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How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today

Reminds you of Vladimir Putin, doesn't it?

not in the least.

Stalin was a mass murderer and a madman.

grow up.
It is a matter of facing reality, Sharik. Stalin was a mass murderer. As for Putin, can a man who has assassinated journalists, political opponents and other innocent people be forgiven by the Lord Jesus Christ? Yes, there are many testimonies of people who became born again Christians and repented of such wicked behavior (murder, lies, deceit). Your best response? Pray for Putin that God will open his eyes. Pray for your people, that they will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. That is what you should do.
It is a matter of facing reality, Sharik. Stalin was a mass murderer.

so face the reality: Stalin ruled the country for 30 years, people died natural deaths, they later were all listed as killed by Stalin; as well as rapists, murderers & thieves in gulags were listed as political prisoners; you see, its a stitch up.
It was not exactly that difficult.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
Reminds you of Vladimir Putin, doesn't it?
not really. In his young ages Putin was an excellent pupil, was good in judo. Nowadays according to his very strange laws he makes me think a lot of about USSR resurrection, but still i hope that this is just an illusion
I think what Putin sees is that his homeland is being divided by unnamed powers behind France and the EU once again, like kolchak, denikin, and other anti revolutionary generals tried to divide Soviet Russia for France during ww1. It would be bad news if Putin recreates Soviet Russia, but what other options are possible under this renewed isolation by the "international community"?
Okay Jeremiah, so what is a God fearing king to do, if Putin was a God fearing King of Russia, when the entire international community is programmed to push against him to divide and loot his native towns that he wants to protect? What would be God's advice to such a king?
Okay Jeremiah, so what is a God fearing king to do, if Putin was a God fearing King of Russia, when the entire international community is programmed to push against him to divide and loot his native towns that he wants to protect? What would be God's advice to such a king?
Because America is under the judgment of God, what Putin has planned against America must come to pass. America has no history of being an Islamic state nor an international corporation run by the Vatican although for some time that is precisely what Rome has accomplished by craftily sending their Jesuits to assassinate our presidents (Lincoln and Kennedy were both murdered by Jesuits sent on assignment from Rome) as well as assassinating Kings, Presidents, Rulers around the world.

If Putin is as brilliant as Igrok implies that he is (and he may be - I do not know) then he already knows the history of the Vatican and it's plotting against Russia - because the ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera explained exactly how the Vatican sought to destroy Russia and how it was diverted. In fact, the Jesuits murdered Rivera for revealing their secrets. Surely the Russians were paying attention to the massive information Rivera exposed about the Pope and Jesuits and what he read underneath the Vatican - their documents which went back many, many centuries including their plots against Russia.....

I believe that the Vatican has already renewed their old concordat with Moscow as they are pushing for the new brand of Marxism that is now sweeping the world.

That is why they elected a communist pope in 1978. Pope John Paul II was a communist. Liberal theology and social gospel is what Jesuit Pope Francis espouses too. Frances is a Communist and his agenda is pushing for gun control and disarmament of USA. If tomorrow being a Communist would not work for this Jesuit Pope he would overnight become a "Capitolist"....he will be whatever he must be - a chameleon - Jesuits are known for such deception and tactics to deceive those they target....

The Vatican knows that America's best days are over with and has already moved quickly to align herself politically with Moscow. See the book The Vatican - Moscow - Washington Alliance by Avro Manhattan. This plan has been in the works for some time.

What Putin probably already knows is that the Vatican was behind the entire creation of the New World Order Internationalism. It was Jesuits who created the first UN (League of Nations) and Jesuits who created the second one. They have been working behind the scenes all along. Maybe that is (partially) why he does not want anything to do with it. Why would Putin want to let the Vatican use him to create his own new world order only to hand it over to them? Does that make sense?

I do not believe that the Russians will be fooled by the Vatican and it's Roman Empire twice.
Okay Jeremiah, so what is a God fearing king to do, if Putin was a God fearing King of Russia, when the entire international community is programmed to push against him to divide and loot his native towns that he wants to protect? What would be God's advice to such a king?
This is what I believe about Putin. I believe he has never had an encounter with Jesus Christ and does not know the LORD. He doesn't read the KJV Holy Bible and he has no idea of what the Scriptures say or what the truth is about who Jesus Christ is. Therein he is like Paul the Apostle before his conversion. Paul was a murderer before he was converted. Many a man has been saved even after committing such heinous crimes. The Lord Jesus Christ can forgive a man of such sins and he could very well draw this man to Him by the power of His Holy Spirit.

On the other hand, Pope Francis knows exactly what the KJV Holy Bible says but his goal is to destroy God's Holy Word, hunt down the Protestants and Jews who resist him and see to it that we are all murdered. What he does - he does not do in ignorance of God's Holy Word. Pope Francis is a man who knows full well what he does and spits in the face of Jesus Christ. He is an enemy of Jesus Christ to the fullest degree and sense of the word.

I would sooner believe that Vladimir Putin could become a born again Christian than the Jesuit Herod of Rome ever could.
Add to this the poisoning of Litvinenko and the journalists who have also reportedly been assassinated by Putin.

only shows how ignorant you are. Putin has nothing to do with these assassinations, and Russians in London were killed by MI5.
Perhaps not but at least one of his victims is convinced that he did - Lavintinko said on his death bed that it was Putin who did it to him...

....again - could Putin be forgiven all of his sins - even murder? Yes, I believe he could be. Why don't you pray for him instead of denying the lost state he is in - he's perishing. Pray for him. That would be wisdom, Sharik.
Lavintinko said on his death bed that it was Putin who did it to him...

he did not say anything of the sort. Berezovsky and Goldfarb put the words in his mouth, but his father believes it was them who killed his son; at least Wikipedia says so.
not difficult if seen from hindsight but, at the moment, no one knew what the situation would turn out to be. Stalin didn't set killing people as a goal; on contrary, he tried to save as many as he could; thats why he resorted to Russian historical values and gave up Bolshevism, in order to create, not destroy.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
Reminds you of Vladimir Putin, doesn't it?
not really. In his young ages Putin was an excellent pupil, was good in judo. Nowadays according to his very strange laws he makes me think a lot of about USSR resurrection, but still i hope that this is just an illusion
I think what Putin sees is that his homeland is being divided by unnamed powers behind France and the EU once again, like kolchak, denikin, and other anti revolutionary generals tried to divide Soviet Russia for France during ww1. It would be bad news if Putin recreates Soviet Russia, but what other options are possible under this renewed isolation by the "international community"?
In Soviet time the will to isolate the country was on the USSR's side. Nowadays Russia seeks methods to get rid of it. And finds it. In all cases (equipment provision or other interactions) Russia gets what it wants, because it is profitable for both sides. And if US or Europe do not want to provide their service, it is possible to have interaction with Asia or Middle East to get this (or get american production via "special purpose vehicle"). There is no problem here.
No, Stalin exploited historic Russian values in order to kill as many people as he could all around Russia, most famously in the Ukraine, but later in ww2 in Hungary and in Poland too. He was clever, and he figured that that is the only way. What makes you think that he had an interest in saving anyone?
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
Reminds you of Vladimir Putin, doesn't it?
not really. In his young ages Putin was an excellent pupil, was good in judo. Nowadays according to his very strange laws he makes me think a lot of about USSR resurrection, but still i hope that this is just an illusion
I think what Putin sees is that his homeland is being divided by unnamed powers behind France and the EU once again, like kolchak, denikin, and other anti revolutionary generals tried to divide Soviet Russia for France during ww1. It would be bad news if Putin recreates Soviet Russia, but what other options are possible under this renewed isolation by the "international community"?
In Soviet time the will to isolate the country was on the USSR's side. Nowadays Russia seeks methods to get rid of it. And finds it. In all cases (equipment provision or other interactions) Russia gets what it wants, because it is profitable for both sides. And if US or Europe do not want to provide their service, it is possible to have interaction with Asia or Middle East to get this (or get american production via "special purpose vehicle"). There is no problem here.
Here is the difference between the history of America and Russia. American history - her greatest victories - inventions - massive wealth - prosperity - were because of her faith in God and being called of God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other nation on the face of the earth has ever been blessed the way the United States has been. So America's blessings have come from God and our chastisement has and will come from God because we are not illegitimate children of God Almighty.

The history of Russia can make no such claim. Their greatest victories were accomplished through communism, deception, lies, mass murder and satanic endeavors. There was never a Russian government that sought the Lord Jesus Christ for success - no - your history is full of dark days of mass murderers, killing your own people, starving your own people, Gulags, Siberian wastelands, nothing but misery and hangovers from too much vodka........no wonder the term became famous "Russian Brides"........who would want this? Drunken communists / wife beaters / railers are not what little girls grow up dreaming to marry, you know... Even Stalin's daughter defected to the USA. Who could blame her?

The truth is the dream of the Russian woman was to come to America because there was a time when America was known and called "The American Dream." American men were known to be among the most valiant soldiers, noble, kind hearted, successful and generous. All characteristics of Christian men. There was a time when such men were plentiful in America...

Russia has no such history. The world never knew any such title, The Russian dream. Russian Gulag? Yes. But who wants that?

Listen to me. When it comes to Olympics - we used nothing more than a JV team to crush the Russians in the 1980's Hockey Olympic title. How did this happen. I will tell you how. Your leaders do not understand the importance of freedom and the human spirit.

I mean true freedom. Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to vote in fair elections, freedom to start a business and prosper from it.

Your people defected from Russia because they wanted freedom from oppression, freedom from Kremlin, KGB and secret police. Freedom from big brother. Freedom from starvation and poverty. They wanted to live their lives in a free country and therein they chose to live in America rather than Russia. Again - who could blame them? These people were created in the image of God and it is stamped upon their very soul to desire to be free and know God! It is most natural to have such desires. God gave mankind the desire for freedom!

The truth is the truth. I pity the Russian people. They have been brainwashed to believe lies against America and her people. America's history was to stand on the side of those who were oppressed. Which is why we fought for their liberty while your country sided with their persecutors and fought to see them remain slaves.

Your country has done nothing but brought you shame. Your country has allies like North Korea, Cuba and China because this is their character. Godless, soulless men who live off of the labor of others like parasites. It's a disgraceful heritage. I do understand why your people try so desperately to deflect the truth about their Motherland - Stratford and Tehon would seek to convince the American people all blame should be on America - but by the facts and foundation American history? You have all been proven dead wrong.

* On the subject of the defeat Russian hockey team suffered in 1980 - they cried like babies until they could change the rules of the game and force America to accept the "Dream Team" rules - since then? No more wins for America. You see, the Russians (government) cannot win fairly. They must go behind the scenes and cheat, lie, steal, corrupt, bribe, murder........how do you think they sold their Marxist propaganda to this past generation of students in American colleges and Universities?

Again, I pity the people of Russia. Yes, Putin will invade America (with his communist nation allies) when China invades Taiwan and USA responds......but you should know that although the Lord uses the wicked for his sword (Psalm 17) - when he is finished - he will bring his judgment upon you and your country. Then where will you be?

I pray you will do the right thing now and get on your hands and knees and repent of your sins and cry out for mercy to the Lord Jesus Christ. You have no idea what you are getting into. None at all. Take my Word for it.
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It is a matter of facing reality, Sharik. Stalin was a mass murderer.

so face the reality: Stalin ruled the country for 30 years, people died natural deaths, they later were all listed as killed by Stalin; as well as rapists, murderers & thieves in gulags were listed as political prisoners; you see, its a stitch up.
No one has victimized and brutalized the Russian people more than their own Government and Political Rulers. It has been the history of Russia to starve, enslave, spy on and massacre their own people. I would expect no less from the mother land of Communism. It is the same story wherever socialism /Communism takes over.......North Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela..... it is the nature of communism and I feel deep sympathy for the people living under such oppression. Many have never known any other life - to them? It is normal. How sad. How terribly, terribly sad.
The history of Russia can make no such claim. Their greatest victories were accomplished through communism, deception, lies, mass murder and satanic endeavors.

so what? US achievements were obtained through Capitalism, none the better than Communism.

your history is full of dark days of mass murderers, killing your own people, starving your own people, Gulags, Siberian wastelands,

you mean we have been living like that all the time?.. your terribly wrong. Siberia is not wastelands, btw, go and study the subject before posting BS.

nothing but misery and hangovers from too much vodka

really? hard liquors all the way? not even beer, tea or coffee? Western media did a job on you...

no wonder the term became famous "Russian Brides"

dates back to the 1990s. try get a real Russian bride right now, you wouldn't get any.

The truth is the dream of the Russian woman was to come to America because there was a time when America was known and called "The American Dream."

yeah, its called 'advertising' and some fall for it, however we call it lies.

The world never knew any such title, The Russian dream.

have to admit, we Russians aren't any good at advertising or cheating people.

Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to vote in fair elections,

you US folks don't have the former & the latter of the above mentioned.

freedom to start a business and prosper from it.

that you can do in Russia too these days.

Your people defected from Russia because they wanted freedom from oppression, freedom from Kremlin, KGB and secret police.

no, because they were payed by the CIA to defect, and the payment was made with US taxpayers money, btw.

I pity the Russian people.

save your crocodile tears for someone else.

Your country has done nothing but brought you shame.

shame that you don't use the internet to look up on the subject of Russia before posting utter nonsense.

Yes, Putin will invade America (with his communist nation allies) when China invades Taiwan and USA responds

from here on i think any further discussion to be pointless.
No one has victimized and brutalized the Russian people more than their own Government and Political Rulers. It has been the history of Russia to starve, enslave, spy on and massacre their own people.

that is the most idiotic attempt at building mythology ever seen...

a country can't exist the way you describe, especially such country as Russia, which had a lot of work to do, hence they needed people to be happy with the authorities and rulers.

you obviously hate every thing Russian, not only Stalin and Communists, but also every tsar and Orthodox priest, as a result of the brainwashing you have been subjected to; this proves there's no freedom of press in the West, and its education system conducts indoctrination instead of educating people and spreads bigotry.
Futhermore, originally he was a murderer not as a politician, but in common sense. During his job in communist party in the early 20th century he was killing and robbing people as a member of a gang. All the communists - were more or less connected with criminal world, gangsters - were their allies as the class that had nothing to lose and most opposed to Russia.
Reminds you of Vladimir Putin, doesn't it?
not really. In his young ages Putin was an excellent pupil, was good in judo. Nowadays according to his very strange laws he makes me think a lot of about USSR resurrection, but still i hope that this is just an illusion
I think what Putin sees is that his homeland is being divided by unnamed powers behind France and the EU once again, like kolchak, denikin, and other anti revolutionary generals tried to divide Soviet Russia for France during ww1. It would be bad news if Putin recreates Soviet Russia, but what other options are possible under this renewed isolation by the "international community"?
In Soviet time the will to isolate the country was on the USSR's side. Nowadays Russia seeks methods to get rid of it. And finds it. In all cases (equipment provision or other interactions) Russia gets what it wants, because it is profitable for both sides. And if US or Europe do not want to provide their service, it is possible to have interaction with Asia or Middle East to get this (or get american production via "special purpose vehicle"). There is no problem here.
Here is the difference between the history of America and Russia. American history - her greatest victories - inventions - massive wealth - prosperity - were because of her faith in God and being called of God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other nation on the face of the earth has ever been blessed the way the United States has been. So America's blessings have come from God and our chastisement has and will come from God because we are not illegitimate children of God Almighty.

The history of Russia can make no such claim. Their greatest victories were accomplished through communism, deception, lies, mass murder and satanic endeavors. There was never a Russian government that sought the Lord Jesus Christ for success - no - your history is full of dark days of mass murderers, killing your own people, starving your own people, Gulags, Siberian wastelands, nothing but misery and hangovers from too much vodka........no wonder the term became famous "Russian Brides"........who would want this? Drunken communists / wife beaters / railers are not what little girls grow up dreaming to marry, you know... Even Stalin's daughter defected to the USA. Who could blame her?

The truth is the dream of the Russian woman was to come to America because there was a time when America was known and called "The American Dream." American men were known to be among the most valiant soldiers, noble, kind hearted, successful and generous. All characteristics of Christian men. There was a time when such men were plentiful in America...

Russia has no such history. The world never knew any such title, The Russian dream. Russian Gulag? Yes. But who wants that?

Listen to me. When it comes to Olympics - we used nothing more than a JV team to crush the Russians in the 1980's Hockey Olympic title. How did this happen. I will tell you how. Your leaders do not understand the importance of freedom and the human spirit.

I mean true freedom. Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom to vote in fair elections, freedom to start a business and prosper from it.

Your people defected from Russia because they wanted freedom from oppression, freedom from Kremlin, KGB and secret police. Freedom from big brother. Freedom from starvation and poverty. They wanted to live their lives in a free country and therein they chose to live in America rather than Russia. Again - who could blame them? These people were created in the image of God and it is stamped upon their very soul to desire to be free and know God! It is most natural to have such desires. God gave mankind the desire for freedom!

The truth is the truth. I pity the Russian people. They have been brainwashed to believe lies against America and her people. America's history was to stand on the side of those who were oppressed. Which is why we fought for their liberty while your country sided with their persecutors and fought to see them remain slaves.

Your country has done nothing but brought you shame. Your country has allies like North Korea, Cuba and China because this is their character. Godless, soulless men who live off of the labor of others like parasites. It's a disgraceful heritage. I do understand why your people try so desperately to deflect the truth about their Motherland - Stratford and Tehon would seek to convince the American people all blame should be on America - but by the facts and foundation American history? You have all been proven dead wrong.

* On the subject of the defeat Russian hockey team suffered in 1980 - they cried like babies until they could change the rules of the game and force America to accept the "Dream Team" rules - since then? No more wins for America. You see, the Russians (government) cannot win fairly. They must go behind the scenes and cheat, lie, steal, corrupt, bribe, murder........how do you think they sold their Marxist propaganda to this past generation of students in American colleges and Universities?

Again, I pity the people of Russia. Yes, Putin will invade America (with his communist nation allies) when China invades Taiwan and USA responds......but you should know that although the Lord uses the wicked for his sword (Psalm 17) - when he is finished - he will bring his judgment upon you and your country. Then where will you be?

I pray you will do the right thing now and get on your hands and knees and repent of your sins and cry out for mercy to the Lord Jesus Christ. You have no idea what you are getting into. None at all. Take my Word for it.
What was it?)
I have read all the message - thank you! It is very interesting. Never knew the point of american people towards russia. It is hard to believe but in Russia we often say "Russia is the Holy Rus"(old russian state). That means that the main goal of living is to obey the Church!
After that - it was interesting to see your point about freedom. In our country freedom - it is not when one can copulate with who he likes (man and woman), not when you could make propaganda about unofficial religions which make harm to whose who follow it, not when man has to spend all his life to get rich or die trying. All the energy russians have they spend on mostly religious things, secondary - on culture or science. Even communism was not to lie to somebody but to follow it as a religion. That is why russia is behind catholics and protestants in comfort of living - because it does not matter! If you want to have an overview about happiness in Russia - try this series:

The last is that Russia is about 1000 years whereas communists ruled over there 75 year - it is only 7% of the whole time.
And why do you like so much one hockey match US vs USSR? Russia/USSR has won Olympic gold 8 times whereas USA just 2. I pity american people.
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If that be true then why did Russia just enact laws on July 20, 2016 making it illegal for any Protestant or Christian of any denomination to share their faith with their own children inside their own home, invite a family member to church online or in public? Why did they make it a law that Christians are only permitted to speak about their faith inside a church building or at a designated religious site pre- approved by the Russian government?

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
UPDATE: Putin Approves Law Making It Illegal to Share the Gospel Outside of Russian Churches
Russia puts lid on Christians sharing faith
Russia: Christians banned from discussing faith outside church - Premier Christian Radio

Is this how you define Russia's support of freedom for Christians? Comfort of living?
To threaten these people with arrest and prosecution if they fail to comply?

If Putin were to change his mind about this law and decree it unjust I would be persuaded to believe you and soften my opinion of him but is he a man that would consider all of the Christians of Russia and not just the consideration of the Russian Orthodox Church? That is yet to be determined. I'll be waiting to see what he does.

On the matter of the USA defeating the Russian hockey team in 1980... I have already told you why there was never another such victory. The rules were changed and thereafter the American teams were forced to change to "Dream Teams." I should challenge the title, as it is more likened to "Disaster Teams."

You've proven my point quite nicely. I must thank you, Igrok.

In closing, my conflict is not with the people of Russia but rather their government which has not done them any favors.
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If that be true then why did Russia just enact laws on July 20, 2016 making it illegal for any Protestant or Christian of any denomination to share their faith with their own children inside their own home, invite a family member to church online or in public? Why did they make it a law that Christians are only permitted to speak about their faith inside a church building or at a designated religious site pre- approved by the Russian government?

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
UPDATE: Putin Approves Law Making It Illegal to Share the Gospel Outside of Russian Churches
Russia puts lid on Christians sharing faith
Russia: Christians banned from discussing faith outside church - Premier Christian Radio

Is this how you define Russia's support of freedom for Christians? To threaten these people with arrest and prosecution if they fail to comply?

If Putin were to change his mind about this law and decree it unjust I would be persuaded to believe you and soften my opinion of him but is he a man that would consider all of the Christians of Russia and not just the consideration of the Russian Orthodox Church? That is yet to be determined. I'll be waiting to see what he does.

On the matter of the USA defeating the Russian hockey team in 1980... I have already told you why there was never another such victory. The rules were changed and thereafter the American teams were forced to change to "Dream Teams." I should challenge the title, as it is more likened to "Disaster Teams."

You've proven my point quite nicely. I must thank you, Igrok.

In closing, my conflict is not with the people of Russia but rather their government which has not done them any favors.
The freedom is about when each man in the state can do what he wants. Really? If i am the programmer i do not like Putin or whoever to give me advices how to write a code. Also if you are the president why one should give you advices how to do your job best? That is the point. That is why russian do not like revolutions and citizen's rights. Cause it is out of your business. If want to take part in political life - ok, be the politician. That is all.
Secondary, from the 988 russia was built by russian orthodox church. It was untill 1917 year the main religion, absolute majority of russians were orthodox christians. So now russia backs to its roots. Other "christian denominations" are out of russian culture and russian traditions. So, this is russian freedom - to be in accordance with Orthodox Church as much as possible. If you do not know, according to Orthodoxy, this religion is the only one has the Holy Spirit, and God inside it.
And another point is that there is plenty of old soviet people there who really want to ressurect USSR, i hope during the time they will gone.
If that be true then why did Russia just enact laws on July 20, 2016 making it illegal for any Protestant or Christian of any denomination to share their faith with their own children inside their own home, invite a family member to church online or in public? Why did they make it a law that Christians are only permitted to speak about their faith inside a church building or at a designated religious site pre- approved by the Russian government?

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
UPDATE: Putin Approves Law Making It Illegal to Share the Gospel Outside of Russian Churches
Russia puts lid on Christians sharing faith
Russia: Christians banned from discussing faith outside church - Premier Christian Radio

Is this how you define Russia's support of freedom for Christians? To threaten these people with arrest and prosecution if they fail to comply?

If Putin were to change his mind about this law and decree it unjust I would be persuaded to believe you and soften my opinion of him but is he a man that would consider all of the Christians of Russia and not just the consideration of the Russian Orthodox Church? That is yet to be determined. I'll be waiting to see what he does.

On the matter of the USA defeating the Russian hockey team in 1980... I have already told you why there was never another such victory. The rules were changed and thereafter the American teams were forced to change to "Dream Teams." I should challenge the title, as it is more likened to "Disaster Teams."

You've proven my point quite nicely. I must thank you, Igrok.

In closing, my conflict is not with the people of Russia but rather their government which has not done them any favors.
The freedom is about when each man in the state can do what he wants. Really? If i am the programmer i do not like Putin or whoever to give me advices how to write a code. Also if you are the president why one should give you advices how to do your job best? That is the point. That is why russian do not like revolutions and citizen's rights. Cause it is out of your business. If want to take part in political life - ok, be the politician. That is all.
Secondary, from the 988 russia was built by russian orthodox church. It was untill 1917 year the main religion, absolute majority of russians were orthodox christians. So now russia backs to its roots. Other "christian denominations" are out of russian culture and russian traditions. So, this is russian freedom - to be in accordance with Orthodox Church as much as possible. If you do not know, according to Orthodoxy, this religion is the only one has the Holy Spirit, and God inside it.
And another point is that there is plenty of old soviet people there who really want to ressurect USSR, i hope during the time they will gone.

The Russian Orthodox Church is the only one that has the Holy Spirit? Who told you that? That is not what the Word of God says, Igrok. The Word of God is the final authority. Not the Russian Orthodox Church! There is one common denominator in all cults. What is that? That they alone have the truth. Yes, man has been attempting to control the people through " dead religion & it's rituals" from the days of the Apostles and subsequently the Apostle Paul & his brethren were cast into prison cells for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What happened then? The Lord met them in the jails and even a jailer and his entire household were saved as a result! Do you recall this story?

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers, And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans.

And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them. And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely:
Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.

Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,

And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go.

And the keeper of the prison told this saying to Paul, The magistrates have sent to let you go: now therefore depart, and go in peace.

But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.

And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates: and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans.

And they came and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city.

And they went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia: and when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.

You see, Igrok, your government may succeed in causing your people of Russian Orthodox Church to spy on and to turn in those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Paul and the Apostles did, but they cannot stop the Holy Spirit from performing the work Which He was sent to do! The salvation of souls! This is the work of God and no man, no government, no kingdom of the earth can stop it. The gates of hell shall not prevail against God's church. Who is God's church? Those who have believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation even as the Jailer and his family did do......this is the true Church! The body of Christ wherever they may be. Where two or more are gathered together in His Name - there in the midst is Jesus Christ and how glorious such a gathering is. This is true church. Not a building, not a denomination, not an organization, no, no, no.... Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty! I will be praying for you that the Holy Spirit visits you and reveals Jesus Christ to you that you and your whole household may be saved! Truly the Lord is merciful, kind, longsuffering and not willing that any should perish but that all should believe on Him for the gift of salvation. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be saved - by believing upon Him - not our own good works - certainly not by membership to a church - no church membership can assure us salvation. It is a free gift! It cannot be earned! Only Jesus Christ can give us the gift of eternal life and it is through Him that we receive. By believing upon Him only and that God raised him from the dead. He died on the cross for our sins and if we believe this and will repent of our sins (all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God) and call upon His name He will save us. The offer is to whosoever will believe upon Him. Whosoever means who ever will believe - He will receive that one. What a promise! What love God has shown us! Let us receive the truth and walk in it until He comes again to gather His Bride.
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If that be true then why did Russia just enact laws on July 20, 2016 making it illegal for any Protestant or Christian of any denomination to share their faith with their own children inside their own home, invite a family member to church online or in public? Why did they make it a law that Christians are only permitted to speak about their faith inside a church building or at a designated religious site pre- approved by the Russian government?

Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church
UPDATE: Putin Approves Law Making It Illegal to Share the Gospel Outside of Russian Churches
Russia puts lid on Christians sharing faith
Russia: Christians banned from discussing faith outside church - Premier Christian Radio

Is this how you define Russia's support of freedom for Christians? To threaten these people with arrest and prosecution if they fail to comply?

If Putin were to change his mind about this law and decree it unjust I would be persuaded to believe you and soften my opinion of him but is he a man that would consider all of the Christians of Russia and not just the consideration of the Russian Orthodox Church? That is yet to be determined. I'll be waiting to see what he does.

On the matter of the USA defeating the Russian hockey team in 1980... I have already told you why there was never another such victory. The rules were changed and thereafter the American teams were forced to change to "Dream Teams." I should challenge the title, as it is more likened to "Disaster Teams."

You've proven my point quite nicely. I must thank you, Igrok.

In closing, my conflict is not with the people of Russia but rather their government which has not done them any favors.
The freedom is about when each man in the state can do what he wants. Really? If i am the programmer i do not like Putin or whoever to give me advices how to write a code. Also if you are the president why one should give you advices how to do your job best? That is the point. That is why russian do not like revolutions and citizen's rights. Cause it is out of your business. If want to take part in political life - ok, be the politician. That is all.
Secondary, from the 988 russia was built by russian orthodox church. It was untill 1917 year the main religion, absolute majority of russians were orthodox christians. So now russia backs to its roots. Other "christian denominations" are out of russian culture and russian traditions. So, this is russian freedom - to be in accordance with Orthodox Church as much as possible. If you do not know, according to Orthodoxy, this religion is the only one has the Holy Spirit, and God inside it.
And another point is that there is plenty of old soviet people there who really want to ressurect USSR, i hope during the time they will gone.

The Russian Orthodox Church is the only one that has the Holy Spirit? Who told you that? That is not what the Word of God says, Igrok. The Word of God is the final authority. Not the Russian Orthodox Church! There is one common denominator in all cults. What is that? That they alone have the truth. Yes, man has been attempting to control the people through " dead religion & it's rituals" from the days of the Apostles and subsequently the Apostle Paul & his brethren were cast into prison cells for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What happened then? The Lord met them in the jails and even a jailer and his entire household were saved as a result! Do you recall this story?

And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.

And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.

And when her masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught Paul and Silas, and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers, And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city, And teach customs, which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans.

And the multitude rose up together against them: and the magistrates rent off their clothes, and commanded to beat them. And when they had laid many stripes upon them, they cast them into prison, charging the jailor to keep them safely:
Who, having received such a charge, thrust them into the inner prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks.

And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.

And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.

And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled.

But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Do thyself no harm: for we are all here.

Then he called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell down before Paul and Silas,

And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.

And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.

And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.

And when it was day, the magistrates sent the serjeants, saying, Let those men go.

And the keeper of the prison told this saying to Paul, The magistrates have sent to let you go: now therefore depart, and go in peace.

But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily? nay verily; but let them come themselves and fetch us out.

And the serjeants told these words unto the magistrates: and they feared, when they heard that they were Romans.

And they came and besought them, and brought them out, and desired them to depart out of the city.

And they went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia: and when they had seen the brethren, they comforted them, and departed.

You see, Igrok, your government may succeed in causing your people of Russian Orthodox Church to spy on and to turn in those who preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Paul and the Apostles did, but they cannot stop the Holy Spirit from performing the work Which He was sent to do! The salvation of souls! This is the work of God and no man, no government, no kingdom of the earth can stop it. The gates of hell shall not prevail against God's church. Who is God's church? Those who have believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation even as the Jailer and his family did do......this is the true Church! The body of Christ wherever they may be. Where two or more are gathered together in His Name - there in the midst is Jesus Christ and how glorious such a gathering is. This is true church. Not a building, not a denomination, not an organization, no, no, no.... Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty! I will be praying for you that the Holy Spirit visits you and reveals Jesus Christ to you that you and your whole household may be saved! Truly the Lord is merciful, kind, longsuffering and not willing that any should perish but that all should believe on Him for the gift of salvation. It is only through Jesus Christ that we can be saved - by believing upon Him - not our own good works - certainly not by membership to a church - no church membership can assure us salvation. It is a free gift! It cannot be earned! Only Jesus Christ can give us the gift of eternal life and it is through Him that we receive. By believing upon Him only and that God raised him from the dead. He died on the cross for our sins and if we believe this and will repent of our sins (all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God) and call upon His name He will save us. The offer is to whosoever will believe upon Him. Whosoever means who ever will believe - He will receive that one. What a promise! What love God has shown us! Let us receive the truth and walk in it until He comes again to gather His Bride.
Not only The Bible but its treatment matters. The treatment in Orthodox Churches differs from whose in other 'denominations'. That makes the difference.

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