CDZ How The Second Amendment Comes From Something That Happened In The 2nd Century BCE

Only shallow mind in play here is yours in thinking any ruling from SCOTUS is a final ruling. SCOTUS has changed positions/rulings in the past, will likely do so in the future.
Yeah you Marxists count on that huh?
There is no debate--SCOTUS has ruled. The only debate is in your shallow mind that refuses to accept the reality of the law.
Let's try a restart here.
My post #178 was not denying the Second Amendment nor contradicting your earlier post here, #155.
There seems to be either confusion on your part as to what I said, shortage of reading comprehension on your part, or effort to troll ....
... or ....
Yeah you Marxists count on that huh?
Huh ???
1) I'm far from a Marxist, just the opposite.
2) I'm not counting on or wanting SCOTUS changes, just noting such has happened. Which each political party wants to try and "pack" the court with "their people".
Huh ???
1) I'm far from a Marxist, just the opposite.
2) I'm not counting on or wanting SCOTUS changes, just noting such has happened. Which each political party wants to try and "pack" the court with "their people".
OK....Sorry if I misinterpreted.
Let's try a restart here.
My post #178 was not denying the Second Amendment nor contradicting your earlier post here, #155.
There seems to be either confusion on your part as to what I said, shortage of reading comprehension on your part, or effort to troll ....
... or ....
I have been totally consistent with my posts. You seem to think that there is some debate about the meaning of the 2A. I clearly stated "There is no debate." I'm sorry if your limited understanding of the English language keeps you from understanding the SCOTUS ruling, but that really isn't my problem.
The problem is the gun control types use regulations like that not out of any safety concern, but to make getting a firearm as difficult as possible. A mandatory gun class turns into 1 class being offered once a year, to 20 people, and if you aren't on that list, wait till next year.

I don't disagree, but what Democrats do doesn't mean a safety course shouldn't be required. If the right wingers weren't so determined to lose elections or win by razor thin margind, Democrats and commies wouldn't be an issue today. It's a simple matter to use public school and other public buildings to teach these classes; most could be taught in an hour or two, and no refresher required. What Democrats would do or not do isn't relevant or make it bad to require a safety course.
I don't disagree, but what Democrats do doesn't mean a safety course shouldn't be required. If the right wingers weren't so determined to lose elections or win by razor thin margind, Democrats and commies wouldn't be an issue today. It's a simple matter to use public school and other public buildings to teach these classes; most could be taught in an hour or two, and no refresher required. What Democrats would do or not do isn't relevant or make it bad to require a safety course.

You can't trust the people in charge to just offer simple safety classes. They will try to make it a hurdle, not an actual precaution.

The NRA has plenty of safety classes it can certify, but dems would never allow those classes to count.
You can't trust the people in charge to just offer simple safety classes. They will try to make it a hurdle, not an actual precaution.

The NRA has plenty of safety classes it can certify, but dems would never allow those classes to count.
NRA provides and always has provided some of the best firearm safety classes in the world.
You can't trust the people in charge to just offer simple safety classes. They will try to make it a hurdle, not an actual precaution.

The NRA has plenty of safety classes it can certify, but dems would never allow those classes to count.

If you can't vote them out that is a different problem, and doesn't invalidate the need for safety training. There is nothing at all stopping gun dealers from requiring proof of a safety class pre-purchase.

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