How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

So when you growing up? Holy shit, more demofks being groomed in this thread. Wow. who'd have thunk it.
I am a "dmofks"? You may want to read my posts. Most of us outgrew using profanity on a regular basis about age 21. Now if a hammer misses its mark, then that is a different story ;).
You can tell what is going in within the first 3 minutes. I did fast forward to the middled and end and the police put up with this guys BS at every step. Tell me at what point in the video I can see the policeman acting inappropriately, and I will make sure and watch that part.
sure you did,,
yep, the brotherhood. Like every other union that exists in the country. weak/ bad workers supported as great workers by their union brothers. So sad. Doesn't matter the industry. It's why unions are no longer needed. take their brotherhood and bury it please.
Government employees should never have been permitted to unionize. Even Franklin Roosevelt understood that.
what needs to happen is more of those good cops stopping or reporting the bad cops and either get them fired or correct their attitudes,,
They can't if they want to stay in law enforcement. Donna Jane Watts tried...she barely leaves her house and still opens her mailbox with a broom years later. They don't want to end up like Frank Serpico, whose "brother officers" set him up to be murdered.
dude are you a fucking idiot??? I have posted dozens of examples on this thread and several in the last hour,,
No, he's a copsucker. There is NOTHING a cop could do that he would not defend.
guess you missed the part where the cop made up a bogus reason to pull him over,,

that was in the first 5 mins,,
That was not in the video. Only the rude guy stating he was unjustly pulled. So I guess if you want to take his word for it over the cops then go ahead.
That was not in the video. Only the rude guy stating he was unjustly pulled. So I guess if you want to take his word for it over the cops then go ahead.
only bootlickers accept the cops word as final,,

notice how the cop ignored him when he brought that up??
Waiting on the spot in the video that shows anything but patience by the cop.
well the first cop was a bit short with the driver. The purpose of the second cop is definitely in question why he was so close to the driver. Explain that for us? Did the first cop ask for registration? yes or no? Could the cop have gotten the information off the plate and his driver's license? Yes or no? The second cop could have just let the dude go get the information the first cop asked for. I didn't understand the positioning of cop #2 either.

It is clear that you want cops to be dicks. There was so many ways that first cop could've handled the stop. he could have given the reason for pulling the driver over, then listen to the answer the driver gave and at least acknowledge the road was closed. Now, the next step, pretty simple, the dude had to get off the road because it was closed. he did. And now he's punished for doing the correct step? Then cop #1 could have said politely, this is just a warning and call it a day.

Many other reasons for the belligerent behavior by the cops that might have been justified had the driver actually done something illegal. Just saying.
That was not in the video. Only the rude guy stating he was unjustly pulled. So I guess if you want to take his word for it over the cops then go ahead.
Why didn't the cop just answer the driver's question about the road being closed? The cop lost all my respect at that moment and why the driver responded as he did.

Again, I understand cops jobs and shit, but pulling someone over for a bogus reason is putting everyone in danger and risk. Looking for something that ain't there is dangerous. Never stick one's hand in a rattlesnake's home. That's essentially what these cops just did.
You can already be arrested for interfering with any emergency service worker, police, fire fighters, paramedics .. etc. Being so close that your inhibit the ability of workers to do their job or cause them to be concerned for your safety is considered interfering.

You can also be asked to stop filming if there is a minor involved and there are concerns for their privacy. Failure to comply with a lawful order can get you arrested.
Oh,so no need for this law at all, then, other than to reduce instances of clear footage of police activity.
I am a "dmofks"? You may want to read my posts. Most of us outgrew using profanity on a regular basis about age 21. Now if a hammer misses its mark, then that is a different story ;).
You missed that I was stating fellow conservatives in here turning into demofks in this thread. holy shit. Dude, you're barking demofk talk. ignoring facts. Sorry, stop the behavior and I'll stop with calling you a new demofk.
You missed that I was stating fellow conservatives in here turning into demofks in this thread. holy shit. Dude, you're barking demofk talk. ignoring facts. Sorry, stop the behavior and I'll stop with calling you a new demofk.
You are the one vilifying the cop and supporting the law breaker, not I. With your view of "the facts", you should join BLM and defund the police movement. If memory serves me the rude dude stated he had cameras that would have recorded this, and yet left that part out of his video. He produces that, then I may be on your side.
You are the one vilifying the cop and supporting the law breaker, not I. With your view of "the facts", you should join BLM and defund the police movement. If memory serves me the rude dude stated he had cameras that would have recorded this, and yet left that part out of his video. He produces that, then I may be on your side.
you have no idea the driver did anything wrong. You are taking the word of the cop. again, the fact the cop wouldn't acknowledge the road closure is quite telling. That's just a fact. Again, stop ignoring facts.

Why do you believe cops don't have to answer questions when a driver asks one? He lost me on that very question. It called into question his legal authority at that time. Everything else was just a cop acting tough by cop #2.
you have no idea the driver did anything wrong. You are taking the word of the cop. again, the fact the cop wouldn't acknowledge the road closure is quite telling. That's just a fact. Again, stop ignoring facts.

Why do you believe cops don't have to answer questions when a driver asks one? He lost me on that very question. It called into question his legal authority at that time. Everything else was just a cop acting tough by cop #2.
Yes, and you are taking the word of this individual over the cop. No different. Also, this guy stated he had the traffic incident on video (see 6 minute mark), yet did not produce this in his video, making it look like he may be the one not telling the truth. In reality we neither one saw the traffic incident. In this case I will take the cops word over someone trying to get out of a ticket.

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