How To Explain This?

Maybe the link is poverty and lack of education and not skin color

definitely a factor...also, when you talk about comparing rates...numbers are funny like can draw any impression you want out of them.
AIDS among black Americans occurs at the same rates as AIDS among black Africans.

Report: Black U.S. AIDS rates rival some African nations -

Yet the two groups had totally different environmental settings. Could it be that racial patterns of behavior persist no matter the location? Nah... that would be "racist"!

I can explain one thing ... your opening sentence does not say what the header in the link does.

Your statement is an absolute, stating that AIDS among black Americans occurs at the same rate as AIDS in black Africans

Black US AIDS rate rival SOME African NATIONS does NOT say that. Always twisting shit.
It's the Genes.

How many posts do I need before I can post a link?

It's either 15 or 20. I'm about to go to work. Ask one of the moderators to post it for you, if they have time. They'll be on in awhile.
How many posts do I need before I can post a link?


Until then, you can still post the url of the site, just uncheck the "Automatically parse links in text" box under the Submit button. It won't be a link but people can just copy/paste the url into their address bars if they want to see the site.

Or, you could tell people the Google search term that will bring a link to the site right up.

Or, you could just post a lot of your own personal opinions until you have fifteen posts and then link away.
Maybe the link is poverty and lack of education and not skin color, eh, Billy?

LACK OF EDUCATION? Is there some shortage of information about AIDS in the United States? How fucking stupid do you have to be not to know about AIDS in America? And it just somehow magically happens that whites figure it out, but blacks don't?

And just HAPPEN not to find out in Africa in similar numbers?

And how does white racism explain the rates in Africa?

I mean, you couldn't ask for better conditions for an experiment/showcase of the uniformity of black behavior if you were trying to control for "white racism", for fuck's sake.

You just have to be really, really goddamn dedicated to denying racial reality to look past these statistics.
LACK OF EDUCATION? Is there some shortage of information about AIDS in the United States? How fucking stupid do you have to be not to know about AIDS in America? And it just somehow magically happens that whites figure it out, but blacks don't?

And just HAPPEN not to find out in Africa in similar numbers?

And how does white racism explain the rates in Africa?

I mean, you couldn't ask for better conditions for an experiment/showcase of the uniformity of black behavior if you were trying to control for "white racism", for fuck's sake.

You just have to be really, really goddamn dedicated to denying racial reality to look past these statistics.

I think you are the denier here. I remember reading awhile back that the I-95 corridor up and down the east coast contained a large population of those in the US with aids and those that contracted aids by visiting prostitutes along the corridor. Guess who lives along the corridor, mostly? Poor people. One day, maybe you'll be able to discern the difference between poverty and race as a causal agent in many of the woes you decry, but I doubt it.
Poor people can pay for hookers?

Gunny already showed Joyce for the tool he is on this thread. But Ravi juts keeps giving and giving in the " I am an ignorant turd" department.
Poor people can pay for hookers?

Gunny already showed Joyce for the tool he is on this thread. But Ravi juts keeps giving and giving in the " I am an ignorant turd" department.

No, you deluded nimrod. Poor people are hookers, mostly.

Are you really as stupid as you come across?
No, you deluded nimrod. Poor people are hookers, mostly.

Are you really as stupid as you come across?

So there are all these aids infected hookers but no corresponding increase in non poor people infections? who is using them? And since I doubt the increase in AIDS is just women, who is infecting all those poor men?
So there are all these aids infected hookers but no corresponding increase in non poor people infections? who is using them? And since I doubt the increase in AIDS is just women, who is infecting all those poor men?
You really don't know?
How to explain this?

They're getting more than ugly White boys, maybe?
I think you are the denier here. I remember reading awhile back that the I-95 corridor up and down the east coast contained a large population of those in the US with aids and those that contracted aids by visiting prostitutes along the corridor. Guess who lives along the corridor, mostly? Poor people. One day, maybe you'll be able to discern the difference between poverty and race as a causal agent in many of the woes you decry, but I doubt it.

For this to be true, poor whites would need to suffer from AIDS at the same rate as poor blacks.

But they don't.

Also, how do you explain the fact that SAT scores of blacks are LOWER than that of whites even when the blacks come from homes with higher incomes?
For this to be true, poor whites would need to suffer from AIDS at the same rate as poor blacks.

But they don't.

Also, how do you explain the fact that SAT scores of blacks are LOWER than that of whites even when the blacks come from homes with higher incomes?

I don't know if the last part of what you said is true, and if it is, it could certainly have to do with the test questions, poor nutrition, hopelessness...

I also don't know if the first part of what you said is true, but if so, it could have a lot to do with poor whites NOT living in the slums.

I think we should dismantle the slums, but I'm not sure how we can do it without depriving people of their rights.
poor nutrition

Well, at this point, I think we can be skeptical. There just isn't any suggestion that black people in America are unable to afford the very modest price of adequate nutrition. Carrots just aren't that expensive. And if you can't afford them, you can qualify for government assistance. So as awkward as it may be to notice, you'd have to be terminally stupid to miss this.
Well, at this point, I think we can be skeptical. There just isn't any suggestion that black people in America are unable to afford the very modest price of adequate nutrition. Carrots just aren't that expensive. And if you can't afford them, you can qualify for government assistance. So as awkward as it may be to notice, you'd have to be terminally stupid to miss this.

My point being that if you've been raised on sub-par rations, you are already 10 points behind on the IQ scale and it becomes a vicious you honestly think that taking a kid out of the slums and raising him/her in a middle class home doesn't make a difference?
My point being that if you've been raised on sub-par rations, you are already 10 points behind on the IQ scale and it becomes a vicious you honestly think that taking a kid out of the slums and raising him/her in a middle class home doesn't make a difference?

So well off Blacks are all from the slums? How did they ever get that money since as I recall you also claim no one can better themselves out of slums either?

Joyce is a tool, but do us all a favor Ravi and stop making him look smart.
So well off Blacks are all from the slums?

How did you get that from what I posted?

How did they ever get that money since as I recall you also claim no one can better themselves out of slums either?
Not sure what money you are talking about, and I'm pretty sure I never claimed no one can better them selves out of the slums...though it certainly is harder to do coming from a position of poverty and crime, don't you think? The point I was making is if you take a kid out of a slum and raise him with a middle class or upper class family, his/her chances in life get a huge amount you disagree with that?

Joyce is a tool, but do us all a favor Ravi and stop making him look smart.
Instead of throwing around insults all the time, why don't you give your opinion on why so many black people live in poverty, what should be done about it, if anything, and if you agree with Joyce.

Because really, there isn't much point of you posting on this thread if the only reason is to troll after me.

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