How the pyramids were built

The foreman running the construction project would be in contact with Pharoah Obama....
And would still be waiting for a decision...

Looks like an electric light
As the first pyramid was completed and those who worked on it stood back in wonder at what they accomplished a member from the royal family walked by and said....

"You think you built that.Government built that"....

The person who said that was Princess Lizzzz Warapatra...
She was rumoured to have high cheekbones and an uppity attitude...
Ancient papyrus that was unearthed from ruins... showing early conceptual drawing.

This is cool...

Mysterious Buried Artifacts Discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings

Four deposits of artifacts possibly buried as a ritual act of sorts before the construction of a tomb have been discovered in Egypt's Valley of the Kings.

The so-called foundation deposits, arranged in a boxlike shape, contain a mix of artifacts, including the head of a cow, a vase painted in blue and flint blades that have wooden handles that are still preserved after more than three millennia.
It's funny to watch archeologists twist logic into a pretzel trying to avoid the evidence that Egypt used slave labor to build the glorified tombstones. Everybody seems to marvel at the engineering that went into the pyramids and it is remarkable but the living Egyptians existed in abject poverty well into the 20th century while the dead rested in splendor. They wasted hundreds of years of knowledge, labor and wealth building monuments to the degenerate dead kings.

I suspect that the pyramids were the world first and most famous PUBLIC MAKEWORK projects.

When the nile is flooded you cannot farm so you've got workers with nothing to do.

So the leaders put them to work rather than give them welfare while waiting to farm.

NO SLAVES were needed, the workers were paid with food and beer.
Hi Luddly Now THIS is a prime example of
where I was kidding so please do not accuse me of being a liar!

I never said anywhere else that I was "not kidding"
so do not say "I changed" and saying something different.

My whole website at Houston Progressive is filled with
political satire; that is what I write, and my serious statements
are on separate websites so there is no confusion.

So now the great mystery is
where did they get enough water
in the middle of the desert?

Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

There's this little tiny, inconsequential trickle stream called the Nile ...

Maybe you've heard of it?

Only you could be confused who wants to ignore and skip my messages
and then expect to understand, while you ASSUME whatever you want to think or believe.

How can you understand where someone is coming from
while you refuse to read any of my message? That makes no sense!

Do you understand this is same cause of why people make
"bigoted" statements because they do what you are doing here?

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

I have plenty of liberal progressive and Atheist friends who
LOVE my humor. Too bad you don't get it and don't want to.

Please do not accuse me, misinterpret or assume things about my msgs, or post
misleading or false assumptions or accusation. Please include in every
such post a disclaimer that you DO NOT READ MY MSGS so you assume all responsibility
for whatever you are assuming and refusing to read any corrections or attempts to resolve things with you.

I will ask the Moderators/Admin for a section where
people can post threads to try to resolve personal misperceptions like this
that spring up online by nature.

As a fellow progressive who believes in equal inclusion and nondiscrimination,
I value your viewpoints and contributions and would love to back you up on
issues you deem important enough to fight for. But how can I work with you
if you keep fighting some image of me or my intent that isn't fair or accurate.

If you are trying to shoot down the oppressive religious right,
please know you are shooting down a fellow sympathizer with "friendly fire."

You are missing your target as surely as I am missing the mark with you.
Sorry Luddly
Peace out and I will ask the Admins again if we can have a special section
for Moderating and maybe volunteers/members who know us both
and can help us get past whatever misperception is causing these conflicts.

Thank you!
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They built a system like the Keystone pipeline to get the water to the site.....
If they had a pharoah like Obama we would not have the Pyramids....
They would still be fighting the red tape.

Thanks Rozman
I think your response was most in line with the spirit of my comment.

If the "mystery" of the pyramids is solved,
then people would start arguing over some other part and
hype that up as the "big mystery."

They would "fight for the sake of fighting" - making controversy over nothing.

Note: I find it amazing we have the pyramids at all, given how much history is destroyed.
Iraq historical treasures - Part 2: Mesopotomia and US occupation of historic sites - Sri Lanka
Iraq got bombed, even sacred historic sites. And the Taliban destroyed those magnificent statues of Buddha carved in the mountains that people worldwide petitioned to save.
Buddhas of Bamiyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia My only comfort in that, is that Buddha may not have minded in terms of "not having statues" (but would say these acts were not done out of compassion but out of anger or ill will, so that spirit is part of suffering).

In Houston, I have a bad joke that if a building is a nuisance you want to get rid of for free,
just declare it a historical landmark and the City will demolish it overnight. But if you want something to stand for eternity, petition the City to demolish it as an abandoned or dangerous building, and they will fight you to the end, claiming they must follow procedure.
Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

Don't tell [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] this, he thinks the pyramids were built using advanced technology by a super genius race of black people from Mars.
Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

Don't tell [MENTION=44774]Asclepias[/MENTION] this, he thinks the pyramids were built using advanced technology by a super genius race of black people from Mars.

Martians are green
So now the great mystery is
where did they get enough water
in the middle of the desert?

Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

The mystery is why everyone things that the Nile River Delta, which is part of the fertile crescent, AKA the Cradle of Civilization, is a dessert.

So now the great mystery is
where did they get enough water
in the middle of the desert?

Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

Seriously? You didn't know the pyramids are at Giza? Right next to the Nile?
Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

The Pyramids were built by blonde haired blue eyed Swedes.

Quantum claimed on several threads that they were built by white guys with beer guts from Asgard.
Egyptians' pyramid construction secret revealed

University of Amsterdam researchers found that ancient Egyptians employed what calls a "clever trick" to facilitate the pyramids' construction: They likely wet the sand along the path they dragged their sleds, which were laden with pyramid stones weighing some 2.5 tons, reports Gizmodo.

This greatly lessened the power needed to pull the sledge from the quarry to the construction site—so much so that the number of people needed to pull the sledge could be cut in half.

This trick was "staring [researchers] in the face all along," notes Gizmodo: A wall painting found in an Egyptian tomb shows slaves hauling a sled loaded with a huge statue; in front of them is a person pouring water into the sand.

The Pyramids were built by blonde haired blue eyed Swedes.

Quantum claimed on several threads that they were built by white guys with beer guts from Asgard.

Sure I did. Still can't get over the fact that there was no worldwide black empire, with or without aliens.
The Pyramids were built by blonde haired blue eyed Swedes.

Quantum claimed on several threads that they were built by white guys with beer guts from Asgard.

Sure I did. Still can't get over the fact that there was no worldwide black empire, with or without aliens.

Yeah you did. Then you changed it up and claimed Neil Armstrong went back in time using a tesseract and built them with the help of the Klingons. You would say anything to pretend that Black people did not built the first and still standing civilization.
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