How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:

So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

While I believe there probably should be some type of quarantine for these people, nobody thinks about the problems such a quarantine may cause for these individuals. Many of these medical workers work for organizations like Doctors Without Borders or traveling nurses associations. They are paid for the time they work. When their contract is up, they move on to a new contract. That new contract could take them many places including back home. If you quarantine them for 21 days, that is 21 days they go without pay. Who is going to compensate these people for lost pay? If the answer is nobody, then why would they go in the first place? See, that is why this isn't just a cut and dry situation with an easy answer. It's not something most people would think about, but to those involved, it's a very big deal.

That argument is valid, but only for those who are over there now. If the quarantine is in place and the nurses, doctors, and organizations they work for know this, they can plan for it.

This nurse Hicox, isn't working now. She's playing. It isn't like she's trying to get a job and can't.
Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...

Go away you ignorant troll. I found a liberal who actually read the OP and actually has more than one working brain cell. Why would I waste any more time on a moron like you?

So that is what you say when you are presented with actual evidence... You have no f*cking proof of Jacksh*t...

What I am trying to figure out is why any one is bothered arguing with you... You loose and call them names...

I "loose"?
Thanks for making my point... You loose and then call people names...

I would call it immature but it seems to be your built in defense mechanism.

I "loose"?
The sad thing is that the crazies are making it into more than it is. One teacher in Connecticut was not allowed back into the school because she visited Dallas....imagine that! Now that is utterly stupid.
Isn't this more about liberal politics than science?

I think it's more about conservative paranoia and fear mongering!
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online
Isn't this more about liberal politics than science?

This is 100% politics. But unfortunately BOTH sides are doing it. It's adding to the confusion and the worse thing about it is that even doctors are out there saying things that are simply not true. It's sad really.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.

No retard, YOU claimed it was the conservatives that caused the teacher to be isolated but it was the parents that forced the school to do so. Prove that the parents are conservative. Well you can't because you are an idiot.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Sorry but it has the been the president who has been trying to clam people down and take the CDC approach.

It was the GOP who wanted to fire the head of CDC a day before they had even heard from him. It is the conservatives who are asking for travel bans and all with no scientific backing. Just look at your thread here... You are calling the Left idiots for not having full quartines... Who are trying to spread the panic...
You are scared and now you want big government to step in... That is a dollar short and too late... But don't worry we weren't listening to you before too much, we kind of listen to experts... I think from now on if you are going to crap your pants at every little scare you are better to leave the adults in charge.

To others:
Infectious disease management is all about preparation. If you fail to prepare then prepare to fail... These scenarios have been already played through and assessments done. Now we know PredFan's friends in congress have tried to cut these programs due to their hate of public health. Now a lot of money spent on obesity which also annoys the GOP's donors (bribers) but the CDC and public health know the real threat to public health.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.

No retard, YOU claimed it was the conservatives that caused the teacher to be isolated but it was the parents that forced the school to do so. Prove that the parents are conservative. Well you can't because you are an idiot.

Ehh, it's in Mississippi...
Mississippi Most Conservative State D.C. Most Liberal
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.

No retard, YOU claimed it was the conservatives that caused the teacher to be isolated but it was the parents that forced the school to do so. Prove that the parents are conservative. Well you can't because you are an idiot.

Ehh, it's in Mississippi...
Mississippi Most Conservative State D.C. Most Liberal

You lose retard.
Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.

No retard, YOU claimed it was the conservatives that caused the teacher to be isolated but it was the parents that forced the school to do so. Prove that the parents are conservative. Well you can't because you are an idiot.

Retardo...the teacher incident is in Maine.....the governor is a Republican/conservative....and pushing for quarantining people that aren't even exposed to the virus. You're an idiot. Mississippi is a red state, obviously the ones pushing the paranoia are conservatives like you, who are hiding under the bed.

Is this you?

Geez, this conservative paranoia is getting out of hand.....a teacher in Maine is kept from the school because she visited Dallas! Really, people?

Kids being taken out of school in Mississippi because someone visited Africa....even if the area they visited was on the opposite side of the continent? Get a grip!

Maine elementary teacher stayed 9.5 miles from Ebola hospital in Texas
Ebola hysteria sweeps US schools Daily Mail Online

Unless you can prove that all of those parents who pulled their kids out of school are conservative then you are full of your usual bull shit.

If you actually read the article you posted, you would know that the reason the school did that is because so many parents panicked and took their kids out. Prove that those parents were all conservative or shut your ignorant pie hole.

How ignorant are left wingers? Well many are as ignorant as you.

Conservatives are the ones spreading the included, and Mississippi is a "red", unless you can prove otherwise, you are the one that is full of shit.

No retard, YOU claimed it was the conservatives that caused the teacher to be isolated but it was the parents that forced the school to do so. Prove that the parents are conservative. Well you can't because you are an idiot.

Ehh, it's in Mississippi...
Mississippi Most Conservative State D.C. Most Liberal

You lose retard.

I think you're the one that has lost, Retardo.

Now be sure and turn your computer off and hose it down, because I live in Texas, where the man with Ebola died in a Dallas hospital....I might have sneezed into my computer, transmitting possible Ebola germs into the internet and the virus may have traveled through to your computer...... you're at risk to catch Ebola...........:rolleyes:
I am very disappointed with this nurse, she could just voluntarily stay at home for the short time period. Instead she is freaking out the people in her town.

A Stanford doctor just volunteered to stay home due to being exposed.
Why? Because he is a professional and understands the peoples concern.

I think that she got very pissed off when they isolated her in a jail like atmosphere when she landed back in America. So she is bucking the system.
Ok get over it, and know that this bug is nasty, especially for the old, very young, and those with immunity problems~ Type 1 diabetes, cancer, ect. ect.
I am very disappointed with this nurse, she could just voluntarily stay at home for the short time period. Instead she is freaking out the people in her town.

A Stanford doctor just volunteered to stay home due to being exposed.
Why? Because he is a professional and understands the peoples concern.

I think that she got very pissed off when they isolated her in a jail like atmosphere when she landed back in America. So she is bucking the system.
Ok get over it, and know that this bug is nasty, especially for the old, very young, and those with immunity problems~ Type 1 diabetes, cancer, ect. ect.

Not to mention that she's a radical left winger. Most if us in the medical profession are embarrassed by her behavior.

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