How to stick it to the poor: A Republican strategy

The poor are being fucked over by Republicans as we speak while you and your ilk defend the rich, fat-cat Republicans who benefit from that. You are an enabler and people like Mitt Romney depend on you greatly!

HOW! Tell us in YOUR OWN words HOW!!! If not shut the f up.

Don't know, do ya?

2014 will give you a big clue and wake-up call. Not to mention 2016. Hillary awaits.

Hillary? That will be another pox brought on the country. But hey, no fair, you didn't STFU.

BTW, if capable you can speak and answer this question since you won't the other, what accomplishment, in your own words, qualifies Hillary for POTUS?
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No doubt about that.

How to stick it to the poor: A congressional strategy

The 113th Congress has stuck it to the poor at pretty much every opportunity. In fact, if you take all their past and future plans into account, it looks like they have accomplished that rare feat: To close in on enacting an overarching, radical agenda without control of the Senate or the presidency. How did they do it? Probably by escaping scrutiny through a piecemeal approach to legislation, a president who is willing to meet them halfway, and one diabolic word: Sequester

Might as well just cut and pasted this from all the far left talking points. Obviously this is a far left piece of trash and just like you, does not have a clue beyond an Obama drones programming.
That's funny. This argument didn't stop the Right from blaming the Democrats for stopping the GSEs having their portfolios wound down in 2005 even though the Democrats were in the minority at the time! :lol:

Are you really so stupid that you actually believe your argument? Do you really not know how a minority party can gum up the works?


Can you be more specific?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In 2005, the Bush Administration attempted to get these GSEs to reduce their portfolios. It was claimed they were becoming a systemic risk.

It was quite popular following the crash for the Right to blame the Democrats for obstructing the winding down of those portfolios back then and thus the Democrats were responsible for the GSEs crashing and burning at taxpayer expense.

For the most part, it was the Democrats' fault for Congress not being able to pass the legislation written to accomplish this. It's only a small piece of the overall picture of the causes of the crash, but it holds water.

People who make the argument that a minorty is not able to gum up the works are talking out of their asses. The GOP today are masters of obstruction and deadlock.

You really shouldn't jump in the middle of someone else's argument.

It was claimed that the Republicans passed laws and that their strategy was to hurt the poor.

I challenged that claim and ask for specific laws the Republicans passed where Democrat approval wasn't needed.

You in essence created a strawman argument. No one has said that the minority party cannot "gum up the works". I'm saying the Republican party cannot pass any laws without the Democrats at this point.

Do try to keep up.
In the last hour or so, seven threads were moved out of the most popular board in the forum..... This one.

Six of those threads had a conservative author. Only one was authored by a demented, psychopathic libturd.

But this thread remains.

Funny how that works. :dunno:

This piece of shit should have been kicked to the curb five minutes after it appeared

Yes, the op is just an inane attack based on liberal demagoguery and sanctimony. There is no attempt to make an actual argument. It's just Republicans hate the poor because they aren't liberals. Here are a bunch of unsupported, inane accusations presented as fact. I've given up on pointing out obvious romper room threads like this because they rarely go there.

If ever there were an example of a thread that belonged in the "taunting arena" this is it.

Baseless accusations backed up by lies.


But, here it is. The op has nothing in mind but flaming. Nothing.

But, that describes 99% of of libturd threads.
Yes like you would actually never ever dispute any FACT presented to you without coming back with your own r-wing fed lies and propaganda bullshit. YOU are a dittohead and classic example of a waste of my time. Ok?

Back up your claims with verifiable facts and then we can see what my reaction would be.

I have no idea what a dittohead is.

I'm assuming this is your way of dodging the challenge.

If that's the case? Then your concession is duly noted.

Thank you and you are dismissed.

This has to be the first time I've seen a liberal acknowledge their concession.

Good to see one of you clowns admit that you're full of shit and cannot prove your claims.

Now, you are dismissed.
I hope the Op did not name themselves after Kid Rock the entertainer as he supported Romney in the last election.
dang, Yahoo has become a joke

I can't believe they put that left wing National enquire stuff out
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dang, Yahoo is become a joke

I can't believe they put that left wing National enquire stuff out

Believe it, if they did not they would have to face Eric Holder and being spied upon in order to publish anything that is not in the mantra of Obama and the far left.
The 113th Congress has stuck it to the poor at pretty much every opportunity. In fact, if you take all their past and future plans into account, it looks like they have accomplished that rare feat:

That is a shame.

The "poor" has a Constitutional right to be fed and insured by the Taxpayers and producers.

Our Gangsta government has the duty and responsibility to steal loot and plunder in order protect the poor, who tend to vote early and often.


No doubt about that.

How to stick it to the poor: A congressional strategy

The 113th Congress has stuck it to the poor at pretty much every opportunity. In fact, if you take all their past and future plans into account, it looks like they have accomplished that rare feat: To close in on enacting an overarching, radical agenda without control of the Senate or the presidency. How did they do it? Probably by escaping scrutiny through a piecemeal approach to legislation, a president who is willing to meet them halfway, and one diabolic word: Sequester

A mile high blazing example of Republican obstruction was provided just two months ago. The government shutdown. The GOP refusing to pass a budget that did not defund ObamaCare. But the GOP paid a heavy price in the polls for that monumental fuckup.

Lucky for them, Obama's big "you can keep your plan" lie blew up not long after. Most partisans have the memory capacity like that of a goldfish, and so the GOP shutdown thing has already been forgotten and Obama's lie is now front and center.

So seriously, you see obamacare as a public opinion disaster for the ... republicans? ...


No. I see doing something as stupid as holding the budget hostage over defunding ObamaCare as a public opinion disaster for the Republicans.

The polls bear me out. That stupid tactic cost the GOP heavily in the public opinion polls.

I guess you are one of the goldfish to which I referred.

The following month, Obama's "you can keep your plan" lie being exposed cost the Democrats in the polls.

Who knows who will fuck up and push that one aside next month?
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No. I see doing something as stupid as holding the budget hostage over defunding ObamaCare as a public opinion disaster for the Republicans.


Exactly. Politicians are supposed to rule by consensus .

Fuck the constitution.

A mile high blazing example of Republican obstruction was provided just two months ago. The government shutdown. The GOP refusing to pass a budget that did not defund ObamaCare. But the GOP paid a heavy price in the polls for that monumental fuckup.

Lucky for them, Obama's big "you can keep your plan" lie blew up not long after. Most partisans have the memory capacity like that of a goldfish, and so the GOP shutdown thing has already been forgotten and Obama's lie is now front and center.

So seriously, you see obamacare as a public opinion disaster for the ... republicans? ...


No. I see doing something as stupid as holding the budget hostage over defunding ObamaCare as a public opinion disaster for the Republicans.

The polls bear me out. That stupid tactic cost the GOP heavily in the public opinion polls.

I guess you are one of the goldfish to which I referred.

The following month, Obama's "you can keep your plan" lie being exposed cost the Democrats in the polls.

Who knows who will fuck up and push that one aside next month?

Since no budget had been passed, there is no such thing as "defunding" Obamacare, there is only funding, and nothing is funded until it is funded by a Constitutionally enacted budget. Members of prior congresses don't get to vote on the current budget. Also, people seem to be grasping pretty clearly why Republicans were fighting funding for Obamacare.
Ok... be right back! :lol:

That's pretty much how you idiots operate.

You make bullshit claims and when challenged you disappear.

The poor are being fucked over by Republicans as we speak while you and your ilk defend the rich, fat-cat Republicans who benefit from that. You are an enabler and people like Mitt Romney depend on you greatly!

Be more specific. Otherwise, stop your stupid drive-by insults.
The poor are being fucked over by Republicans as we speak while you and your ilk defend the rich, fat-cat Republicans who benefit from that. You are an enabler and people like Mitt Romney depend on you greatly!

HOW! Tell us in YOUR OWN words HOW!!! If not shut the f up.

Don't know, do ya?

2014 will give you a big clue and wake-up call. Not to mention 2016. Hillary awaits.

I'm sure the Republicans are really frightened of Mrs. "What difference does it make?". Her presidential ambitions were DOA the minute she said that. If she doesn't give a shit about the death of 4 Americans at the hands of terrorists, she doesn't deserve to occupy the Oval Office.
LOL......hysterical link.

Under Obama, the income gap between rich and poor is reaching historic levels........making the author of this thread a real

The poverty report released Wednesday by the US Census Bureau is another shattering refutation of the Obama Administration’s claims to be overseeing an economic “recovery” and working to improve the lives of ordinary Americans.

The report revealed that the ranks of those classified by the government as poor remained at record highs in 2011, while the gap between rich and poor widened further. Some 46.2 million people remained below the official poverty line in 2011, the highest number in more than half a century. The 15.0 percent poverty rate, essentially unchanged from 2010, was the highest since 1983.

The impact of poverty is particularly devastating for the young. One in five American children was poor in 2011. The poverty rate of young adults age 25-34 living with their parents, based on their own income alone, was 43.7 percent.

But thanks for putting it on a tee s0n!!:lol:
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So seriously, you see obamacare as a public opinion disaster for the ... republicans? ...


No. I see doing something as stupid as holding the budget hostage over defunding ObamaCare as a public opinion disaster for the Republicans.

The polls bear me out. That stupid tactic cost the GOP heavily in the public opinion polls.

I guess you are one of the goldfish to which I referred.

The following month, Obama's "you can keep your plan" lie being exposed cost the Democrats in the polls.

Who knows who will fuck up and push that one aside next month?

Since no budget had been passed, there is no such thing as "defunding" Obamacare, there is only funding, and nothing is funded until it is funded by a Constitutionally enacted budget. Members of prior congresses don't get to vote on the current budget. Also, people seem to be grasping pretty clearly why Republicans were fighting funding for Obamacare.
Only a retard would attempt to defund ObamaCare knowing such a bill would never pass the Senate. Submitting such a budget caused a tremendous and expensive waste of time.

It was a stupid stunt, and it cost them in the polls.

These are the facts.
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We won't be seeing the GOP trying to defund ObamaCare again and threatening to shut down the government if they don't get that. That's how you know the idiot stunt hurt them.

They will instead go for concessions on the individual mandate deadline and things of that nature. Any attempt to defund ObamaCare again would result in a very negative Pavlovian response in the American people.

The people would forget all about "you can keep your plan" and wheel around on the GOP and steamroll them again until they finally, finally, finally get the point: ObamaCare is here to stay.
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