How to find a lawyer?

Apr 22, 2014
We all search best solicitor for case and should be highly skilled and experienced.But what are the steps to finding a ideal lawyer?
(a) Call your county Bar Association, tell them what sort of legal services you require, and they will give you a couple names of lawyers in your area who are probably competent.

(b) Go to the Martindale Hubbel website and search for lawyers in your geographical area. Look at their areas of expertise and backgrounds.

(c) Google "attorneys + [your city]."

Consider how much "horsepower" you require. Do you need a will drafted or a review of a lease? Any attorney can do that. Looking to sue someone? Consider whether you want to hire a "contingent fee" lawyer (no money unless you win), or can pay yourself.

Divorce? You need someone who specializes in Family law - this is a very esoteric practice and you will pay for it if you get someone who is not a specialist.

Big law firms = big bucks. Sole practitioners = questionable competence.

The best option is to ask around and find someone who has done work for a friend or relative and satisfied them.
We all search best solicitor for case and should be highly skilled and experienced.But what are the steps to finding a ideal lawyer?

You can contact your local state bar for a referral service.

Sometimes there is a nonprofit referral service.
In Houston there is Gulf Coast Legal Foundation
(and also ACLU or ACLJ for civil rights issues)

You can also check with local colleges or law schools
that might have public clinics to provide legal help or referrals.

Some minority or cultural groups have their own lawyers associations,
like LULAC, Asian-American legal defense, etc.
We all search best solicitor for case and should be highly skilled and experienced.But what are the steps to finding a ideal lawyer?

Lift up a really big rock and look underneath it.
I'd check to find out who the mensa society members are in my area and look at them first. I found my lawyer that way. He's brilliant. ... and Jewish, of course.
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Depends on the case and the specialty required. You may also have a prepaid legal coverage....look at your insurance policies. Speak to your circle of friends and business associates and ask them for referrals.

Depending on the issues to be decided you may be able to visit a local law school who has a clinic in the area of law you require and you may be able to be represented by students who are supervised by professors for free.

A great deal depends on what kind of case you need representation on.
We all search best solicitor for case and should be highly skilled and experienced.But what are the steps to finding a ideal lawyer?

There are a lot of very good suggestions in this thread. I would add one. If you use any form of business advisor, like a tax specialist or accountant, ask them. Most hear about their clients legal problems and how well the attorneys they hire represent them and how much they cost.

I choose an attorney based on how they handle cases for my clients. Currently I have six attorneys on retainer (contract drafting, contract litigation, intellectual property law, tax litigation, real estate, and bankruptcy law). The first and fifth I use for personal and business matters and the other four to advise me in work I do for clients. I run about $15,000 a year in legal expenses through the business and it has been as high as $60,000 in a year.


1. Don't do business with an attorney without an engagement letter.

2. If at all possible have a continuing engagement and retainer, and know the rules about who is conflicted out when.

3. Never lie or fail to disclose information to your attorney.

4. Understand clearly whether you want the attorney to advise you or represent you (they are not the same). Sometimes professional canons make it prudent to have one of each, especially with contract law and bankruptcy law.

5. Always ask an attorney how many cases like yours they handle a year. Also ask up front if this is the kind of work they are comfortable doing or if they can recommend someone else.

6. Check the disciplinary history of any attorney you consider hiring.

7. Hire the best attorney you can afford for the type of case.

8. If you don't understand some of these points, seek out a law clinic run by a law school. They usually can explain these things to you for free.

Good luck!

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