How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

You can't assume that because they didn't define a limit that the press then is anyone. When written, the Press referred to that body of reporters and journalists which as a living, professionally gathered news on the government and informed the public via printed media.

This has nothing to do with you taking cellphone video of a cop. Police are not the government proper, you are not the press, and no freedom has been abridged regardless.
Too, again, you're getting tangled up in demofk talk now. Press is news. nothing more. doesn't say who is allowed to provide news. They used Press as a focus word.
Yep and the cop was great and let them shoot video.
he knew he had no authority to make the move. He wasn't going to be filmed going all Kojak with them. Again, he was asking them to move further away, right? twenty feet to him was too close. So again, they want the authority. Too bad. Please Stop demofking this up.
So you have no example. Ho hum.
They have been posted in this thread.
The entire concept seems suspicious, like, don't you dare capture everything I'm doing. What is it they are so afraid of? If everything is above board and legit, what's their beef? Too, you're a co-conservative here, I wouldn't have thought you'd take that position. BTW, if the reason is to keep from contaminating a crime scene then say so. I really don't understand why no transparency to the reason. It smells bad. I fking hate that.
Cops react to cameras like cockroaches to floodlights.
Freedom of the Press referred to freedom of the journalistic industry to freely act as government watchdogs, not idiots taking pictures of police with their cellphones. Even the real press doesn't get 6 feet away from a cop while he is making an arrest!

And as a conservative, I don't own a cellphone, never had a cop making a bust anywhere I was at, but if I did, I'd have sense to stand back at least 10-20 feet and stay out of their hair unless I saw something overtly, grossly wrong or illegal going on that I just had to intercede.
This is gibberish.
Because the 1st Amendment only applies to Congress not making any laws abridging freedom of the Press and they haven't, Arizona is not the Congress, and has only asked street citizens which are NOT the Press to stand back a little and let the cops work while they play with their cellphones.
This is a fever dream.
he knew he had no authority to make the move. He wasn't going to be filmed going all Kojak with them. Again, he was asking them to move further away, right? twenty feet to him was too close. So again, they want the authority. Too bad. Please Stop demofking this up.
He's a badge bunny. There is NOTHING a cop could do that he wouldn't fall over himself defending.
Because the 1st Amendment only applies to Congress not making any laws abridging freedom of the Press and they haven't, Arizona is not the Congress, and has only asked street citizens which are NOT the Press to stand back a little and let the cops work while they play with their cellphones.
sounds like your saying the states dont have to abide the 1st A and can do away with speech, religion, protest, press and assembly,,
is that what youre saying??
its the leftist attitude,, most republicans are leftist,,

its all about authority and power,,
not all. I think many are like me and maybe you. I vote republican for the lesser of two evil's thing. they aren't owned by demofk money. Well, not so obvious anyway.
sounds like your saying the states dont have to abide the 1st A and can do away with speech, religion, protest, press and assembly,,
is that what youre saying??
Essentially, he is, yes.
Hey I thank a cop every time I see one. I don't fall for the practice there are no bad cops though. I'd say 10% of em are as fking crooked as my plumbing.
Naah...more like ~99% are bad. Maybe 15-20% are ACTUALLY crooked, but the other 74-79% cover for them, making them bad cops.
not all. I think many are like me and maybe you. I vote republican for the lesser of two evil's thing. they aren't owned by demofk money. Well, not so obvious anyway.
of course not all,, but more than enough I could never vote for a republican lesser of two evils or not,,
they have done nothing in my lifetime to undo the dem platform and in some cases stood side by side with them to take away rights of americans,,

notice how he shoots his mouth off and runs away without explanation??
Essentially, he is, yes.

Naah...more like ~99% are bad. Maybe 15-20% are ACTUALLY crooked, but the other 74-79% cover for them, making them bad cops.
yep, the brotherhood. Like every other union that exists in the country. weak/ bad workers supported as great workers by their union brothers. So sad. Doesn't matter the industry. It's why unions are no longer needed. take their brotherhood and bury it please.
of course not all,, but more than enough I could never vote for a republican lesser of two evils or not,,
they have done nothing in my lifetime to undo the dem platform and in some cases stood side by side with them to take away rights of americans,,

notice how he shoots his mouth off and runs away without explanation??
because facts are hard to find to fit one's image of something that doesn't exist. Skate all around throwing out shit that couldn't stick to a mirror. Why I was explaining to him he looks like he's demofking with us.

BTW, I'm not conceding shit to a demofk. I got a republican that stays within most of the law, I'm good voting for that. I just wish there were other more legitimate candidates. However, money will destroy such people every election. It's why I want money removed from elections.

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