How to Deal with Ultra-Left Academia

nice tapdance.

I served my country for a quarter of a century. And YOUR service was????

I have served my country in harm's way... and your service was?????

I believe in progressive liberalism..and I realize that you are still licking your wounds from the last century which your side lost hands down, and I realize you love to mischaracterize liberals as utopians or socialists, but the fact remains: the list of our accomplishments over the last century is very long...just about as long as YOUR list of defeats.

women's suffrage
child labor laws
workplace safety
union protection
social security
minimum wage
environmental protection
civil rights

it must suck to be a conservative in America and KNOW that you never really WIN anything, you, at best, just delay losing.

I know you served in the Navy, commanding a boat in the Tunnel Of Love (and had to be rescued several times)

Liberalsim has given America many things - taught people to be dependent on government, a tax code where over $1 trillion has to be spent so people and companies can prepare their tax returns, over $9 trillion in wealth transfers which has accomplished nothing, a Social Secuirty program that is nothing more then a huge pyramid scheme, and an EPA which is more interested in the life of a kangaroo rat then a farmer growing his crops

I would not talk about unions - union representation in in the single digits (Thank God)
I know you served in the Navy, commanding a boat in the Tunnel Of Love (and had to be rescued several times)

Liberalsim has given America many things - taught people to be dependent on government, a tax code where over $1 trillion has to be spent so people and companies can prepare their tax returns, over $9 trillion in wealth transfers which has accomplished nothing, a Social Secuirty program that is nothing more then a huge pyramid scheme, and an EPA which is more interested in the life of a kangaroo rat then a farmer growing his crops

I would not talk about unions - union representation in in the single digits (Thank God)

and your service to our country was?????

like I liberalism won the 20th century and will undoubtedly win the 21st. It must suck to be a conservative and have gotten your ass kicked for 100 years... it msut double suck to be a chickenshit chickenhawk yellow coward conservative who waves pompoms for war but never quite finds the courage to get up from behind the safety of his computer and actually go fight for his freedoms. Fucking coward. YOu disgust me.
and your service to our country was?????

like I liberalism won the 20th century and will undoubtedly win the 21st. It must suck to be a conservative and have gotten your ass kicked for 100 years... it msut double suck to be a chickenshit chickenhawk yellow coward conservative who waves pompoms for war but never quite finds the courage to get up from behind the safety of his computer and actually go fight for his freedoms. Fucking coward. YOu disgust me.

Liberalism has been proven to be a failure - libs do not want people to take care of their own problems - then they would have no need for libs and their handouts

You must have forgotten about Ronald Reagan who cleaned up the mess of Pres Peanut and how he took down the Soviet Union (much to the dismay of lis)

Lins always fall back on their chickenhawk talking points - you are the coward MM. You have sold out your country and pledged your loyality to your party
Liberalism has been proven to be a failure - libs do not want people to take care of their own problems - then they would have no need for libs and their handouts

You must have forgotten about Ronald Reagan who cleaned up the mess of Pres Peanut and how he took down the Soviet Union (much to the dismay of lis)

Lins always fall back on their chickenhawk talking points - you are the coward MM. You have sold out your country and pledged your loyality to your party

If you are saying that liberalism is a failure, then you are saying that America in the 20th century is a failure.

I have not forgotten Reagan...but he didn't repeal social security or medicare or medicaid or the EPA or the civil rights act or child labor laws or the minimum wage or a woman's right to vote, did he?

And you are really brave...and you "support veterans" so well when you call a man a coward who served most of his adult life so that YOU could remain free. shame on you you pathetic little man.
If you are saying that liberalism is a failure, then you are saying that America in the 20th century is a failure.

I have not forgotten Reagan...but he didn't repeal social security or medicare or medicaid or the EPA or the civil rights act or child labor laws or the minimum wage or a woman's right to vote, did he?

And you are really brave...and you "support veterans" so well when you call a man a coward who served most of his adult life so that YOU could remain free. shame on you you pathetic little man.

You nhave sold out your country to your party - you are the pathetic loser

There are three (at least) deficiencies in modern liberal thinking:

The assumption that people will act in the interests of the common good.
A basic lack of understanding of economics and capitalism.
The view from the ivory tower is not the view that most of the world sees.

The notion that people will act in the interests of the common good is simply erroneous. People first act in their own self-interest and in the interest of self-preservation. Children are naturally selfish and must be taught to share. Many never learn and even those that do only practice benevolence once their basic needs are met.

It is for this reason that many welfare programs fail. If people can get something for nothing, they will, whether or not they are in need. Only in a fantasy world will people act for the common good that is necessary for liberal doctrine to succeed.

In order to achieve the goals of a civilized society, the plain fact that people are selfish must be channeled in a way that ultimately benefits everyone. In this country, we do this. It is called capitalism. It is the desire for self-preservation and maximization of one’s personal station in life that drives the engine of capitalism that ultimately benefits the society as a whole.

It is the challenging of the individual to achieve and rewarding that achievement that elevates the society. Handouts and bailouts reward and yes, encourage, failure. Preferences also undermine the achievement incentive by rewarding some over others on a basis other than achievement.

Liberals know what they want, but don’t know how to achieve them. A couple of practical examples in the news today are prescription drugs and energy. Liberals want “affordable” prescription drugs but they also demand breakthrough drugs. The only way to get new, lifesaving drugs is to turn to the capitalistic system that produces them. Controlling the profit mechanism, i.e. price controls, reduces the incentive for any company to invest the resources to produce new drugs. Yes, existing drugs may become “affordable” but at what cost of future breakthroughs?

When it comes to energy, the liberal mantra is toward renewable energy. The only way renewable energy will ever be developed on a large scale is when there is a profit potential that provides incentive for companies to invest. One way to do that would be to increase the price (through taxation) of petroleum-based energy. I would offer that a five-dollar per gallon gasoline tax would drastically reduce domestic consumption, and would provide the incentive for research and development of alternative energy sources. Of course such a radical attempt to change the economics of energy would be disastrous to the economy, but until alternative energy sources make economic sense, we will continue to depend on petroleum.

Liberals also don’t understand why wealth redistribution is not a good thing. The “rich,” the group most often reviled by liberals, don’t just stuff their money under their beds. They invest their money, they spend their money and they even put their money in the bank. All of which ultimately create jobs. Everyone, by their inherent instinct for self-interest would like to be wealthy, but yet the liberal views the achievement of wealth as being somehow evil. Many, many people have benefited from the wealth of entrepreneurs such as Sam Walton, Bill Gates and Michael Dell. Why would we ever take away the incentive and opportunity for anyone to become wealthy? This incentive is what drives capitalism and that, in turn, makes everything else possible. Excessive taxation diminishes the incentive to work and invest. The redistribution of wealth and the imposition of disincentives to capitalism results in a society like the now defunct Soviet Union.

Another serious shortcoming of modern liberal thinking is that few on the left can view the world from a viewpoint other than their own. It would be utopian for everyone to “just get along” but the undeniable fact is that some in this world would eliminate all that do not share their view of life, one example being those that practice the so-called radical Islam. A liberal would say that one should sit down and work out differences with such people, but the reality is that while the liberal is sitting on one side of the table, his adversary would shoot him dead. Liberals always denounce war. Conservatives do not want war, but at times there comes a point where talk and diplomacy fail and one must speak in a language, force, that the opponent understands.

The goals of both liberals and conservatives are not all that different. Liberals just have to figure out that most of the world doesn’t live in their ivory tower and doesn’t work the way they would like.

mr. cut and paste.... when will you ever be able to carry on a debate without that crutch?

fucking loser
just answer my questions regarding Reagan:

he didn't repeal social security or medicare or medicaid or the EPA or the civil rights act or child labor laws or the minimum wage or a woman's right to vote, did he?
mr. cut and paste.... when will you ever be able to carry on a debate without that crutch?

fucking loser

The article points out the failures of liberaism very well. I am not surprised you fell back on your crutch faster then Bill fell on an intern
The article points out the failures of liberaism very well. I am not surprised you fell back on your crutch faster then Bill fell on an intern

I have no crutch. I stand on my own words. I asked you a queston about Ronnie... care to try and answer it in your own words?
I have no crutch. I stand on my own words. I asked you a queston about Ronnie... care to try and answer it in your own words?

The only cruth you have is your inability to set aside your arrorgance and hate

Pres Reagan did not try to reform those liberal disasters - he should have - but he did a great job with what he did do

Cleaning up the mess libs and Pres Peanut created
The only cruth you have is your inability to set aside your arrorgance and hate

Pres Reagan did not try to reform those liberal disasters - he should have - but he did a great job with what he did do

Cleaning up the mess libs and Pres Peanut created

I have no hate...and if I appear "arrogant" in regards to my knowledge of the middle east versus YOUR knowledge of the area, would you say that a heart surgeon was "arrogant" when talking about cadiovascular health to a kindergarten class?

NOw...answer my question about Reagan...

he didn't repeal social security or medicare or medicaid or the EPA or the civil rights act or child labor laws or the minimum wage or a woman's right to vote, did he?
I have no hate...and if I appear "arrogant" in regards to my knowledge of the middle east versus YOUR knowledge of the area, would you say that a heart surgeon was "arrogant" when talking about cadiovascular health to a kindergarten class?

NOw...answer my question about Reagan...

he didn't repeal social security or medicare or medicaid or the EPA or the civil rights act or child labor laws or the minimum wage or a woman's right to vote, did he?

I did not think even a lib could be as stupid as you

What part of Pres Reagan did not try to reform those liberal disasters - he should have, do you not understand?
I did not think even a lib could be as stupid as you

What part of Pres Reagan did not try to reform those liberal disasters - he should have, do you not understand?

but he didn't do it, did he? SO reagan was not quite the conservative hero you portray him to be...and the march of progressive liberalism can only be slowed can never be turned around. Oh...and it is nice to see that you think that child labor laws are a liberal disaster. Do you feel the same way about civil rights?
but he didn't do it, did he? SO reagan was not quite the conservative hero you portray him to be...and the march of progressive liberalism can only be slowed can never be turned around. Oh...and it is nice to see that you think that child labor laws are a liberal disaster. Do you feel the same way about civil rights?

Now Reagan was not a conservative?

He only cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%

Pulled the country out of the Pres Peanut recession and gave us the greates and longest economic growth ever

Built up our military and took out the Soviets

Dismissed the libs crying about how he was going to start WWIII

Keep trying to rewrite history - that is all libs have left
Now Reagan was not a conservative?

He only cut the top tax rate from 70% to 28%

Pulled the country out of the Pres Peanut recession and gave us the greates and longest economic growth ever

Built up our military and took out the Soviets

Dismissed the libs crying about how he was going to start WWIII

Keep trying to rewrite history - that is all libs have left

when did I say that reagan was not a conservative?

I pointed out that he did not reverse the social programs of progressive liberalism.

do you disagree with that?

and do you consider child labor laws to really be a liberal disaster?

and if so, do you feel the same for civil rights laws? what about women's suffrage?
Ronnie "I don't remember, I don't recall, I don't remember anything at all!" Raygun was a joke, much like your posts and spelling rsr.

All hail the great actor!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

some of his "greatness"

he invades a country 1/2 the size of Rhode Island over a runway strip instead of going after the people responsible for bombing the marine barracks in Lebanon

He promoted an economic theory known as "supply-side economics" - which GHWB derided as "voodoo economics" when running against Reagan for the Republican presidential nomination in 1980. The theory held that tax cuts for the rich would lead them to save and invest money, leading to increased productivity and lower unemployment.

The 1980s, it was the worst decade of post-World War II growth. The median wage was flat, and there was a massive redistribution of income, with wealth going to the top one or two percent of the population

he would cut student aid

He and his administration backed anti-Communist Guatemalan strongman Efrain Rios Montt, who led the Central American country during some of the worst human rights abuses of its 36-year-long civil war.
Congress required him to certify that [Guatemala] was improving human rights, which he did. Reagan was praising Rios Montt when there were systematic rapes and tortures going on

His fiscal rhetoric rarely matched his actions. He was a person who said he believed in balanced budgets but ran the biggest deficit in history and he never produced a balanced budget

Reagan promised to reduce the size of government - but government spending increased by 25%, adjusted for inflation, on his watch

and of course everyone's favorite: Iran-Contra affair

He and his "Reagan's National Security Council" (NSC) backed them secretly - with money raised by selling arms to Iran in violation of a separate US embargo. The arms sales to Iran were carried out with the knowledge of, among others, President Ronald Reagan and his vice-president. They inturn withheld... large volumes of highly relevant, contemporaneously created documents

Impeaching the bastard should have been considered

I am sure Ronnie has his own private spot in hell.
I like to imagine that if there is reincarnation, Ronnie comes back as a poor, unmarried ,uneducated, pregnant black woman.

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