How to solve the problem of prison overcrowding.

So higher taxes to build more prisons, and even higher taxes to staff and manage them, you know feed the prisoners, medical care, that sort of thing.

That is the technique we’ve used since the 1980’s, and it’s been working so well. Not.

But hey, we haven’t gone far enough. That’s all. We just need to keep doubling down until we finally have everyone in prison, and then, thank God, we would have ended crime.

Conservatives rightly mock Socialists when the Socialists are unable to point to a single successful Socialist/Communist nation in history. The asinine argument of we just need to do it more, bigger, or whatever, is mocked. Properly mocked in my opinion. It hasn’t worked, it can’t work.

But Conservatives are just as idiotic and wedded to their beliefs as Socialists, and threads like this prove it. Sure tough on crime hasn’t worked. But we’ll get even tougher. Unless we’re talking about the January 6th Coup Participants, and then we need to stop harassing good people. Or something.
In my lifetime we have never executed nearly as many as should be executed. The paltry numbers on death row is a poor indicator of the heinous capital crimes that only garner a life sentence. Whlle few murderers believe they will be caught few believe they will face the death penalty if caught. We need to execute killers, career criminals, and others who actually deserve it. We can then gauge the results and make other adjustments. Others should be sentenced to rehabilitation, with no time limit.

The criminal justice system is a mess and needs drastic change.
Build more prisons. :)
At the risk of getting overly serious, I will address the problem along the lines of reason, common sense and minimal Constitutional demands.

This “cram them in” motion is cruel and unusual punishment. A non starter.

“Build more prisons” isn’t a Constitutional violation, but it is kind of overly expensive.

However, giving some thought (as a society) to the question of why so many people are in jails and prisons is proper. Here is my outlandish thought:

Don’t get me wrong; I don’t usually like to agree with Leftwhiner. There probably should be some laws against the use and particularly the sale of some controlled substances. However, it is certainly of serious doubt that society can control the desire for chemical escapism purely by penalizing them. So, part of the question about why we have so many people in prison and jail perhaps deserves a discussion about our controlled substance laws and proper “punishment” for certain types of “offenders.”

My larger proposal is related to that topic. Maybe we need to consider which crimes truly require incarceration. Murder, robbery, rape, assault, kidnapping? You bet. Some are obvious. Others? Not so obvious. But it’s a conversation we could all use. Leaving it up to just the same old politicians clearly isn’t working.

(And prosecutors making unilateral decisions about which crimes shouldn’t be prosecuted at all is also not the right way to go. Not even prosecuting shoplifters for example imposes huge costs on shopkeepers and shoppers and the quality of the life of people in those communities. I submit we could work out a compromise. But “across the board” non-prosecutions and no threat of legal sanctions to offenders is no such compromise. It is an abdication.)
The War on Drugs increased our prison population from 200,000 to 1.5 million

It is not working
That's because the wrong people were put in prison.

States are lining up to decriminalize "small amounts of drugs for personal use".
Drug Cartel's business plan: Sell "small amounts of drugs for personal use".
Share with us, how well is turning criminals loose with no bail and out of prison helping out the country. What is happening to the crime rate in those cities?

Given the option, citizens would prefer higher taxes as opposed to this.





But none of these fine folks should be in prison.

How is this be a good thing?

Got it!

Explain, presuming you can find clever little pictures, the low recidivism rate in Norway.

Here, I’ll post a video, since reading this report probably isn’t your style.

Here’s the video.

Now, here’s the dirty little secret you don’t want to admit. People become what they are treated like. Civilians join the military, and from the get go they are treated like Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen. They become that because they are treated like that. The language is used. It isn’t a floor, it’s a deck. It isn’t a wall, it’s a bulkhead. It isn’t a hat, it’s a cover.

So you throw a person who is a first offender into a prison, a hole, with horrible food, and you think you’re training him to hate, and avoid future prison possibilities. But you’re training him to be an animal, and that is why our recidivism rate is over 60% nationally.

Compare and contrast with Norway, which has a recidivism rate of 20%. So if we change our approach we stand a fair chance of lowering the rate of people reoffending. We could cut the prison population by a million in the first couple years, a million fewer prisoners. A million fewer people to feed, and house.

Instead of building new prisons, why not change our approach, because the current system of warehousing the animals isn’t doing anything but breeding more animals.
Empty all the prisons one by one onto commandeered cruise ships and send the prisoners back to Africa.

Put everyone caught in crime and quickly tried and convicted (that night or next day) onto the Back to Africa cruises. All DNA cataloged and warned of instant execution if they are found back here on American soil. Close all prisons, keep sending the criminals to Africa.

The whole prison idea is recent and it was a very, very bad idea.
We could use retired cruise liners and other large craft for prison ships. Drift the ship in a region with fair weather, thus little fuel needed for propulsion or temperature control. All maintenance would be done by prisoners. Eat from the sea as well.
Lets see…

The point is
The taxpayer is spending billions a year to house non violent offenders.
End the mandatory sentencing and find other means to punish drug offenders
Both dealers and users should be incarcerated; dealers to prison, users to secure treatment facilities.
Why is it racist to send them to Africa? Isn't that where Blacks come from? Where we all come from? I see it more like severe punishment, because most people would prefer to stay in jail in the US than be deported to Africa.
Africa doesn't want them. Africans here have little to do with American blacks.
Explain, presuming you can find clever little pictures, the low recidivism rate in Norway.

Here, I’ll post a video, since reading this report probably isn’t your style.

Here’s the video.

Now, here’s the dirty little secret you don’t want to admit. People become what they are treated like. Civilians join the military, and from the get go they are treated like Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen. They become that because they are treated like that. The language is used. It isn’t a floor, it’s a deck. It isn’t a wall, it’s a bulkhead. It isn’t a hat, it’s a cover.

So you throw a person who is a first offender into a prison, a hole, with horrible food, and you think you’re training him to hate, and avoid future prison possibilities. But you’re training him to be an animal, and that is why our recidivism rate is over 60% nationally.

Compare and contrast with Norway, which has a recidivism rate of 20%. So if we change our approach we stand a fair chance of lowering the rate of people reoffending. We could cut the prison population by a million in the first couple years, a million fewer prisoners. A million fewer people to feed, and house.

Instead of building new prisons, why not change our approach, because the current system of warehousing the animals isn’t doing anything but breeding more animals.

Yeah, because there's no difference between Norwegians and Americans.

Fucking stupid!
Yeah, because there's no difference between Norwegians and Americans.

Fucking stupid!

people are people. That was a message that Reagan got right. He liked the Russian people and hated their government. He believed correctly that the Russians wanted freedom.

Are people born to be Firemen? No. They’re trained. Are people born to be Marines? They are trained and treated like Marines.

think about it.
Both dealers and users should be incarcerated; dealers to prison, users to secure treatment facilities.

Because more prisons is working so well
Why do you want to pay to keep nonviolent prisoners locked up
Because as long as we have a large percentage of the population (currently 35 percent) who are unvaccinated, COVID has a vulnerable population to infect and mutate.
Frankly, after over two years of COVID, I am getting tired of it. The fact that we have a large percentage of the population unwilling to do anything will ensure COVID remains with us indefinitely
Fuck are you ever a noob. Fully vaxxed people can get covid, infect others with covid and die of covid, and be harmed by all the shots. Maybe you should hide out in your basement forever and get off the internet. That way you won't keep shitting your pants and we won't be able to hear you whining.
people are people. That was a message that Reagan got right. He liked the Russian people and hated their government. He believed correctly that the Russians wanted freedom.

Are people born to be Firemen? No. They’re trained. Are people born to be Marines? They are trained and treated like Marines.

think about it.
Think about a vacuous tautology?

I was waiting for a Barbara Streisand song to break out as I read.
Africa doesn't want them. Africans here have little to do with American blacks.
Who says anyone has to care about what Africa wants? Start deporting Blacks back there and you'll see crime go down. Or don't you want that?
But Australia has a lower crime rate than we do.

Perhaps we should look at nations that have a low Recidivism rate. You know, how they keep people from reoffending.
So that means they know how to rehabilitate felons. Good.

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