How the Democrats rigged the 2020 election

This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!

"DAMN Where is my supreme court when I needed them"


Paranoia Boy rides again!

No conspiracy, you're a nut job
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
A constitutional state, a free and democratic system, depends on an intact debate culture: Here are the facts, and then people debate respectfully about the best course of action based on these facts. In the end, the majority decides.

Trump, and those parts of the Republican party who don't distance themselves from Trump, don't believe in these principles anymore. Thanks to a huge propaganda machine, certain partisan news channels and massive online disinformation, they've found ways to secure power without having to bother about facts and reality anymore. They found that by massively flooding the population with fake news, disinformation and propaganda, they can make people talk about invented points with no basis in reality instead of facts, or at very least they can confuse enough people so that a large enough number of people no longer can tell facts from lies.

Trump and the Republicans have found that by attacking and destroying the very basis of freedom and democracy, they can increase their power. And they do it without any hesitation.
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere

You're really upset again, huh? Why do you come here if it makes you cry so much? Or I guess you cry if you go anywhere else too.

Maybe your mom could by you some hohos
believe the main point in that objective was to address those most impacted by the pandemic which happened to be women and minority businesses
Thats lib fantasy

Minority and women businesses were no more affected than white businesses
How do you know that? Did you look at stats or are you just making stuff up again like you did yesterday with the voting fraud discussion?
They couldn't stand the fact that an unlimited amount of money was there for the taking and Trump was forcing them to be honest.
Good god. Cultism on display. Literally anybody of any import connected to his campaigns has either been convicted of a crime or is under investigation for misappropriating campaign funds. You people live in an alternate reality.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
Kaz is right.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.
Trump has more credibility than the MSM or any politician out there. Recently wwe have found out many of the things he said were in fact true.
Now that the fighting over the source is over.
How about responding to voter purges disenfranchising thousands of legitimate voters.
Classic diversion from the real problem.
The solution was to disenfranchise many thousands more legitimate voters, than to rid the list of illegitimate ones.
Whenever voter "purges" are mentioned, they don't require the same strict ID requirements of letting somebody voting vs removing them.

Voters can be purged without having a government picture ID match. They don't even require an ID match. As was shown, if the first and last names match (and not even the DOB) it's close enough.

That's the problem with voter purges.
Which is why we must pass NATIONAL same day registration laws and tighten up laws surrounding provisional ballots.
Voting has to return to in-person voting.
No, it really doesn't. Oh, and once again you're in the minority.

You people are not the majority. That is a narrative believed by low information people and arrogant assholes.
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.
Some of them. I really didn't expect this kind of slavish, eschew all reality, devotion from Kaz.
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.
Some of them. I really didn't expect this kind of slavish, eschew all reality, devotion from Kaz.
Yeah, there are a few here who have surprised me.
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.

And Mac does the Mac, walks up to a leftist, sticks his tongue in their ear, his hand down their pants, and robs their body with his ...
This is a serious thread, opened (and hopefully kept) in the Clean Debate Zone so that we can have some serious and thoughtful clarity on this whole controversy.

Obviously this is a complicated topic, but what I'm after here is focus, clarity, and conciseness. Your shortest, clearest, most succinct responses.

From what I'm reading, seeing and hearing, this is what Trump supporters believe happened before, during and after the 2020 elections, in three parts:

1. Fearing that President Donald Trump would win re-election in 2020, the Democrats approached and worked with the Chinese government to release a deadly virus that would disrupt the 2020 American election process and provide an excuse for the Democrats to revise/ease voting requirements. These looser requirements would provide the cover they needed to (among other things) insert doctored ballots (some of which may have been doctored by the Chinese themselves), hide/destroy ballots, and count legal ballots multiple times. Dr Anthony Fauci, a key member of the government's health system, was recruited to spread false and misleading information to the public and advance this effort.

2. A large number of individuals and organizations successfully pulled off the fraud, either working in concert or alone. Providing cover and aid in this endeavor were China, the American major media, American local media, the Democratic Party, SmartMatic and Dominion Software.

3. Once the fraud was detected, the following individuals and groups purposely and actively participated in its coverup in some way, either through dishonesty or the refusal to examine the clear and voluminous evidence of fraud that was provided: The US Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, GOP state election officials, GOP governors, GOP state legislatures, the FBI, the CIA, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's Attorney General, Vice President Mike Pence, the Democratic Party, the American major media and Republican congresspeople. To date, these individuals and groups have been successful in holding off the exposure of the evidence.

As I understand it, that is the issue, in a nutshell, as succinct as I can make it.

Is this fair and accurate? Please comment and make your best effort to keep this focused, clear and concise.

The Democrats stole the election by continuing to vote in six cities, Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Las Vegan and Phoenix until they were ahead in those States. Then they stopped "counting" ... and voting ...

It wasn't a complicated plan, but it did the job
And they weren't able to show that fraud in 62 jury visits ?/ How FN stupid are Repubs ? They deserve to get screwed every election day You want AH's like them representing you??
Don't forget, all the judges -- including those appointed by Trump himself -- are in on the conspiracy and just found excuses to avoid looking at the evidence! Everybody knows that!


I just said there was no "conspiracy," moron. Democrats straight out stole the election. Get mental help, you are always seeing little green aliens everywhere
This qualifies as one of the most ironic posts of all time. Kaz, believes that "Democrats", without pushback, just kept counting votes until their guy won and then stopped. But that isn't a conspiracy theory and anyone who thinks that is the crazy one. Do they take a class on gaslighting?
I think they really believe the things they say. Like the man they adore, they instantly believe whatever comes out of their mouths.
Trump has more credibility than the MSM or any politician out there. Recently wwe have found out many of the things he said were in fact true.
LOL yeah blaming Fauci for the virus is revisionist history at it's best
Trump besides being a swine is a 1st class liar too

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