How to sell me on socialism.

You want to get me to support the idea of socialism? Here's how you do it.

The essential idea is that everyone has the same as everyone else, there are no rich and no poor.

1. The rich, like Gates, the Clintons, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Cher, Meryl Streep, and also the Koch Brothers, all of them must give up their riches.

2. The government controls the means of production, everyone gets paid the same.

3. The law of the land is that you must work. Unless it is medically impossible for you to do so, you have to have a job. Severe penalties for those who do not. You can and will get fired if you do not work to standards, and severe penalties for that as well.

4. As production and GDP increases, everyone gets raises.

The problem with socialism as Crazy Bernie and Hollywood and the DNC want is that they have no intention of giving up their riches. The rest of us little people will, but they won't. It will fail as it always has.

/---- what an idiotic idea. You assume everyone is as lazy and a freeloader like you. What a loser.

Let me give you a clue since you seem to be woefully lacking:

Socialism will never come about in the manner I've outlined. I'm making a point.
/---- Now let me give you a clue since you seem to be woefully lacking: Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. There is no way you could ever sell me on that horrible system.

Wow! You still don't get it do you? I can't make it simpler or clearer. Good luck with that handicap.
/---- Oh I get it 100% Cupcake. If someone could spin Socialism so you like it, you'd gladly give up your freedom and property.

Lol, you continue to make yourself look stupid. But now your stupidity is boring me. Dismissed.
You want to get me to support the idea of socialism? Here's how you do it.

The essential idea is that everyone has the same as everyone else, there are no rich and no poor.

1. The rich, like Gates, the Clintons, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Michael Moore, Cher, Meryl Streep, and also the Koch Brothers, all of them must give up their riches.

2. The government controls the means of production, everyone gets paid the same.

3. The law of the land is that you must work. Unless it is medically impossible for you to do so, you have to have a job. Severe penalties for those who do not. You can and will get fired if you do not work to standards, and severe penalties for that as well.

4. As production and GDP increases, everyone gets raises.

The problem with socialism as Crazy Bernie and Hollywood and the DNC want is that they have no intention of giving up their riches. The rest of us little people will, but they won't. It will fail as it always has.

/---- what an idiotic idea. You assume everyone is as lazy and a freeloader like you. What a loser.

Let me give you a clue since you seem to be woefully lacking:

Socialism will never come about in the manner I've outlined. I'm making a point.
/---- Now let me give you a clue since you seem to be woefully lacking: Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. There is no way you could ever sell me on that horrible system.
lol. the US has the best form of socialism in the entire world; the rich can get bailed out and keep their multimillion dollars bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare, and the poor can still have steak and lobster on their EBT cards.
/---- You mean they followed the tax laws written by DemocRATS? What nerve.
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the right wing feels a sense of entitlement to having nothing but repeal and still think they are worth equal, for pay purposes.
You want to get me to support the idea of socialism? Here's how you do it.


cover up fact that socialism slowly starved to death 120 million human souls?
capitalism has no problem with the hellish conditions of warfare on Earth, on a for-profit basis.

Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
you can't be for big government, big taxes, & big beaurecracy and still be for the little guy.
in America, we honor grit, we honor work, we honor craftsmanship, NOT socialism. we put folks on the moon, we are a nation of builders, we are the country that dug the Panama Canal, we linked our cities with majestic railroads and curving highways, we are the country that's on the cusp of the next invention. we are American capitalists, saluting one great, beautiful American flag. Socialism is unAmerican cancer!
You want to get me to support the idea of socialism? Here's how you do it.


cover up fact that socialism slowly starved to death 120 million human souls?
capitalism has no problem with the hellish conditions of warfare on Earth, on a for-profit basis.

Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
Why do you believe capitalism can end war, if there is no profit in it?
cover up fact that socialism slowly starved to death 120 million human souls?
capitalism has no problem with the hellish conditions of warfare on Earth, on a for-profit basis.

Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
Why do you believe capitalism can end war, if there is no profit in it?

Because Capitalusm is run by the free market. It can decide where money comes from.

If socialism stops war, how come so many have died under it?
capitalism has no problem with the hellish conditions of warfare on Earth, on a for-profit basis.

Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
Why do you believe capitalism can end war, if there is no profit in it?

Because Capitalusm is run by the free market. It can decide where money comes from.

If socialism stops war, how come so many have died under it?
Lousy social management is the Only reason we don't have a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

People die under capitalism for the sake of the bottom line, every day.
Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
Why do you believe capitalism can end war, if there is no profit in it?

Because Capitalusm is run by the free market. It can decide where money comes from.

If socialism stops war, how come so many have died under it?
Lousy social management is the Only reason we don't have a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

People die under capitalism for the sake of the bottom line, every day.

So, let's recap shall we?

People die under both systems, neither system ends wars.
cover up fact that socialism slowly starved to death 120 million human souls?
capitalism has no problem with the hellish conditions of warfare on Earth, on a for-profit basis.

Socialism does not end war.
it could; or, why aspire to a divine Commune of Heaven.

So could capitalism.
Why do you believe capitalism can end war, if there is no profit in it?

I am a social democrat and I think capitalism is the best way to produce things...End of discussion....

Socialism fails as government can't manage production and assign people into square boxes, but that doesn't mean that it can't regulate and protect the interest of the people. That PredFan is the big difference between socialism and social democracy that most of the world enjoys.
I am a social democrat and I think capitalism is the best way to produce things...End of discussion....

social democrats lack the IQ to know what they think. For example, you say you support capitalism and Obamacommiecare. Its an obvious contradiction but one you could never understand. Do you understand?
People die under both systems, neither system ends wars.
Well, according to Marx capitalist nations soon go to war with each other and millions die as the resources bloody capitalists need to make evil profits get scarce and war becomes the best way to obtain them!

Marx was so prophetic!
People die under both systems, neither system ends wars.
Well, according to Marx capitalist nations soon go to war with each other and millions die as the resources bloody capitalists need to make evil profits get scarce and war becomes the best way to obtain them!

Marx was so prophetic!

Marx was as fucked up as his ideas.

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