How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:

So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Yes, genius, it's called an unintended consequence.

Like for instance, the more rules (regulations) you put on people trying to run a business can potentially dissuade people from doing business in that state.

Got it?
When dealing with medical issues I find it more plausible to listen to right-wing politicians before I would listen to highly trained medical professionals.

Keep up the Hysteria
It's amazing the misinformation coming from the Right about Ebola.
Darrell Issa confused the country of Guyana in South America with Guinea in Africa, while discussing Ebola. One country has Ebola while the other doesn't.
Peter King announced that Ebola has mutated and is now airborne. :bs1:

Just because someone has a lot of money it doesn't mean they aren't stupid. Issa is a prime example
You said it was science liar, show me the science or admit that you are a left wing nut job who talks out of his ass. No one is talking about how important it is to get help there. That's a weak ass dodge on your part. Show me this science you lied about.

Hey stupid,
Google is a simple tool.
CDC Chief Why I don t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak Fox News
We don't want to isolate parts of the world, or people who aren't sick, because that's going to drive patients with Ebola underground, making it infinitely more difficult to address the outbreak.

Frieden graduated from Oberlin College (BA, 1982), Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (MD, 1986) and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (MPH, 1985). He completed training in internal medicine at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and sub-specialty training in infectious diseases at Yale University.

Frieden's work on tuberculosis in New York fostered public awareness and helped improve public funding (city, state and federal) for TB control.[4][5]The epidemic was controlled rapidly, reducing overall incidence by nearly half and cutting multidrug-resistant tuberculosis by 80%.[6] The city's program became a model for tuberculosis control.[7][8]

From 1996 to 2002, Frieden was based in India, assisting with national tuberculosis control efforts. As a medical officer for the World Health Organization on loan from the CDC, he helped the government of India implement the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP).[9][10][11][12] The 2008 RNTCP status report estimates the nationwide program resulted in 8 million treatments and 1.4 million saved lives.[13] While in India, Frieden worked to establish a network of Indian physicians to help India's state and local governments implement the program[14] and helped the Tuberculosis Research Center in Chennai, India, establish a program to monitor the impact of tuberculosis control services.

So this guy has the chops for the job. HE has been there in the front line on a disease that saved 1.4million people... How about you use some common sense and listen to him...

Now you are always going to hate him because he is a public health expert... And we know how ye RW hate anyone who works in public health. At the end of the day how many people have died of Ebola in US? 1. And he was uninsured and we know your policy on that; Let them die.

So are better qualified that Frieden and his team of experts? Cause if you ar I would have to ask for a synopsis of your work in the field.

Oh wow....Predfan just got his ass handed to him......:D

Not in the least dumbass. I'm still waiting for the science. Do you even know what that means?

Sure you are, like in scientist Rush Limbaugh? :D

And yes, you got your ass handed to you....denial is not a river in Egypt.

Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...
You said it was science liar, show me the science or admit that you are a left wing nut job who talks out of his ass. No one is talking about how important it is to get help there. That's a weak ass dodge on your part. Show me this science you lied about.

Hey stupid,
Google is a simple tool.
CDC Chief Why I don t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak Fox News
We don't want to isolate parts of the world, or people who aren't sick, because that's going to drive patients with Ebola underground, making it infinitely more difficult to address the outbreak.

Frieden graduated from Oberlin College (BA, 1982), Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons (MD, 1986) and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health (MPH, 1985). He completed training in internal medicine at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center and sub-specialty training in infectious diseases at Yale University.

Frieden's work on tuberculosis in New York fostered public awareness and helped improve public funding (city, state and federal) for TB control.[4][5]The epidemic was controlled rapidly, reducing overall incidence by nearly half and cutting multidrug-resistant tuberculosis by 80%.[6] The city's program became a model for tuberculosis control.[7][8]

From 1996 to 2002, Frieden was based in India, assisting with national tuberculosis control efforts. As a medical officer for the World Health Organization on loan from the CDC, he helped the government of India implement the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP).[9][10][11][12] The 2008 RNTCP status report estimates the nationwide program resulted in 8 million treatments and 1.4 million saved lives.[13] While in India, Frieden worked to establish a network of Indian physicians to help India's state and local governments implement the program[14] and helped the Tuberculosis Research Center in Chennai, India, establish a program to monitor the impact of tuberculosis control services.

So this guy has the chops for the job. HE has been there in the front line on a disease that saved 1.4million people... How about you use some common sense and listen to him...

Now you are always going to hate him because he is a public health expert... And we know how ye RW hate anyone who works in public health. At the end of the day how many people have died of Ebola in US? 1. And he was uninsured and we know your policy on that; Let them die.

So are better qualified that Frieden and his team of experts? Cause if you ar I would have to ask for a synopsis of your work in the field.

That isn't science nit wit. YOU said it was science. That is that politician's opinion. Show me the science you claimed that there was. Show me the studies, show me the findings. Do that or continue to be an ignorant liar.

Well lets just look at your experts opinions.. You are totally bankrupt on this issue... World experts are now calling you an ass...
Here is a few studies..
PLOS ONE Thermal Image Scanning for Influenza Border Screening Results of an Airport Screening Study

Here is an article which has some links in it...
Why travel bans will only make the Ebola epidemic worse - Vox

I am finding it very hard to find articles which are simple enough for you to understand without interpretation... I think you are not really ready for Frieden or the big boys yet... You get all confused and then angry because you are a little lost... don't worry we got you covered, lets start with this:

Now I know you might feel that I am being a bit condescending but I am not... We just know that you have shown little knowledge of actual science so we are here to help.
Now lets remember:
That well meaning idiots like you... I know you mean well and Obama is the fault for every problem in the world including ice cream melting, but lets remember you a complete f*cking idiot who doesn't even know the earth is warming(even the sceptics are conceding that now).

Both these articles are linked to studies and fact based events which show why travel bans don't work:
History Proves Travel Bans Are Based On Fear Not Facts
Why An Ebola Flight Ban Wouldn 8217 t Work FiveThirtyEight

So you premise are let me quote "How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:"... Well so that we don't insult a group of being stupid but we can say "How stupid is PredFan? Well he is THIS fucking stupid:"...
Now you might get people to agree with you but that is because you and your misguided friends rather thing you are right rather than knowing the truth. And that is stupid...

You keep trying to avoid the question. Let me refresh your memory:

I said that it is stupid to say that people who are brave enough to go up against one of the worlds most deadly viruses and they aren't going to be afraid of a quarantine. You said that the science proves me wrong.

No, let me see if I can dumb this down for you. You need to show me this science you say exists that proves me wrong. You need to show me not someone's opinion, opinions are not science, but you need to show me the studies that proves why people are going to be afraid of a quarantine.

Now if I didn't dumb that down enough for you them there is a problem because I can't figure out how to make is any more simple. It would just show that you left wingers are actually that stupid and more.

do you believe that everyone that has the time, skills, courage, and drive to go overseas and help with ebola has an additional 3 weeks to sit around being quarantined?

does it not logically make sense that if a person does not have the time to be quarantined they won't go, and so the pool of people that can stem the tide of ebola shrinks?

Wow! Check it out! A lefty that read and understands the OP!

I have a hard time believing that a quarantine would stop them concidering the incredible hardships they will have to endure while they are there. I might understand if the argument was that those people over there now are inconvenienced since they didn't know about it when the volunteered. But that wasn't what the guy said. He said that a quarantine would stop people from going over there. If they already know they will be quarantined then they can plan. The thing is that those people aren't going to say no because of a quarantine, when that is logically the very least of their concerns.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Don't tell me Conservative Underground gave you the boot.

Is there such thing? I've never heard of it. Dumbass.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Yes, genius, it's called an unintended consequence.

Like for instance, the more rules (regulations) you put on people trying to run a business can potentially dissuade people from doing business in that state.

Got it?

Apparently you don't get it.
Hey stupid,
Google is a simple tool.
CDC Chief Why I don t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak Fox News
So this guy has the chops for the job. HE has been there in the front line on a disease that saved 1.4million people... How about you use some common sense and listen to him...

Now you are always going to hate him because he is a public health expert... And we know how ye RW hate anyone who works in public health. At the end of the day how many people have died of Ebola in US? 1. And he was uninsured and we know your policy on that; Let them die.

So are better qualified that Frieden and his team of experts? Cause if you ar I would have to ask for a synopsis of your work in the field.

Oh wow....Predfan just got his ass handed to him......:D

Not in the least dumbass. I'm still waiting for the science. Do you even know what that means?

Sure you are, like in scientist Rush Limbaugh? :D

And yes, you got your ass handed to you....denial is not a river in Egypt.

Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...

Go away you ignorant troll. I found a liberal who actually read the OP and actually has more than one working brain cell. Why would I waste any more time on a moron like you?
Hey stupid,
Google is a simple tool.
CDC Chief Why I don t support a travel ban to combat Ebola outbreak Fox News
So this guy has the chops for the job. HE has been there in the front line on a disease that saved 1.4million people... How about you use some common sense and listen to him...

Now you are always going to hate him because he is a public health expert... And we know how ye RW hate anyone who works in public health. At the end of the day how many people have died of Ebola in US? 1. And he was uninsured and we know your policy on that; Let them die.

So are better qualified that Frieden and his team of experts? Cause if you ar I would have to ask for a synopsis of your work in the field.

That isn't science nit wit. YOU said it was science. That is that politician's opinion. Show me the science you claimed that there was. Show me the studies, show me the findings. Do that or continue to be an ignorant liar.

Well lets just look at your experts opinions.. You are totally bankrupt on this issue... World experts are now calling you an ass...
Here is a few studies..
PLOS ONE Thermal Image Scanning for Influenza Border Screening Results of an Airport Screening Study

Here is an article which has some links in it...
Why travel bans will only make the Ebola epidemic worse - Vox

I am finding it very hard to find articles which are simple enough for you to understand without interpretation... I think you are not really ready for Frieden or the big boys yet... You get all confused and then angry because you are a little lost... don't worry we got you covered, lets start with this:

Now I know you might feel that I am being a bit condescending but I am not... We just know that you have shown little knowledge of actual science so we are here to help.
Now lets remember:
That well meaning idiots like you... I know you mean well and Obama is the fault for every problem in the world including ice cream melting, but lets remember you a complete f*cking idiot who doesn't even know the earth is warming(even the sceptics are conceding that now).

Both these articles are linked to studies and fact based events which show why travel bans don't work:
History Proves Travel Bans Are Based On Fear Not Facts
Why An Ebola Flight Ban Wouldn 8217 t Work FiveThirtyEight

So you premise are let me quote "How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:"... Well so that we don't insult a group of being stupid but we can say "How stupid is PredFan? Well he is THIS fucking stupid:"...
Now you might get people to agree with you but that is because you and your misguided friends rather thing you are right rather than knowing the truth. And that is stupid...

You keep trying to avoid the question. Let me refresh your memory:

I said that it is stupid to say that people who are brave enough to go up against one of the worlds most deadly viruses and they aren't going to be afraid of a quarantine. You said that the science proves me wrong.

No, let me see if I can dumb this down for you. You need to show me this science you say exists that proves me wrong. You need to show me not someone's opinion, opinions are not science, but you need to show me the studies that proves why people are going to be afraid of a quarantine.

Now if I didn't dumb that down enough for you them there is a problem because I can't figure out how to make is any more simple. It would just show that you left wingers are actually that stupid and more.

do you believe that everyone that has the time, skills, courage, and drive to go overseas and help with ebola has an additional 3 weeks to sit around being quarantined?

does it not logically make sense that if a person does not have the time to be quarantined they won't go, and so the pool of people that can stem the tide of ebola shrinks?

Wow! Check it out! A lefty that read and understands the OP!

I have a hard time believing that a quarantine would stop them concidering the incredible hardships they will have to endure while they are there. I might understand if the argument was that those people over there now are inconvenienced since they didn't know about it when the volunteered. But that wasn't what the guy said. He said that a quarantine would stop people from going over there. If they already know they will be quarantined then they can plan. The thing is that those people aren't going to say no because of a quarantine, when that is logically the very least of their concerns.

again, for the sake of argument let's say there's a doctor and he can get away from his practice for 3 weeks or less.

he wants to help, but with the mandatory quarantine, he would not be able to.

to end the ebola crisis it has to be controlled in west africa. that doesn't happen without volunteers and support from developed nations
That isn't science nit wit. YOU said it was science. That is that politician's opinion. Show me the science you claimed that there was. Show me the studies, show me the findings. Do that or continue to be an ignorant liar.

Well lets just look at your experts opinions.. You are totally bankrupt on this issue... World experts are now calling you an ass...
Here is a few studies..
PLOS ONE Thermal Image Scanning for Influenza Border Screening Results of an Airport Screening Study

Here is an article which has some links in it...
Why travel bans will only make the Ebola epidemic worse - Vox

I am finding it very hard to find articles which are simple enough for you to understand without interpretation... I think you are not really ready for Frieden or the big boys yet... You get all confused and then angry because you are a little lost... don't worry we got you covered, lets start with this:

Now I know you might feel that I am being a bit condescending but I am not... We just know that you have shown little knowledge of actual science so we are here to help.
Now lets remember:
That well meaning idiots like you... I know you mean well and Obama is the fault for every problem in the world including ice cream melting, but lets remember you a complete f*cking idiot who doesn't even know the earth is warming(even the sceptics are conceding that now).

Both these articles are linked to studies and fact based events which show why travel bans don't work:
History Proves Travel Bans Are Based On Fear Not Facts
Why An Ebola Flight Ban Wouldn 8217 t Work FiveThirtyEight

So you premise are let me quote "How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:"... Well so that we don't insult a group of being stupid but we can say "How stupid is PredFan? Well he is THIS fucking stupid:"...
Now you might get people to agree with you but that is because you and your misguided friends rather thing you are right rather than knowing the truth. And that is stupid...

You keep trying to avoid the question. Let me refresh your memory:

I said that it is stupid to say that people who are brave enough to go up against one of the worlds most deadly viruses and they aren't going to be afraid of a quarantine. You said that the science proves me wrong.

No, let me see if I can dumb this down for you. You need to show me this science you say exists that proves me wrong. You need to show me not someone's opinion, opinions are not science, but you need to show me the studies that proves why people are going to be afraid of a quarantine.

Now if I didn't dumb that down enough for you them there is a problem because I can't figure out how to make is any more simple. It would just show that you left wingers are actually that stupid and more.

do you believe that everyone that has the time, skills, courage, and drive to go overseas and help with ebola has an additional 3 weeks to sit around being quarantined?

does it not logically make sense that if a person does not have the time to be quarantined they won't go, and so the pool of people that can stem the tide of ebola shrinks?

Wow! Check it out! A lefty that read and understands the OP!

I have a hard time believing that a quarantine would stop them concidering the incredible hardships they will have to endure while they are there. I might understand if the argument was that those people over there now are inconvenienced since they didn't know about it when the volunteered. But that wasn't what the guy said. He said that a quarantine would stop people from going over there. If they already know they will be quarantined then they can plan. The thing is that those people aren't going to say no because of a quarantine, when that is logically the very least of their concerns.

again, for the sake of argument let's say there's a doctor and he can get away from his practice for 3 weeks or less.

he wants to help, but with the mandatory quarantine, he would not be able to.

to end the ebola crisis it has to be controlled in west africa. that doesn't happen without volunteers and support from developed nations

I really doubt that any of them go to Africa to treat Ebola patients in three weeks. I would imagine the training alone would take a week at least. I'm pretty sure that if you looked into these doctor's professional lives you would find that they were able to go there for more than 3 weeks. I know a lot of doctors and none of them could go away from their patients for anywhere near that time. They will just have to take more time.

Even before Ebola, that region was plagued with malaria, cholera, civil war, and horrible living and working conditions. A quarantine is the least of their concerns.
Oh wow....Predfan just got his ass handed to him......:D

Not in the least dumbass. I'm still waiting for the science. Do you even know what that means?

Sure you are, like in scientist Rush Limbaugh? :D

And yes, you got your ass handed to you....denial is not a river in Egypt.

Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...

Go away you ignorant troll. I found a liberal who actually read the OP and actually has more than one working brain cell. Why would I waste any more time on a moron like you?

So that is what you say when you are presented with actual evidence... You have no f*cking proof of Jacksh*t...

What I am trying to figure out is why any one is bothered arguing with you... You loose and call them names...
Well lets just look at your experts opinions.. You are totally bankrupt on this issue... World experts are now calling you an ass...
Here is a few studies..
PLOS ONE Thermal Image Scanning for Influenza Border Screening Results of an Airport Screening Study

Here is an article which has some links in it...
Why travel bans will only make the Ebola epidemic worse - Vox

I am finding it very hard to find articles which are simple enough for you to understand without interpretation... I think you are not really ready for Frieden or the big boys yet... You get all confused and then angry because you are a little lost... don't worry we got you covered, lets start with this:

Now I know you might feel that I am being a bit condescending but I am not... We just know that you have shown little knowledge of actual science so we are here to help.
Now lets remember:
That well meaning idiots like you... I know you mean well and Obama is the fault for every problem in the world including ice cream melting, but lets remember you a complete f*cking idiot who doesn't even know the earth is warming(even the sceptics are conceding that now).

Both these articles are linked to studies and fact based events which show why travel bans don't work:
History Proves Travel Bans Are Based On Fear Not Facts
Why An Ebola Flight Ban Wouldn 8217 t Work FiveThirtyEight

So you premise are let me quote "How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:"... Well so that we don't insult a group of being stupid but we can say "How stupid is PredFan? Well he is THIS fucking stupid:"...
Now you might get people to agree with you but that is because you and your misguided friends rather thing you are right rather than knowing the truth. And that is stupid...

You keep trying to avoid the question. Let me refresh your memory:

I said that it is stupid to say that people who are brave enough to go up against one of the worlds most deadly viruses and they aren't going to be afraid of a quarantine. You said that the science proves me wrong.

No, let me see if I can dumb this down for you. You need to show me this science you say exists that proves me wrong. You need to show me not someone's opinion, opinions are not science, but you need to show me the studies that proves why people are going to be afraid of a quarantine.

Now if I didn't dumb that down enough for you them there is a problem because I can't figure out how to make is any more simple. It would just show that you left wingers are actually that stupid and more.

do you believe that everyone that has the time, skills, courage, and drive to go overseas and help with ebola has an additional 3 weeks to sit around being quarantined?

does it not logically make sense that if a person does not have the time to be quarantined they won't go, and so the pool of people that can stem the tide of ebola shrinks?

Wow! Check it out! A lefty that read and understands the OP!

I have a hard time believing that a quarantine would stop them concidering the incredible hardships they will have to endure while they are there. I might understand if the argument was that those people over there now are inconvenienced since they didn't know about it when the volunteered. But that wasn't what the guy said. He said that a quarantine would stop people from going over there. If they already know they will be quarantined then they can plan. The thing is that those people aren't going to say no because of a quarantine, when that is logically the very least of their concerns.

again, for the sake of argument let's say there's a doctor and he can get away from his practice for 3 weeks or less.

he wants to help, but with the mandatory quarantine, he would not be able to.

to end the ebola crisis it has to be controlled in west africa. that doesn't happen without volunteers and support from developed nations

I really doubt that any of them go to Africa to treat Ebola patients in three weeks. I would imagine the training alone would take a week at least. I'm pretty sure that if you looked into these doctor's professional lives you would find that they were able to go there for more than 3 weeks. I know a lot of doctors and none of them could go away from their patients for anywhere near that time. They will just have to take more time.

Even before Ebola, that region was plagued with malaria, cholera, civil war, and horrible living and working conditions. A quarantine is the least of their concerns.

you say a lot of conflicting things in that post
You keep trying to avoid the question. Let me refresh your memory:

I said that it is stupid to say that people who are brave enough to go up against one of the worlds most deadly viruses and they aren't going to be afraid of a quarantine. You said that the science proves me wrong.

No, let me see if I can dumb this down for you. You need to show me this science you say exists that proves me wrong. You need to show me not someone's opinion, opinions are not science, but you need to show me the studies that proves why people are going to be afraid of a quarantine.

Now if I didn't dumb that down enough for you them there is a problem because I can't figure out how to make is any more simple. It would just show that you left wingers are actually that stupid and more.
do you believe that everyone that has the time, skills, courage, and drive to go overseas and help with ebola has an additional 3 weeks to sit around being quarantined?

does it not logically make sense that if a person does not have the time to be quarantined they won't go, and so the pool of people that can stem the tide of ebola shrinks?
Wow! Check it out! A lefty that read and understands the OP!

I have a hard time believing that a quarantine would stop them concidering the incredible hardships they will have to endure while they are there. I might understand if the argument was that those people over there now are inconvenienced since they didn't know about it when the volunteered. But that wasn't what the guy said. He said that a quarantine would stop people from going over there. If they already know they will be quarantined then they can plan. The thing is that those people aren't going to say no because of a quarantine, when that is logically the very least of their concerns.
again, for the sake of argument let's say there's a doctor and he can get away from his practice for 3 weeks or less.

he wants to help, but with the mandatory quarantine, he would not be able to.

to end the ebola crisis it has to be controlled in west africa. that doesn't happen without volunteers and support from developed nations

I really doubt that any of them go to Africa to treat Ebola patients in three weeks. I would imagine the training alone would take a week at least. I'm pretty sure that if you looked into these doctor's professional lives you would find that they were able to go there for more than 3 weeks. I know a lot of doctors and none of them could go away from their patients for anywhere near that time. They will just have to take more time.

Even before Ebola, that region was plagued with malaria, cholera, civil war, and horrible living and working conditions. A quarantine is the least of their concerns.
you say a lot of conflicting things in that post

I don't see anything conflicting, though I probably could have worded it better. In short, any doctor who can afford to give up time to volunteer for that kind of duty, would have the leeway to add the three weeks. Most doctors can't afford to lose even two weeks total.

How long were those doctors over there? Probably a few months at least.
Not in the least dumbass. I'm still waiting for the science. Do you even know what that means?

Sure you are, like in scientist Rush Limbaugh? :D

And yes, you got your ass handed to you....denial is not a river in Egypt.

Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...

Go away you ignorant troll. I found a liberal who actually read the OP and actually has more than one working brain cell. Why would I waste any more time on a moron like you?

So that is what you say when you are presented with actual evidence... You have no f*cking proof of Jacksh*t...

What I am trying to figure out is why any one is bothered arguing with you... You loose and call them names...

I "loose"?
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

While I believe there probably should be some type of quarantine for these people, nobody thinks about the problems such a quarantine may cause for these individuals. Many of these medical workers work for organizations like Doctors Without Borders or traveling nurses associations. They are paid for the time they work. When their contract is up, they move on to a new contract. That new contract could take them many places including back home. If you quarantine them for 21 days, that is 21 days they go without pay. Who is going to compensate these people for lost pay? If the answer is nobody, then why would they go in the first place? See, that is why this isn't just a cut and dry situation with an easy answer. It's not something most people would think about, but to those involved, it's a very big deal.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

So what are you suggesting? That they have no quarantine? Isn't that more stupid?
Obama is flat out stating NO quarantine and is attacking the States that create one.

BUT Obama administration and Obama is demanding the military is quarantined for 21 days, while volunteer workers should not be. Also, they have stated over and over the military personnel will not have contact with Ebola patients, but rather, will be building hospitals and containment areas. So, those volunteers who have had direct contact with Ebola patients should be allowed to do what they wish, while military who have had no contact will be forced into isolation and quarantine.

Quarantine ordered for troops returning from W. Africa

That's WTF policy right there. The left damns Christy, while Obama treats the troops differently, who have had no contact, while volunteers have.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

So what are you suggesting? That they have no quarantine? Isn't that more stupid?
Obama is flat out stating NO quarantine and is attacking the States that create one.

BUT Obama administration and Obama is demanding the military is quarantined for 21 days, while volunteer workers should not be. Also, they have stated over and over the military personnel will not have contact with Ebola patients, but rather, will be building hospitals and containment areas. So, those volunteers who have had direct contact with Ebola patients should be allowed to do what they wish, while military who have had no contact will be forced into isolation and quarantine.

Quarantine ordered for troops returning from W. Africa

That's WTF policy right there. The left damns Christy, while Obama treats the troops differently, who have had no contact, while volunteers have.

i am starting to view this as another scandal coming from the administration

there has been so many

get mexico to stop accepting deported illegals because of ebola in the States

and presto a reason for amnesty
Sure you are, like in scientist Rush Limbaugh? :D

And yes, you got your ass handed to you....denial is not a river in Egypt.

Whatever loser. You just show me that you don't know what science actually is dumbfuck.

I have given you enough proof... Leading scientific experts in their field using real world examples and you have diddley...

You keep on saying that is not scientific, but it is.., It is evidence based... Which part of evidence based decisions don't you get...

Expand CDC Precautions Based Upon Evidence-Based Science Quarantine Not a Ban Terry Leach

Here is a scientific study...
Eurosurveillance - View Article

So are finally going to admit that you in fact a complete idiot... You come on here all LW are idiots and stuff when you could questioned the decision... You have made a twit out of yourself, if we were listening to you more people will be dead...

Go away you ignorant troll. I found a liberal who actually read the OP and actually has more than one working brain cell. Why would I waste any more time on a moron like you?

So that is what you say when you are presented with actual evidence... You have no f*cking proof of Jacksh*t...

What I am trying to figure out is why any one is bothered arguing with you... You loose and call them names...

I "loose"?
Thanks for making my point... You loose and then call people names...

I would call it immature but it seems to be your built in defense mechanism.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

While I believe there probably should be some type of quarantine for these people, nobody thinks about the problems such a quarantine may cause for these individuals. Many of these medical workers work for organizations like Doctors Without Borders or traveling nurses associations. They are paid for the time they work. When their contract is up, they move on to a new contract. That new contract could take them many places including back home. If you quarantine them for 21 days, that is 21 days they go without pay. Who is going to compensate these people for lost pay? If the answer is nobody, then why would they go in the first place? See, that is why this isn't just a cut and dry situation with an easy answer. It's not something most people would think about, but to those involved, it's a very big deal.
I think the main this to be said is the test works after 3 days of infection and becomes contagious after 21 days infected. So simple maths tells you that test on entry and every 4 days after and things should be OK...
The truth is that Ebola has killed a total of 1 person, West Nile killed 23 people this year and 286 in 2012. What did we hear about that?

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