How to end the "global warming" scam?

When they say: be a pathetic slave, America says - go fuck yourself.
be a faggot - go fuck yourself.
be henpecked - go fuck yourself.
Take the bull away - go fuck yourself.
Remove Helios - go fuck yourself.

go fuck yourself
go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself

They will not defeat America.

Fuck them all

And when you suggest setting off thermonuclear bombs around the globe in an attempt to raise the temperatures, we say the same thing we say when you talk about moving the US capital because CA has more beautiful women and big cars. The same thing we say when you claim tribes of the Great Plains did not hunt buffalo.

Go fuck yourself!
To stop the global warming scam, just de-fund the taxpayer funded fudgebaking liars...

To "tackle climate change," have the climate "scientists" join the SEC as a football team...

To understand what they are lying about, just read...

Their theory is that increasing atmospheric Co2 is warming the atmosphere. We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons...

What did they show during rising Co2?

NOTHING, no warming....

What did the climate "scientists" do? They FUDGED the DATA... of course....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data.

To stop the global warming scam, just de-fund the taxpayer funded fudgebaking liars...

To "tackle climate change," have the climate "scientists" join the SEC as a football team...

To understand what they are lying about, just read...

Their theory is that increasing atmospheric Co2 is warming the atmosphere. We have two and only two measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons...

What did they show during rising Co2?

NOTHING, no warming....

What did the climate "scientists" do? They FUDGED the DATA... of course....

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data.


NBC News? ... there's reliability ...

Fukushima is quickly becoming a world-class wildlife sanctuary ... the same we find at Chernobyl ... just ridding ourselves of them humans, and the environment quickly recovers ... field mice nesting in the old Sarcophagus structure at Chernobyl showed about double birth defect rate compared to the same species nesting in non-radioactive areas ... this doesn't hurt field nice population, they normally produce more offspring than food supply allows as a reproductive strategy ... humans make more investment into individual children, as a strategy, so birth defects are not tolerated ...

If we want to save the environment ... we should contaminate it with Cesium-135 ... keep the filthy humans out ...

We stop the scam by attending our own common sense ... a degree or two higher temperatures won't cause hypercanes or hockey sticks ... both threats violate the laws of physics ... sadly, climatology uses college level science ... something most people never managed ... worse, we need to finish two solid years of college science before we'll be allowed to take climatology class ... and then concurrent with Junior level math according to UCLA's course catalogue ...

Exposing the lies is the best we can do ... Stefan-Boltzmann Law says we have to pump very large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to get a very small temperature increase ... and 2ºC over 200 years is a very small increase ...
NBC News? ... there's reliability ...

Fukushima is quickly becoming a world-class wildlife sanctuary ... the same we find at Chernobyl ... just ridding ourselves of them humans, and the environment quickly recovers ... field mice nesting in the old Sarcophagus structure at Chernobyl showed about double birth defect rate compared to the same species nesting in non-radioactive areas ... this doesn't hurt field nice population, they normally produce more offspring than food supply allows as a reproductive strategy ... humans make more investment into individual children, as a strategy, so birth defects are not tolerated ...

If we want to save the environment ... we should contaminate it with Cesium-135 ... keep the filthy humans out ...

We stop the scam by attending our own common sense ... a degree or two higher temperatures won't cause hypercanes or hockey sticks ... both threats violate the laws of physics ... sadly, climatology uses college level science ... something most people never managed ... worse, we need to finish two solid years of college science before we'll be allowed to take climatology class ... and then concurrent with Junior level math according to UCLA's course catalogue ...

Exposing the lies is the best we can do ... Stefan-Boltzmann Law says we have to pump very large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to get a very small temperature increase ... and 2ºC over 200 years is a very small increase ...
It's all lies. This lie was spread by the Kremlin media for a long time, but then it turned out that some people had not even been evacuated from the epicenter, and everything was fine with them.
NBC News? ... there's reliability ...

Fukushima is quickly becoming a world-class wildlife sanctuary ... the same we find at Chernobyl ... just ridding ourselves of them humans, and the environment quickly recovers ... field mice nesting in the old Sarcophagus structure at Chernobyl showed about double birth defect rate compared to the same species nesting in non-radioactive areas ... this doesn't hurt field nice population, they normally produce more offspring than food supply allows as a reproductive strategy ... humans make more investment into individual children, as a strategy, so birth defects are not tolerated ...

If we want to save the environment ... we should contaminate it with Cesium-135 ... keep the filthy humans out ...

We stop the scam by attending our own common sense ... a degree or two higher temperatures won't cause hypercanes or hockey sticks ... both threats violate the laws of physics ... sadly, climatology uses college level science ... something most people never managed ... worse, we need to finish two solid years of college science before we'll be allowed to take climatology class ... and then concurrent with Junior level math according to UCLA's course catalogue ...

Exposing the lies is the best we can do ... Stefan-Boltzmann Law says we have to pump very large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to get a very small temperature increase ... and 2ºC over 200 years is a very small increase ...

NBC is 100% for the Co2 fraud. The Weather Channel had a much better piece but pulled it off their website a decade ago, documenting that the satellites and balloons show a flat line and in 1998, Bill Clinton's first "warmest year ever" both showed cooler than normal atmosphere.

There is NO REAL EVIDENCE that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere warms the atmosphere. None. Just FUDGE...
NBC is 100% for the Co2 fraud. The Weather Channel had a much better piece but pulled it off their website a decade ago, documenting that the satellites and balloons show a flat line and in 1998, Bill Clinton's first "warmest year ever" both showed cooler than normal atmosphere.

There is NO REAL EVIDENCE that increasing Co2 in the atmosphere warms the atmosphere. None. Just FUDGE...
The evidence is there, right before your eyes. Since 2009, they have drastically reduced CO2 emissions, which led to a cooling. The atmosphere has ceased to retain the heat of the sun, the earth and water do not warm up even in summer.

Fraud is not in this, "global warming" is never existed.
The evidence is there, right before your eyes. Since 2009, they have drastically reduced CO2 emissions, which led to a cooling. The atmosphere has ceased to retain the heat of the sun, the earth and water do not warm up even in summer.

Fraud is not in this, "global warming" is never existed.

You never established any documented "warming" in the atmosphere. That is fudge, not data.
That is absolutely ignorant.

I don't know where you are, but it is not cold here. It reached 87 degrees here yesterday.

But tell us, where would you explode the hydrogen bomb? What nation/society will be obliterated for your insane idea?
most AGW hoax is based out of places that have the fewest people on the planet. Australia. Hilarious.
The evidence is there, right before your eyes. Since 2009, they have drastically reduced CO2 emissions, which led to a cooling. The atmosphere has ceased to retain the heat of the sun, the earth and water do not warm up even in summer.

Fraud is not in this, "global warming" is never existed.
Do you think the atmosphere has hot spots?
Now in the central part of the Russian Federation extreme cold. On sunny days the temperature is about 15 degrees in the middle of the day.
In the morning the temperature drops to almost zero.

If it is 5 degrees colder, there will be famine, all crops will freeze.

Normally, at that time the temperature was 30-35 degrees, the roofs heated up and cooled down only in the morning. At night, people could not sleep in the red-hot houses. In June, the most active sun.

A disaster is coming. This is already a fact.
Never before, no one has heard that in June the temperature can drop to zero. History does not know this.
The coldest June night I remember in the temperate zone is about 15 degrees. This is the same amount as now on a sunny day.

It's not just cold.
This is a catastrophe.
has to be warmer than the surface to add heat to the surface
This, apparently, is just the carbon that scammers remove from the atmosphere. Carbon has the ability to store radiation energy.
Carbon is the basis of life. Organic nature consists of carbon compounds. Carbon deficiency in the atmosphere and biosphere means death.

This is the destruction of life on earth.
Now in the central part of the Russian Federation extreme cold. On sunny days the temperature is about 15 degrees in the middle of the day.
In the morning the temperature drops to almost zero.

If it is 5 degrees colder, there will be famine, all crops will freeze.

Normally, at that time the temperature was 30-35 degrees, the roofs heated up and cooled down only in the morning. At night, people could not sleep in the red-hot houses. In June, the most active sun.

A disaster is coming. This is already a fact.

The disaster that is coming is nothing compared to the disaster that setting off a thermonuclear device would bring.

Nuclear winter, massive nuclear fallout and radiation sickness as the winds spread that poison.
Carbon is the basis of life. Organic nature consists of carbon compounds. Carbon deficiency in the atmosphere and biosphere means death.

This is the destruction of life on earth.
And warmers don’t want it

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