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How the left-wingers in russia failed to stamp out religion

Keep complaining about everything except the example religious people have set. The religious right has done more to destroy religion than any militant atheist could dream of by consistently using the bible as a bludgeon on the very people Jesus commanded them to minister to. Who the hell wants to join a club that seems to be full of judgmental assholes?

Those who openly embrace and practice evil do not like being told the truth. When Christians call out that evil for what it very obviously is, your kind condemn us for being “judgmental”, and twist our scripture to try to make a case that we should refrain from recognizing and calling out evil.

This ties right back in to my previous post, about people seeking out ministers who tell them what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear; who lull them and comfort them in their evil, rather than calling on them to repent and abandon evil.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
I'd say the best way is toleration, let them be. As Aesop said in his fable the Sun is stronger than the Wind.

FYI, it is likely that Paul didn't write 2nd Timothy
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People leave religion when they have held the belief that religion will help them with their physical well-being. If their physical life and health do not change, discouragement sets in that religion does not work. On the other hand, for people who distinguish between their physical bodies and their spirit, religion does what it claims--it builds up the spirit which in turn makes a difference how to live physical life in a physical world. As someone once said, we are not physical beings in search of spiritual experiences; rather we are spiritual beings in search of physical experiences. To make the most of our physical experiences, our spirits must be strong and healthy. That is why we embrace religion and prayer.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

People all need something to believe in. Many people need a god--rightly or wrongly.

I'm an atheist btw....
Keep complaining about everything except the example religious people have set. The religious right has done more to destroy religion than any militant atheist could dream of by consistently using the bible as a bludgeon on the very people Jesus commanded them to minister to. Who the hell wants to join a club that seems to be full of judgmental assholes?

Those who openly embrace and practice evil do not like being told the truth. When Christians call out that evil for what it very obviously is, your kind condemn us for being “judgmental”, and twist our scripture to try to make a case that we should refrain from recognizing and calling out evil.

This ties right back in to my previous post, about people seeking out ministers who tell them what they want to hear rather than what they need to hear; who lull them and comfort them in their evil, rather than calling on them to repent and abandon evil.
Call out some of your own evil just once and I might give credence to your complaint.
People all need something to believe in. Many people need a god--rightly or wrongly.

I'm an atheist btw....
More accurately, we all have our beliefs. It is a part of human make-up. Most of our beliefs come from our own experiences.
Who exactly on the left is trying to destroy a religion?
Well, let's see. The government decides to use taxpayer money to fund evolution research, but doesn't give to creation research because that group promotes a belief in GOD. Never mind the fact that institutions of evolution maybe promoting atheism. The government then decides to take over public education so that the educational system can be run more consistently (1946). Then the government removes opening Bible reading in the morning exercises and any seemingly overt consideration of anything to do with the possibility of a Supreme Creator. Next the government downplays the religious connection of baccalaureate graduation ceremonies. Next the government moves to redefine the unborn, marriage and gender --- again in an attempt to assume roles of the Church and place churches at a disadvantage. Next I can imagine that revoking non-tax status to institutions who teach contrary doctrines to that of the STATE will eventually come. Nothing occurs all at once ---- it's one step at a time...

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
I'd say the best way is toleration, let them be. As Aesop said in his fable the Sun is stronger than the Wind.

FYI, it is likely that Paul didn't write 2nd Timothy
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day?


He called them out openly and it really pissed them off.

If you are a follower of Christ, the example has been set for you.

Political power is the issue. It brings corruption. Those in power become the oppressors. There is no way around it.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
I'd say the best way is toleration, let them be. As Aesop said in his fable the Sun is stronger than the Wind.

FYI, it is likely that Paul didn't write 2nd Timothy
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day?


He called them out openly and it really pissed them off.

If you are a follower of Christ, the example has been set for you.

Political power is the issue. It brings corruption. Those in power become the oppressors. There is no way around it.
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day? Some yes, some no. He opposed the Pharisees but he was good with John the Baptist. He also said "render unto Caesar..."

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
I'd say the best way is toleration, let them be. As Aesop said in his fable the Sun is stronger than the Wind.

FYI, it is likely that Paul didn't write 2nd Timothy
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day?


He called them out openly and it really pissed them off.

If you are a follower of Christ, the example has been set for you.

Political power is the issue. It brings corruption. Those in power become the oppressors. There is no way around it.
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day? Some yes, some no. He opposed the Pharisees but he was good with John the Baptist. He also said "render unto Caesar..."
John the Baptist was prophesied ---- the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
I'd say the best way is toleration, let them be. As Aesop said in his fable the Sun is stronger than the Wind.

FYI, it is likely that Paul didn't write 2nd Timothy
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day?


He called them out openly and it really pissed them off.

If you are a follower of Christ, the example has been set for you.

Political power is the issue. It brings corruption. Those in power become the oppressors. There is no way around it.
Did Christ tolerate the religious leaders of his day? Some yes, some no. He opposed the Pharisees but he was good with John the Baptist. He also said "render unto Caesar..."
John the Baptist was prophesied ---- the voice of one crying in the wilderness.

John the Baptist is a replay on ELIJAHU. John the Baptist was, HIMSELF, a pharisee which is
why HEROD---the edomite Roman Shill, got rid of him. John, the Baptist challenged the legality of the "HEROD THE KING"---edomite
roman shill KING OF ISRAEL ----legality
Well, at first they moved this thread to the asia forum and then they move it to the reiligious forum.

If anyone bothered to read my first post they would or should know this thread was actually about how the leftwing attacks Christians....and that is political....has nothing to do with asia....nor about religion per se...though many have gone that way with the post.

The constant moving of threads is ridiculous...i think the main reason that it is done is because some simply like the topic of the thread and tried to hide it away somewhere.

And.....for some it is they just feel they must do something...what is easier to show you are doing something than by just moving threads around?

Will I get a vacation over dis head tad bit of honesty? hehheh
Christianity itself secretes atheism. Your required syllabus: The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American, and Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism.
Einstein #36: Yes it does have to do with Asia. The B.C. star-charts published in Kistemaker’s The Chinese Sky During the Han, clearly show, in the Constellation Lupus, the asterism Che qi (Jizu “a group of soldiers.)” This is, however, only one Chinese christ. Another was Ti Tsang, who, according to Taoist scholar, Livia Kohn, “saved little children from the underworld.” Jizu was in place in Chinese mythology long before the avatar from Nazareth, Jesus, was only a gleam in the eye of the non-existent entity and Jesus’s dad, god.
There need be only one reason why religion is the opiate of the masses and why it has not been stamped out: Stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves, and the believer will damn sure see to it.

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