How to reduce gun deaths in US

List em and we'll have something to talk about.

Jack, we have nothing to talk about. I shall not play your games. For if you wanted to know you would already know, various people here post threads reporting such incidences all the time of various efforts, desires and attempts to restrict and eliminate 2A rights and take away free ownership of guns! The 2A is constantly challenged and attacked, has had many challenges defeated in SCOTUS, yet they go back again and again trying to take them away.

Didn't I just mention the recent effort by New York State to force everyone to turn in their guns leaving everyone defenseless from criminals who never obey laws?

To suggest now that you need a list from me is to admit you read nothing here, learn nothing here, and would be far better advised to shove your $800 up your fat ass than to waste the time of more intelligent people here.
Jack, we have nothing to talk about. I shall not play your games. For if you wanted to know you would already know, various people here post threads reporting such incidences all the time of various efforts, desires and attempts to restrict and eliminate 2A rights and take away free ownership of guns! The 2A is constantly challenged and attacked, has had many challenges defeated in SCOTUS, yet they go back again and again trying to take them away.

Didn't I just mention the recent effort by New York State to force everyone to turn in their guns leaving everyone defenseless from criminals who never obey laws?

To suggest now that you need a list from me is to admit you read nothing here, learn nothing here, and would be far better advised to shove your $800 up your fat ass than to waste the time of more intelligent people here. usual.

Just flood the zone with the same shit until people get tired of arguing with you.

Pussy...although that's insult to pussies. :) usual.
There is this:
See attachment below. Why don't you digest that and get back to me.

Just flood the zone with the same shit until people get tired of arguing with you.
Gee Jack, I couldn't think of any better way of describing yourself as since you've joined, I've never seen you post a single piece of worthwhile information nor make a single concerted actual erudite argument proving your position. All you EVER have is the same dismissive crap you posted above.

I think I might actually fall over backward if you even read the .pdf attached much less came back with an actual sensible counterargument.


  • summary20of20election20fraud20in20the20swing20states.pdf
    458.5 KB · Views: 7
There is this:
See attachment below. Why don't you digest that and get back to me.

Gee Jack, I couldn't think of any better way of describing yourself as since you've joined, I've never seen you post a single piece of worthwhile information nor make a single concerted actual erudite argument proving your position. All you EVER have is the same dismissive crap you posted above.

I think I might actually fall over backward if you even read the .pdf attached much less came back with an actual sensible counterargument.
Same recycled laundry list of crap I've seen from Trump and his supporters for three years now.
All debunked. Nothing proved.

I might actually take you seriously if you could prove (or argue cogently) just one of these bullshit allegations.
But I know you won't because I'll rip any argument you can put down to shreds.

So, put up...or shut up.
Same recycled laundry list of crap I've seen from Trump and his supporters for three years now.
All debunked. Nothing proved.
Right Jack, you lying fuck. You read 32 pages and determined all of that in just FIVE MINUTES. Gee, you must have a red cape and an S on your chest!

I might actually take you seriously if you could prove (or argue cogently) just one of these bullshit allegations.
What would be the point? Each one of them is footnoted to the source. With no proof, you have already just called all 32 pages bullshit, so how do you expect anything to be "proven" to you, you sad piece of shit?

But I know you won't because I'll rip any argument you can put down to shreds.
I just did. I gave you 32 pages of footnoted documentation, much of which can be confirmed elsewhere, and as usual, you "ripped" it to shreds by simply denying it all as you always do. I provide the proof, I provide the documentation, I provide the footnotes and you provide the bullshit: As usual, Jack sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil--- it is all just "bullshit, debunked and baseless." End quote. That is your proof. Hey Jack, why don't you just refute it all by saying: "neener neener?!"

So, put up...or shut up.
Just did yet again and you didn't even address a single specific item on any of the 32 pages, you just ran away crapping yourself with your own usual cowardly denial as you always do because you know you have no actual refutation for the 32 pages of listed irregularities.
Right Jack, you lying fuck. You read 32 pages and determined all of that in just FIVE MINUTES. Gee, you must have a red cape and an S on your chest!
Nothing, asshole. Not a damn one of your "assertions". All debunked.
What would be the point? Each one of them is footnoted to the source. With no proof, you have already just called all 32 pages bullshit, so how do you expect anything to be "proven" to you, you sad piece of shit?
I'll spell it out for you again. D-E-B-U-N-K-E-D! All of it! :auiqs.jpg:
I just did. I gave you 32 pages of footnoted documentation, much of which can be confirmed elsewhere, and as usual, you "ripped" it to shreds by simply denying it all as you always do. I provide the proof, I provide the documentation, I provide the footnotes and you provide the bullshit: As usual, Jack sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil--- it is all just "bullshit, debunked and baseless." End quote. That is your proof. Hey Jack, why don't you just refute it all by saying: "neener neener?!"
See above. These are same, recycle bullshit talking points I've seen you post over and over.
Just did yet again and you didn't even address a single specific item on any of the 32 pages, you just ran away crapping yourself with your own usual cowardly denial as you always do because you know you have no actual refutation for the 32 pages of listed irregularities.
Here's an exercise for you asshat. Take just ONE item of your 32 pages of "allegations"...and make your case.
I can't spell it out for you any clearer.

Put up. You are BORING the living shit out me. :)
I'll spell it out for you again. D-E-B-U-N-K-E-D! All of it!

Debunked? How? When? By who? Where? I mean, charges of a stolen election are serious stuff, so, if it was debunked, some people must have really dug deep and done some serious investigation and documented it all! Why don't you share a copy of your proof with us???

Debunked? How? When? By who? Where? Why don't you share a copy of your proof with us??? I mean, charges of a stolen election are serious stuff, so, if it was debunked, some people must have really dug deep and done some serious investigation and documented it all!

Not even one of your so called "allegations" covering 32 pages??

What are you afraid of? Besides me ripping your bullshit "allegations" to shreds in 3 posts or less.

The election was not stolen. There was no massive election fraud. Trump lost. Move on. :)
Not even one of your so called "allegations" covering 32 pages??
Huh? Brain infaction, Jack? Now you are beginning to ramble incoherently like Joe Bedpan.

What are you afraid of?
An America with sick trash like you for a neighbor.

Besides me ripping your bullshit "allegations" to shreds in 3 posts or less.
Really? Do you fantasize like that often, Jack?

The election was not stolen. There was no massive election fraud. Trump lost. Move on.
All I need now is a copy of the report on the investigation into all of the fraud which shows how they found it all false, who was involved, when they did it, where they did this, and a list of their proofs.


I just need to see whatever it was which you read that made you so certain and sure.
Huh? Brain infaction, Jack? Now you are beginning to ramble incoherently like Joe Bedpan.

An America with sick trash like you for a neighbor.

Really? Do you fantasize like that often, Jack?

All I need now is a copy of the report on the investigation into all of the fraud which shows how they found it all false, who was involved, when they did it, where they did this, and a list of their proofs.


I just need to see whatever it was which you read that made you so certain and sure.
Go away.


This is serious stuff, hundreds of allegations have been made. Dozens of court challenges. Where is the report finding all of it false? Or are you going to tell me that the U.S. government's position on election integrity in choosing a president is: we just go with whatever the states send us no matter what and it is up to you to prove otherwise when no judge would even hear the cases in a timeline 1/118th as long as it took just to prove OJ Simpson or Bill Cosby guilty?

Wow, a gun nut finally admitted it.


Your side is mowing down people left and right for being brown (El Paso) or black (Buffalo).

Fuck you.
excuse me but that is YOUR side. Democrats should not be allowed to have guns. Your side has a penchant for shooting 9 year olds at schools and outdoor activities. THAT is a fact.
excuse me but that is YOUR side. Democrats should not be allowed to have guns. Your side has a penchant for shooting 9 year olds at schools and outdoor activities. THAT is a fact.
According to the Google search I just ran 15 of the top 20 states for gun mortality rates are Republican-lead states. The data doesn't support your opinion.

This woman is a convicted felon who was carrying a firearm illegally

The penalty for that should be a MANDATORY 5 years on jail, with no chance for parole or early release, and cannot non wavered by some asshole lib judge

If gun grabbing libs are serious about reducing gun deaths this is the place to start

Is the gun okay?
According to the Google search I just ran 15 of the top 20 states for gun mortality rates are Republican-lead states. The data doesn't support your opinion.
Also from that same government site : republican-leaning people admit to owning guns ( 45 % ) more than twice as much as Democratic-leaning people ( 20% ). Do the math , it's simple. More guns = more deaths and problems.

This woman is a convicted felon who was carrying a firearm illegally

The penalty for that should be a MANDATORY 5 years on jail, with no chance for parole or early release, and cannot non wavered by some asshole lib judge

If gun grabbing libs are serious about reducing gun deaths this is the place to start

If those employees were allowed to have guns they could have just shot her and it would be over.

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