How to Fix College Education

Iron Head

VIP Member
Oct 3, 2015
I have had enough of these pansy little entitled college kiddies moaning and groaning over all of the injustices being heaped upon them. Fact is, these little brain washed twerps have it easier right now than they ever have or ever will, even if they do have to be exposed to someone in black face talking like Foghorn Leghorn.

Being exposed to an idea that is racist or otherwise offensive to you does not equate to racism or violence. It is also not reasonable grounds upon which to assert that you are being denied safety. The very idea is ludicrous, a misrepresentation of fact, and is undeserving of being taken seriously by anyone. These little crybaby faggots need a good beating with a big stick.

Then, they have the balls to "demand" student loan debt cancellation, free college, and a $15 minimum wage? FUCK YOU, you ungrateful little mush-brained shits! They don't have a clue what they are even talking about.

I will tell you how to fix the college education system:

1. Eliminate tenure. Tie federally funding to eliminating tenure. This will temper the ridiculous leftist tripe that is polluting the minds of these kiddies.

2. Every kiddie has to pay for college. If their parents pay, fine. If they cannot afford it, then there are no federal loans. The kiddies have to work. They can dig ditches, build roads, clean road kill, slaughter pigs for food, or whatever. The employer then remits the earnings to the school to pay tuition. These little shits should have to pay for the privilege to attend college. Is it unfair to allow wealthy kids to have their tuition paid while poor kids have to work? FUCK YOU for even asking that question as it has no relevance whatsoever in our capitalist system. "Fairness" is a false state, an illusion, that is perpetrated by leftist ideologies in order to manipulate YOU into anti-American and anti-capitalist positions. Questioning the "fairness" of this, or any, system is an implicit admission that you are a leftist shill and, therefore, useless to our republic.

3. Raise admission standards. College and post-graduate education ought to be a privilege for those of meaningful intellectual capacity. It most certainly is NOT a "right". If you give every person a bachelor's degree then you are going to degrade the importance of said degree. If this is done then we are just going to have to grade people based upon other measures of worth and desirability.

4. Eliminate bullshit courses. Tie curriculum to funding in order to gain leverage. If an institution wants to offer courses in "African-American Studies" or "Women's Studies", or some similar bullshit that is not a true academic discipline but is, rather, an ideologically fueled quasi-history, sociology course bent on promoting the radical views of a handful of leftist shit bags, then they can offer it but award ZERO credit for it.

5. Reform Administration Structure of Colleges. First of, the admin is way too big at every college. Each college receiving public money ought to demonstrate a reduction in admin expense by at least 50% prior to receiving any additional federal or state funding, then be required to maintain those spending levels.

Second, the admin needs to change their governing philosophies, practices and tactics to put the institution's interests FIRST. Requiring them to act like a business is the way to do this. Business only sees one color. It is the most fair way to administer anything, as it puts race and social issues in a position subordinate to finance. This will empower presidents of colleges and universities to stand up to these ridiculous student uprisings based upon false allegations of racism and smack them down.

6. Reformed Code of Conduct for Students. Designate a protest area for these brain dead little fucks. If they stray from it or otherwise act to disrupt school operations, then subject them to discipline, including criminal prosecution for disturbing the peace. It is time for these pathetic cry baby failed abortions to grow up and learn how to function in our society.

All we need is a Republican in the White House and Republican majorities in both houses of Congress and we can fix our republic and put it back on track to prosperity and global dominance, where it belongs. It is high time for the left to get fucked and to crawl back under their piss stained rocks.

The one good thing to come out of these recent college protests and other events, such as the ridiculous radicalization of Democrats, is that the true left is being exposed for what it is. We may be witnessing the period just prior to the pendulum swinging back to the right.
It's all about people getting in over the heads - it all ties together.

It's one thing for people to hang themselves with their own rope.
It's another thing to keep enticing them to give them more rope
And still yet another to sell the rope as way out of the quicksand, when in reality it's the way in.......

Most kids that go to college have parents that can afford it. They have just over spent most of their lives and taken out so many loans (home equity, 401k etc.) they have nothing left but to be able to sign for their kids on a student loan.

Almost no one has to live in poverty in this country.

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