How to entice China to stop North Korea



It's really quite simple. Let Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Vietnam develop their own nuclear weapons. How fast would China negotiate to stop four nuclear powers from appearing on their borders?
China does not need another economic powerhouse to compete with.

As long as NK is an economic basketcase, there's one less competitor offering near slave labor driven by a command and control top down communist system.

I mean you guys DO realize don't you that a COMMUNIST SYSTEM ECONOMY IS out performing our FREE MARKET SYSTEM, right?

That has dawned on you RANDIANS, FREE MARKET Libertarians and believers in the invisible hand of the market, right?

China understandS that perfectly well, which is why they do NOT want to compete with still another COMMUNIST COMMAND AND CONTROL ECONOMIC SYSTEM THAT WILL DO BUSINESS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.
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China's economic system is capitalist. They tried communism and it didn't work.
China's economic system is capitalist. They tried communism and it didn't work.

In China government controls capitalism. The government controls the businesses. They even run the unions. In this country, Republicans want "for profit" businesses to run the government. How disasterous would that be?

Those that believe Communist China is a "model" for country and business are stupid beyond belief. Tard level stupid, not just stupid.
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Those that believe Communist China is a "model" for country and business are stupid beyond belief. Tard level stupid, not just stupid.
So when the US Gov't signs Free Trade Agreements that send most of our jobs to China, that's NOT admitting that China is the Economic Model? :confused:

That's about Tard Level Stupid if you ask me.
Those that believe Communist China is a "model" for country and business are stupid beyond belief. Tard level stupid, not just stupid.
So when the US Gov't signs Free Trade Agreements that send most of our jobs to China, that's NOT admitting that China is the Economic Model? :confused:

That's about Tard Level Stupid if you ask me.

It's not the government that sent the jobs to China. They just helped. It's business that sent them there. Because they were NEVER your jobs. They belonged to the company and they can pay workers less than minimum wage and give out no benefits. Republicans applaud this. Smart people fight back through education and skills. Morons try to vote the people who did this into office. Mitt Romney comes to mind. Moved one of his companies to China the very month of the election. He made Republicans "proud".
China's economic system is capitalist. They tried communism and it didn't work.

That is not really true. They have opened up to capitalism but the government still dictates many things economically. They are going to hit a brick wall at some point when their housing bubble busts. They have to find a way to pay people more so that they can afford all these new homes that are sitting vacant in these massive ghost cities.

If China ever lets go of the command system completely, their economy will really take off. Eventually they will realize that if they pay their workers enough, those workers will actually be able to afford the goods they are producing. They won't need to rely on exports in order for their economy to boom. In the long run, there is no way that we will remain the world's largest economy.
China's economic system is capitalist. They tried communism and it didn't work.

In China government controls capitalism. The government controls the businesses. They even run the unions. In this country, Republicans want "for profit" businesses to run the government. How disasterous would that be?

Those that believe Communist China is a "model" for country and business are stupid beyond belief. Tard level stupid, not just stupid.

so what your really advocating rdean is facisim....nice I always knew you lefties loved it.

China is facist in reality, it's not communist anymore, that systems sucks more than a pornstar and they junked it....they added capitalism and it's working, but it is under government "control"....aka facism
China's economic system is capitalist. They tried communism and it didn't work.

In China government controls capitalism. The government controls the businesses. They even run the unions. In this country, Republicans want "for profit" businesses to run the government. How disasterous would that be?

Those that believe Communist China is a "model" for country and business are stupid beyond belief. Tard level stupid, not just stupid.

so what your really advocating rdean is facisim....nice I always knew you lefties loved it.

China is facist in reality, it's not communist anymore, that systems sucks more than a pornstar and they junked it....they added capitalism and it's working, but it is under government "control"....aka facism

How'd you take away that message from his post? :cuckoo:
China does not need another economic powerhouse to compete with.

As long as NK is an economic basketcase, there's one less competitor offering near slave labor driven by a command and control top down communist system.

I mean you guys DO realize don't you that a COMMUNIST SYSTEM ECONOMY IS out performing our FREE MARKET SYSTEM, right?

That has dawned on you RANDIANS, FREE MARKET Libertarians and believers in the invisible hand of the market, right?

China understandS that perfectly well, which is why they do NOT want to compete with still another COMMUNIST COMMAND AND CONTROL ECONOMIC SYSTEM THAT WILL DO BUSINESS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.

Why did Cuba, North Vietnam, etc fail so hard? Why did Stalins USSR starve millions of people?

Why did a hybrid system need to be introduced in china as Mao's system was killings tens of millions.
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I mean you guys DO realize don't you that a COMMUNIST SYSTEM ECONOMY IS out performing our FREE MARKET SYSTEM, right.

Gosh, that would be so very clever...if it were true.

But it's not. Back to the drama club, queeny.
I mean you guys DO realize don't you that a COMMUNIST SYSTEM ECONOMY IS out performing our FREE MARKET SYSTEM, right.

Gosh, that would be so very clever...if it were true.

But it's not. Back to the drama club, queeny.

It's absolutely true.

Terrifying isn't it?

Basically China has morphed from a communist society to a Communist-elite lead society that sells its cheap labor such that avowed communist leaders are becoming billionaires.

Talk about a mixed economic system?

China has refined that SCAM to a science.

China has slyly morphed into an interesting mix, and:
  • We have helped them greatly by being so irresponsible with our borrowing and spending. If we had a Balanced Budget Amendment you would see a far different world as a result. Of course, our "leaders" don't have the balls to do that...
  • The wealth there is highly concentrated, where the only people truly benefitting are those who can help them create the assets with which they are essentially buying much of the planet, the other few hundred million can pretty much go fuck themselves with no recourse. So there are effectively two Chinas right now...
  • They have created an equilibrium in which their authoritarian government is essentially doing capitalism better than we are, because an authoritarian government doesn't have to worry about silly shit like buying votes and bending over for contributors at the expense of their constituents...
I have no doubt that China is laughing at us, as we continue to borrow money from them, continue to purchase shitty little plastic goods that were made in their slave-like sweat shops, and continue to spread our simplistic and greedy consumerism around the planet as they buy up more and more global assets.

We gave China their strength, and their authoritarian government is giving just enough of its people just enough prosperity to keep them motivated to keep taking our money from us.

It's cultural, as are most of our problems.

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Spot on, Mac.

Our uberwealth corporatists have allied with China's Communist elite and both benefit from it and both peoples suffer the consequences.

China's near-slave labor markets work on the cheap and by doing so (and with the help of FREE TRAITORISM brought to us by BOTH PARTIES) they crush US labor unions AND bankrupt the US federal government at the same time.
The days of the US telling the world what to do died with obama. Now the Russians are practicing bombing his ships at sea.

obama is going to bring us all to a very messy end.
China does not need another economic powerhouse to compete with.

As long as NK is an economic basketcase, there's one less competitor offering near slave labor driven by a command and control top down communist system.

I mean you guys DO realize don't you that a COMMUNIST SYSTEM ECONOMY IS out performing our FREE MARKET SYSTEM, right?

That has dawned on you RANDIANS, FREE MARKET Libertarians and believers in the invisible hand of the market, right?

China understandS that perfectly well, which is why they do NOT want to compete with still another COMMUNIST COMMAND AND CONTROL ECONOMIC SYSTEM THAT WILL DO BUSINESS WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD.

China been Communist for 70 years, but its only lately they've become a real economy....why is that?
It's really quite simple. Let Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and Vietnam develop their own nuclear weapons. How fast would China negotiate to stop four nuclear powers from appearing on their borders?

So you are saying to escalate arms.

Sort of like, buying a gun to protect oneself.
China developing a middle class, is "People suffering"

Progressives are so sheltered and clueless

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