How to get people Vaccinated

I'm curious? Why don't you mind your own damn busines we aren't geting the Vax and there isns't a damn thing you can about it. Good lord you people are terrified little children.
naw, just insensitve assholes.
Do you know how many vaccine injuries there are every single year? And that's with vaccines that have been around for decades.
Do you know 580,000 died from COVID?

I am NOT getting a vaccine. If you want it, GO FOR IT. It's my body, my choice. And I will shoot any motherfucker in the face if they dare ask me for some vaccine passport. I will put a stop to that shit immediately and go out in a murderous blaze of glory to feast fight and fuck forever in Valhalla before I am denied ANYTHING for refusing forced medical battery. Y'all be warned. I will go to all-out war.
They should demand vaccination for you to work and attend public events

In the absence of vaccination you are forcing us to continue to wear masks
I am not forcing you to do anything. Why are you forcing me?. You have been vaxxed. What's the problem? My body, my choice. You should NOT have the right to exclude me from normal life.

If you are a danger to others Businesses should have a right to not serve you.

Why should your wreakless behaviour put others in trouble..

Okay, first of all, Noah Webster, the word is "reckless". I don't even know what the fuck you were doing there. Having a stroke is my guess.

Second of all, there's a big difference between "a danger to others" and "I think you're a danger to others because I'm a paranoid moron".

I wish those businesses lots of luck with demanding people's private health information in the middle of struggling to re-open and not go under. That'll work out well.

I swear, you leftists get stupider every day, and never seem to hit bottom.
Half a million dead kind of proves the point...
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:
I am O+

I thought O- was the universal donor and we (O+) are the universal recipients. Am I wrong?
Do you know how many vaccine injuries there are every single year? And that's with vaccines that have been around for decades.
Do you know 580,000 died from COVID?

I am NOT getting a vaccine. If you want it, GO FOR IT. It's my body, my choice. And I will shoot any motherfucker in the face if they dare ask me for some vaccine passport. I will put a stop to that shit immediately and go out in a murderous blaze of glory to feast fight and fuck forever in Valhalla before I am denied ANYTHING for refusing forced medical battery. Y'all be warned. I will go to all-out war.
They should demand vaccination for you to work and attend public events

In the absence of vaccination you are forcing us to continue to wear masks
I am not forcing you to do anything. Why are you forcing me?. You have been vaxxed. What's the problem? My body, my choice. You should NOT have the right to exclude me from normal life.

If you are a danger to others Businesses should have a right to not serve you.

Why should your wreakless behaviour put others in trouble..

Okay, first of all, Noah Webster, the word is "reckless". I don't even know what the fuck you were doing there. Having a stroke is my guess.

Second of all, there's a big difference between "a danger to others" and "I think you're a danger to others because I'm a paranoid moron".

I wish those businesses lots of luck with demanding people's private health information in the middle of struggling to re-open and not go under. That'll work out well.

I swear, you leftists get stupider every day, and never seem to hit bottom.
Half a million dead kind of proves the point...
except, the daily numbers didn't increase from the 2017 and up years. why is that?

I do know that many sick people died from lack of medical care because doctors stopped treating them. cdc told them to. that's truly odd.
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:
I am O+

I thought O- was the universal donor and we (O+) are the universal recipients. Am I wrong?
Hmmm Isn’t that the same thing? UD would mean your blood can be transfused into anyone .. I think
AzogtheDefiler ???
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:

O negative is universal donor. Not O positive.

Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 2.08.13 PM.png

I could never take your blood. No one with RH Negative blood can take RH Positive blood.

I have RH Negative blood.

Less than 10% of the population of the world has RH Negative blood. Of those less than 10%, less than 10% of them has A Negative blood.

I have A Negative blood.

Blood banks and labs get very excited when they get my blood.

The vampires at the lab when I had cancer were very happy to drain me of my blood. Most in the medical field say they have read about my blood type but have never actually met someone with it.
Last edited:
Do you know how many vaccine injuries there are every single year? And that's with vaccines that have been around for decades.
Do you know 580,000 died from COVID?

I am NOT getting a vaccine. If you want it, GO FOR IT. It's my body, my choice. And I will shoot any motherfucker in the face if they dare ask me for some vaccine passport. I will put a stop to that shit immediately and go out in a murderous blaze of glory to feast fight and fuck forever in Valhalla before I am denied ANYTHING for refusing forced medical battery. Y'all be warned. I will go to all-out war.
They should demand vaccination for you to work and attend public events

In the absence of vaccination you are forcing us to continue to wear masks
I am not forcing you to do anything. Why are you forcing me?. You have been vaxxed. What's the problem? My body, my choice. You should NOT have the right to exclude me from normal life.

If you are a danger to others Businesses should have a right to not serve you.

Why should your wreakless behaviour put others in trouble..

Okay, first of all, Noah Webster, the word is "reckless". I don't even know what the fuck you were doing there. Having a stroke is my guess.

Second of all, there's a big difference between "a danger to others" and "I think you're a danger to others because I'm a paranoid moron".

I wish those businesses lots of luck with demanding people's private health information in the middle of struggling to re-open and not go under. That'll work out well.

I swear, you leftists get stupider every day, and never seem to hit bottom.
Half a million dead kind of proves the point...
except, the daily numbers didn't increase from the 2017 and up years. why is that?

I do know that many sick people died from lack of medical care because doctors stopped treating them. cdc told them to. that's truly odd.

Where was that - India mebbe?
I do know that when a few US hospitals were stretched to the limit, they sometimes had to help the ones with best chance of survival.
Pity the Docs.who were forced to make those decisions.
Nobody likes playing God
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:

O negative is universal donor. Not O positive.

I could never take your blood. No one with RH Negative blood can take RH Positive blood.

I have RH Negative blood.

Less than 10% of the population of the world has RH Negative blood. Of those less than 10%, less than 10% of them has A Negative blood.

I have A Negative blood.

Blood banks and labs get very excited when they get my blood.

The vampires at the lab when I had cancer were very happy to drain me of my blood. Most in the medical field say they have read about my blood type but have never actually met someone with it.
According to the Red Cross (I just looked it up, didn't know otherwise) O+ can donate to anyone with a + blood type. So, yeah, O+ is a type of universal....just not THE universal.
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:

O negative is universal donor. Not O positive.

I could never take your blood. No one with RH Negative blood can take RH Positive blood.

I have RH Negative blood.

Less than 10% of the population of the world has RH Negative blood. Of those less than 10%, less than 10% of them has A Negative blood.

I have A Negative blood.

Blood banks and labs get very excited when they get my blood.

The vampires at the lab when I had cancer were very happy to drain me of my blood. Most in the medical field say they have read about my blood type but have never actually met someone with it.
You are CORRECT - Thanks!
Do you know how many vaccine injuries there are every single year? And that's with vaccines that have been around for decades.
Do you know 580,000 died from COVID?

I am NOT getting a vaccine. If you want it, GO FOR IT. It's my body, my choice. And I will shoot any motherfucker in the face if they dare ask me for some vaccine passport. I will put a stop to that shit immediately and go out in a murderous blaze of glory to feast fight and fuck forever in Valhalla before I am denied ANYTHING for refusing forced medical battery. Y'all be warned. I will go to all-out war.
They should demand vaccination for you to work and attend public events

In the absence of vaccination you are forcing us to continue to wear masks
I am not forcing you to do anything. Why are you forcing me?. You have been vaxxed. What's the problem? My body, my choice. You should NOT have the right to exclude me from normal life.

If you are a danger to others Businesses should have a right to not serve you.

Why should your wreakless behaviour put others in trouble..

Okay, first of all, Noah Webster, the word is "reckless". I don't even know what the fuck you were doing there. Having a stroke is my guess.

Second of all, there's a big difference between "a danger to others" and "I think you're a danger to others because I'm a paranoid moron".

I wish those businesses lots of luck with demanding people's private health information in the middle of struggling to re-open and not go under. That'll work out well.

I swear, you leftists get stupider every day, and never seem to hit bottom.
Half a million dead kind of proves the point...

Proves WHAT point? That Covid is an automatic death sentence to anyone who encounters it? That humans should attempt to make the world around them a completely sterile "clean room" like they've all morphed into Howard Hughes? Exactly what asinine point do you think you've proven by the fact that people got sick and died, as they have always done and will always do, and that we dealt with it as well as possible and it's time to move on . . . except that your paranoid death-cult ass can't or won't move on?

The vaccines are available to anyone who wants them. If you are wandering around in public and going about normal life, either you have gotten vaccinated, in which case you are not my problem, or you have chosen not to get vaccinated, in which case you are not my problem. If you are still having your little kabuki dance of fear, "I'm in terrible, mortal danger from other human beings breathing!!" you are dancing with yourself.
People who wear masks are just embarassed they have ugly teeth.

I'm not going to say there aren't many people who have looked better during the mask mandates than they ever have in their lives.

But mask mandates are still ridiculous at this point.
I do know that when a few US hospitals were stretched to the limit, they sometimes had to help the ones with best chance of survival.
Pity the Docs.who were forced to make those decisions.
they fking laid off nurses and doctors, no in building hospital care. denied to patients already under doctors care. and no, hospitals did not fill up. If you can name me one, that would be the first.
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:
I am O+

I thought O- was the universal donor and we (O+) are the universal recipients. Am I wrong?
Hmmm Isn’t that the same thing? UD would mean your blood can be transfused into anyone .. I think
AzogtheDefiler ???
No. You are the universal donor. My blood only to those who are also A+
How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:

O negative is universal donor. Not O positive.

View attachment 489128

I could never take your blood. No one with RH Negative blood can take RH Positive blood.

I have RH Negative blood.

Less than 10% of the population of the world has RH Negative blood. Of those less than 10%, less than 10% of them has A Negative blood.

I have A Negative blood.

Blood banks and labs get very excited when they get my blood.

The vampires at the lab when I had cancer were very happy to drain me of my blood. Most in the medical field say they have read about my blood type but have never actually met someone with it.
No one cares Dana, fuck off.
It's a personal choice but I believe that not getting it is a bad choice.
Thank you. It's a personal choice. I disagree on it being a bad choice, but at least we agree on not forcing it.

I am open to people convincing me that it is a good choice, but so far, I am not persuaded.

No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccination. At least not that I know of.

I come from a family that's got a lot of people in the medical and science fields. So I got vaccinated.

I know that doing so will help prevent new mutations of the virus.

Plus my favorite aunt died of the virus. I don't want people to go through what she went through and what my family has gone through because of her death.

I also have a friend who had the virus and is one of those who are now being called called a "long hauler." He had the virus and got through it. Mostly. He still is dealing with the problems the virus caused on his body. We don't know how long people will have to deal with those issues. I don't want more people to have to live with those problems.

My sister-in-law's mother died from a reaction to the vaccine. She would have been fine, but for the vax. And her family has no liability recourse but whatever government-guaranteed liability protection CRUMBS our benevolent FedGov decides to hand out in its lazy-ass effort to maintain public health while giving Big Pharma incentives like a MOTHERFUCKER.

So, yes I do get the concept and science. I don't get the government shield, unless the FedGov and Big Pharma BOTH know that they cannot safely produce vaccines (they admittedly cannot).

I'm sorry she died of the vaccine.

I got both doses. First on February 25. Second March 15th.

I'm still alive.

The CDC just announced all those who are fully vaccinated don't have to wear masks in most public places indoors and outdoors.

That's because of the vaccine.

Without it, we would go back to where we were last winter and where India is now.

How to convince Conservatives to get vaccinated

Tell them Biden and Pelosi doesn’t want them to
Vaccines are fine but it should be up to one's doctor not one's politician. Would you agree, troll?
actually, it's up to the individual.
Let me rephrase, up to the doctor to advise on whether to get it or not.
Still no, it's whether I want it or not. I am not afraid of a virus. I don't care what a doctor says.
Correct. My point is my doctor's recommendation matters my politician's does not.
and on that i can agree.
My MD told me that because I had the virus so early my antibodies are likely stronger than anything a vaccine would give me. So I am not getting vaccinated based on his recommendation. He is a Harvard Med School grad and affiliated with Mass General. One of the best hospitals in the world. For now I am not getting the vaccine.
How often are you supposed to get tested for antibody levels?
I get tested about once every eight weeks as I donate at the Red Cross but there is no set schedule. I have been consistently positive.
I gave blood to Red Cross mobile unit last week and was told they are testing for antibodies. Haven’t heard back but expect since it’s been a month since 2nd Moderna, should be solid!
Interesting as you are vaccinated. Correct. Testing. I have the app!

Red Cross follows me around like a thirsty vampire.
O positive - universal donor n all that :rolleyes-41:
I am O+

I thought O- was the universal donor and we (O+) are the universal recipients. Am I wrong?
Hmmm Isn’t that the same thing? UD would mean your blood can be transfused into anyone .. I think
AzogtheDefiler ???

No positive blood can ever be a universal donor.

It's O Negative blood that is considered universal donor.

Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 2.16.18 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-05-13 at 2.17.45 PM.png
It's a personal choice but I believe that not getting it is a bad choice.
Thank you. It's a personal choice. I disagree on it being a bad choice, but at least we agree on not forcing it.

I am open to people convincing me that it is a good choice, but so far, I am not persuaded.

No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccination. At least not that I know of.

I come from a family that's got a lot of people in the medical and science fields. So I got vaccinated.

I know that doing so will help prevent new mutations of the virus.

Plus my favorite aunt died of the virus. I don't want people to go through what she went through and what my family has gone through because of her death.

I also have a friend who had the virus and is one of those who are now being called called a "long hauler." He had the virus and got through it. Mostly. He still is dealing with the problems the virus caused on his body. We don't know how long people will have to deal with those issues. I don't want more people to have to live with those problems.

My sister-in-law's mother died from a reaction to the vaccine. She would have been fine, but for the vax. And her family has no liability recourse but whatever government-guaranteed liability protection CRUMBS our benevolent FedGov decides to hand out in its lazy-ass effort to maintain public health while giving Big Pharma incentives like a MOTHERFUCKER.

So, yes I do get the concept and science. I don't get the government shield, unless the FedGov and Big Pharma BOTH know that they cannot safely produce vaccines (they admittedly cannot).

I'm sorry she died of the vaccine.

I got both doses. First on February 25. Second March 15th.

I'm still alive.

The CDC just announced all those who are fully vaccinated don't have to wear masks in most public places indoors and outdoors.

That's because of the vaccine.

Without it, we would go back to where we were last winter and where India is now.

But, why would the federal government give such a wide-spread liability protection to Big Pharma if there was not a SIGNIFICANT risk of vax injury? It makes absolutely no sense.
It's a personal choice but I believe that not getting it is a bad choice.
Thank you. It's a personal choice. I disagree on it being a bad choice, but at least we agree on not forcing it.

I am open to people convincing me that it is a good choice, but so far, I am not persuaded.

No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccination. At least not that I know of.

I come from a family that's got a lot of people in the medical and science fields. So I got vaccinated.

I know that doing so will help prevent new mutations of the virus.

Plus my favorite aunt died of the virus. I don't want people to go through what she went through and what my family has gone through because of her death.

I also have a friend who had the virus and is one of those who are now being called called a "long hauler." He had the virus and got through it. Mostly. He still is dealing with the problems the virus caused on his body. We don't know how long people will have to deal with those issues. I don't want more people to have to live with those problems.

My sister-in-law's mother died from a reaction to the vaccine. She would have been fine, but for the vax. And her family has no liability recourse but whatever government-guaranteed liability protection CRUMBS our benevolent FedGov decides to hand out in its lazy-ass effort to maintain public health while giving Big Pharma incentives like a MOTHERFUCKER.

So, yes I do get the concept and science. I don't get the government shield, unless the FedGov and Big Pharma BOTH know that they cannot safely produce vaccines (they admittedly cannot).

I'm sorry she died of the vaccine.

I got both doses. First on February 25. Second March 15th.

I'm still alive.

The CDC just announced all those who are fully vaccinated don't have to wear masks in most public places indoors and outdoors.

That's because of the vaccine.

Without it, we would go back to where we were last winter and where India is now.

But, why would the federal government give such a wide-spread liability protection to Big Pharma if there was not a SIGNIFICANT risk of vax injury? It makes absolutely no sense.

Oh C’mon Boots - You are hunting for conspiracy theories again ;)
It's a personal choice but I believe that not getting it is a bad choice.
Thank you. It's a personal choice. I disagree on it being a bad choice, but at least we agree on not forcing it.

I am open to people convincing me that it is a good choice, but so far, I am not persuaded.

No one is forcing anyone to get the vaccination. At least not that I know of.

I come from a family that's got a lot of people in the medical and science fields. So I got vaccinated.

I know that doing so will help prevent new mutations of the virus.

Plus my favorite aunt died of the virus. I don't want people to go through what she went through and what my family has gone through because of her death.

I also have a friend who had the virus and is one of those who are now being called called a "long hauler." He had the virus and got through it. Mostly. He still is dealing with the problems the virus caused on his body. We don't know how long people will have to deal with those issues. I don't want more people to have to live with those problems.

My sister-in-law's mother died from a reaction to the vaccine. She would have been fine, but for the vax. And her family has no liability recourse but whatever government-guaranteed liability protection CRUMBS our benevolent FedGov decides to hand out in its lazy-ass effort to maintain public health while giving Big Pharma incentives like a MOTHERFUCKER.

So, yes I do get the concept and science. I don't get the government shield, unless the FedGov and Big Pharma BOTH know that they cannot safely produce vaccines (they admittedly cannot).

I'm sorry she died of the vaccine.

I got both doses. First on February 25. Second March 15th.

I'm still alive.

The CDC just announced all those who are fully vaccinated don't have to wear masks in most public places indoors and outdoors.

That's because of the vaccine.

Without it, we would go back to where we were last winter and where India is now.

I am not wearing a mask and I am not vaccinated. I have natural immunity. We do agree, you are sorry.

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