How to stop the police from breaking the law, Arizona style.

There is too much tendency is pre-judge police of wrongdoing, based false information or political influence
Ex 1. majority black voting population where Michael Slager was arrested for killing Walter Scott.
Ex. 2. Derek Chauvin convicted of murdering George Floyd, when that was not the case, and he had been convicted based on a false medical examiner report.
youre dodging the proof I gave you,,
try these two channels, they go through the laws in detail to show how the cops constantly violate the law and abuse people,,

there are hundreds more examples for you to dodge, I look forward to watching you do that,,
youre dodging the proof I gave you,,
try these two channels, they go through the laws in detail to show how the cops constantly violate the law and abuse people,,

there are hundreds more examples for you to dodge, I look forward to watching you do that,,
I'm not dodging anything. I don't care what you post. They are still just a tiny % of cop crime. And you have not shown anything to support your claim of "hundreds" (200 or more)
I'm not dodging anything. I don't care what you post. They are still just a tiny % of cop crime. And you have not shown anything to support your claim of "hundreds" (200 or more)
so you moved the goal post and now no longer care that I gave you the examples you asked for,,,

sounds like youre a waste of time,,
He said he had examples of wrongdoing by cops. - an example of a police officer behaving illegally and unconstitutonally.
I posted one as well. Now we can debate that the cops didn't act badly, but don't say he didn't provide videos. You want to argue about one of the videos, I'd ask you do that. otherwise, you're out of order on this.
That doesn't mean the evidence is tossed, it would mean the person filming could get fined and then the police would need to prove the case.
I don't agree with the description of why the distance is necessary. If you got nothing to hide, why would they care? That's all my point is. Otherwise say it's to allow them to their jobs, I'm good with. But when one sees tapes of people over eight feet and they are still pushing people back doesn't justify the law.
Dude, now you're going full demofk on the dude. He never made any such claim. stop moving the ask. Come on man, now you look small.
I didnt say he made any such claim, nor am I moving anything. You are looking small by posting false notions. Be more careful with what you post.
I never said it didn't. But it also matters that cops are falsely accused, which often results in riots, arson, looting,masss destruction, and even people being killed.
And then there are the 2020 protests, ignited by a murder for which the cop was convicted.

So try to stay a bit more grounded in reality, lest you embarrass yourself and destroy your own credibility.
And many times their word is the proof. Try it yourself.

It's why the law exists.
nope, not at all. As I already stated in here, my personal experience with a DUI court case where I was foreman for the jury. So no, you are 100% wrong.

Post #444.
And then there are the 2020 protests, ignited by a murder for which the cop was convicted.

So try to stay a bit more grounded in reality, lest you embarrass yourself and destroy your own credibility.
Correction: for which the cop was convicted BASED ON FALSE INFORMATION - FALSELY CONVICTED, and you are accepting it right here

.My point exactly, which you just confirmed.

The conviction of Derek Chauvin is MY EXAMPLE of overzealous attacks on police, not your example of police wrongdoing.
And then there are the 2020 protests, ignited by a murder for which the cop was convicted.

So try to stay a bit more grounded in reality, lest you embarrass yourself and destroy your own credibility.
you mean the dude on fentanyl, robbed a store and disobeyed the cops orders? Nope, lost all respect for his rights. I give two shits he died, the world is a better place.
Sorry, we are talking about reality, not your childish fantasies.

I admit, I cannot account for or debate your embarrassing delusions. That's what delusions are.
you mean the dude on fentanyl, robbed a store and disobeyed the cops orders? Nope, lost all respect for his rights. I give two shits he died, the world is a better place.
BTW, I laughed when old George threw the banana peel in the middle of the street to say fk you to the town he lived in. Such the human being right there.
Sorry, we are talking about reality, not your childish fantasies.

I admit, I cannot account for or debate your embarrassing delusions. That's what delusions are.
No delusion. I can PROVE what I said, if you can open your mind for it. Looks like you lack some vital information. not surprising from an information-deprived victim of liberal OMISSION media.

Chauvin was railroaded. You don't know ?

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