How to make a mess out of a life


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
This is a great cautionary tale on so many levels. Not the least of which is - acting like an obnoxious, immature, loud-mouth jerk will eventually come back to bite you.

There is also a great lesson here on how one utilizes social media, how one treats their wife, and how one conducts themselves with arrogance.

Lets hope that no matter what he chooses to do with his life moving forward, that he is permanently out of public office of any kind (though I have no faith that progressives will have the integrity to reject him and find someone with more integrity).

Anthony Weiner 'So Broke' He Can't Afford Sex Addiction Rehab
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Progressiveness has nothing to do with sex addiction..or being a perv....
Man...I just can't imagine mucking up my own life this bad. If he wasn't such an awful individual, I would actually feel really sorry for him. Wife left him. Career gone. Publicly shamed. Dead broke. No future. This guy has the perfect recipe for a life of heroin addiction and homelessness.

They literally should study this guy in schools. Give young students a chance to see how easily one can destroy a life (lives...if you include his wife and son) so easily in today's world of instant communication and technology. It's important to learn from the mistakes of others. Exponentially more important than learning how to dissect a freaking frog.

Anthony Weiner is calling restaurant industry pals for job leads
This is a great cautionary tale on so many levels. Not the least of which is - acting like an obnoxious, immature, loud-mouth jerk will eventually come back to bite you.

There is also a great lesson here on how one utilizes social media, how one treats their wife, and how one conducts themselves with arrogance.

Lets hope that no matter what he chooses to do with his life moving forward, that he is permanently out of public office of any kind (though I have no faith that progressives will have the integrity to reject him and find someone with more integrity).

Anthony Weiner 'So Broke' He Can't Afford Sex Addiction Rehab
I thought the little perv had Obamacare. Probably can't afford the deductible.
What is the inflation rate on hookers? More importantly, is it included in CPI?
Since it'll be tough as hell for him to find a regular job, the obvious answer would be to work from home.

Maybe start a website.

Does anyone have any ideas on what kind of website that might be?

Those of us who made it into our 60's relatively unscathed did it by a small portion of common sense and a large portion of blind-luck. The Army straightened me out. I'd fight anybody before I joined...the badder the better. Won most of them lost a couple but didn't get whipped too bad. In the Army your instructors teach you how to really fight. I had a DI at Benning that literally swept me off my feet with jiujitsu or akido or whatever the hell was doing to me. Each time I got back up and tried to square-heel him, there I was on my ass or head again. That cured me fighting guys I didn't know or know of. Which led me away from boxing and into other martial arts which pretty much ended my fighting days. I mention all this because I could have easily killed somebody or gotten killed in a fight....sent to prison or a morgue on some meaningless Friday night.
This is a great cautionary tale on so many levels. Not the least of which is - acting like an obnoxious, immature, loud-mouth jerk will eventually come back to bite you.

There is also a great lesson here on how one utilizes social media, how one treats their wife, and how one conducts themselves with arrogance.

Lets hope that no matter what he chooses to do with his life moving forward, that he is permanently out of public office of any kind (though I have no faith that progressives will have the integrity to reject him and find someone with more integrity).

Anthony Weiner 'So Broke' He Can't Afford Sex Addiction Rehab
Spiritual healing is free.
What a shame he didn't get help before he got in trouble this way.

He should contact a reputable source who can possibly help him:
* Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, neurosurgeon who now uses spiritual healing full time instead of surgery
* Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
* Olivia Reiner in Houston 7138290899

The reason progressives wouldn't know how to help him
is most do not have knowledge or experience with spiritual healing
being used to cure criminal illness or sexual addictions.
I'm saving the World's Smallest Violin for hilIARy...but will use the World's Second Smallest Violin for Carlos Danger.
Weiner's wife and Bill's wife had a lot in common in one way but it seems that Weiner's wife handled it better.
Weiner's wife and Bill's wife had a lot in common in one way but it seems that Weiner's wife handled it better.

Thing is Carlos and Huma never split up...that was ruse by the Clinton campaign to separate Hillary from the scandal. Didn't work but not for not trying. They were seen together several times in the days following the end of Comey's second whitewash but the yellow-bellied MSM didn't dare report it.
This is a great cautionary tale on so many levels. Not the least of which is - acting like an obnoxious, immature, loud-mouth jerk will eventually come back to bite you.

There is also a great lesson here on how one utilizes social media, how one treats their wife, and how one conducts themselves with arrogance.

Lets hope that no matter what he chooses to do with his life moving forward, that he is permanently out of public office of any kind (though I have no faith that progressives will have the integrity to reject him and find someone with more integrity).

Anthony Weiner 'So Broke' He Can't Afford Sex Addiction Rehab
Spiritual healing is free.
What a shame he didn't get help before he got in trouble this way.

He should contact a reputable source who can possibly help him:
* Dr. Phillip Goldfedder, neurosurgeon who now uses spiritual healing full time instead of surgery
* Drs. Francis and Judith MacNutt
* Olivia Reiner in Houston 7138290899

The reason progressives wouldn't know how to help him
is most do not have knowledge or experience with spiritual healing
being used to cure criminal illness or sexual addictions.
You can have all the rehab that the world offers, but until that person decides to make an honest effort, the rehab is worthless...
Since it'll be tough as hell for him to find a regular job, the obvious answer would be to work from home.

Maybe start a website.

Does anyone have any ideas on what kind of website that might be?


Mac, I think it was at his home where things went south.

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