How to make a Pariah ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Actually not as easy breezie as a good peanut butter & jelly
sandwich.Or Heavy in a movie role.Because it takes guts the kind that
Director Sam Peckinpah possessed.Just ask any big movie star
from the 60's.He was a genius and also a fucking idiot.Explained
*L.Q.Jones who lived to be 94 and died of natural causes.
with 186 acting credits.Some of his best in War Movies.
His birth name { Justice Ellis McQueen Jr. }
Now one merely need take the example of Liz Cheney.The New
Miss Bud Light.Who addressed her alma mater in Colorado
explaining that she was " Made to lie ".The GOP Made her lie.
yeah righto Miss Ringo.Forget the "her." She's a bonafide She Devil.
Plus she hasn't got the sense God gave geese.She needs to fly off
especially the political scene.She is digging -in for more.
Maybe to keep her name form being forgotten.
But it ain't workin' .... Cinderfella wannabe.Even Jerry Lewis figured that
out with - Cinderfella -. { 1960 } This Cheney more immovable than 20 tons
of cinder blocks.Not even the - Arguably - The lengthy,provacative and impish
Essay by Christopher Hitchens was that Immmovable an atheist.
Hitchens also penning a book ... - god Is Not Great -.
That coulda,woulda,shoulda be the new Title for any forthcoming
cheney { small "c" } book.The Gal who Coulda,Shoulda,Woulda been
the next female speaker of the house.
Um ... try maybe the closet.
Maybe even a cedar closet.Why? ... because they are used for
insect repelling.
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See, this is EXACTLY why you shouldn't mix hallucinogens and weed. You start speaking in tongues and you think you are making perfect sense. :auiqs.jpg:
See, this is EXACTLY why you shouldn't mix hallucinogens and weed. You start speaking in tongues and you think you are making perfect sense. :auiqs.jpg:
I get it.You got stumped by me drift.Then don't ever bother
with stuff like Saturday Night Live or Jimmy Kimmel.
Let alone,the old and outdated - The Man Show - {1999}
Stay a ruther youngish leftist rogue on the road to
Boring.And forget about Gutfeld at 11 PM.
BTW how do you know how hallucinogens act.
One of the first guys to use { in a hospital as therapy
for his drinking problem } was Cary Grant.
I believe the sugar cube LSD.

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