How The Police State Uses Crises To Expand Lockdown Powers

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Really good discussion. I agree fully with the sentiment expressed here in that you can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured.

Anyway...a bit beyond a twenty minute discussion. Well worth the listen for anyone interested.

The assault on our civil liberties is in overdrive. Habeas corpus is thrown out the window and the government is asking to be able to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial. Constitutional law attorney John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute, joins today's Liberty Report to discuss these threats...and to let us know what we can do about them!

Not only are the federal and state governments unraveling the constitutional fabric of the nation with lockdown mandates that are sending the economy into a tailspin and wreaking havoc with our liberties, they are also rendering the citizenry fully dependent on the government for financial handouts, medical intervention, protection and sustenance. Unless we find some way to rein in the government’s power grabs, the fall-out will be epic.
I did not know that the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center even had shopping centers and whatnot.

That's the underground bunker the politicians keep for themselves. They were all helicoptered there during 9/11 if we recall.
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I haven't watched the video yet, but this is exactly what I have been saying, for the last several years! Any urgent "crisis" gives governments the ability to do basically whatever they want, it's actually the PERFECT tool to manipulate the public and achieve agendas that they otherwise wouldn't be able to achieve.

It's their M.O, and this sort of thing has been going on for a very long time (see my sig.) But especially in recent years.

Problem - Reaction - Solution. For those who STILL don't get it, when the powers-that-be have a particular agenda that they otherwise would not be able to achieve because they wouldn't have the support of the people, they create a "problem." The problem of course causes a reaction (fear, panic, "do something!!!") and then of course the PTSB come to the rescue with the "solution" which just so happens to be their goal in the first place.

It's pretty clever, and it works every single time, which is why they keep doing it, over and over and over.
This lockdown is somewhat unique. States are emptying prisons of violent and non violent offenders. They are making room for social distance violators, small business owners and those who dare defend themselves from the predators the state let out of prison
Really good discussion. I agree fully with the sentiment expressed here in that you can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured.

Anyway...a bit beyond a twenty minute discussion. Well worth the listen for anyone interested.

The assault on our civil liberties is in overdrive. Habeas corpus is thrown out the window and the government is asking to be able to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial. Constitutional law attorney John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute, joins today's Liberty Report to discuss these threats...and to let us know what we can do about them!

Not only are the federal and state governments unraveling the constitutional fabric of the nation with lockdown mandates that are sending the economy into a tailspin and wreaking havoc with our liberties, they are also rendering the citizenry fully dependent on the government for financial handouts, medical intervention, protection and sustenance. Unless we find some way to rein in the government’s power grabs, the fall-out will be epic.

The problem with Democrats is they always try to take advantage of any crisis....and that's what makes them dangerous to this country.

The time will soon come when a thinning of the herd won't seem ridiculous.

I expect the next crisis to be white nationalism once this crisis finally fades away like all of the other hoaxes they've perpetrated on us.
Really good discussion. I agree fully with the sentiment expressed here in that you can always count on the government to take advantage of a crisis, legitimate or manufactured.

Anyway...a bit beyond a twenty minute discussion. Well worth the listen for anyone interested.

The assault on our civil liberties is in overdrive. Habeas corpus is thrown out the window and the government is asking to be able to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial. Constitutional law attorney John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute, joins today's Liberty Report to discuss these threats...and to let us know what we can do about them!

Not only are the federal and state governments unraveling the constitutional fabric of the nation with lockdown mandates that are sending the economy into a tailspin and wreaking havoc with our liberties, they are also rendering the citizenry fully dependent on the government for financial handouts, medical intervention, protection and sustenance. Unless we find some way to rein in the government’s power grabs, the fall-out will be epic.

How about reading what a non conspiracy theorist has to say.........

What Emergency Declarations Can (and Can’t) Do in a Pandemic

The powers are limited in many ways during the emergency and cannot be extended past the end of the emergency.
This lockdown is somewhat unique. States are emptying prisons of violent and non violent offenders. They are making room for social distance violators, small business owners and those who dare defend themselves from the predators the state let out of prison
People of those states need to take notice of the people who are over zealous and just down right ignorant and get them out of their positions.
There is no ‘police state.’

Government is not ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis.

And there are no ‘lockdown powers.’

“The term ‘lock-down’ isn’t a technical term used by public health officials or lawyers,” Lindsay Wiley, a health law professor at the Washington College of Law, said in an email. “It could be used to refer to anything from mandatory geographic quarantine (which would probably be unconstitutional under most scenarios in the US), to non-mandatory recommendations to shelter in place (which are totally legal and can be issued by health officials at the federal, state, or local level), to anything in between (e.g. ordering certain events or types of businesses to close, which is generally constitutional if deemed necessary to stop the spread of disease based on available evidence).”

Wiley explained that the role of the federal government in outbreaks is usually just to provide support, funding, and expert advice for local efforts. And local efforts usually start off by asking citizens to voluntarily comply with health department orders. (Though, it’s possible for cities and states to enforce a quarantine order with police, if it comes to it).

But whether any level of government could enforce the wholesale closing of a region or city (whether or not that decision is ill-advised) is a question courts would have to weigh in on.

“As a matter of constitutional law, the courts would typically require government officials to try voluntary measures first, as a way of proving that mandatory measures are actually necessary,” Wiley said. “Furthermore, any mandated measures would have to be narrowly tailored and backed by evidence. ... To pass constitutional muster, an order not just urging but requiring all people within a particular area to stay home would have to be justified by strong evidence that it was absolutely necessary and that other, less restrictive measures would be inadequate to slow the spread of disease.”

That’s what we have currently: voluntary recommendations to shelter in place and the ordering of certain events or types of businesses to close – both of which are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

Habeas corpus has not been ‘thrown out the window,’ the government is not seeking to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial, and the Federal and state governments are not ‘unraveling’ the Constitutional fabric of the Nation – all three notions are a ridiculous lie, nothing but baseless demagoguery.
I watched the video. It really was a good discussion. It's so true that a lot of young people, unfortunately, don't understand the true role of government, the type of government we are SUPPOSED to have (of the people, by the people, for the people) or where our rights actually come from. Decades of brainwashing has been effective in creating a nation of sheep who WANT socialism and authoritarianism, because it's what they've been indoctrinated to want. And people who willingly bend over and take whatever is coming, with no questions asked. It is truly sad to see. This is not the USA anymore. But the transformation has been so slow and gradual that a lot of people haven't even noticed. It's the frog in the boiling water situation.
There is no ‘police state.’

Government is not ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis.

And there are no ‘lockdown powers.’

That’s what we have currently: voluntary recommendations to shelter in place and the ordering of certain events or types of businesses to close – both of which are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

Habeas corpus has not been ‘thrown out the window,’ the government is not seeking to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial, and the Federal and state governments are not ‘unraveling’ the Constitutional fabric of the Nation – all three notions are a ridiculous lie, nothing but baseless demagoguery.

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Washington D.C., Goebbels?

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Chicago?

How about Rhode Island?


How about Virgnia and Maryland?

The problem with Democrats is they always try to take advantage of any crisis....and that's what makes them dangerous to this country.

The governors of Florida, Texas, Ohio, Maryland, Arizona, Alabama, and South Carolina are Democrats?
I never mentioned any states.

I was talking about the Democrat controlled media and congressional Democrats......not states.
There is no ‘police state.’

Government is not ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis.

And there are no ‘lockdown powers.’

That’s what we have currently: voluntary recommendations to shelter in place and the ordering of certain events or types of businesses to close – both of which are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

Habeas corpus has not been ‘thrown out the window,’ the government is not seeking to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial, and the Federal and state governments are not ‘unraveling’ the Constitutional fabric of the Nation – all three notions are a ridiculous lie, nothing but baseless demagoguery.

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Washington D.C., Goebbels?

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Chicago?

How about Rhode Island?


How about Virgnia and Maryland?

So you lump every directive into the same pot and call it all the same?

What kind of bull shit is that?

How many states have made it a criminal offense to gather in worship in a church like Virginia?
How many states have attempted to ban guns or hinder sales like the Mayor of New Orleans? 12 so far.....wanna guess who runs those states? It's a long list of the usual suspects.

"California, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have not given gun stores an "essential" designation in their shutdown orders. New Jersey Democratic governor Phil Murphy has gone a step further, shutting down not only gun stores but the state's background check system—a decision that has made it nearly impossible to purchase a gun in the state."

"Pastors have been arrested for holding worship services, and in New York City the mayor has threatened to permanently close any church, synagogue or mosque that violates his lockdown order. "
Coronavirus Shutdowns Could Close Gun Stores in 12 States - Washington Free Beacon

Many states run by Republicans have made gun sales part of their essential orders keeping businesses open. But Democrats have shut down churches...liquor stores....gun stores.....anything they don't like.....but they're keeping Planned-Parenthood clinics open for some weird reason.
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Read what powers our Gov has in a national emergency ,under the Patriot Act , it's rather revealing

Maybe a silver lining to this virus crisis is the Empire won’t start WWIII. But, who knows for sure?
There is no ‘police state.’

Government is not ‘taking advantage’ of the crisis.

And there are no ‘lockdown powers.’

That’s what we have currently: voluntary recommendations to shelter in place and the ordering of certain events or types of businesses to close – both of which are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

Habeas corpus has not been ‘thrown out the window,’ the government is not seeking to indefinitely detain Americans without charge or trial, and the Federal and state governments are not ‘unraveling’ the Constitutional fabric of the Nation – all three notions are a ridiculous lie, nothing but baseless demagoguery.

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Washington D.C., Goebbels?

Is it a voluntary recommendation in Chicago?

How about Rhode Island?


How about Virgnia and Maryland?

So you lump every directive into the same pot and call it all the same?

What kind of bull shit is that?

How many states have made it a criminal offense to gather in worship in a church like Virginia?
How many states have attempted to ban guns or hinder sales like the Mayor of New Orleans? 12 so far.....wanna guess who runs those states? It's a long list of the usual suspects.

"California, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington have not given gun stores an "essential" designation in their shutdown orders. New Jersey Democratic governor Phil Murphy has gone a step further, shutting down not only gun stores but the state's background check system—a decision that has made it nearly impossible to purchase a gun in the state."

"Pastors have been arrested for holding worship services, and in New York City the mayor has threatened to permanently close any church, synagogue or mosque that violates his lockdown order. "
Coronavirus Shutdowns Could Close Gun Stores in 12 States - Washington Free Beacon

Many states run by Republicans have made gun sales part of their essential orders keeping businesses open. But Democrats have shut down churches...liquor stores....gun stores.....anything they don't like.....but they're keeping Planned-Parenthood clinics open for some weird reason.

They can't lock us down indefinitely. We own guns.
my guns bigger than yers...

Not impossible that many state governors - incipient Little Hitlers - will imagine their states to be nations and close their borders with armed guards firing at will. Then will come the tariffs on goods. Consider little Rhode Island where cars with New York plates are turned around by armed troopers. Small state - small borders; easy to police.

You think you're going to get your most basic rights back?

Please stop......I have a pain in my side from laughing at you!

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