How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

Dodge, and we all see why you had to.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.

You forget that it was unions that brought wages up. Either you worked for a union company or a company that was afraid their employees would unionize. Or they had to pay so much in order to retain good help because if you didn't pay well people wouldn't work for you. That's what has changed. I don't even want to get into it with you based on your comment. "it has been my experience" HA! You don't even know your own experience. You don't realize even you need to thank a union.

He didn't forget, he wants everyone else to.

But it was yet another lie from the Left. It was Henry Ford who started it.

No, it was actually Henry Ford who raised the wages of his employees in order to keep them. It was not the unions. Do your homework.

Yeah, I know, that was then, this is now, and Henry Ford's gone.
That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

Dodge, and we all see why you had to.

Dodge what? The truth I told. It was Henry Ford. You are a victim of no one but yourself.
As long as the CEO pays their fair share, no problem. You've got all the deflection propaganda taking points down pat, dupe.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
See that's ignorance. Infrastructure bill, immigration bill with good SS ID card to END it, free community college for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, tax hike for over 250k, extension of payroll tax cut, cheap college loans, on and on. Change the channel.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

Dodge, and we all see why you had to.

Dodge what? The truth I told. It was Henry Ford. You are a victim of no one but yourself.
Cut it out. One company. Later, they had a huge strike. 1930's. In the 50's, the tax rate was 90%, business paid 35% of taxes, now TEN, public college was free, min wage was $11 in today's $, but since Raygun the middle class and the country have gone to hell. All for the greedy rich tax cuts.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

Dodge, and we all see why you had to.

Dodge what? The truth I told. It was Henry Ford. You are a victim of no one but yourself.

I'm neither a victim or a fool son, you on the other hand, are both.

Wealth Inequality Doubled Over Last 10 Years, Study Finds
Wealth inequality is 10 times worse than income inequality |.

"policy, politics and racemovement conservatives increased their influence over the Republican Party beginning in the 1970s, moving it politically rightward. Combined with the Party's expanded political power (enabled by a shift of southern white Democrats to the Republican Party following the passage of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s), this resulted in more regressive tax laws, anti-labor policies, and further limited expansion of the welfare state relative to other developed nations (e.g., the unique absence of universal healthcare).[6] Further, variation in income inequality across developed countries indicates policy has a significant influence on inequality; Japan, Sweden and France have income inequality around 1960 levels.[90]"
Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia

"Numerous studies have shown income inequality growing since the late 1970s. Real earnings have fallen for many families, with globalization, the decline of unions and technological innovations eroding workers’ wages. But earnings have soared at the top, with corporate executives and families with significant income from investments making out especially well."

"Victims". Do not question society, stay in your place.
Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

Dodge, and we all see why you had to.

Dodge what? The truth I told. It was Henry Ford. You are a victim of no one but yourself.
Cut it out. One company. Later, they had a huge strike. 1930's. In the 50's, the tax rate was 90%, business paid 35% of taxes, now TEN, public college was free, min wage was $11 in today's $, but since Raygun the middle class and the country have gone to hell. All for the greedy rich tax cuts.

He knows, he doesn't want others to.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide vest
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
Hate link:

Many of the barbs directed at Clinton revolve around her husband's well-publicised sexual transgressions in the 1980s and 90s.

She orchestrated all of this! She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!
Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative writer
Last year, Trump himself retweeted the comment, "If Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" though he later deleted it.

But some critics focus on her alleged role in the scandal, as a co-ordinator of attempts to keep the women involved quiet and to blacken their character.

In a recent film, Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party - the top-grossing documentary in the US this year - conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza even argues that Hillary Clinton encouraged her husband to sleep with other women.

"She orchestrated all of this!" he says, in the film's narration. "She used his addiction to make him dependent upon her!"

This attack and others like it show a determination to cast Clinton as a "co-perpetrator" in her husband's wrongdoings, says columnist and author Michelle Goldberg.

"It also reinforces the idea that she is so power-crazed that she's unmoved by normal human drives like love, loyalty and jealousy."


OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Keep getting your news from comedians dupe.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
This doesn't surprise me one of lyin ted cruz' supporters are lyin about not recalling all the obstruction his party caused and threatened to shut the government down and lowered our aaa credit rating.

Remember this. The money Democrats give to poor people go right back into the economy. The tax breaks you want to give rich people won't trickle down because they will go right in that rich persons savings account and they will sit on it.

Be specific. Name some things the Congress blocked that Obama wanted.
  1. Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas- A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas. Republicans blocked this, allowing companies to keep the tax break they receive when they ship jobs to other countries.
  2. The Small Business Jobs Act -would give LOCAL, community banks access to billions of dollars to loan to small businesses. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed.
  3. Benefits for Homeless Veterans- Would have expanded benefits to homeless veterans and homeless veterans with children. Republicans blocked this.
  4. Affordable Health Care For America Act- Prevents insurance companies from discriminating against you on the basis of “pre-existing conditions”. Requires that insurance companies spend 85 cents of every dollar that you pay on your actual health care. Limits health insurance companies profit margins. Republicans blocked this for months before it finally passed and have vowed to repeal it if they are elected.
  5. The Jobs Bill- Offsets the payroll tax for 1 year for companies that hire new employees, or people receiving unemployment insurance. Also gives other tax incentives to companies hiring new employees. Republicans attempted to block this.
  6. Wall Street Reform- Puts stricter regulations on the banks, preventing them from becoming “too big to fail”. Curbs reckless spending practices that caused the banking crisis. Republicans attempted to block this.
  7. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act- Pumped billions of dollars into state and local Governments to prevent us from sinking into a second Great Depression. Republicans opposed this but now want to take credit for the parts of it that we know are successful.
  8. Oil Spill Liability- Raises the liability on what companies can be made to pay to clean up after an oil spill. Republicans blocked this.
  9. Immigration Reform- Republican suggested comprehensive immigration reform until Obama supported it. Now they’re rabidly opposed to it and even voted against their own legislation. Republicans blocked this.
  10. Unemployment extension bill HR-4213- Would provide additional aid to the millions of Americans still on unemployment who are just trying to support themselves and their families. Republicans blocked this bill for 8 weeks before it finally passed. Republicans blocked this for 8 weeks before it finally passed.
  11. Fair Pay Act of 2009- Also called the Lily Ledbetter bill. Requires that women receive equal compensation to men for doing the same work. Republicans attempted to block this.
  12. No permanent military bases in Afghanistan
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide vest
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
That must be why the Jew and black armies are succeeding so well at killing them off, right PTBW?
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

The BBC is the NYTimes with brown teeth and a haughty contempt for the US. Ask a Brit about their lack of competition and you'll get an earful.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The establishment GOP needs to go extinct... because they really are just part of one party rule in Washington - the progressive party… Fact

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The establishment GOP needs to go extinct... because they really are just part of one party rule in Washington - the progressive party… Fact

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

Nothing blind about peoples dislike for Hillary.

As for hating her?? Who would bother. She's not worth hating. She's just a waste of oxygen.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide vest
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
Ignorance. We ALREADY vet refugees for 2-3 years before allowing them in. The BBC makes our under financed media look like crap. Talking heads and no foreign offices and no journalism. A disgrace.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide e
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
That must be why the Jew and black armies are succeeding so well at killing them off, right PTBW?
Muslims, Jews and blacks have destroyed Europe's tourism industry, and even the BBC is too scared to try to spin that fact.

But of course, everyone knows it is really those white right wingers and Christians, right?
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The establishment GOP needs to go extinct... because they really are just part of one party rule in Washington - the progressive party… Fact

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds

Its your entire system.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The establishment GOP needs to go extinct... because they really are just part of one party rule in Washington - the progressive party… Fact

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide e
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
That must be why the Jew and black armies are succeeding so well at killing them off, right PTBW?
Muslims, Jews and blacks have destroyed Europe's tourism industry, and even the BBC is too scared to try to spin that fact.

But of course, everyone knows it is really those white right wingers and Christians, right?

Damn, well, colonization ain't free I reckon.

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