How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

If anything, the majority of women will embrace the most oppressive aspects of islam. If you think, imagine for a moment that women are too educated and intelligent to embrace the veil, you might want to take a second look at how fast Cheryl Boorman slapped on an abeya to please her client. Not only that, but demanded that ALL women in the courtroom wear the veil.
Educated women in Europe are flocking to Islam in record numbers. :cool:

[ame=]Lauren Booth - Tony Blair's Sister In Law Converts To Islam - YouTube[/ame]
If anything, the majority of women will embrace the most oppressive aspects of islam. If you think, imagine for a moment that women are too educated and intelligent to embrace the veil, you might want to take a second look at how fast Cheryl Boorman slapped on an abeya to please her client. Not only that, but demanded that ALL women in the courtroom wear the veil.
Educated women in Europe are flocking to Islam in record numbers. :cool:

[ame=]Lauren Booth - Tony Blair's Sister In Law Converts To Islam - YouTube[/ame]

Is that how nature works you attack the weak first not meaning women but Europe.
Except that your laws require women to have a keeper and remove half the population's freedoms.

Hard to square that with our constitution.
That type of law would be under civil law or criminal law.

And have nothing to do with Constitutional law.

Creating laws based solely on religious dogma has everything to do with constitutional law.

Also, you cannot separate criminal law from constitutional law. If the law is unconstitutional it will be overturned.
If anything, the majority of women will embrace the most oppressive aspects of islam. If you think, imagine for a moment that women are too educated and intelligent to embrace the veil, you might want to take a second look at how fast Cheryl Boorman slapped on an abeya to please her client. Not only that, but demanded that ALL women in the courtroom wear the veil.
Educated women in Europe are flocking to Islam in record numbers. :cool:

If women choose to join Islam, I have no problem with it.

But when challenged with the fact that your religious laws do not superced our civil laws, you responded with "Not yet". Inferring that you think, at some point, it will change to the point that your religious laws WILL supercede our civil laws.

That women are going to Islam of their on volition is not relevant.
Wrong, and something tells me eventually you will see what I'm saying but I think you understand what I'm saying but not actually saying. :lol:
????????????? :confused: ????????????????

Just think about how this country came to be and you will understand.

The country came to be as a Christian nation without a state Chruch but an absolute Christian philosophy. Remove that, and the void will be filled by something else. The trend is to islam. It will take something on the order of a new Crusades to stop it.
The country came to be as a Christian nation without a state Chruch but an absolute Christian philosophy. Remove that, and the void will be filled by something else. The trend is to islam. It will take something on the order of a new Crusades to stop it.
The liberal/progressive camp is working night and day to remove all vestiges of Christianity and christian influence from American society and culture.

And Islam is poised to fill that void. :cool:
Men in the West have perverted the natural order between men and women.

Without restraint and guidance; women will try to dominate and rule over men.

Even nature shows that the male of the species (mammals) is to be over the female.

Beating your wife is not "natural order".
The country came to be as a Christian nation without a state Chruch but an absolute Christian philosophy. Remove that, and the void will be filled by something else. The trend is to islam. It will take something on the order of a new Crusades to stop it.
The liberal/progressive camp is working night and day to remove all vestiges of Christianity and christian influence from American society and culture.

And Islam is poised to fill that void. :cool:

Yeah, that is a great plan. (I'm actually laughing out loud)

Do you really think a more restrictive religion will find favor with 2/3 of the population?

We americans throw a fit when we are told we can't drink, smoke, drive, play, ect ect ect.

And you want to remove alcohol, nicotine, and BBQ pork?? Not a snowball's chance in hell.
????????????? :confused: ????????????????

Just think about how this country came to be and you will understand.

The country came to be as a Christian nation without a state Chruch but an absolute Christian philosophy. Remove that, and the void will be filled by something else. The trend is to islam. It will take something on the order of a new Crusades to stop it.

Christian philosophy will never be replaced with Islamic philosophy. Yes what I have not been saying is there will be an uprising just like when our forefathers united and defeted the brits, who fled religious persecution and oppression.

Islamic philosophy is oppression.
The country came to be as a Christian nation without a state Chruch but an absolute Christian philosophy. Remove that, and the void will be filled by something else. The trend is to islam. It will take something on the order of a new Crusades to stop it.
The liberal/progressive camp is working night and day to remove all vestiges of Christianity and christian influence from American society and culture.

And Islam is poised to fill that void. :cool:

It will never happen.
Let me see if I understand Sunni right.

Sunni admits that islamophobia is rampant in america. It's basically the only form of widespread bigotry that's deemed perfectly a-ok by american society, well that and hate for atheists/agnostics. So he admits islamophobia is a basic characterisitic of this country, he simultaneously thinks everyone is just gonna do a 180 and all of a sudden everyone will become muslims and want our gov't based on sharia law?

When do the meds wear off?

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