How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People


Bringing about the death of a fellow soldier intentionally is murder.

You didn't know that bringing about someone's death intentionally is murder?

Why are you defending the idea of murdering one's fellow soldiers?
Why would "religious young people" be scared away by anything about homosexuality. If they are religious then they would know that homosexuality is a sin, and should be discouraged and not condoned.

If there is any "hate" on display, its by anti-Christian and anti-religous folks like yourself who attack people for their religious beliefs that have been in place for thousands of years.

Homosexuality has existed far longer than any religion known to man.

Regardless, it's a never-ending face-palm for me to continuously read Christians trying to explain that everyone should adhere to their beliefs for whatever multitude of illegitimate(to me) reasons, and we're the bigots for not being more accepting of it.


Seems to me that you desire Christians to adhere to your beliefs and that they are bigots for not accepting something they find contrary to the Bible.

Whatever Christians believe should be put in the back of their minds. They can believe anything they want to, as long as they do not practice their beliefs. As you can see, the Christian belief is considered illegitimate. You are permitted to have private opinions which are not to be reflected in your daily life.
Why would "religious young people" be scared away by anything about homosexuality. If they are religious then they would know that homosexuality is a sin, and should be discouraged and not condoned.

If there is any "hate" on display, its by anti-Christian and anti-religous folks like yourself who attack people for their religious beliefs that have been in place for thousands of years.

Homosexuality has existed far longer than any religion known to man.

Regardless, it's a never-ending face-palm for me to continuously read Christians trying to explain that everyone should adhere to their beliefs for whatever multitude of illegitimate(to me) reasons, and we're the bigots for not being more accepting of it.


Seems to me that you desire Christians to adhere to your beliefs and that they are bigots for not accepting something they find contrary to the Bible.

Where is it indicated that Christians have to adhere to his beliefs?
Homosexuality has existed far longer than any religion known to man.

Regardless, it's a never-ending face-palm for me to continuously read Christians trying to explain that everyone should adhere to their beliefs for whatever multitude of illegitimate(to me) reasons, and we're the bigots for not being more accepting of it.


Seems to me that you desire Christians to adhere to your beliefs and that they are bigots for not accepting something they find contrary to the Bible.

Whatever Christians believe should be put in the back of their minds. They can believe anything they want to, as long as they do not practice their beliefs. As you can see, the Christian belief is considered illegitimate. You are permitted to have private opinions which are not to be reflected in your daily life.

Two quick quotes. Then make up your own mind because the problem is not with me.

2 Titus 4:3 -- For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Leviticus 18:22 -- Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

Proverbs 16:8
Better is a little with righteousness than great income with injustice.

Missed a few.

What do these two verses have to do with refuting Titus 4:3 and Leviticus 18:22? As far as being a theologian, I suggest not quiting your day job.

You might to re-read Titus 4:3, VERY SLOWLY.

Bringing about the death of a fellow soldier intentionally is murder.

You didn't know that bringing about someone's death intentionally is murder?

Why are you defending the idea of murdering one's fellow soldiers?

Ideally a soldier whose behavior is disruptive to the unit would be removed before he became a danger to the entire unit and self-help removal woudn't be necessary.

Bringing about the death of a fellow soldier intentionally is murder.

You didn't know that bringing about someone's death intentionally is murder?

Why are you defending the idea of murdering one's fellow soldiers?

Thanks for playing.

Now, run along and look up the word "semantics" in your online dictionary.

Then try to make a post that stays on topic, or start another tread about the difference between freindly fire casulties and "murder." Combat, in case it never ocurred to you, is ugly. All sorts of unfortunate things can happen, regardless of what you call it.

Bringing about the death of a fellow soldier intentionally is murder.

You didn't know that bringing about someone's death intentionally is murder?

Why are you defending the idea of murdering one's fellow soldiers?

Ideally a soldier whose behavior is disruptive to the unit would be removed before he became a danger to the entire unit and self-help removal woudn't be necessary.

Combat is not actually an ideal environment, unless you happen to belong to the Dutch Army Tuba Corps.
I find the idea of murdering anyone, especially a fellow soldier, for their sexual preference to be unspeakably immoral.

I don't like the idea of homosexual sex but I also don't like some of the sexual stuff that my fellow heterosexuals engage in......Violence against those who engage in sex that one doesn't care for is barbaric.
Now, run along and look up the word "semantics" in your online dictionary.

Look up murder you fucking idiot.

the difference between freindly fire casulties and "murder."

Intentionally killing an innocent person is murder......How can you be so fucking stupid?
Combat is not actually an ideal environment

That excuses murdering one's fellow soldiers only because you don't like their sexual preferences?

You're a very twisted individual.
Combat is not actually an ideal environment

That excuses murdering one's fellow soldiers only because you don't like their sexual preferences?

You're a very twisted individual.

Well, yeah that's a given.

So you can just consider the source and find a new subject to discuss. They can't hear you.
You've gone out of you're way to make it obvious that you're incapable of understanding what murder is.

You should be ashamed of yourself for being that dumb but it's doubtful you're smart enough to comprehend what is going on here.

You probably shouldn't attempt activities that depend on knowledge of the meanings of any words......You are hopeless.
Why don't you answer the question?

Are there any other groups of people who you advocate murdering?

Are you afraid of the question?
You lie about the sexual preference of others and advocate murdering people for that preference.

You're a liar and a very twisted individual.
You lie about the sexual preference of others and advocate murdering people for that preference.

You're a liar and a very twisted individual.

Here is another example of reality. Christians are much more tolerant than muslims. Christians just warn homos about hell. Muslims will actually send you there.
Bringing about the death of a fellow soldier intentionally is murder.

You didn't know that bringing about someone's death intentionally is murder?

Why are you defending the idea of murdering one's fellow soldiers?

Ideally a soldier whose behavior is disruptive to the unit would be removed before he became a danger to the entire unit and self-help removal woudn't be necessary.

Combat is not actually an ideal environment, unless you happen to belong to the Dutch Army Tuba Corps.

Because combat is not an ideal environment, it is essential that a unit in combat be cohesive. A soldier who is making one or more fellow unit members miserable with overt homosexual demands will cause irreparable damage to that unit. While a homosexual soldier is permitted to serve openly, anyone who complains will be disciplined for exhibiting homophobia.

Ideally, such a soldier will be removed from that unit before his (or her) obnoxious behavior becomes disruptive to the whole. Due to the changing structure of the military and accommodation of gay demands, that is not going to happen.

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