How To Start Real Change


On another note, my girl is going to Tennessee to visit friends from tomorrow to Sunday. ........

Give it up, closet case. No one believes you. A (supposed) man 'of a certain age' who is a confirmed bachelor...everyone knows what that means. Might as well accept yourself as you are.

I would Harvey Weinstein you if I got you alone.

Keep your sick fantasies to yourself, freak.
I can just imagine you and your one friend sitting around drinking wine talking about analects

I've sat around with lots of friends talking about them, among other things you wouldn't understand. I once sat around with a friend in the back rooms of a taoist temple in China drinking moutai and talking about the tao te ching until the bottle was empty.

That's nonsense. You'd have to be drunk to have that stupid conversation. Taoism, confucianism & buddhism are all bullshit. ......

As I said, it falls under the huge umbrella of things you are incapable of understanding, shitforbrains.

You think Taoism, confucianism & buddhism are serious things? ......

I think theology is one of the many, many subjects far over your head.
Well if you want to implement change don’t look to them.

If you want change try showing empathy you jackoff
I notice how the OP never mention actually doing something.

Listening to people whine about their problems doesn't accomplish anything

Yeah like you raggedy racists whining about blacks all the time.

I don't whine about Blacks

I just don't care about them just like you Blacks don't care about Blacks

When you won't do shit about young Blacks killing each other why the fuck should I?
So that violence doesn’t eventually spread to your neighborhood

No need to worry there

I live out in the country not some inner city shit hole
I notice how the OP never mention actually doing something.

Listening to people whine about their problems doesn't accomplish anything

Yeah like you raggedy racists whining about blacks all the time.

I don't whine about Blacks

I just don't care about them just like you Blacks don't care about Blacks

When you won't do shit about young Blacks killing each other why the fuck should I?
Who told you we want your whining ass to care about us? Youre less than irrelevant.
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I notice how the OP never mention actually doing something.

Listening to people whine about their problems doesn't accomplish anything

Yeah like you raggedy racists whining about blacks all the time.

I don't whine about Blacks

I just don't care about them just like you Blacks don't care about Blacks

When you won't do shit about young Blacks killing each other why the fuck should I?
Who told you we want your whining ass to care about us? Youre less than irrelevant.
I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck believe me.

The question is why don't you care about the wholesale slaughter of Black youths by other Black youths?
I notice how the OP never mention actually doing something.

Listening to people whine about their problems doesn't accomplish anything

Yeah like you raggedy racists whining about blacks all the time.

I don't whine about Blacks

I just don't care about them just like you Blacks don't care about Blacks

When you won't do shit about young Blacks killing each other why the fuck should I?
Who told you we want your whining ass to care about us? Youre less than irrelevant.
I don't give a flying or any other kind of fuck believe me.

The question is why don't you care about the wholesale slaughter of Black youths by other Black youths?
Of course you care. Thats why you are here whining right now.
John Legend lives in Beverly Hills...82% white, 9% Asian, 5% Hispanic And 2% Black. Why do these inclusive elitist liberal shitbags always live in the whitest neighborhoods money can buy?
It's not that John Legend wants to live around white people because white people are just so great.

It's that finding prosperous suburbs in the USA that have a very low % of white people there, is a tough task

We live in a complete system of white supremacy.

That means that power and resources have been skewed in white people's direction. So if John Legend decided he wanted to live only around black people, then he would have found himself limited to the poorest, most crowded areas of town (places whites long ago abandoned)
Has anyone ever said this to you? Your constant obsession with race has addled your mind and left you paranoid.
You need help from a mental health professional.
This is a sub-section of a forum that is dedicated to racial issues.

Should I talk about something different ?
That white people need to listen to black people.
Why should white people listen to black people about anything? ... :dunno:

Anywhere that large numbers of black people live; world wide or here in the U.S.

Crime is rampant, drugs use and addiction is off the charts, gang violence and murders are a daily occurrence, single mothers with several kids is the norm, and getting an education is a low priority, etc. ..... :cool:
Don't forget AIDS and ebola.
How to start real change?

Has real change not already occurred?

Wow! You really believe that. No real change!

What do you call REAL change? Because I see the same things said here I heard from whites in the 60's, and I read the same things here that I read whites saying in the 1700 and 1800's. You asked a question about REAL change, not small improvements.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”
Well, Some of us whites HAVE listened. Racism has become a empty accusation. A empty slander. I have seen blacks turn an perfectly innocent situation into a massive racial incident for no obvious reason like drama queens. When someone yells wolf all the time, that tends to strain credulity after a while. And when racism actually occurs, some of us whites might be a tad skeptical. We mumble under our breath, HERE WE GO, AGAIN.

Racism is not just a Black person experience , its more of a way of thinking that blankets a bit of all races. But racism is also an action , something that all cultures experience and it has become historical , so us Black folks can also say " Here we go again, Whites misjudging us and mistreating us , often without even knowing why, its just become traditional." Does that mean no other race mistreats Blacks; of course not, Whites just seemed to have cornered the market here in the USA. All Blacks have developed a defense against racism , differing in how each individual reacts to it, the Black drama Queens have learned to cry a lot about it , and the positive reactions we see in some Blacks relates to how they have been affected by this, this most unusual dynamic that racism is. I am a Black man and even I am tired of racism , but of course my view of this all has been both personal, historical, and intellectual. I am tired of how some Blacks and Whites react to racism.

Such as, in my view, racism is not an empty accusation or slander, unless the mindset of those involved are empty and slanderous. I can see a lot of incredible human behavior in all this racism. It can drain all cultures involved to low points in their understanding, patience and love for each other.

I am basically the same age as you. I've succeeded by the same standards and did so jumping the same unnecessary hurdles you dd. But there is a higher standard than our success in his life and we are required to meet it no matter what. I don't think it's right to call blacks who react to racism by complaining about it drama queens. I also don't think that we use the perspective on such people as crying such as you just did. We all are tired of racism but instead of being tired of how some blacks react to it, why not be tired of the whites that keep it going?

There are millions of people who aren't racists but I don't think we should ignore the destruction and damage the creation of laws and policies that come out of white racism should be ignored. Right now we are looking straight at a policy based on racism that allows our government separates children, young children and little babies from their parents. Now I don't think anyone complaining about that is crying. I do think we have the capacity to simultaneously love our fellow humans and work to make this world better by noticing and fighting wrongs. None of that has to drain anyone of anything.
That policy isnt based on racism. I dont believe children should be taken from their illegal parents, but they werent divided because of race.
Wow! You really believe that. No real change!

What do you call REAL change? Because I see the same things said here I heard from whites in the 60's, and I read the same things here that I read whites saying in the 1700 and 1800's. You asked a question about REAL change, not small improvements.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.
Wow! You really believe that. No real change!

What do you call REAL change? Because I see the same things said here I heard from whites in the 60's, and I read the same things here that I read whites saying in the 1700 and 1800's. You asked a question about REAL change, not small improvements.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.
What do you call REAL change? Because I see the same things said here I heard from whites in the 60's, and I read the same things here that I read whites saying in the 1700 and 1800's. You asked a question about REAL change, not small improvements.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.
Typical conservative that's all you got out of what I said. Piss off pussy.
What do you call REAL change? Because I see the same things said here I heard from whites in the 60's, and I read the same things here that I read whites saying in the 1700 and 1800's. You asked a question about REAL change, not small improvements.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.

Hey black people, what do you have to lose voting for Trump?

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity: Reports | HuffPost

You can bet Trump's Supreme Court pick is going to be anti Affirmative action.

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity

I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.
Typical conservative that's all you got out of what I said. .....

Just like a democrat fish to avoid responsibility for its own words.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.

Hey black people, what do you have to lose voting for Trump?

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity: Reports | HuffPost

You can bet Trump's Supreme Court pick is going to be anti Affirmative action.

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity

Typical leftist "we know what's best for you" excuse for racism.
I've seen large improvements over my lifetime. Lots of real change has already taken place. Almost no one will take you seriously if you continue to deny the change that has taken place. Just a few years before I was born, blacks were not allowed to use the same restrooms as whites. In 2008 we elected our first black president. If that's not real change, I don't know what is. Things are far from perfect, but there has most certainly been real change.

I really don't think you can tell me about the changes I have or haven't seen. I said these are improvements but change means things are not the same. We elected he first back president in 2008 and proceeded to disrespect him in ways no other president in history was ever disrespected. Whites got mad because a black man was president ramping up their racism then blamed Obama for their behavior That's not change. Whites are still running around believing the same shit they believed in the 1700's. Change means that does not exist.
All politicians are disrespected, Obama no more than others
Trump no more than others. He's purposely controversial. He likes fighting with the press. He distracts us with those petty fights.

Back to how to start real change. First step is to admit you whites are privileged. They had this race for $100. The teacher told the students with 2 parents in the home to take 2 steps forward. Then told the kids who's parents are paying for college to take 2 steps forward. Take 2 steps forward if you have never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Take 2 steps forward if you've never had your cellphone turned off.

Then the white kids who took all those steps forward realized they were given a head start. Not because of anything they did or the other kids didn't do. Simply because they were born into a better circumstance.

Typical liberal making racist assumptions.

Hey black people, what do you have to lose voting for Trump?

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity: Reports | HuffPost

You can bet Trump's Supreme Court pick is going to be anti Affirmative action.

Trump Administration To Undo Efforts To Boost College Racial Diversity

We know this already. Don't need you to tell us. Tell your progressive white friends who thought Trump won because the white working class felt left out and that democrats need to work harder to get more rural white working class votes.
Just started reading Michael Eric Dyson’s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Here’s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

“In fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.”
When you say "white people need to listen to black people" to me that's naive because that assumes that white people are ignorant about racism.

How can people who screw you over be unaware about the fact that they're screwing you over ?

That dumb act white people put on is an act

  • They can tell you what weather was like a 100 thousand years ago.
  • They can tell you how exactly how deep every ocean is.
  • They can tell you how hot the sun is.
And you think the people who can do all that fancy smart sh*t are all of sudden clueless about racism ? And need educating by black people ?

They know.

Seeing black people fked up is white supremacist like Taz, Mudda, SobieskiSavedEurope, harmonica, Claudette, Rambunctious, kaz, get off on. This is what many black people don't get. But u think "Well if tell them how much this racism affects black people, they'll change"

NO !!!

The reason many whites get angry at black people is because many of them think


How is it possible that we are still here?

They never expected us to last this long and grow stronger despite all the drugs, war, molestation, slavery, guns, police brutality, AIDS, glass ceilings, minstrel shows/ media destruction/ music destruction, prison systems, killings of our boys and girls, poison water/ food supply, Katrina, Haiti etc…etc…etc.

They are baffled at our resilience and cannot come to terms with it. If they were placed in our situation, any of them, they would have died off centuries ago! This is what they fear most but will NEVER dare admit.

Please understand that white racism stems from fear of genetic annihilation and envy of our hue. Racism is about white genetic survival.

So the thought that they can change this behaviour is a high level expectation.

Your paranoia is showing, my friend.

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