How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

Dodge what? The truth I told. It was Henry Ford. You are a victim of no one but yourself.
Cut it out. One company. Later, they had a huge strike. 1930's. In the 50's, the tax rate was 90%, business paid 35% of taxes, now TEN, public college was free, min wage was $11 in today's $, but since Raygun the middle class and the country have gone to hell. All for the greedy rich tax cuts.

LOL! Try as you might, it was still Henry Ford. Actually were I you, I would be ashamed of myself. I assume you are a grown man, Here you are again and again whining and crying and wanting someone to help you or do everything for you and relieve you of any personal responsibility. You're really a joke to call yourself any kind of man at all.

Too bad you can't name more.

Sonny Boy want a tiddy bottle? Poor mistreated little tyke. Cannot make it on his own.
Henry done good. But nobody followed. I'm retired. You've melted down lol.

Well, let the kind orderlies in the rest home put you down for a nap like your Mommy did until you turned 50 years of age.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
High cost. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging.

So, why don't you get the necessary training and education to qualify for one of them? That's what the rest of us had to do for ourselves.
I'm retired idiot. We're talking politics here. Not our personal lives. Jeeebus what a moron you are politically. Angry white man.

Seminole, Shit for Brains. I'm not angry either. I have nothing to be angry about.
Nah, them too.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
High cost. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging.

So, why don't you get the necessary training and education to qualify for one of them? That's what the rest of us had to do for ourselves.
You did before Reaganism made it DAMN diffficult and expensive, starting the slow ruin of the country, al to cut taxes on the rich.. I'm still retired, MORON.
World market progressives/globalists - they being The puppet masters of all career politicians no matter the party...
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
High cost. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging.

So, why don't you get the necessary training and education to qualify for one of them? That's what the rest of us had to do for ourselves.
I'm retired idiot. We're talking politics here. Not our personal lives. Jeeebus what a moron you are politically. Angry white man.
Shut up, sissy white boy.
Cut it out. One company. Later, they had a huge strike. 1930's. In the 50's, the tax rate was 90%, business paid 35% of taxes, now TEN, public college was free, min wage was $11 in today's $, but since Raygun the middle class and the country have gone to hell. All for the greedy rich tax cuts.

LOL! Try as you might, it was still Henry Ford. Actually were I you, I would be ashamed of myself. I assume you are a grown man, Here you are again and again whining and crying and wanting someone to help you or do everything for you and relieve you of any personal responsibility. You're really a joke to call yourself any kind of man at all.

Too bad you can't name more.

Sonny Boy want a tiddy bottle? Poor mistreated little tyke. Cannot make it on his own.
Henry done good. But nobody followed. I'm retired. You've melted down lol.

Well, let the kind orderlies in the rest home put you down for a nap like your Mommy did until you turned 50 years of age.
LOL. What a political moron.
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
High cost. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging.

So, why don't you get the necessary training and education to qualify for one of them? That's what the rest of us had to do for ourselves.
I'm retired idiot. We're talking politics here. Not our personal lives. Jeeebus what a moron you are politically. Angry white man.

Seminole, Shit for Brains. I'm not angry either. I have nothing to be angry about.
Angry Seminole brainwashed twit. Read some books on history, politics. You're a Fox drone. Or whatever.
Globalism in business is coming, just a question of whether stupid greedy GOP one, or smart Dem one. IE, investment in training our work force and getting the rich to pay their fair share.

Training the work force to do exactly what? Where is the training to be done and by whom? Who will foot the bill to pay for all these freeloaders to be trained? What is preventing them from getting the training they want now?
High cost. 3-6 million tech jobs going begging.

So, why don't you get the necessary training and education to qualify for one of them? That's what the rest of us had to do for ourselves.
I'm retired idiot. We're talking politics here. Not our personal lives. Jeeebus what a moron you are politically. Angry white man.
Shut up, sissy white boy.
So wtf were you talking about, the whole outside world trying to colonize Europe before Imperial Rome, Nancy Boy? lol. You guys are like 5 year olds. lol
Meanwhile, the OP:

Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...

The point is, GOPers are misinformed to the point of blind, idiotic rage against Hillary after 25 years of Pubcrappe. Hater dupes reduced here to idiocy lol.
According to them, it was a video tape that caused Benghazi, and Lewinsky was a vast Right-Wing conspiracy. Might believe all that as well...
You mean this tape:

Republicans Said Obama Misrepresented the Libya attack. Now the Joke’s On Them.

The intelligence from Libya was confused all along. The attack took place in the midst of uprisings against the video across the Muslim world, aimed particularly at U.S. embassies. The rage, though real, was ignited and stoked by anti-American extremists. That’s how it often is with mob violence: One man’s motivation is another man’s pretext. In Benghazi, witnesses saw attackers and onlookers. The problem was figuring out the relationship between them. The CIA’s initial assessments suggested a hybrid scenario: a demonstration “spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" that "evolved into a direct assault" by extremists.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
See that's ignorance. Infrastructure bill, immigration bill with good SS ID card to END it, free community college for 3-6 million tech jobs going begging, tax hike for over 250k, extension of payroll tax cut, cheap college loans, on and on. Change the channel.

I don't remember it. If it's true then put the links up to prove it.
First you ask now you want us to do your homework? Clearly you are under informed
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
It's not hate...more documented disgust and observable incompetence.
Brainwashed hate. The whole GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. Fox is the best of it. lol. Documented my butt.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
It's not hate...more documented disgust and observable incompetence.
Brainwashed hate. The whole GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. Fox is the best of it. lol. Documented my butt.
Double digit IQ confirmed.
Hillary Clinton defends handling of Benghazi attack - BBC News E-Mails
Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced - BBC News Bengazi
The dark depths of hatred for Hillary Clinton - BBC News - Hate caused by bs propaganda,
Last one first, etc.
The disgrace of a New BS GOP is getting its just desserts, hater dupes...
It's not hate...more documented disgust and observable incompetence.
Brainwashed hate. The whole GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace. Fox is the best of it. lol. Documented my butt.
Bed wetter
Your party, your candidate, your propaganda machine, your deplorables, and your brainwashed ugly American dupes are the laughingstock and horror of the modern world.. And don't forget your catastrophe Boosh -9/11 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest, most destructive wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression- and 8 years of mindless obstruction) WTF is the matter with you people? Snap out of it.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

The fact is they went after Clinton for obstructing Justice. You ignored that fact. He lost his license to practice law because he obstructed Justice. That's it.
Yea yea. Witch hunt. That's why his popularity went up.

And don't tell me Clinton's a womanizer and how that bothers you sanctity of marriage conservatives and then you're voting for trump. You can no longer sit on your high horse.

We all know this is all politics and bottom line is we want that supreme Court and to control the Senate at least next year

You guys are the ones who lowered the bar so low we just shrugged and said fuck it May as well join ya.
I know you want to be like us. Remember you guys hated it that bill Clinton smoked weed but then didn't care that bush did cocaine.

We didn't hate that Bill smoked weed, we just A. didn't believe his claim that he didn't inhale, or B. did believe it and thought that made him a complete freak to be so deeply dishonest with his friends.

(i was b, btw)

OK, thanks.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it

OUr bad Trade POlicy has had decades of bi-partisan support.

I admit that the GOP has the lion's share of that historically.

But Trump has flipped the GOP on that issue.

That's change.

Change you are resisting dealing with.
Your party, your candidate, your propaganda machine, your deplorables, and your brainwashed ugly American dupes are the laughingstock and horror of the modern world.. And don't forget your catastrophe Boosh -9/11 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest, most destructive wars ever, AND a corrupt world depression- and 8 years of mindless obstruction) WTF is the matter with you people? Snap out of it.


And fuck you.
And Fox, Rush, Jones etc etc, dupe. Your whole bs propaganda machine...Great job.
Point is they went after Clinton for Monica because he was so popular politically. Republicans don't act very nice ever. When they were in power bush Chaney Tom delay and hastert were very slimy. And tea baggers were horrible to Obama and now we are dealing with a baket of deplorables.

1. Anyone that still uses the term "teabagger" at this late date has no credibility.

2. Republicans foolishly believed that sexual harassment was a big deal. They didn't understand that it was only a big deal when lefties could use it to slam Republicans. Bill, as a good lib, of course got a pass.

3. Deplorable is lefty code for, "they disagree, they won't be scared by threats of being called racist, and we can't beat them on the issues, so we really need to shout them down".
Monica seduced Bill. Pffft!! Bill denied. BS impeachment, his approval peaked. You party is a joke and horror, dupe.
And they want to put NAFTA on bill but Herbert Walker bush invented it and more Republicans than Democrats signed it.

And NAFTA wasn't so bad until bush delay and hastert got their hands on it
The GOP of course refused to invest in cheap training to to get the good jobs the new markets provide for us, as promised- and still do...all to protect their greedy idiot billionaire masters/propagandists...poor dupes.

Training won't address the fact that the Third World workers make peanuts.

Training won't address the fact that our trading partners cheap in order to fuck US. (as was recently verified by the WTO)

Training is worthless if the jobs are not there.

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