How stupid are left wingers? Well they're THIS fucking stupid:

So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

Not really a surprise.

Well of course are also tuned in to Faux News 24/7........:D

How stupid are left wingers? Thanks for showing us exactly how stupid.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

Well, we all know that public safety is less important than winning elections.

Sure it is, for conservatives, that's why they all agree that nuts should be able to own guns, because they are so concerned with safety.


Post a statement that says we support guns owned by crazy people.
I am just weighing in here...

Conservatives have not said they support guns owned by crazy people. but what they have done is supported laws and candidates that want gun control so lax and unenforced that crazy people (and felons) can easily obtain guns...

I that way conservatives have indirectly supported crazy people getting guns.

Truth is Regan was for background checks and wrote very eloquently on the issue:
Why I m for the Brady Bill - New York Times
The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths.
I may not have agreed with Regan on a lot of things but he had a bit of class about him.

That is the thing about the conservatives now, Regan today would have been a RINO or a Democrat. Most likely a Democrat.

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Right Obama is surrounded by experts in infectious diease control... These people have controlled 100s of infectious dieases in the past and their courage and intelliect we should be grateful for.

You are qualified in diddley squat...

So by open your mouth you just proved to ius thet the idiot is you... .

The problem isn't his experts.

The problem is Obama policies. His political-correctness. It infects every facet of his administration.

no. :cuckoo:

Good post.....

Phffffft :hmpf:
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

Not really a surprise.

Well of course are also tuned in to Faux News 24/7........:D

How stupid are left wingers? Thanks for showing us exact how stupid.

Saying people are stupid is stupid, when you can't debate their comments. So, I guess you're the stupidest of all..........:D
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Right Obama is surrounded by experts in infectious diease control... These people have controlled 100s of infectious dieases in the past and their courage and intelliect we should be grateful for.

You are qualified in diddley squat...

So by open your mouth you just proved to ius thet the idiot is you... .

How stupid are left wingers? Well you and others have shown us that you are stupid enough to believe what some "expert" says no matter how stupid it is.
Well, we all know that public safety is less important than winning elections.

Sure it is, for conservatives, that's why they all agree that nuts should be able to own guns, because they are so concerned with safety.


Post a statement that says we support guns owned by crazy people.
I am just weighing in here...

Conservatives have not said they support guns owned by crazy people. but what they have done is supported laws and candidates that want gun control so lax and unenforced that crazy people (and felons) can easily obtain guns...

I that way conservatives have indirectly supported crazy people getting guns.

Truth is Regan was for background checks and wrote very eloquently on the issue:
Why I m for the Brady Bill - New York Times
The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths.
I may not have agreed with Regan on a lot of things but he had a bit of class about him.

That is the thing about the conservatives now, Regan today would have been a RINO or a Democrat. Most likely a Democrat.

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.

Here's one and there's more:


Barack Obama's been secretly meeting with the Brady Campaign - plotting with them and promising he will take your guns—by executive order, to bypass Congress.

That’s according to Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who says Obama admitted to Sarah Brady (the group's founder) that he plans on sneaking a slew of anti-gun laws through via executive order. According to Gottlieb, Obama told Sara Brady:

"I just want you to know that we're working on it [gun control.] We have to go through a few processes but UNDER THE RADAR!" - Barack H. Obama

Said Gottlieb, “That's right - instead of doing his job - i.e. fixing the economy and creating jobs - Obama is pouring all of his energy into a massive campaign TO GRAB YOUR GUNS! Despite what he claims, Obama hates being ‘transparent.’ He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody - before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.”

Alan Gottlieb is calling on U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his position as Senate Minority Leader and a gun-rights advocate to help stop Barack Obama from sneaking his gun-confiscating agenda past Congress. Alan’s organization is suggesting a three-prong plan to McConnell:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his "executive order" power to increase federal fees on guns and ammunition, ban guns that are imported, extend waiting periods, ban the use of guns on all government property and even make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door gun control methods that threaten our Bill of Rights.

3. Alan’s lobbying group, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is LEADING A BATTLE in Congress to nullify each and every anti-gun "executive order" that Barack Obama signs into law.

“For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good,” concluded Gottlieb.

So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.

Right Obama is surrounded by experts in infectious diease control... These people have controlled 100s of infectious dieases in the past and their courage and intelliect we should be grateful for.

You are qualified in diddley squat...

So by open your mouth you just proved to ius thet the idiot is you... .

How stupid are left wingers? Well you and others have shown us that you are stupid enough to believe what some "expert" says no matter how stupid it is.

You and others have shown how stupid you really are, not to mention scared silly, hiding in your basements with your guns.
In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, President Obama issued a list of Executive Orders. Notably among them, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was given $10 million to research gun violence.

“Year after year, those who oppose even modest gun-safety measures have threatened to defund scientific or medical research into the causes of gun violence, I will direct the Centers for Disease Control to go ahead and study the best ways to reduce it,” Obama said on Jan. 16.

As a result, a 1996 Congressional ban on research by the CDC “to advocate or promote gun control” was lifted. Finally, anti-gun proponents—and presumably the Obama Administration—thought gun owners and the NRA would be met with irrefutable scientific evidence to support why guns make Americans less safe.

Mainstream media outlets praised the order to lift the ban and lambasted the NRA and Congress for having put it in place.

It was the “Executive Order the NRA Should Fear the Most,” according to The Atlantic.

The CDC ban on gun research “caused lasting damage,” reported ABC News.

Salon said the ban was part of the NRA’s “war on gun science.”

And CBS News lamented that the NRA “stymied” CDC research.

Most mainstream journalists argued the NRA’s opposition to CDC gun research demonstrated its fear of being contradicted by science; few—if any—cited why the NRA may have had legitimate concerns. The culture of the CDC at the time could hardly be described as lacking bias on firearms.

“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes,” Dr. Mark Rosenberg, who oversaw CDC gun research, told The Washington Post in 1994. “Now [smoking] is dirty, deadly and banned.”

Does Rosenberg sound like a man who should be trusted to conduct taxpayer-funded studies on guns?

Rosenberg’s statement coincided with a CDC study by Arthur Kellermann and Donald Reay, who argued guns in the home are 43 times more likely to be used to kill a family member than an intruder. The study had serious flaws; namely, it skewed the ratio by failing to consider defensive uses of firearms in which the intruder wasn’t killed. It has since been refuted by several studies, including one by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, indicating Americans use guns for self-defense 2.5 million times annually. However, the damage had been done—the “43 times” myth is perhaps gun-control advocates’ most commonly cited argument, and a lot of people still believe it to this day.

So, the NRA and Congress took action. But with the ban lifted, what does the CDC’s first major gun research in 17 years reveal? Not exactly what Obama and anti-gun advocates expected. In fact, you might say Obama’s plan backfired.

CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama - Guns Ammo
Sure it is, for conservatives, that's why they all agree that nuts should be able to own guns, because they are so concerned with safety.


Post a statement that says we support guns owned by crazy people.
I am just weighing in here...

Conservatives have not said they support guns owned by crazy people. but what they have done is supported laws and candidates that want gun control so lax and unenforced that crazy people (and felons) can easily obtain guns...

I that way conservatives have indirectly supported crazy people getting guns.

Truth is Regan was for background checks and wrote very eloquently on the issue:
Why I m for the Brady Bill - New York Times
The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths.
I may not have agreed with Regan on a lot of things but he had a bit of class about him.

That is the thing about the conservatives now, Regan today would have been a RINO or a Democrat. Most likely a Democrat.

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.

Here's one and there's more:


Barack Obama's been secretly meeting with the Brady Campaign - plotting with them and promising he will take your guns—by executive order, to bypass Congress.

That’s according to Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who says Obama admitted to Sarah Brady (the group's founder) that he plans on sneaking a slew of anti-gun laws through via executive order. According to Gottlieb, Obama told Sara Brady:

"I just want you to know that we're working on it [gun control.] We have to go through a few processes but UNDER THE RADAR!" - Barack H. Obama

Said Gottlieb, “That's right - instead of doing his job - i.e. fixing the economy and creating jobs - Obama is pouring all of his energy into a massive campaign TO GRAB YOUR GUNS! Despite what he claims, Obama hates being ‘transparent.’ He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody - before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.”

Alan Gottlieb is calling on U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his position as Senate Minority Leader and a gun-rights advocate to help stop Barack Obama from sneaking his gun-confiscating agenda past Congress. Alan’s organization is suggesting a three-prong plan to McConnell:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his "executive order" power to increase federal fees on guns and ammunition, ban guns that are imported, extend waiting periods, ban the use of guns on all government property and even make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door gun control methods that threaten our Bill of Rights.

3. Alan’s lobbying group, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is LEADING A BATTLE in Congress to nullify each and every anti-gun "executive order" that Barack Obama signs into law.

“For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good,” concluded Gottlieb.


Well, like I said......more:bsflag:

Who is Alan Gottlieb? Another Rush Limbaugh, or maybe more like Sarah Palin, cashing in on the ignorance of many.

I wanted a reliable link, which of course, you have none.

Alan Gottlieb:
The Merchant of Fear

Despite appearances, Gottlieb is a buccaneering entrepreneur with a remarkable knack for cashing in big on right-wing causes.

Wolves in Sheep s Clothing Alan Gottlieb The Merchant of Fear
White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns
Tim Brown August 7, 2012
Share8.2K Tweet583 Share8.9K 28 Email1

During the White House Press Conference on Monday, not only did Press Secretary Jay Carney put distance from Harry Reid's comments concerning Mitt Romney's failure to pay taxes for ten years, yet not disavow the remarks, but he also affirmed the fact that Barack Obama is also out to ban guns, something we've known all along. He affirmed Obama's position to re-institute the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Of course I warned about such calls for more gun control on Monday.

When asked whether Obama supported renewing the 1994-2004 federal ban of semi-automatic weapons for civilians, Carney responded,

“He does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” and he added that “there has been reluctance by Congress to pass that renewal.”

I will interject to say there is good reason that Congress doesn't act. Banning supposed "assault weapons" does nothing to stop criminals from acquiring them. The Obama administration should know this best seeing that they delivered some 2,500 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which were responsible for at least two U.S. federal agent deaths and the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans. As I've said before we need more politician control legislation rather than gun control legislation.

While Carney said that the administration intends to push for gun safety "under existing law" and "not infringe upon Second Amendment rights of citizens" the fact is that is the exact opposite of what such measures do. The issue is not "gun safety." That is merely the marketing of the Obama administration. Gun safety is what an individual does, not what government does. The Obama administration is not interested in gun safety. They are interested in gun banning.

Understand something here. The call for the ban of semi-automatic weapons is a call for most modern guns on the market. According to Reuters, the shooter at the Sikh temple was using a simple Springfield 9mm semiautomatic handgun.

Josh Sugarmann, , executive director of the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit group that advocates to reduce gun violence, said,

"There is no valid reason for civilians to have assault rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. We have to start ratcheting down the firepower in civilian hands in the United States."

You see, this is just an echo of the Obama administration. There are plenty of valid reasons for law-abiding citizens to posses "assault" rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. If we are to believe Mr. Sugarmann, then if those semi-automatic guns are out of the hands of the population, then there is absolutely no need for any government official to have a body guard armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Furthermore, there is no need for police to be armed with them either.

If there is a cry from these people who want more gun control and gun bans, then they need to follow their "illogic" to its logical conclusion and that would mean there would be no need for any semi-automatic guns at all. That is not the case though and they know it. Their is no Utopia like liberals assume in our future simply because men are fallen and because they are fallen they need means of protection against those men who lack self-control.

I never know how I will have to defend myself in public or in my own home. This is why there needs to continue to be high capacity magazines as well as a variety of weapons to choose from. Against military it is small for sure, but against common criminals law abiding citizens should be able to purchase a weapon of choice without government cutting those options off.

Carney finished the section regarding the assault weapons ban with the following:

“The president’s approach is that we should work with Congress where possible — and administratively where allowed — to advance common-sense measures that enhance our security, that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn’t have them, under existing law, but that protects Second Amendment rights, which the president thinks is an important goal as well."

You see, we hear the "where possible" type of comment on things such as the cybersecurity bill, which Obama is considering using executive order to implement, which would be a clear violation of the powers he has under the Constitution. Not only that but Carney uses the phrase "deadly weapons." Isn't that interesting? Well now, according to TSA box cutters are deadly weapons and so are plastic knives, nail files, fingernail clippers. I mean if we are going to use the term "deadly weapon," that really is in the eye of the beholder. Everything in our lives can be a deadly weapon, including some very well trained people!

Personally, I don't care if people say, "Well other presidents have issued Executive Orders like that." That doesn't make it right. Law is to be made in the Legislative Branch, not the Executive Branch. don't think if it came down to it that Barack Obama would not seek to implement such an EO, if he so desired. The question is, how would our elected representatives respond to such a measure?

White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns - Freedom Outpost
Last edited:

Post a statement that says we support guns owned by crazy people.
I am just weighing in here...

Conservatives have not said they support guns owned by crazy people. but what they have done is supported laws and candidates that want gun control so lax and unenforced that crazy people (and felons) can easily obtain guns...

I that way conservatives have indirectly supported crazy people getting guns.

Truth is Regan was for background checks and wrote very eloquently on the issue:
Why I m for the Brady Bill - New York Times
The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths.
I may not have agreed with Regan on a lot of things but he had a bit of class about him.

That is the thing about the conservatives now, Regan today would have been a RINO or a Democrat. Most likely a Democrat.

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.

Here's one and there's more:


Barack Obama's been secretly meeting with the Brady Campaign - plotting with them and promising he will take your guns—by executive order, to bypass Congress.

That’s according to Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who says Obama admitted to Sarah Brady (the group's founder) that he plans on sneaking a slew of anti-gun laws through via executive order. According to Gottlieb, Obama told Sara Brady:

"I just want you to know that we're working on it [gun control.] We have to go through a few processes but UNDER THE RADAR!" - Barack H. Obama

Said Gottlieb, “That's right - instead of doing his job - i.e. fixing the economy and creating jobs - Obama is pouring all of his energy into a massive campaign TO GRAB YOUR GUNS! Despite what he claims, Obama hates being ‘transparent.’ He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody - before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.”

Alan Gottlieb is calling on U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his position as Senate Minority Leader and a gun-rights advocate to help stop Barack Obama from sneaking his gun-confiscating agenda past Congress. Alan’s organization is suggesting a three-prong plan to McConnell:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his "executive order" power to increase federal fees on guns and ammunition, ban guns that are imported, extend waiting periods, ban the use of guns on all government property and even make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door gun control methods that threaten our Bill of Rights.

3. Alan’s lobbying group, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is LEADING A BATTLE in Congress to nullify each and every anti-gun "executive order" that Barack Obama signs into law.

“For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good,” concluded Gottlieb.


Well, like I said......more:bsflag:

Who is Alan Gottlieb? Another Rush Limbaugh, or maybe more like Sarah Palin, cashing in on the ignorance of many.

I wanted a reliable link, which of course, you have none.

Alan Gottlieb:
The Merchant of Fear

Despite appearances, Gottlieb is a buccaneering entrepreneur with a remarkable knack for cashing in big on right-wing causes.

Wolves in Sheep s Clothing Alan Gottlieb The Merchant of Fear

You act like he's the only writer I've sourced.

I told you before that arguing with some people is a total waste of time.
White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns
Tim Brown August 7, 2012
Share8.2K Tweet583 Share8.9K 28 Email1

During the White House Press Conference on Monday, not only did Press Secretary Jay Carney put distance from Harry Reid's comments concerning Mitt Romney's failure to pay taxes for ten years, yet not disavow the remarks, but he also affirmed the fact that Barack Obama is also out to ban guns, something we've known all along. He affirmed Obama's position to re-institute the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Of course I warned about such calls for more gun control on Monday.

When asked whether Obama supported renewing the 1994-2004 federal ban of semi-automatic weapons for civilians, Carney responded,

“He does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” and he added that “there has been reluctance by Congress to pass that renewal.”

I will interject to say there is good reason that Congress doesn't act. Banning supposed "assault weapons" does nothing to stop criminals from acquiring them. The Obama administration should know this best seeing that they delivered some 2,500 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which were responsible for at least two U.S. federal agent deaths and the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans. As I've said before we need more politician control legislation rather than gun control legislation.

While Carney said that the administration intends to push for gun safety "under existing law" and "not infringe upon Second Amendment rights of citizens" the fact is that is the exact opposite of what such measures do. The issue is not "gun safety." That is merely the marketing of the Obama administration. Gun safety is what an individual does, not what government does. The Obama administration is not interested in gun safety. They are interested in gun banning.

Understand something here. The call for the ban of semi-automatic weapons is a call for most modern guns on the market. According to Reuters, the shooter at the Sikh temple was using a simple Springfield 9mm semiautomatic handgun.

Josh Sugarmann, , executive director of the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit group that advocates to reduce gun violence, said,

"There is no valid reason for civilians to have assault rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. We have to start ratcheting down the firepower in civilian hands in the United States."

You see, this is just an echo of the Obama administration. There are plenty of valid reasons for law-abiding citizens to posses "assault" rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. If we are to believe Mr. Sugarmann, then if those semi-automatic guns are out of the hands of the population, then there is absolutely no need for any government official to have a body guard armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Furthermore, there is no need for police to be armed with them either.

If there is a cry from these people who want more gun control and gun bans, then they need to follow their "illogic" to its logical conclusion and that would mean there would be no need for any semi-automatic guns at all. That is not the case though and they know it. Their is no Utopia like liberals assume in our future simply because men are fallen and because they are fallen they need means of protection against those men who lack self-control.

I never know how I will have to defend myself in public or in my own home. This is why there needs to continue to be high capacity magazines as well as a variety of weapons to choose from. Against military it is small for sure, but against common criminals law abiding citizens should be able to purchase a weapon of choice without government cutting those options off.

Carney finished the section regarding the assault weapons ban with the following:

“The president’s approach is that we should work with Congress where possible — and administratively where allowed — to advance common-sense measures that enhance our security, that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn’t have them, under existing law, but that protects Second Amendment rights, which the president thinks is an important goal as well."

You see, we hear the "where possible" type of comment on things such as the cybersecurity bill, which Obama is considering using executive order to implement, which would be a clear violation of the powers he has under the Constitution. Not only that but Carney uses the phrase "deadly weapons." Isn't that interesting? Well now, according to TSA box cutters are deadly weapons and so are plastic knives, nail files, fingernail clippers. I mean if we are going to use the term "deadly weapon," that really is in the eye of the beholder. Everything in our lives can be a deadly weapon, including some very well trained people!

Personally, I don't care if people say, "Well other presidents have issued Executive Orders like that." That doesn't make it right. Law is to be made in the Legislative Branch, not the Executive Branch. don't think if it came down to it that Barack Obama would not seek to implement such an EO, if he so desired. The question is, how would our elected representatives respond to such a measure?

White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns - Freedom Outpost

Gawd! I've never seen such a bunch of paranoid people as those on the right..............

Paranoid and baseless accusations that Democrats are trying to destroy the Second Amendment is nothing new for Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. This is the man who, after the January Tuscon shooting claimed six lives, rejected President Obama’s offer to come to the White House for a closed door meeting to discuss solutions to gun violence in America.

“Why should I or the N.R.A. go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to
destroy the Second Amendment in the United States?” he asked. LaPierre conveniently ignores the fact Obama is a supporter of the Second Amendment who, much to the chagrin of his liberal base, has actually expanded gun rights.

Paranoid NRA Chief Obama Leaving Gun Owners Alone Is Conspiracy To Take Away Guns ThinkProgress
I am just weighing in here...

Conservatives have not said they support guns owned by crazy people. but what they have done is supported laws and candidates that want gun control so lax and unenforced that crazy people (and felons) can easily obtain guns...

I that way conservatives have indirectly supported crazy people getting guns.

Truth is Regan was for background checks and wrote very eloquently on the issue:
Why I m for the Brady Bill - New York Times
I may not have agreed with Regan on a lot of things but he had a bit of class about him.

That is the thing about the conservatives now, Regan today would have been a RINO or a Democrat. Most likely a Democrat.

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.

Here's one and there's more:


Barack Obama's been secretly meeting with the Brady Campaign - plotting with them and promising he will take your guns—by executive order, to bypass Congress.

That’s according to Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who says Obama admitted to Sarah Brady (the group's founder) that he plans on sneaking a slew of anti-gun laws through via executive order. According to Gottlieb, Obama told Sara Brady:

"I just want you to know that we're working on it [gun control.] We have to go through a few processes but UNDER THE RADAR!" - Barack H. Obama

Said Gottlieb, “That's right - instead of doing his job - i.e. fixing the economy and creating jobs - Obama is pouring all of his energy into a massive campaign TO GRAB YOUR GUNS! Despite what he claims, Obama hates being ‘transparent.’ He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody - before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.”

Alan Gottlieb is calling on U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his position as Senate Minority Leader and a gun-rights advocate to help stop Barack Obama from sneaking his gun-confiscating agenda past Congress. Alan’s organization is suggesting a three-prong plan to McConnell:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his "executive order" power to increase federal fees on guns and ammunition, ban guns that are imported, extend waiting periods, ban the use of guns on all government property and even make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door gun control methods that threaten our Bill of Rights.

3. Alan’s lobbying group, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is LEADING A BATTLE in Congress to nullify each and every anti-gun "executive order" that Barack Obama signs into law.

“For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good,” concluded Gottlieb.


Well, like I said......more:bsflag:

Who is Alan Gottlieb? Another Rush Limbaugh, or maybe more like Sarah Palin, cashing in on the ignorance of many.

I wanted a reliable link, which of course, you have none.

Alan Gottlieb:
The Merchant of Fear

Despite appearances, Gottlieb is a buccaneering entrepreneur with a remarkable knack for cashing in big on right-wing causes.

Wolves in Sheep s Clothing Alan Gottlieb The Merchant of Fear

You act like he's the only writer I've sourced.

I told you before that arguing with some people is a total waste of time.

Your sources are not're a waste of time.
White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns
Tim Brown August 7, 2012
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During the White House Press Conference on Monday, not only did Press Secretary Jay Carney put distance from Harry Reid's comments concerning Mitt Romney's failure to pay taxes for ten years, yet not disavow the remarks, but he also affirmed the fact that Barack Obama is also out to ban guns, something we've known all along. He affirmed Obama's position to re-institute the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Of course I warned about such calls for more gun control on Monday.

When asked whether Obama supported renewing the 1994-2004 federal ban of semi-automatic weapons for civilians, Carney responded,

“He does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” and he added that “there has been reluctance by Congress to pass that renewal.”

I will interject to say there is good reason that Congress doesn't act. Banning supposed "assault weapons" does nothing to stop criminals from acquiring them. The Obama administration should know this best seeing that they delivered some 2,500 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which were responsible for at least two U.S. federal agent deaths and the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans. As I've said before we need more politician control legislation rather than gun control legislation.

While Carney said that the administration intends to push for gun safety "under existing law" and "not infringe upon Second Amendment rights of citizens" the fact is that is the exact opposite of what such measures do. The issue is not "gun safety." That is merely the marketing of the Obama administration. Gun safety is what an individual does, not what government does. The Obama administration is not interested in gun safety. They are interested in gun banning.

Understand something here. The call for the ban of semi-automatic weapons is a call for most modern guns on the market. According to Reuters, the shooter at the Sikh temple was using a simple Springfield 9mm semiautomatic handgun.

Josh Sugarmann, , executive director of the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit group that advocates to reduce gun violence, said,

"There is no valid reason for civilians to have assault rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. We have to start ratcheting down the firepower in civilian hands in the United States."

You see, this is just an echo of the Obama administration. There are plenty of valid reasons for law-abiding citizens to posses "assault" rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. If we are to believe Mr. Sugarmann, then if those semi-automatic guns are out of the hands of the population, then there is absolutely no need for any government official to have a body guard armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Furthermore, there is no need for police to be armed with them either.

If there is a cry from these people who want more gun control and gun bans, then they need to follow their "illogic" to its logical conclusion and that would mean there would be no need for any semi-automatic guns at all. That is not the case though and they know it. Their is no Utopia like liberals assume in our future simply because men are fallen and because they are fallen they need means of protection against those men who lack self-control.

I never know how I will have to defend myself in public or in my own home. This is why there needs to continue to be high capacity magazines as well as a variety of weapons to choose from. Against military it is small for sure, but against common criminals law abiding citizens should be able to purchase a weapon of choice without government cutting those options off.

Carney finished the section regarding the assault weapons ban with the following:

“The president’s approach is that we should work with Congress where possible — and administratively where allowed — to advance common-sense measures that enhance our security, that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn’t have them, under existing law, but that protects Second Amendment rights, which the president thinks is an important goal as well."

You see, we hear the "where possible" type of comment on things such as the cybersecurity bill, which Obama is considering using executive order to implement, which would be a clear violation of the powers he has under the Constitution. Not only that but Carney uses the phrase "deadly weapons." Isn't that interesting? Well now, according to TSA box cutters are deadly weapons and so are plastic knives, nail files, fingernail clippers. I mean if we are going to use the term "deadly weapon," that really is in the eye of the beholder. Everything in our lives can be a deadly weapon, including some very well trained people!

Personally, I don't care if people say, "Well other presidents have issued Executive Orders like that." That doesn't make it right. Law is to be made in the Legislative Branch, not the Executive Branch. don't think if it came down to it that Barack Obama would not seek to implement such an EO, if he so desired. The question is, how would our elected representatives respond to such a measure?

White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns - Freedom Outpost

Gawd! I've never seen such a bunch of paranoid people as those on the right..............

Paranoid and baseless accusations that Democrats are trying to destroy the Second Amendment is nothing new for Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. This is the man who, after the January Tuscon shooting claimed six lives, rejected President Obama’s offer to come to the White House for a closed door meeting to discuss solutions to gun violence in America.

“Why should I or the N.R.A. go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to
destroy the Second Amendment in the United States?” he asked. LaPierre conveniently ignores the fact Obama is a supporter of the Second Amendment who, much to the chagrin of his liberal base, has actually expanded gun rights.

Paranoid NRA Chief Obama Leaving Gun Owners Alone Is Conspiracy To Take Away Guns ThinkProgress



Obama's propaganda arm???

Pull the other leg while you're at it, will you!!!!

Obama already toughened gun laws, unannounced of course.

Has it helped?

Heck no.

What he really wants is to take away all private ownership. Period. Confiscate all guns from legal owners. That way nobody can stop him from killing cattle, or just taking our homes if he feels like it.

And still more:bsflag:

Please post a link where Obama wants to "confiscate all guns from legal owners"

I'll be waiting for your response.

Here's one and there's more:


Barack Obama's been secretly meeting with the Brady Campaign - plotting with them and promising he will take your guns—by executive order, to bypass Congress.

That’s according to Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), who says Obama admitted to Sarah Brady (the group's founder) that he plans on sneaking a slew of anti-gun laws through via executive order. According to Gottlieb, Obama told Sara Brady:

"I just want you to know that we're working on it [gun control.] We have to go through a few processes but UNDER THE RADAR!" - Barack H. Obama

Said Gottlieb, “That's right - instead of doing his job - i.e. fixing the economy and creating jobs - Obama is pouring all of his energy into a massive campaign TO GRAB YOUR GUNS! Despite what he claims, Obama hates being ‘transparent.’ He loves to weasel his fanatical ideas right past everybody - before people like you and me have the chance to stop him.”

Alan Gottlieb is calling on U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell to use his position as Senate Minority Leader and a gun-rights advocate to help stop Barack Obama from sneaking his gun-confiscating agenda past Congress. Alan’s organization is suggesting a three-prong plan to McConnell:

1. EXPOSE Obama's planned use of his "executive order" power to increase federal fees on guns and ammunition, ban guns that are imported, extend waiting periods, ban the use of guns on all government property and even make it illegal to own a gun if you smoke or use tobacco products.

2. PUBLICLY DENOUNCE Obama's back door gun control methods that threaten our Bill of Rights.

3. Alan’s lobbying group, The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is LEADING A BATTLE in Congress to nullify each and every anti-gun "executive order" that Barack Obama signs into law.

“For more than two centuries, Americans have bravely fought and died to protect our Bill of Rights. You and I owe it to them to see to it that Barack Obama does not, with the stroke of his pen, destroy their sacrifices and our Second Amendment for good,” concluded Gottlieb.


Well, like I said......more:bsflag:

Who is Alan Gottlieb? Another Rush Limbaugh, or maybe more like Sarah Palin, cashing in on the ignorance of many.

I wanted a reliable link, which of course, you have none.

Alan Gottlieb:
The Merchant of Fear

Despite appearances, Gottlieb is a buccaneering entrepreneur with a remarkable knack for cashing in big on right-wing causes.

Wolves in Sheep s Clothing Alan Gottlieb The Merchant of Fear

You act like he's the only writer I've sourced.

I told you before that arguing with some people is a total waste of time.

Your sources are not're a waste of time.

Then buhbye.
So one of our brilliant leaders said yet another idiotic thing about Ebola yesterday:

"If we have a 21 day quarantine for people coming back from West Africa, then that will discourage people from going over there to help."

So, these doctors and aid workers, are going into the lion's den, they are facing one of, if not THE most deadly viruses ever known, but a quarantine scares them? The guys that say this stuff are pretty fucking stupid alright, but you know who is even more stupid? Those who believe this garbage.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

Not really a surprise.

Well of course are also tuned in to Faux News 24/7........:D

How stupid are left wingers? Thanks for showing us exact how stupid.

Saying people are stupid is stupid, when you can't debate their comments. So, I guess you're the stupidest of all..........:D

Hmm...maybe I misjudged you. I think you are more like 10 years old instead of 12.
I also overheard that some of these organizations are now encouraging medical personnel to LIE to customs officials as to their whereabouts should they be returning from west Africa.
That's just brilliant.

Not really a surprise.

Well of course are also tuned in to Faux News 24/7........:D

How stupid are left wingers? Thanks for showing us exact how stupid.

Saying people are stupid is stupid, when you can't debate their comments. So, I guess you're the stupidest of all..........:D

Hmm...maybe I misjudged you. I think you are more like 10 years old instead of 12.

Quit trying to hit on me, I'm not your age, I'm not 10 or 12.....and you shouldn't be using your mom's computer.
Funny that I asked how stupid lefties are and they came right here and showed us how stupid. But really, we couldn't have expected otherwise.

We came in here to show you how stupid you are, and I think we succeeded..........:woohoo:
White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns
Tim Brown August 7, 2012
Share8.2K Tweet583 Share8.9K 28 Email1

During the White House Press Conference on Monday, not only did Press Secretary Jay Carney put distance from Harry Reid's comments concerning Mitt Romney's failure to pay taxes for ten years, yet not disavow the remarks, but he also affirmed the fact that Barack Obama is also out to ban guns, something we've known all along. He affirmed Obama's position to re-institute the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Of course I warned about such calls for more gun control on Monday.

When asked whether Obama supported renewing the 1994-2004 federal ban of semi-automatic weapons for civilians, Carney responded,

“He does support renewing the assault weapons ban,” and he added that “there has been reluctance by Congress to pass that renewal.”

I will interject to say there is good reason that Congress doesn't act. Banning supposed "assault weapons" does nothing to stop criminals from acquiring them. The Obama administration should know this best seeing that they delivered some 2,500 semi-automatic weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which were responsible for at least two U.S. federal agent deaths and the deaths of hundreds of Mexicans. As I've said before we need more politician control legislation rather than gun control legislation.

While Carney said that the administration intends to push for gun safety "under existing law" and "not infringe upon Second Amendment rights of citizens" the fact is that is the exact opposite of what such measures do. The issue is not "gun safety." That is merely the marketing of the Obama administration. Gun safety is what an individual does, not what government does. The Obama administration is not interested in gun safety. They are interested in gun banning.

Understand something here. The call for the ban of semi-automatic weapons is a call for most modern guns on the market. According to Reuters, the shooter at the Sikh temple was using a simple Springfield 9mm semiautomatic handgun.

Josh Sugarmann, , executive director of the Violence Policy Center, a nonprofit group that advocates to reduce gun violence, said,

"There is no valid reason for civilians to have assault rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. We have to start ratcheting down the firepower in civilian hands in the United States."

You see, this is just an echo of the Obama administration. There are plenty of valid reasons for law-abiding citizens to posses "assault" rifles, semiautomatic handguns and high-capacity magazines. If we are to believe Mr. Sugarmann, then if those semi-automatic guns are out of the hands of the population, then there is absolutely no need for any government official to have a body guard armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Furthermore, there is no need for police to be armed with them either.

If there is a cry from these people who want more gun control and gun bans, then they need to follow their "illogic" to its logical conclusion and that would mean there would be no need for any semi-automatic guns at all. That is not the case though and they know it. Their is no Utopia like liberals assume in our future simply because men are fallen and because they are fallen they need means of protection against those men who lack self-control.

I never know how I will have to defend myself in public or in my own home. This is why there needs to continue to be high capacity magazines as well as a variety of weapons to choose from. Against military it is small for sure, but against common criminals law abiding citizens should be able to purchase a weapon of choice without government cutting those options off.

Carney finished the section regarding the assault weapons ban with the following:

“The president’s approach is that we should work with Congress where possible — and administratively where allowed — to advance common-sense measures that enhance our security, that keep deadly weapons out of the hands of criminals and others who shouldn’t have them, under existing law, but that protects Second Amendment rights, which the president thinks is an important goal as well."

You see, we hear the "where possible" type of comment on things such as the cybersecurity bill, which Obama is considering using executive order to implement, which would be a clear violation of the powers he has under the Constitution. Not only that but Carney uses the phrase "deadly weapons." Isn't that interesting? Well now, according to TSA box cutters are deadly weapons and so are plastic knives, nail files, fingernail clippers. I mean if we are going to use the term "deadly weapon," that really is in the eye of the beholder. Everything in our lives can be a deadly weapon, including some very well trained people!

Personally, I don't care if people say, "Well other presidents have issued Executive Orders like that." That doesn't make it right. Law is to be made in the Legislative Branch, not the Executive Branch. don't think if it came down to it that Barack Obama would not seek to implement such an EO, if he so desired. The question is, how would our elected representatives respond to such a measure?

White House Confirms Obama Wants To Ban Guns - Freedom Outpost

Gawd! I've never seen such a bunch of paranoid people as those on the right..............

Paranoid and baseless accusations that Democrats are trying to destroy the Second Amendment is nothing new for Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association. This is the man who, after the January Tuscon shooting claimed six lives, rejected President Obama’s offer to come to the White House for a closed door meeting to discuss solutions to gun violence in America.

“Why should I or the N.R.A. go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to
destroy the Second Amendment in the United States?” he asked. LaPierre conveniently ignores the fact Obama is a supporter of the Second Amendment who, much to the chagrin of his liberal base, has actually expanded gun rights.

Paranoid NRA Chief Obama Leaving Gun Owners Alone Is Conspiracy To Take Away Guns ThinkProgress



Obama's propaganda arm???

Pull the other leg while you're at it, will you!!!!


Alan Gottlieb......really???? The rightwingers alternate Rush Limbaugh? Try again.

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