How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.

Your "progress" is defined by men having anal sex being considered a "lifestyle" and partial-birth abortion being considered "humane" because the child is unwanted, and we can "reason" with islamic terrorists and have to accept a certain number of murdered Americans at their hands....yeah, we're all for leaving that kind of "human progress" behind.
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.

Nah, them too.
No evidence in their policies.
They only exist because of billionaires like Soros.
Soros is the bogey man. His money and influence in politics is nothing compared to Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, Mercer. Hell Fox is now running the GOP. Plus, Soros's goal is not making money by screwing workers and the environment and misinforming the public. Ask anyone but the GOP propaganda machine and the dupes.
Dip shit, you do know it's one party rule in Washington? The progressive party. LOL
IT's A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Silly stuff.
Nah, them too.
No evidence in their policies.
They only exist because of billionaires like Soros.
Soros is the bogey man. His money and influence in politics is nothing compared to Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, Mercer. Hell Fox is now running the GOP. Plus, Soros's goal is not making money by screwing workers and the environment and misinforming the public. Ask anyone but the GOP propaganda machine and the dupes.
Dip shit, you do know it's one party rule in Washington? The progressive party. LOL
IT's A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Silly stuff.
Says the career politician worshiper
So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.

Your "progress" is defined by men having anal sex being considered a "lifestyle" and partial-birth abortion being considered "humane" because the child is unwanted, and we can "reason" with islamic terrorists and have to accept a certain number of murdered Americans at their hands....yeah, we're all for leaving that kind of "human progress" behind.
Tolerance of gays and immigrants does certainly not extend for terrorists. That's RW idiocy/total bs..
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

Nothing blind about peoples dislike for Hillary.

As for hating her?? Who would bother. She's not worth hating. She's just a waste of oxygen.
Functionally blind, hater dupe. Fact check.

Functionally stupid, hater idiot. You only look at the facts when you think that they agree with you.
No evidence in their policies.
They only exist because of billionaires like Soros.
Soros is the bogey man. His money and influence in politics is nothing compared to Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, Mercer. Hell Fox is now running the GOP. Plus, Soros's goal is not making money by screwing workers and the environment and misinforming the public. Ask anyone but the GOP propaganda machine and the dupes.
Dip shit, you do know it's one party rule in Washington? The progressive party. LOL
IT's A CONSPIRACEEEEE!!!! Silly stuff.
Says the career politician worshiper
Policy worshiper, Masters in History.
The Reagan administration sold weapons to terrorists, and they got caught. Research the Iran Contra hearings.

Bush got caught raping the Constitution with the first version of his wire tapping program.

After being subpoenaed for the outing of a CIA agent, Karl Rove deleted thousands of emails.

Not one Republican cared about any of this stuff. No matter how big the constitutional violation, Republicans have never held their side accountable.

George Bush failed to institute basic national defense protocols on 9/11, leaving the eastern seaboard a sitting duck. He was warned a month earlier about an impending attack yet he took no action. Then he refused to testify about the greatest national defense mistake in history, yet Bill Clinton was slaughtered over a consensual blow job (which is tame compared to Trump's recent admissions).

So yeah, it's fun to watch Karma destroy the Republicans, finally.

They are finally being engulfed by their own toxic stew of scandal mongering.

Note to self. If you spend 30 years preaching against sexual indiscretions, don't run a candidate who is a rapist.
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Tolerance of gays and immigrants does certainly not extend for terrorists. That's RW idiocy/total bs..

Tell that to the families in Orlando...oh, and remind them tens of thousands of muslims are pouring in from Syria, a considerable number of them thought to be ISIS killers.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

Nothing blind about peoples dislike for Hillary.

As for hating her?? Who would bother. She's not worth hating. She's just a waste of oxygen.
Functionally blind, hater dupe. Fact check.

Functionally stupid, hater idiot. You only look at the facts when you think that they agree with you.
And everyone else in the world but dupes of greedy idiot GOP billionaires, dupe.
The Reagan administration sold weapons to terrorists, and they got caught. Research the Iran Contra hearings.

Bush got caught raping the Constitution with the first version of his wire tapping program.

After being subpoenaed for the outing of a CIA agent, Karl Rove deleted thousands of emails.

The Rightwing has never taken action against their leaders for doing stuff that is far worse than Clinton.

George Bush failed to institute basic national defense protocols on 9/11, leaving the eastern seaboard a sitting duck. He was warned a month earlier about an impending attack yet he took no action. Then he refused to testify about the greatest national defense mistake in history, yet Bill Clinton was slaughtered over a consensual blow job (which is tame compared to Trump's recent admissions).

So yeah, it's fun to watch Karma destroy the Republicans, finally.

They are finally being engulfed by their own toxic stew of scandal mongering.

Eh... choke on a crumpet, ya lying teabagger.
Tolerance of gays and immigrants does certainly not extend for terrorists. That's RW idiocy/total bs..

Tell that to the families in Orlando...oh, and remind them tens of thousands of muslims are pouring in from Syria, a considerable number of them thought to be ISIS killers.
That was an American citizen, like all our idiot ISIS. No refugees from Syria, all vetted all to hell already.
The Reagan administration sold weapons to terrorists, and they got caught. Research the Iran Contra hearings.

Bush got caught raping the Constitution with the first version of his wire tapping program.

After being subpoenaed for the outing of a CIA agent, Karl Rove deleted thousands of emails.

The Rightwing has never taken action against their leaders for doing stuff that is far worse than Clinton.

George Bush failed to institute basic national defense protocols on 9/11, leaving the eastern seaboard a sitting duck. He was warned a month earlier about an impending attack yet he took no action. Then he refused to testify about the greatest national defense mistake in history, yet Bill Clinton was slaughtered over a consensual blow job (which is tame compared to Trump's recent admissions).

So yeah, it's fun to watch Karma destroy the Republicans, finally.

They are finally being engulfed by their own toxic stew of scandal mongering.

Eh... choke on a crumpet, ya lying teabagger.
Brilliant argument, ignorant ugly American fool.
The rest of the world must be looking on in horror as the only superpower threatens to push the button and blow up their suicide e
The rest of the world is not even a blip on the radar.

America is smart enough to at least try to vet refugees.

That is way beyond the thought level of the BBC.
That must be why the Jew and black armies are succeeding so well at killing them off, right PTBW?
Muslims, Jews and blacks have destroyed Europe's tourism industry, and even the BBC is too scared to try to spin that fact.

But of course, everyone knows it is really those white right wingers and Christians, right?

Damn, well, colonization ain't free I reckon.
Colonization of Europe?

Colonization of Spain and the south of France?

Colonization of Eastern Europe?

Colonization of Constantinople?
WTF are you 2 ignorant ideologues going on about lol?
The establishment GOP needs to go extinct... because they really are just part of one party rule in Washington - the progressive party… Fact

So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.

Nah, them too.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.
Capitalist from every part of the planet are colluding for leverage against local workers. This is why Reagan crushed Central and South American governments who tried to withhold labor and resources from the global market system.

Salvador Allende in Chile was wildly popular with his people, but he didn't want to let foreign transnationals (lead by large US corporations) control their workers and resources - so the USA sponsored a coup to put the murderous Pinochet in power.

Allende was murdered and the Reagan administration got a new trading partner, offering ultra cheap labor and cheap resources to our corporations.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
See that's ignorance. Infrastructure bill, immigration bill with good SS ID card to END it, free community college for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, tax hike for over 250k, extension of payroll tax cut, cheap college loans, on and on. Change the channel.

I don't remember it. If it's true then put the links up to prove it.
So basically you're just being left behind by human progress.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.

Nah, them too.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.

Nah, them too.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
He can't help it if he's a lockstep lemming... Being a politically correct socialist does that people… LOL
Capitalist from every part of the planet are colluding for leverage against local workers. This is why Reagan crushed Central and South American governments who tried to withhold labor and resources from the global market system.

Salvador Allende in Chile was wildly popular with his people, but he didn't want to let foreign transnationals (lead by large US corporations) control their workers and resources - so the USA sponsored a coup to put the murderous Pinochet in power.

Allende was murdered and the Reagan administration got a new trading partner, offering ultra cheap labor and cheap resources to our corporations.

Is Reagan the reason Ford is building a huge modern plant in Mexico and moving their auto manufacturing there? Is Reagan the reason Carrier laid off 1400 employees and moved its manufacturing to Mexico? I don't actually accept the fact that Reaganhas been the President for the last nearly eight years.
The GOP establishment is all about backroom deals and earmarks… Their corruption knows no bounds
And mainly bought off and propagandized by greedy billionaires. Unlike the Dems.

Nah, them too.
No evidence in their policies.
They only exist because of billionaires like Soros.
Soros is the bogey man. His money and influence in politics is nothing compared to Murdoch, the Kochs, Adelson, Mercer. Hell Fox is now running the GOP. Plus, Soros's goal is not making money by screwing workers and the environment and misinforming the public. Ask anyone but the GOP propaganda machine and the dupes.
Fox is a bogeyman.

The BBC is just more of the same bullshit as subsidized trash like CNN, MSNBC and their non cable clones.

Soros has fucked over countless white working people, just like the Democrats and Labour continually do.

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