How the BBC sees RW blind hate of Hillary (crazy), Bengazi, E-Mails

As long as the CEO pays their fair share, no problem. You've got all the deflection propaganda taking points down pat, dupe.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.

Ah, so it was all bipartisan.
As long as the CEO pays their fair share, no problem. You've got all the deflection propaganda taking points down pat, dupe.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
This doesn't surprise me one of lyin ted cruz' supporters are lyin about not recalling all the obstruction his party caused and threatened to shut the government down and lowered our aaa credit rating.

Remember this. The money Democrats give to poor people go right back into the economy. The tax breaks you want to give rich people won't trickle down because they will go right in that rich persons savings account and they will sit on it.
I actually never had a Black electrical engineer make an employment application with my company.

That is because Affirmative Action pushes blacks into schools where the only courses they can pass are Black History and the like...
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

There just so happens to be a whole lot of young folks in the military right now earning money for their college education. I just sent three children to college and paid for all of it except for a little help from some scholarships they earned themselves. It is being done everyday, Asshole. No, you won't get there making excuses.
"Libertarian" is what uber Reich wingers call themselves sometimes

No, that is what taxpayer funded leeches call us, because all taxpayer funded leeches like you care about is your government check...

Libertarians are not bigots, not people who want government in your bedroom - nope. Libertarians want government to do what the Constitution says, and precisely nothing more than that...

You want government to spend spend spend so you and your party can STEAL STEAL STEAL...
"Libertarian" is what uber Reich wingers call themselves sometimes

No, that is what taxpayer funded leeches call us, because all taxpayer funded leeches like you care about is your government check...

Libertarians are not bigots, not people who want government in your bedroom - nope. Libertarians want government to do what the Constitution says, and precisely nothing more than that...

You want government to spend spend spend so you and your party can STEAL STEAL STEAL...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, you have no idea what I want, obviously son. Go find some other idiot like you who buys into this partisanshithead crap.
I actually never had a Black electrical engineer make an employment application with my company.

That is because Affirmative Action pushes blacks into schools where the only courses they can pass are Black History and the like...
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
I actually never had a Black electrical engineer make an employment application with my company.

That is because Affirmative Action pushes blacks into schools where the only courses they can pass are Black History and the like...
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

There just so happens to be a whole lot of young folks in the military right now earning money for their college education. I just sent three children to college and paid for all of it except for a little help from some scholarships they earned themselves. It is being done everyday, Asshole. No, you won't get there making excuses.
If you have that kind of money, don't expect the rest of us to agree with your politics. The view from up there is nice.

And I shouldn't have to risk dying to go to college. And the poor should be able to afford it. You guys want to return to the days where the poor might go out and become some rich guys apprentice. Tiny Tim days. OMG.

And meanwhile you can afford to pay for 3 kids to go to college? No wonder you can't relate.
That is because Affirmative Action pushes blacks into schools where the only courses they can pass are Black History and the like...
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.
The GOP blocked everything Obama wanted, but at least with a Dem there's hope lol. Here's hoping for a huge landslide. It's never been more obvious the GOP is a disgrace, except to the a-holes and dupes.

I don't recall anything of any significance the RINOs in Congress blocked. Obama pretty much got everything he asked for. The money for the shovel ready jobs, the millions he squandered in the bankrupt solar companies, the support for overthrowing the Libyan leader and turning Libya into an ISIS hellhole, the money to send military into Libya and Syria, etc.
This doesn't surprise me one of lyin ted cruz' supporters are lyin about not recalling all the obstruction his party caused and threatened to shut the government down and lowered our aaa credit rating.

Remember this. The money Democrats give to poor people go right back into the economy. The tax breaks you want to give rich people won't trickle down because they will go right in that rich persons savings account and they will sit on it.

Be specific. Name some things the Congress blocked that Obama wanted.
That is because Affirmative Action pushes blacks into schools where the only courses they can pass are Black History and the like...
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

There just so happens to be a whole lot of young folks in the military right now earning money for their college education. I just sent three children to college and paid for all of it except for a little help from some scholarships they earned themselves. It is being done everyday, Asshole. No, you won't get there making excuses.
If you have that kind of money, don't expect the rest of us to agree with your politics. The view from up there is nice.

And I shouldn't have to risk dying to go to college. And the poor should be able to afford it. You guys want to return to the days where the poor might go out and become some rich guys apprentice. Tiny Tim days. OMG.

And meanwhile you can afford to pay for 3 kids to go to college? No wonder you can't relate.

The reason I refuse to relate is because I earned my way myself. I never entertained failure as an option. That's the difference between you and I.
No, we just don't like to see CEO pay go up 300% and our pay go down when you factor inflation.

Ceo's like this but workers don't. The GOP is the party ceo's like

Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.

You forget that it was unions that brought wages up. Either you worked for a union company or a company that was afraid their employees would unionize. Or they had to pay so much in order to retain good help because if you didn't pay well people wouldn't work for you. That's what has changed. I don't even want to get into it with you based on your comment. "it has been my experience" HA! You don't even know your own experience. You don't realize even you need to thank a union.

He didn't forget, he wants everyone else to.

No, it was actually Henry Ford who raised the wages of his employees in order to keep them. It was not the unions. Do your homework.
Yeah me too, I'm rather referring to this perceptual reality whereby no one’s ever responsible for anything in society unless it’s those with no power on the bottom. It’s the same in the corporate world. Everyone wants managerial level pay for actually managing nothing at all, and then all the accountability is at the bottom where it can no longer be passed on down to someone else.
No, we just don't like to see CEO pay go up 300% and our pay go down when you factor inflation.

Ceo's like this but workers don't. The GOP is the party ceo's like

Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.

You forget that it was unions that brought wages up. Either you worked for a union company or a company that was afraid their employees would unionize. Or they had to pay so much in order to retain good help because if you didn't pay well people wouldn't work for you. That's what has changed. I don't even want to get into it with you based on your comment. "it has been my experience" HA! You don't even know your own experience. You don't realize even you need to thank a union.

It was Henry Ford. It wasn't any union.
Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.
Yes, I am an honest camper and do take full responsibility for myself and the care of my family. I am a victim of no one, no political party, and no government.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.

I rather think you just showed us who the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in america is. Again.

Actually statics are readily available to back me up and you should know it.

They can never outweigh your thought process bub. Never.

But you can't refute the actual figures can you?
As the big Orange a-hole said, under GOP policies defended to the death by the party of NO!, blacks are mainly screwed and hopeless. But every time they know they can go to college, they all go. So are all poor and lower middle class. College costs and loans are ridiculous after 30 years of GOP...And you functional a-holes blame the victims...

No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.
Who approved your CEO's pay hike? Who opposed it? Was the pay hike approved by the shareholders? If the corporation can afford it, what's your bitch other than pure jealousy? Sounds like more Black victim shit to me.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.

You forget that it was unions that brought wages up. Either you worked for a union company or a company that was afraid their employees would unionize. Or they had to pay so much in order to retain good help because if you didn't pay well people wouldn't work for you. That's what has changed. I don't even want to get into it with you based on your comment. "it has been my experience" HA! You don't even know your own experience. You don't realize even you need to thank a union.

He didn't forget, he wants everyone else to.

No, it was actually Henry Ford who raised the wages of his employees in order to keep them. It was not the unions. Do your homework.

Yeah, I know, that was then, this is now, and Henry Ford's gone.
No one is preventing anyone from attending college. Like I stated, I went to college under the GI Bill. I grew up below the poverty level myself but that didn't prevent me from getting a college education. More pissing and moaning and crying victim. No one ows you jack shit. Get out and earn your own way.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.
Well why not pay all us workers minimum wage and let all the profits go to the top. I'm not voting for that. I get a vote you get a vote. You can call me names all you want but I'm not going to vote with you massa.

It has been my experience in the business world that employers pay pretty much the same scale as do other businesses of the same type and kind. If you are drawing minimum wage, it is your own fault for not acquiring the skills necessary to garner a higher wage within your chosen industry of employment. I pay my engineers the prevailing local sale that other engineering firms pay. The really high quality engineers are paid even more. It sounds to me like you have personal problems or maybe simply lack ambition and drive.
Me neither. Why do people think that about us liberals. I'm college educated, white, a man, atheist, intelligent, I have savings, I believe in global warming, I paid for my own college, I own my own home, I have a job. I'm a winner. Lots of us liberals like me. You guys think we are all takers well we are but only with your sick and twisted conservative philosophy maybe.

We would rather a country that understands we are all in this together and not a every man for himself society. I/we understand in a capitalistic society there are going to be winners and losers but when capitalism gets out of hand it's time for either government to step in or for labor to organize.

Or we can just elect Democrats and they'll fix what the GOP broke.

You're the ones that are crying victim all the time. It really gets old after about forty years of special treatment. Obama was your Black messiah who was goin to lift you up out of the ghettos. Hillary won't do a damn thing for you either. In four or eight years after Hillary, you'll still be crying victim. You love being the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in America.

I rather think you just showed us who the most backward and ignorant of all the ethnic groups in america is. Again.

Actually statics are readily available to back me up and you should know it.

They can never outweigh your thought process bub. Never.

But you can't refute the actual figures can you?

Ya gave none bub.
Hey asshole! Hey stupid! How much did college cost when you and I went? $5000 a year? What if it were 20k a year? Would you be ok with that? Dummy!

Some folks are fine with creating a generation of debt peons. It's good for "business" to have a pool of wage slaves to hire.

That's up to the individual isn't it? Many of the really wealthy folks I know went into the trades and then started their own business. You simply haven't the ambition or desire apparently. Excuses are a dime a dozen.
No. Sometimes the individual is powerless and we need to organize.

Actually one needs to be organized himself. Quit depending on someone else. Do it yourself.

That's why unions were targeted, the substantial people get very upset when the little people organize.

That's the key word for losers why play the victim card. "Little People".

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