How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

Like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, etc.

You get that not one of those things you mention were created by police, right?

If you have a problem with laws that police enforce (many police do) then I suggest you go to the person who created those laws. The legislators who YOU elected.
Yep, I read it.
The problem is, right, that if it's illegal to film within 8 feet, all the officer has to do is to get withing that range of the person who is filming, in order to make their filming illegal.

Think about it.

If you want to make a law, make it a law about interfering in police work. Not the filming.
Yep, I read it.
The problem is, right, that if it's illegal to film within 8 feet, all the officer has to do is to get withing that range of the person who is filming, in order to make their filming illegal.

Think about it.

If you want to make a law, make it a law about interfering in police work. Not the filming.
All the filmer has to do is back up and maintain his distance. There are already laws against interfering with police. Aggressive bystanders are often arrested for that.
You can step back two feet and still capture everything they are doing.

Do you think the video the young woman captured of Chauvin would have shown him in a better light of taken from a step back?
‘Eight feet’ becomes eight yards – whatever LEO determines.

And it’s naïve to believe that ‘taking a step back’ is viable; that’s not how human nature works – ignorant of and intimidated by the law, private citizens will refrain from recording at all to be safe, as intended by Republican lawmakers.
You get that not one of those things you mention were created by police, right?

If you have a problem with laws that police enforce (many police do) then I suggest you go to the person who created those laws. The legislators who YOU elected.

The police can easily just explain the law to voters and prevent abuses like this.
But they don't because they get an advantage out of abusive legislation like this, and ARE the ones who INITIATE the idea of passing legislation like this.
Police know full well they are violating the law when they do things like no-knock warrants, asset forfeiture, etc.
They are criminals, and they protect other cops who clearly commit blatant murder.
So, with the cop's permission, you can record in your home. It doesn't say you can record from a confined or adjacent space, it says you can record unless the cop tells you to get away from that space.

Occupants of the vehicle can record if they do not interfere. That's good news and I appreciate those who shared it.

I hope they train the cops on the law; most cops who violate the laws on recording claim the law says one thing when it does not. Time will tell.
She WAS MENTALLY ILL, you fucking Gestapo thug.

A person with mental illness can be detained by police if they are an imminent threat to themselves or others. They won't be charged with a crime, they will be detained until they can be evaluated by a mental health professional which... in most cities ... means taking them to an emergency room where police will sit with them for hours until they can be seen by a mental health practitioner (almost never a doctor) who will spend five minutes with them and release them.
The police can easily just explain the law to voters and prevent abuses like this.

You don't sound like you need it explained to you. Its up to you and your friends to go out and vote the people who write these laws out of office.

Don't blame police if you don't like the law. Police don't write the laws.
All the filmer has to do is back up and maintain his distance. There are already laws against interfering with police. Aggressive bystanders are often arrested for that.

Except that this is going to be manipulated to allow all video responders to be arrested and beaten.
There is no valid reason for this law.
No one is trying to help criminal escape.
But police ARE continually committing crimes, like illegally searching vehicles, confiscating vehicles, etc.
ignorant of and intimidated by the law, private citizens will refrain from recording at all to be safe, as intended by Republican lawmakers.

But, not you, right? I want to see you out their filming every chance you get.

I will be very disappointed in you if I don't see your posted videos.
A person with mental illness can be detained by police if they are an imminent threat to themselves or others. They won't be charged with a crime, they will be detained until they can be evaluated by a mental health professional which... in most cities ... means taking them to an emergency room where police will sit with them for hours until they can be seen by a mental health practitioner (almost never a doctor) who will spend five minutes with them and release them.

Except in this case the woman who are not at all threatening in anyway, was badly manhandled and injured, and NOT allowed any medical attention at all.
I agree this is not the usual procedures, but clearly it happened and the other police prevent this from being properly prosecuted.
There have always been bad cops.
They were cops responsible for most of the lynchings of civil rights advocates in the 60s.
We just could never prove it so easily before.

The whole role of police is inherently corrupting, so even those intent on good, end up only doing evil.
Like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, mandated sentences, etc.

Because it was easier to cover for them, and they could quietly murder anyone who they thought was a threat to them.
Because you say so or because you have data to share?

Alan Chen, a law professor at the University of Denver, said there were several outstanding questions about the law’s enforcement, including how people should respond if an officer moves toward them even though they were recording from more than eight feet away.

“It might deter them from actually recording or might make them back up even further than the eight feet that the law requires,” Mr. Chen said. “There’s certainly some First Amendment concerns here.”

The text of the law does define police activity so the cop approaching you isn't engaging in the defined activities unless he's claiming you're suspicious. So being 8 feet from the cop actually executing the arrest or questioning should be all that is required. We'll see how that works out over the next months to years.
You don't sound like you need it explained to you. Its up to you and your friends to go out and vote the people who write these laws out of office.

Don't blame police if you don't like the law. Police don't write the laws.

Police DO essentially write the laws, because the legislators work for the same people as the police, and it is usually the police who come up with the ideas for new legislation.
The top cop is actually the District Attorney, and if the DA were to say that some legislation was not legal, it would immediately be ruled against.
But police LIKE bad legislation, as it gives them more power, revenue sources, etc.
No one should ever comply with illegal dictates.
The police were entirely in violation of the law.
Cool…don’t comply and get your ass beat then…I’m fine with that. Meanwhile, I’ll comply, I won’t pull my cell phone out and I’ll smile and laugh with the cop.

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