should i? you can do your own research (which i doubt though because you already failed to see what's on the surface of it all). USSR 1 - a revolutionary state of the 1920s to spread the Revolution worldwide. USSR 2 - a counter revolutionary state of the 1930/40s to curb the world revolution. USSR 3 - a state to abandon Communism and go Capitalist in the late 1980s & early 1991s. Lenin 1 - a terrorist, as of before 1917, to destroy everything he sees. Lenin 2 - the chairman of a new model state, to rebuild everything destroyed & build even more. Stalin 1&2 - same as Lenin's. Stalin 3 - the Henry Ford of Soviet Union, in many respects.
3 Soviet Unions, 2 Lenins, and 3 Stalins? And you have nothing to explain this with ....
and why should i? you can do your own research (which i doubt though because you already failed to see what's on the surface of it all). USSR 1 - a revolutionary state of the 1920s to spread the Revolution worldwide. USSR 2 - a counter revolutionary state of the 1930/40s to curb the world revolution. USSR 3 - a state to abandon Communism and go Capitalist in the late 1980s & early 1991s. Lenin 1 - a terrorist, as of before 1917, to destroy everything he sees. Lenin 2 - the chairman of a new model state, to rebuild everything destroyed & build even more. Stalin 1&2 - same as Lenin's. Stalin 3 - the Henry Ford of Soviet Union, in many respects.
Very interesting. I guess no wonder that the Russians know more than most, that it is not good to experiment on people.

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