How to spot a bubble with a conservative in it!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
Feel better?



(sigh), honestly, I do feel better, so much in fact, I may leave this site for good. Conversations with the nuts here is just people don't have a clue on reality!!
Feel better?



Oh another typical move on conservative never give the a good these people have done for the country you want to talk about? Hell to the no!!
The people you're talking about are not conservatives. They're right wing radicals.

Conservatives serve an important purpose in a system like ours. Assuming that there are actually enough progressives in congress to move legislation conservatives work as a brake to slow down the progressives so they don't go too far too fast.

But today true conservatives are as rare as true progressives.
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

When Obama took office on 1/20/2009 the national debt was $10,627 TRILLION and change. On 4/14/2015 it is $18,152 TRILLION and change. That means the Democrats have spent about $7.525 TRILLION more than they took in.
You've got to consider the effect that these wars are having on our debt.

The previous administration's invasion of Iraq and later gross mismanagement of Iraq gave us this Mideast money hole.

Obama could have just ended these wars and paid down the debt. How loud would both sides of congress scream about that?
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
I can't think of one damned thing
You should have stopped right there....
There are reams of information which contradict every single point you made above.
This stuff has been covered ad infintum.....Quite frankly, if you want to exceed your prescription of denial pills, be our guest.
You are shouting in the forest....
Don't come here and make these denials, then demand others do the research to cover your ass....
Oh, you may be a passionate liberal, but when you say things such as "These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off" you espouse hate.
Those words leave you without credibility and make you appear to be a shrill emoting and desperate individual.
BTW, what ever gave you the impression that there are no conservatives under the age of 30?....
I think in your posts I see a hint of anti Caucasian racism.
Look, you're so done here.
Feel better?



(sigh), honestly, I do feel better, so much in fact, I may leave this site for good. Conversations with the nuts here is just people don't have a clue on reality!!
Good. Get the fuck out...Go post your spew on Media Matters. Your fellow left wing moon bats will lick your private parts for it.
Just for starters, Obama doubled the national debt in 7 years, 60% of the work force participates in the job market (lowest since Carter), the unemployed are considered only those that are eligible to apply, once their benefits expire they are dropped from the rolls, private industry, sector, regardless of your pathetic leader, created energy independence, oil surplus exceeding demand forcing a decline in prices, highest number of food stamp recipients recorded, and that is wonderful? Take another bong hit and drink some more cool aid, your on a roll. And that's just for starters.
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

When Obama took office on 1/20/2009 the national debt was $10,627 TRILLION and change. On 4/14/2015 it is $18,152 TRILLION and change. That means the Democrats have spent about $7.525 TRILLION more than they took in.
Yes....But didn't you know that Obama has created 8 million new jobs?
I am passionate about politics, about being a liberal and having heated discussions over it....but one thing is certain, you can not, no matter how hard you try, convince a conservative of their apparent ignorance to facts. These people thrive in a world that is completely detached from reality. I don't know if its just a white thang or what, but these people are clearly not in a right frame of mind and it never changes.

I can't think of one damned thing Eric Holder, Obama, the democrats have done since 2008 that has impacted the lives of white conservatives, not one damned thing. And yet these moronic simps will spend every waking hour whining about shttt that makes no sense what so ever to anyone but a babbling 1 year old. Gas prices are low, the housing market is stable, unemployment is down, wages have gone up for some, healthcare is available for all, we're talking to our enemies, I mean other than opening a fkkken vein and bleeding to death, what more does these lunatic want???

Every single conservative since Reagan has left this country with nothing but debt debt and more debt, they all have and the minute a democrat gets into office the first thing these whining fools scream guessed it, is big gov. never hear a damn word when these clowns are in office, not a word.

They run around the country yelling about the constitution and their gun rights....yet nobody has taken one damned thing from these nuts. Most can't even spell constitution let alone define its meaning. These people are a generation in my opinion that needs dying off. The world, the country, the people are sick to death of these useless lumps of flesh that give nothing but bullshit and babble to the planet. Conservatives are the cancer that needs to wipe out and rid of.

I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????
You are definitely a good fiction writer. Obuthole has spent more than all other presidents. You libtards are much crazier, retarded racist puke.
You've got to consider the effect that these wars are having on our debt.

The previous administration's invasion of Iraq and later gross mismanagement of Iraq gave us this Mideast money hole.

Obama could have just ended these wars and paid down the debt. How loud would both sides of congress scream about that?
Obama has had numerous opportunities over the last 6 years to end our involvement in Afghanistan.
I refute the left wing excuse that military action is the sole cause of the massive deficits.
For starters...In less than 18 months Obama spent nearly one trillion dollars....Trillion....a number most humans cannot even conceptualize....on the so called stimulus. Money that we were told would create millions of jobs. That would fund the now non existent shovel ready jobs."....The money is gone...The government jobs for which the stim money was used to save are also gone.
Now, earlier I stated that the number Trillion is one that few people can conceptualize..I will put it into perspective. One trillion seconds.......Equals roughly THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED NINETY ONE YEARS....
This administration tosses around these crazy numbers as though they were meaningless....
I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

We Conservatives do not concern ourselves with other people's problems. They're not our issue to deal with. That's the core of Conservative, Constitutional philosophy.
The deficit was at around 10% of GDP when Bush left. It's arojnd 4% now, and will be around 2% when Obama leaves.

Republicans make deficits, Democrats clean them up, then Republicans blame the Democrats for not cleaning up the Republican messes fast enough.

That's why they hate Hillary so much, you know. Bill Clinton created a surplus, and in response the righties swore eternal vengeance on the Clintons for destroying their precious, precious deficits.

And also remember that Jimmy Carter, the worst recent Democrat, had better job growth record than Ronald Reagan, the best recent Republican.
The deficit was at around 10% of GDP when Bush left. It's arojnd 4% now, and will be around 2% when Obama leaves.

Republicans make deficits, Democrats clean them up, then Republicans blame the Democrats for not cleaning up the Republican messes fast enough.

That's why they hate Hillary so much, you know. Bill Clinton created a surplus, and in response the righties swore eternal vengeance on the Clintons for destroying their precious, precious deficits.

And also remember that Jimmy Carter, the worst recent Democrat, had better job growth record than Ronald Reagan, the best recent Republican.

Job growth? Democrats can't brag.

Clinton signed (and promoted) NAFTA. Obama wants the Pacific Pact. These agreements will insure that no American blue collar worker will ever have a good job.
The deficit was at around 10% of GDP when Bush left. It's arojnd 4% now, and will be around 2% when Obama leaves.

Republicans make deficits, Democrats clean them up, then Republicans blame the Democrats for not cleaning up the Republican messes fast enough.

That's why they hate Hillary so much, you know. Bill Clinton created a surplus, and in response the righties swore eternal vengeance on the Clintons for destroying their precious, precious deficits.

And also remember that Jimmy Carter, the worst recent Democrat, had better job growth record than Ronald Reagan, the best recent Republican.

And what you have just exposed is FACTS...and yet, trying to convince a hick from fkkken who's-ville, USA is like trying to talk to a brick effin wall. You want to really see how simple minded republicans are? Challenge these morons to name something in the last 6 years the conservative congress has done that has been of any benefit to the nation, just'd never get a answer....all they know is that the people there are white conservative and hate the gov...and for these fools, that's enough...God help save us from the simple minded simps called the American Stupid! ie conservatives
The deficit was at around 10% of GDP when Bush left. It's arojnd 4% now, and will be around 2% when Obama leaves.

Republicans make deficits, Democrats clean them up, then Republicans blame the Democrats for not cleaning up the Republican messes fast enough.

That's why they hate Hillary so much, you know. Bill Clinton created a surplus, and in response the righties swore eternal vengeance on the Clintons for destroying their precious, precious deficits.

And also remember that Jimmy Carter, the worst recent Democrat, had better job growth record than Ronald Reagan, the best recent Republican.

Job growth? Democrats can't brag.

Clinton signed (and promoted) NAFTA. Obama wants the Pacific Pact. These agreements will insure that no American blue collar worker will ever have a good job.

Chill out, Obama ain't getting nothing pass this congress unless it directly effects the wealthy...which it does. And I've said this a trillion times, Clinton and NAFTA public enemy number one to the US
I challenge anyone with a brain to name one damned good these people have ever done for anybody, just one thing that served the interest of all....just one???????

We Conservatives do not concern ourselves with other people's problems. They're not our issue to deal with. That's the core of Conservative, Constitutional philosophy.

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